Università degli Studi di Pavia Dipartimento di Fisica

Philosophical Magazine


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# Author Title Year Vol. FPg LPg Topic Experimental Theoretical Math. physics Applied Review Comments Didactical Historical
1Everett J.D.On resultant tones.189641199206Acoustics1
2MayerResearches in acoustics.189641168195Acoustics1
3Trowbridge J.Carbon and oxygen in the sun.189641450453Astrophysics1
4Griffiths E.H., Marshall D. (Miss)Latent heat of evaporation of benzene.189641137Calorimetry1
5Marshall D. (Miss), Ramsay W.Method of comparing directly the heats of evaporation of different liquids at their boiling-points.1896413851Calorimetry1
6Debus H.The genesis of Dalton's atomic theory.189642350367Chemistry1
7Goldhammer A.Remarks upon analytical representation of the periodic system of theelements.189642277283Chemistry
8Wood R.W.The duration of the flash of exploding oxyhydrogen.189641120122Chemistry1
9Appleyard R.Dielectrics.189642148158Dielectrics1
10Poynting J.H.Osmotic pressure.189642289300Diffusion Processes1
11MacGregor J.G.The hypotheses of abstract dynamics and the question of the number of the elastic constants.189642240244Elasticity1
12Burstall F.W.On the use of bare wire for resistance coils.189642209224Electricity1
13Clark A. L.A method of determining the angle of lag.189641369371Electricity1
14Fleming J.A.A further examination of the edison effect in glow-lamps.18964252102Electricity1
15Fleming J.A., Petavel J.E.An analytical study of the alternating current arc.189641315359Electricity1
16Frith J., Rodgers C.On the resistance of the electric arc.189642407423Electricity1
17Larmor J.On the theory of moving electrons and electric charges.189642201204Electricity1
18Mizuno T.The tinfoil grating detector for electric waves.189641445449Electricity1
19Reeves J.H.An addition to the Wheatstone bridge for the determination of low resistances.189641414422Electricity1
20MacGregor J.G.On the calculation of the conductivity of mixtures of electrolytes.189641276287Electrolysis1
21McIntosh D.On the calculation of the conductivity of mixtures of electrolytes having a common ion.189641510516Electrolysis1
22Wilderman M.Note on the degree of dissociation of electrolytes at 0°.189642102102Electrolysis1
23Wood R.W.On the dissociation degree of some electrolytes at zero degrees.189641117119Electrolysis1
24Ayrton W.E., Mather T.Galvanometers.189642442446Electromagnetism1
25Bedell F.Admittance and impedance loci.189642300307Electromagnetism0,50,5
26Campbell A.On new instruments for the direct measurement of the frequency of alternating or pulsating electric currents.189642159161Electromagnetism1
27Campbell A.On the measurement of very small alternating currents.189642271277Electromagnetism0,50,5
28FitzGerald G. F.On the longitudinal component in light.189642260270Electromagnetism1
29Frith J.The effect of wave form on the alternate-current arc.189641507509Electromagnetism1
30Morton W.B.Notes on electro-magnetic theory of moving charges.189641488494Electromagnetism1
31Salomons D.The electric discharge in a magnetic field.189642245259Electromagnetism0,50,5
32Sutherland W.High tension in moving liquids.189642111115Fluids1
33Thompson S.P.On hyperphosphorescence.189642103106Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
34Arrhenius S.On the influence of carbonic acid in the air upon the temperature of the ground.189641237276Geophysics1
35Davison C.On the straining of the earth resulting from secular cooling.189641133138Geophysics1
36Rucker A.W.Existence of vertical earth-air electric currents in the United Kingdom.18964199105Geophysics1
37Thomson J.J., Rutherford E.On the passage of electricity through gases exposed to Rontgen rays.189642392406Ionization0,50,5
38Moore J.E.A continuous and alternating current magnetic-curve tracer.189641106116Magnetic Properties1
39Rosing B.On the possibility of explaining the phenomena of magnetism by the hypothesis of participation of matter in the motion of the magnetic field.189642314331Magnetic Properties1
40Taylor Jones E.On Magnetic tractive force.189641153167Magnetic Properties0,50,5
41Everett W.H.The magnetic field of any cylindrical coil.189641367368Magnetism1
42Jones J.V.On the magnetic field due to an elliptical current at a point in itsplane within it.189642107110Magnetism0,50,5
43Nagaoka H., Jones E. T.On the effects of magnetic stress in magnetostriction.189641454461Magneto-Elastic Effects1
44McAulay A.On the wave-surface and rotation of polarizazion plane in an aeolotropic electromagnetic medium.189642224230Magneto-Optical Effects1
45Edgeworth F.Y.The asymmetrical probability-curve.1896419098Mathematics1
46Miller G.A.The substitution groups whose order is four.189641431437Mathematics1
47Miller G.A.The operation groups of order 8p, p being any prime number.189642195200Mathematics1
48Williams W.On the convergency of Fourier series.189642125147Mathematics1
49Barton E.H.Graphical method for finding the focal lengths of mirrors and lenses1896415961Optics1
50Cole R.S.Graphical methods for lenses.189641216217Optics1
51Emtage W.T.A.On the relation between the brightness of an objiect and that of its image.189641504505Optics1
52Johnstone Stoney G.Microscopic vision189642499528Optics1
53Johnstone Stoney G.Microscopic vision189642423441Optics1
54Johnstone Stoney G.Microscopic vision189642332349Optics1
55RayleighOn the theory of optical images, with special reference to the microscope.189642167195Optics1
56Wadsworth F.L.O.A very simple and accurate cathetometer.189641123132Optics1
57Elster J., Geitel H.On the alleged scattering of positive electricity by light.189641437444Photoelectric Effect1
58Elster J., Geitel H.Electro-optical investigation of polarized light.189641218229Spectroscopy1
59Wood R.W.On the absorption spectrum of solutions of iodine and bromine above the critical temperature.189641423431Spectroscopy1
60Lees C.H., Chorlton J.D.On a simple apparatus for determining the thermal conductivities of cements and other substances used in the arts.189641495503Thermal Conduction1
61Holman S.H., Lawrence R.R., Barr L.Melting-point of aluminium, silver, gold, copper, and platinum.1896423751Thermodynamics1
62Natanson L.On the Laws of irreversible phenomena.189641385405Thermodynamics1
63Preston T.On the continuity of isothermal transormation from the liquid to thegaseous state.189642231240Thermodynamics1
64RayleighTheoretical considerations respecting the separation of gases by diffusion and similar processes.189642493498Thermodynamics1
65Sutherland W.Thermal transpiration and radiometer motion189642476492Thermodynamics1
66Sutherland W.Thermal transpiration and radiometer motion189642373391Thermodynamics1
67Witkowski A.W.Thermodynamic properties of air.189642136Thermodynamics1
68Witkowski A.W.Thermodynamic properties of air.189641288312Thermodynamics1
69Holmari S. W.Thermo-electric interpulation formulae.189641465487Thermoelectricity1
70Nernst W., Abegg R.On the Freezing-points of dilute solutions.189641196198Thermometry1
71Ramsay W., Eumorfopoulos N.On the determination of high temperatures with the meldometer.189641360366Thermometry1
72Barus C.The filar anemometer.1896418189Various Topics1
73Burch G.J.Method of drawing hyperbolas1896417275Various Topics1
74Edgeworth F.Y.The compound law of error.189641207215Various Topics1
75Lanchester F.W.Radial cursor: a new addition to the slide-rule.1896415258Various Topics1
76Shields J.A mechanical device for performing the temperature correction of barometers.189641406413Various Topics1
77Wadsworth F.L.O.Mr Burch's method of drawing hyperbolas.189641372377Various Topics1
78Wood R.W.A duplex mercurial air-pump.189641378381Various Topics1
79Oumoff N., Samoiloff A.Electric images in the field of a Hittorf tube.189642308313X-Rays1
80Righi A.On the production of Electrical phenomena by the Rontgen Rays.189641230233X-Rays1
81Thompson S.P.Some experiments with Rontgen's rays.189642162197X-Rays1
82Threlfall R. , Pallock J.A.On some experiments with Rontgen's radiation.189642453462X-Rays1
83Roscoe H.E., Harden A.The genesis of Dalton atomic theory.189743153161Atomic Physics1
84Wien W.On the division of energy in the emission spectrum of a black body.189743214226Black Body1
85Thomson J.J.Cathode rays.189744293316Cathod Rays0,50,5
86Miller G.A.The transitive substitution groups of order 8p, p being any prime number.189743117125Chemistry
87Appleyard R.Liquid coherers and mobile conductors.189743374376Dielectrics1
88Ferry E.S.The specific inductive capacity of dielectrics in slowly and rapidly changing electric fields.189744404414Dielectrics1
89Whitehead C.S.The effect of a spherical conducting shell on the induction at a point in the dielectric outside due to an alternating current in a circular circuit in the dielectric inside, the axis of the conductor passing through the centre of the shell.189744154165Dielectrics1
90Barus C.The secular softening of cold hard steel, with remarks on electrical standards.189744486493Electrical Conduction1
91Novak V.Specific electric conductivities and freezing-points of solutions of water in formic acid.189744920Electrical Conduction1
92Appleyard R.The formation of mercury films by an electrical process.1897447476Electricity1
93Barton E.H.Attenuation of electric waves along wires and their reflexion at the oscillator.189744145154Electricity1
94Beattie J.C.On the electrification of air by uranium and its compounds. With a note by lord Kelvin189744102108Electricity1
95Garrett T.A., Lucas W.Nickel stress telephone.1897442628Electricity1
96Gore G.Influence of proximity of substances upon voltaic action.189743440457Electricity1
97Morton W.B.On the effect of capacity on stationary electrical waves in wires.189743383391Electricity1
98RayleighOn the incidence of aerial and electric waves upon small obstacles in the form of ellipsoids or elliptic cylinders, and on the passage of electric waves through a circular aperture in a conducting screen.1897442852Electricity1
99RayleighOn the propagation of electric waves along cylindrical of any section.189744199204Electricity1
100Searle G.F.C.On the steady motion of an electrified ellipsoid.189744329341Electricity1
101Trowbridge J.Electrical discharges in air.189744285289Electricity1
102Trowbridge J.The oscillatory discharge of a large accumulator.189744259262Electricity1
103Trowbridge J., Richards T.W.The temperature and ohmic resistance of gases during the oscillatory electric discharge.189743349367Electricity1
104MacGregor J.G.On the relation of the physical properties of acqueous solutions to their state of ionization.1897434655Electrolysis1
105Milner S.R.Note on the variation of the dissociation coefficient with temperature.189743286291Electrolysis1
106Myers J.E., Braun F.On the decomposition of silver salts by pressure.189744172173Electrolysis1
107Richards T.W., Trowbridge J.The effect of great current-strength on the conductivity of electrolytes.189743376378Electrolysis1
108Stroud W., Henderson J.B.A satisfactory method of measuring electrolytic conductivity by means of continuous currents.1897431927Electrolysis1
109Barton E.H., Bryan B.Absorption of electric waves along wires by a terminal bridge.1897433945Electromagnetism1
110Bose J.C.On a complete apparatus for the study of the properties of electric waves.1897435568Electromagnetism1
111Crehore A.C., Squier G.O.Discussion of the currents in the branches of a Wheatstone Bridge, where each branch contains resistance and inductance, and there is an harmonic impressed electromotive force.189743161172Electromagnetism1
112Gray A.On the estimation of Waste space round the needle of a galvanometer.1897433639Electromagnetism1
113Holman W.Galvanometer design.1897433150Electromagnetism1
114Price W.A.Alternating currents in concentric cables.1897446174Electromagnetism1
115RayleighOn the passage of electric waves through tubes, or the vibrations of dielectric cylinders.189743125132Electromagnetism1
116RayleighOn the measurement of alternate currents by means of an obliquely situated galvanometer needle, with a method of determining the angle of lag.189743343349Electromagnetism1
117Schuster A.Electrical notes. On the magnetic forces acting on moving electrified spheres.189743111Electromagnetism1
118Henderson W.C., Henry J.Experiments on the motion of the ether in an electromagnetic field.1897442026Ether1
119Trowbridge J.The electrical conductivity of the ether.189743378383Ether1
120Sutherland W.The causes of osmotic pressure and of the simplicity of the laws of dilute solutions.189744493498Fluids1
121Chree C.Applications of physics and mathematics to seismology.189743173200Geophysics1
122Davison C.Note on an error in the method of determining the mean depth of the ocean from the velocity of seismic sea-waves.1897433336Geophysics1
123Beattie J.C., Smoluchowski de Smolan M.Conductance produced in gases by Rontgen rays, by ultra-violet light, and by uranium, and some consequences thereof189743418439Ionization1
124Dampier Whetham W.C.The Ionizing power of solvents.18974419Ionization1
125MacGregor J.G.On the relation of the physical properties of aqueous solutions to their state of ionization.18974399100Ionization1
126Rutherford E.The velocity and rate of recombination of the ions of gases exposed to Rontgen radiation.189744422440Ionization1
127Fleming J.A.A method of determining magnetic hysteresis loss in straight iron strips.189744262282Magnetic Properties1
128Morris D.K.On the magnetic properties and electrical resistance of iron as dependent upon temperature.189744213254Magnetic Properties1
129Mordey W.M.On the external field of helically magnetized rings.189744513514Magnetism1
130Brackett B.B.The effects of tension and quality of the metal upon the changes in length produced in iron wires by magnetization.189744122125Magneto-Elastic Effects1
131Brace D.H.Observations on light propagated in a dielectric normal to the lines of force.189744342349Magneto-Optical Effects1
132Muir T.On Lagrange's determinantal equation.189743220226Mathematics1
133Nanson E.J.On determinant notation.189744396400Mathematics1
134Nanson E.J.Relations between the coaxial minors of a determinant.189744362367Mathematics1
135Preston T.General extension of Fourier theorem.189743281286Mathematics1
136Almy J.E.Concerning accidental double refraction in liquids.189744499503Optics1
137Barlow W.The relation of circular polarization, as occuring both in the amorfhous and crystalline states, to the symmetry and partitioning of homigenous structures, i.e. of crystals189743110117Optics1
138Blakesley T.H.A new definition of focal length, and an instrument for determining it.189744137143Optics1
139Burch G.J.The tangent lens-gauge.189743256259Optics1
140Gray A.Note on Mr. Blakesley paper, A Nw Definition of Focal Length & c189744144145Optics1
141Johnstone Stoney G.On the generality of a new theorem.189743139142Optics1
142Klaassen H.G.Change of phase on reflexion at the surface of highly-absorbing media.189744349355Optics1
143RayleighOn an optical device for the intensification of photographic pictures.189744282285Optics1
144Vincent J.H.On the construction of models and diagrams to illustrate the propagation of light in biaxals.189744317329Optics1
145Wadsworth F.L.O.On the conditions which determine the ultimate optical efficiency of methods for observing small rotations, and on a simple method of doubling the accuracy of the mirror and scale method.1897448397Optics1
146Battelli A.Research on photographic action inside discharge tubes.189743133135Rarified Gases1
147Ames J.S., Humphreys W.J.Note on the effect of pressure upon the series in the spectrum of an element.189744119121Spectroscopy1
148Hemasalech G.A.On some new lines in the spark spectrum of aluminium.189744289291Spectroscopy1
149Trowbridge J., Richards T.W.The multiple spectra of gases.189743135139Spectroscopy1
150Trowbridge J., Richards T.W.The spectra of argon.1897437783Spectroscopy1
151Wadsworth F.L.O.On the resolving power of telescopes for lines of finite width.189743317343Spectroscopy0,50,5
152Brush C.F.The measurement of small gaseous pressures.189744415421Thermodynamics1
153Dorsey N.E.The Surface-tension of certain dilute aqueous solutions determined by the method of ripples.189744369396Thermodynamics1
154Kuenen J.P.Experiment on the condensation and critical phenomena of some subsatnces and mixtures.189744174199Thermodynamics1
155Marshall D. (Miss)On the heats of vaporization of liquids at their boiling-points.1897432732Thermodynamics1
156Milner S.R.The heats of vaporization of liquids.189743291304Thermodynamics1
157Rose-Innes J.On the isothermals of isopentane.1897447682Thermodynamics1
158Sutherland W.Boyle's law at very low pressures.1897431119Thermodynamics1
159Sutherland W.The spontaneous change of oxygen into ozone and a remarkable type of dissociation.189743201214Thermodynamics1
160Sutherland W.Thermal transpiration and radiometer motion.1897445255Thermodynamics1
161Sutherland W.Two new pressure-gauges for the highest vacua.1897438399Thermodynamics1
162Wilderman M.On real and apparent freezing-points and the freezing-points methods.189744459486Thermodynamics0,50,5
163Burnie W.B.The thermo-electric properties of some liquid metals.189743397410Thermoelectricity1
164Day W.S.A Recalculation of Rowland value of the mechanical equivalent of heat, in terms of the Paris hydrogen-thermometer.189744169172Thermometry1
165Dickson J.D.On platinum temperatures.189744445459Thermometry1
166Waidner Charles W., Mallory FrancisA comparison of Rowland mercury thermometers with a Griffiths platinum thermometer.189744165169Thermometry1
167Watson W.An instrument for the comparison of thermometers.189744116119Thermometry1
168Martini T.Heat produced by moistening pulverized bodies.189744205206Various Topics1
169Reynolds O.Thermal transpiration and radiometer motion.189743142149Various Topics1
170Johnstone Stoney G.On a supposed proof of a theorem in wave-motion.189743368373Waves1
171Johnstone Stoney G.On the proof of a theorem in wave-motion.18974498102Waves1
172Johnstone Stoney G.On proofs of a theorem in wave-motion.189744206211Waves1
173Johnstone Stoney G.Discussion of a new theorem in wave propagation.189743273280Waves1
174Preston T.On the supposed proof of a theorem in wave motion.189743458460Waves1
175RayleighOn the passage of waves through apertures in plane screens, and Allied problems.189743259272Waves1
176RayleighOn the propagation of waves along connected systems of similar bodies.189744356362Waves1
177Vincent J.H.Photography of ripples.189743411417Waves1
178Humphreys W.J.On the absorption of Rontgen radiation.189744401404X-Rays1
179Richarz F.On the action of Rontgen rays on a jet of steam.1897437576X-Rays1
180Rutherford E.On the electrification of gases exposed to Rontgen rays, and the absorption of Rontgen radiation by gases and vapours.189743241255X-Rays1
181Larmor J.On the theory of the magnetic influence on spectra; and on the radiation from moving ions.189744503512Zeeman Effect1
182Michelson A.ARadiation in a magnetic field.189744109115Zeeman Effect1
183Zeeman P.On the influence of magnetism on the nature of the light emitted by a substance.189743226239Zeeman Effect0,50,5
184Zeeman P.Doublets and triplets in the spectrum produced by external magnetic forces.1897445560Zeeman Effect1
185Zeeman P.Doublets and triplets in the spectrum produced by external magnetic forces.-(II.)189744255259Zeeman Effect1
186Schuster A.On the possible effects of solar magnetization on periodic variations of terristrial magnetism.189846395401Astrophysics1
187Campbell Swinton A.A.On the circulation of the residual gaseous matter in a Crookes tube.189846387393Canal Rays1
188Campbell Swinton A.A.Some further experiments on the circulation of the residual gaseous matter in crookes tubes189846393395Canal Rays1
189Battelli A.Analogy between the cathodic rays and those of Rontgen.189845163172Cathod and X-Rays1
190Roiti A.Whether the x-rays already exist in the cathodic beam which produces them.189845503510Cathod and X-Rays1
191Thomson J.J.A theory of the connexion between Cathode and Rontgen rays.189845172183Cathod and X-Rays1
192Appleyard R.The failure of german silver and platinoid wires189845157163Chemistry1
193Townsend J.S.Applications of diffusion to conducting gases.189845469480Diffusion Processes1
194Coker E.G.Instruments for measuring small strains in bars subjected to twist.189846520528Elasticity1
195Jervis-Smith F.J.A new method of measuring the torsional angle of a rotating shaft orspiral spring.189845183185Elasticity1
196Macaulay W.H.The stresses and deflection of braced girders.1898454265Elasticity1
197Bryan G.B.On the determination of the conductivity of liquids in thin layers189845253272Electrical Conduction1
198MacGregor J.G., Archibald E.H.On the conductivity-method of studying moderately dilute aqueous solutions of double salts.189846509519Electrical Conduction0,50,5
199Campbell A.On apparatus for self-acting temperature compensation of standard cells.189845274276Electricity1
200Erskine-Murray J.On Volta electricity of metals.189845398432Electricity1
201Fawcett F.B.On the standard high resistances189846500503Electricity1
202Jude R. H.Note on the application of the gamma function to an electrostatic problem.189846254258Electricity1
203KelvinContact-electricity of metals.18984682120Electricity1
204Kelvin, Beattie J.C., Smoluchowski M.On electric equilibrium between uranium and an insulated metal in its neighbourhood.189845277278Electricity1
205Pidgeon W.P.An influence-machine.189846564567Electricity1
206Spiers F.S., Twyman F. , Waters W.L.Variations in the electromotive force of the h-form of Clark cells with temperature.189845285298Electricity1
207Townsend J.S.Electrical properties of newly prepared gases.189845125151Electricity1
208Trowbridge J.High electromotive force.18984598100Electricity1
209Trowbridge J.The behaviour of air and rarefied gases under powerful electric stress.189846243245Electricity1
210Donnan F.G.Thomson effect in a binary electrolyte.189845529532Electrolysis1
211MacGregor J.G., Archibald E.H.On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueosus solutions containing two electrolytes with no common ion.189845151157Electrolysis0,50,5
212Ayrton W.E., Mather T.Galvanometers.189846349379Electromagnetism1
213Barton E.H.Attenuation of electric waves along a line of negligible leakage.189846296305Electromagnetism1
214Boynton W.P.A quantitative study of the high-frequency induction-coil.189846312338Electromagnetism0,50,5
215Bryan G.H.On electromagnetic induction in plane, cylindrical, and spherical current-sheets, and its representation by moving trails of images. Parts II & III189845381396Electromagnetism1
216Gray A.The calculation of the virtual resistance of thin wires for rapidly alternating currents.189846426428Electromagnetism1
217Kinsley C.Determination of frequency of alternating currents.189845339347Electromagnetism1
218Mizuno T.On the function of the condenser in an induction-coil.189845447454Electromagnetism1
219RayleighNote on the pressure of radiation, showing an apparent failure of the usual electromagnetic equations.189845522525Electromagnetism1
220Rowland H.A.Electrical measurement by alternating currents.1898456685Electromagnetism1
221Thomson J.J.On the mechanical forces acting on a piece of iron carrying an electrical current.189846154155Electromagnetism1
222Lodge O.On the question of absolute velocity and on the mechanical function of an ether, with some remarks on the pressure of radiation.189846414426Ether1
223Lodge O.Mr. Sutherland objection to the conclusivenes of the Michelson-Morley ether experiment.189846343344Ether1
224Sutherland W.Relative motion of the earth and ether.1898452331Ether1
225Griffiths A.Diffusive convection.189846453465Fluids0,50,5
226Lehfeldt R.A.On the properties of liquid mixtures.1898464259Fluids1
227Jackson H.Phosphorescence.189846402414Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
228Trowbridge J., Burbank J.E.Phosphorescence produced by electrification.189845100102Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
229Beattie J.C.On the electric resistance of cobalt, iron, and nickel films in magnetic field of various strengths.189845243253Galvanomagnetic Effects1
230Donnan F.G.Theory of the Hall effect in a binary electrolyte.189846465472Galvanomagnetic Effects1
231van RijckevorselOn the temperature of Europe.189845459467Geophysics1
232Wilson H.A.On the influence of dissolved substances and of electrification on the re-formation of clouds.189845454459Geophysics1
233Michell J.H.On the wave resistance of a ship.189845106123Hydrodynamics1
234McClelland J.A.On the conductivity of the hot gases from flames.1898462942Ionization1
235Thomson J.J.On the charge of electicity carried by the ions produced by Rontgen rays.189846520545Ionization1
236Zeleny J.Ratio of the two ions produced in gases by Rontgen radiation;and on some related phenomena.189846120154Ionization1
237Zeleny J.On air electrified by the discharging action of ultra-violet light.189845272273Ionization1
238Gill J.L.W.On the distribution of magnetic induction in straight iron rods.189846478494Magnetic Properties1
239Wills A.P.On the susceptibility of diamagnetic and weakly magnetic substances.189845432447Magnetic Properties0,50,5
240Wood R.W.Equilibrium figures formed by floating magnets.189846162165Magnetism1
241Nagaoka H., Honda K.On magnetostriction.189846261290Magneto-Elastic Effects1
242Miller G.A.On the Simple isomorphisms of a substitution-group to itself.189845234242Mathematics1
243McF.Orr W.On the forced preccession and nutations of a rotating ellipsoidal shell containg liquid.189846545553Mechanics1
244Michelson A.A., Stratton S.W.New harmonic analyser.1898458591Mechanics1
245RayleighOn iso-periodic system.189846567569Mechanics1
246Tomlinson H.J. , Pearson K.Note on continuous beams.189846306311Mechanics1
247Wilson G.Note on continuous beams.189846503504Mechanics1
248Everett J.D.On dinamycal illustrations of certain optical phenomena.189846227243Optics1
249Johnstone Stoney G.On Mr. Lewis wright criticism of theories of microscopic vision.189846156162Optics1
250Nagaoka H.Diffraction phenomena in the focal plane of a telescope with circular aperture, due to a finite source of light.189845123Optics1
251Porter T.C.On a method of viewing Newton's rings.189846245252Optics1
252Stroud W.A telemetrical spherometer and focometer.1898459198Optics1
253Vincent J.H.On the construction of a mechanical model to illustrate Helmhotz's theory of dispersion.189846557563Optics1
254Walker J.On the orientation of the slit in interference experiments.189846553557Optics1
255Walker J.On the admissible width of the slit in interference experiments.189846472478Optics1
256Wood R.W.Phase-reversal zone-plates,and diffraction-telescopes.189845511522Optics1
257Wright L.Microscopic images and vision.189845480503Optics1
258Henry J.On the deflexion by magnetic force of the electric discharge throughgases.189846429452Rarified Gases1
259Smoluchowski de Smolan M.On conduction of heat by rarefied gases.189846192206Rarified Gases1
260Svedelius G.E.Measurement of the anomalous changes in the length and temperature of iron and steel during recalescence.189846173192Solid State1
261Adeney W.E., Carson JamesOn the mounting of the large Rowland spectrometer in the Royal University of Ireland189846223227Spectroscopy1
262Doubt T.E.Note on measurement of coulor and the determination of white light.189846216222Spectroscopy1
263Edser E., Butler C.P.Simple method of reducing prismatic spectra.189846207216Spectroscopy0,50,5
264Wood R.W.The anomalous dispersion of cyanin.189846380386Spectroscopy1
265Brush C.F.Transmission of radiant heat by gases at varying pressures1898453142Thermodynamics1
266Rose-Innes J.On the isothermals of ether.189845102106Thermodynamics1
267Sutherland W.Latent heat of evaporation of zine and cadmium.189846345346Thermodynamics1
268Chree C.Notes on thermometry189845205227Thermometry1
269Chree C.Notes on Thermometry189845299325Thermometry1
270Day W. S.On a comparison of Rowland thermometers with the Paris standard,and areduction of is value of the mechanical equivalent of heat to the hydrogen scale189846129Thermometry1
271Hamilton Dickson J. D.The reduction to normal air-temperatures of the platinum-temperatures in the low-temperature researches of profesors Dewar and Fleming189845525528Thermometry1
272Lehfeldt R.A.A numerical evaluation of the absolute scale of temperature.189845363381Thermometry1
273Rose-Innes J.On Lord Kelvin absolute method of graduating a thermometer.189845227234Thermometry1
274Stansfield A.On some improvements in the Roberts-Austen recording pyrometer,with notes on thermo-electric pyrometry.1898465982Thermometry1
275Godfrey C.On discontinuities connected with the propagation of wave motion along a periodically loaded string.189845356363Waves1
276KelvinContinuity in ondulatory theory of condensational-rarefactional waves in gases,liquids,and solids,of distortional waves in solids,of electric waves in all substances capable of transmitting them,and of radiant heat, visible light,ultra-violet light.189846494500Waves1
277Vincent J.H.On the photography of ripples.189845191197Waves1
278Vincent J.H.Photography of ripples third paper.189846290296Waves1
279Johnstone Stoney G.Evidence that Rontgen rays are ordinary light.189845532536X-Rays1
280Johnstone Stoney G.Evidence that Rontgen rays are ordinary light.189846253254X-Rays1
281Trowbridge J., Burbank J.E.On the source of the x-rays.189845185191X-Rays1
282Michelson A.A.On radiation in a magnetic field.189845348356Zeeman Effect1
283Preston T.On radiation phenomena in the magnetic field.189845325339Zeeman Effect1
284Zeeman P.Measurements concerning radiation phenomena in the magnetic field. I189845197201Zeeman Effect1
285RayleighOn the cooling of air by radiation and conduction, and on the propagation of sound.189947308314Acoustics1
286Wood R.W.Photography of sound-waves by the189948218227Acoustics1
287Thomson J.J.On the masses of the ions in gases at low pressures.189948547567Atomic Physics0,50,5
288Sutherland W.Cathode, Lenard and Rontgen rays.189947269284Cathod and X-Rays1
289Starke H.Reply to the investigation of Mr. A.A.Campbell Swinton189948132134Cathod Rays1
290Strutt R.J.The dispersion of the cathode rays by magnetic force.189948478480Cathod Rays1
291Thomson J.J.Note on Mr Sutherland's paper on the cathode rays.189947415416Cathod Rays1
292Barus C.The absorption of water in hot glass.189947461479Diffusion Processes1
293Griffiths A.A study of an apparatus for the determination of the rate of diffusion of solids dissolved in liquids.189947530539Diffusion Processes1
294Chree C.Denudation and deposition189948156158Earth Science1
295Chree C.Denudation and deposition189947494496Earth Science1
296Fisher O.Residual effect of a former glacial epoch upon underground temperature.189948134143Earth Science1
297Johnstone Stoney G.Denudation and deposition.189947372375Earth Science1
298Johnstone Stoney G.Denudation and deposition.189947557565Earth Science1
299Chree C.Longitudinal vibrations in solid and hollow cylinders.189947333349Elasticity1
300KelvinOn the application of force within a limited space, required to produce spherical solitary waves, or trains of periodic waves, of both species,equivoluminal and irrotational, in an elastic solid.189948227236Elasticity1
301Michell A.G.M.Elastic stability of long beams under tranaverse forces.189948298309Elasticity1
302Beattie J.C.Leakage of electricity from charged bodies at moderate temperatures.18994897106Electricity1
303Cook E.H.Experiments with the brush discharge.1899474057Electricity1
304Dampier Whetham W.C.The coagulative power of electrolytes.189948474477Electricity1
305Henderson J.Cadmium standard cells.1899481520Electricity1
306Majorana Q.Contact theory (attraction of unlike metals).189948255262Electricity0,50,5
307Majorana Q.On the contact theory.189948241254Electricity1
308Rosa Edward B. , Smith Arthur W.Calorimetric determination of energy dissipated in condensers.189947222236Electricity1
309Rosa Edward B. , Smith Arthur W.A resonance method of measuring energy dissipated in condensers.1899471940Electricity0,50,5
310Trowbridge J., Howe I.C.Explosive effect of electrical discharges.189948279286Electricity1
311Willows R.S.On the variation of the resistance of certain amalgams with temperature.189948433456Electricity1
312Lehfeldt R.A.On the theory of the electrolytic solution-pressure.189948430433Electrolysis1
313Barton E.H. , Morton W.B.On the criterion for the oscillatory discharge of a condenser.189948143148Electromagnetism1
314Barton E.H. , Morton W.B.Supplementary note to paper189948148150Electromagnetism1
315Campbell A.The magnetic fluxes in meters and other electrical instruments.189947118Electromagnetism1
316Davies B.A new form of amperometer and voltmeter with a long scale.189948204212Electromagnetism1
317Jervis-Smith F.J.The effect of heat on the discharge of an induction-coil, in which the primary circuit is interrupted by an electrolityc break.189948477478Electromagnetism1
318KelvinMagnetism amd molecular rotation.189948236239Electromagnetism1
319Lodge O.On opacity.189947385415Electromagnetism1
320MacLean G. V.Velocity of electric waves in air.189948115131Electromagnetism1
321Morton W.B.On the propagation of damped electrical oscillations along parallel wires.189947296302Electromagnetism1
322RayleighThe theory of anomalous dispersion.189948151152Electromagnetism1
323Whitehead C.S.On the effect of a solid conducting sphere in a variable magnetic field on the magnetoinduction at a point outside.189948165180Electromagnetism1
324Griffiths A.Note on the source of energy in diffusive convection.189947522529Fluids1
325Lehfeldt R.A.Properties of liquid mixtures.189947284296Fluids1
326RayleighInvestigations in capillarity: the size of drops; the liberation of gas from supersaturated solutions; colliding jets; the tension of contaminated water-surfaces.189948321337Fluids1
327Schott G.A.The determination of the point of maximum density of a liquid by thehydrometer of total immersion.189948506519Fluids0,50,5
328KelvinThe age of the earth as an abode fitted for life.1899476690Geology1
329Johnstone Stoney G.The quantity of oxygen in the atmosphere, compared with in the earthcrust.189947565566Geophysics1
330Knott C.G.Reflexion and refraction of elastic waves, with seismological applictions.1899486497Geophysics1
331van RijckevorselOn the analogy of some irregularities in the yearly range of meteorological and magnetic phenomena.1899475765Geophysics1
332Wood R.W.Some experiments on artificial mirages and tornadoes.189947349353Geophysics1
334Warrington A.W.Hydrometers of total immersion.189948498506Hydrodynamics1
335Chattock A.P.Velocity and mass of the ions in the electric wind in air.189948401420Ionization0,50,5
336Thomson J.J.Theory of the conduction of electricity through gases by charged ions.189947253268Ionization1
337Fleming J.A., Ashton A.W., Tomlinson H.J.On the magnetic hysteresis of cobalt.189948271279Magnetic Properties1
338Lamb C.G.On the distribution of magnetic induction in a long iron bar.189948262271Magnetic Properties1
339Pitcher F.H.The effects of temperature and of circular magnetization on longitudinally magnetized iron wire.189947421433Magnetic Properties1
340Shakespear G.A.The application of an Interference-method to the investigation of Young's modulus for wires, and its relation to changes of temperature and magnetization; and a further application of the same method tothe study of the change in dimensions of iron and*189947539556Magneto-Elastic Effects1
341Pearson K.On certain properties of the hyper-geometrical series to observationpolygons in the theory of chance.189947236246Mathematics1
342RayleighOn James Bernoulli's theorem in probabilities.189947246251Mathematics1
343Hutchinson A.On stokesite-a new mineral from Cornwall.189948480481Mineralogy1
344Brace D.B.On achromatic polarization and differential double refraction189948345360Optics0,50,5
345Filon L.N.G.On certain diffraction fringes as applied to micrometric observations.189947441461Optics1
346Hill B.V.On accidental double refraction in liquids189948485498Optics1
347Johonnott E. S.Thickness of the blackspot in liquid films.189947501522Optics1
348RayleighOn the transmission of light through an atmosphere containg small particle in suspension, and on the origin of the blue of the sky.189947375384Optics1
349Wood R.W.An application of the diffraction-grating to colour-photography.189947368372Optics1
350Owens R.B.Thorium radiation.189948360387Radioactivity1
351Rutherford E., McDonaldUranium radiation and the electrical conduction produced by it.189947109163Radioactivity0,50,5
352Brace D.B.On a new spectrophotometer and an optical method of calibration189948420430Spectroscopy1
353KelvinApplication of Sellmeier's dynamical theory to the dark lines D1, D2 produced by sodium vapour.189947302308Spectroscopy1
354Milner S.R. , Chattock A. P.On the thermal conductivity of water.1899484664Thermal Conduction1
355Barus C.The aqueosus fusion of glass, its relation to pressure and temperature.189947104109Thermodynamics1
356Chapman D. L.On the rate of explosion in gases.18994790104Thermodynamics1
357Kuenen J.P., Robson W.G.On the mutual solubility of liquids, vapour-pressure and critical points.189948180203Thermodynamics1
358Lehfeldt R.A.Note on vapour-pressure of solutions of volatile substances.189948215217Thermodynamics1
359Love E.F.J.The Joule-Thomson thermal effect : its connexion with the characteristic equation, and some of its thermodynamical consequences.189948106115Thermodynamics0,50,5
360RayleighOn the conduction of heat in a spherical mass of air confined by walls at a constant temperature.189947314325Thermodynamics1
361Rose-Innes J.On the ratio of the specific heats of air.189948286287Thermodynamics1
362Rose-Innes J., Young SydneyOn the thermal properties of normal pentane.189947353367Thermodynamics1
363Rose-Innes J., Young SydneyOn the thermal properties of normal pentane.189948213214Thermodynamics0,50,5
364Tauruta K.Thermodynamic notes.On the alleged sign of189948288297Thermodynamics1
365Callendar H.L.On the pratical thermometric standard.189948519547Thermometry1
366Callendar H.L.Note on platinum thermometry189947191222Thermometry1
367Waidner Charles W., Mallory FrancisA comparison of Rowland mercury thermometers with a callendar-Griffith's platinum thermometer; a comparison of the platinum thermometer with a tonnelot thermometer standardized at the bureau internationaland a reduction of Rowland's value of the mecha_ *189948145Thermometry0,50,5
368Johnstone Stoney G.Survey of that part of the range of nature operations which man is competent to study.189948457474Various Topics1
369Steward W.On the disintegration of platinum and palladium wires at high temperatures.189948481484Various Topics1
370KelvinOn the reflexion and refracton of solitary plane waves at a plane interface between two intropic elastic mediums fluid, solid, or ether.189947179191Waves1
371KelvinOn the application of force within a limited space, required to produce spherical solitary waves, or trains of periodic waves, of both species , equivoluminal and irrotational, in an elastic solid.189947480491Waves1
372Vincent J.H.On the photography of ripples. Fourth paper.189948338344Waves1
373Preston T.Radiation phenomena in the magnetic field. Magnetic perturbations ofthe spectral lines.189947165178Zeeman Effect1
374Wood R.W.Photography of sound-waves, and the kinematographic demonstration of the evolutions of reflected wave-fronts.190050148157Acoustics1
375RayleighRemarks upon the law of complete radiation.190049539540Black Body1
376Galt A.Heat of combination of metals in the formation of alloys.190049405410Calorimetry1
377Gladstone J.H.On the want of uniformity in the action of copper-zinc alloys on nitric acid.190050231237Calorimetry1
378Bickerton A.W.Cosmic evolution.190050216223Cosmology1
379More L.T.On the supposed elongation of a dielectric in an electrostatic field.190050198210Dielectrics1
380Donnan F.G.The relative rates of effusion of argon, helium, and some other gases.190049423446Diffusion Processes0,50,5
381RayleighOn the passage of argon through thin films of indiarubber.190049220221Diffusion Processes1
382Baker T.J.The frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched indiarubber cord.190049347351Elasticity1
383Guest J. J.On strength of ductile materiale under combined stress.19005069132Elasticity1
384KelvinOn the motion produced in an infinite elastic solid by the motion through the space occupied by it of a body acting on it only by attraction or repulsion.190050181198Elasticity1
385Scarle G.F.C.On the elasticity of wires.190049193199Elasticity0,50,5
386Wimperis H. E.Experiments on the elasticity of wires.190050416420Elasticity1
387Gore G.On the influence of proximity of mass upon electric conduction-resistance.190049558559Electrical Conduction1
388Lees C.H.On the conductivities of certain heterogeneous media for a steady flux having a potential.190049221226Electrical Conduction1
389Ayrton W.E., Mather T.Some developments in the use of Price's guard-wire in insulation tests.190049343347Electricity1
390Glazebrook R.T.Note on measurement of some standard resistances.190050410416Electricity1
391Henderson W.C.Experiments to determine whether a liquid when electrified loses anyportion of its charge by evaporation.190050489497Electricity1
392Moore T.S.The reversibility of voltaic cells.190049491496Electricity1
393Shaw P.E.An electric micrometer.190050537562Electricity1
394Thomson J.J.The genesis of the ions in the discharge of electricity through gases.190050278283Electricity1
395Milner S.RNote on theory of solution pressure.190049417423Electrolysis1
396Thomson J.J.On Mr. Morris Airey's paper on electrolytic conduction in gases.190049404404Electrolysis1
397Barton E.H., Lownds LouisReflexion and transmission by condensers of electric waves along wires.190050357392Electromagnetism0,50,5
398Beattie R.The spark-length of an induction-coil.190050139148Electromagnetism1
399Beattie R.Note on possible source of error in the use of a ballistic-galvanometer.190050575579Electromagnetism1
400Johnson K.R.On the theory of the function of the condenser in an induction-coil.190049216220Electromagnetism1
401McAuley A.Note on electromagnetic theory of light. Geometrical properties of the wave-surface . Reflexion and refraction at the boundary of crystals, treated by a theorem of Sir William Rowan Hamilton.190049228242Electromagnetism1
402McF.Orr W.Considerations regarding the theory of electrons.190050269276Electromagnetism1
403Mizuno T.On the action of the coherer.190050445459Electromagnetism1
404Morton W.B.On some cases of propagation of electric oscillation along a number of parallel wires.190050605616Electromagnetism1
405Shaw P.E.Some lecture experiments illustrating syntony.190050283290Electromagnetism1
406Solomon M.On the damping of galvanometer needles.190049559570Electromagnetism1
407KelvinOn the duties of ether for electricity and magnetism.190050305307Ether1
408Allen H.S.The motion of a sphere in a viscous fluid.190050323338Fluids1
409Allen H.S.The motion of a sphere in a viscous fluid.190050519534Fluids1
410Hosking R.Viscosity of solutions.190049274286Fluids1
411Buchanan J.Torsion-structure in the Alps.190050261265Geophysics1
412Davison C.Scales of seismic intensity.1900504453Geophysics1
413Davison C.Sea-waves connected with the japanese eartquake of june 15 1896.190050579584Geophysics1
414Davison C.On earthquake-Sounds.1900493170Geophysics1
415Nagaoka H.Elastic constants of rocks and the velocity of seismic waves.1900505368Geophysics1
416Stevenson J.The chemical and geological history of the atmosphere.190050312323Geophysics1
417Stevenson J.The chemical and geological history of the atmosphere.190050399407Geophysics1
418Strutt R.J.On the discarge of electricity through argon and helium190049293307Ionization1
419Richardson S.W.The magnetic properties of the alloys of iron and alluminium.190049121154Magnetic Properties1
420Wills R.L.Effects of temperature on the magnetic properties of iron and alloysof iron.190050137Magnetic Properties1
421Nagaoka H., Honda K.On the Change of volume and of length in iron, steel, and nickel avoids by magnetization.190049329343Magneto-Elastic Effects1
422Pearson K.Criterion that a given system of deviations from the probable in thecase of a correlated system of variables is such that it can be reasonably supposed to have arisen from Random Sampling.190050157176Mathematics1
423Price W.A.Petrovich's apparatus for integrating differential equations of the first order.190049487490Mathematics1
424RayleighOn a theorem analogus to the virial theorem.190050210213Mechanics1
425Sutherland W.Molecular constitution of water.190050460489Molecular Structure0,50,5
426Blakesley T.H.On some improved formule and methods connected with lenses.190049447453Optics1
427RayleighOn the law of reciprocity in diffuse reflexion.190049324325Optics1
428Thomson S.P.On obliquely-crossed cylindrical lenses.190049316324Optics1
429Trenchard More L.On the coincidence of refracted rays of light in crystalline media.190049262274Optics1
430Wood R.W.An application of the method of striae to the illumination of objects under the microscope.190050347349Optics1
431Knott C.G.On Swan's prism photometer, commonly called Lummer and Brodun photometer.190049118120Photometry1
432Wright H.R.Photometry of the diffuse reflexion of light on matt surfaces.190049199216Photometry1
433Rutherford E.Radioactivity produced in substances by the action of thorium compounds.190049161192Radioactivity0,50,5
434Rutherford E.A radio-active substance emitted from thorium compounds.190049114Radioactivity1
435Jeans J.H.The striated electrical discharge.190049245262Rarified Gases1
436Morris-Airey H.Experiment bearing on the hypothesis of electrolytic convection in Geissler-tubes.190049307309Rarified Gases1
437Skinner C.A.On the potential gradient in the so-called Faraday dark of vacuum-tubes as related to conditions prevalent at the cathode.190050563574Rarified Gases1
438Wilson H.A.On the variation of the electric intensity and conductivity along the electric discharge in rarefied gases.190049505516Rarified Gases1
439Bedford T.G.On the expansion of porcelain with rise of temperature.1900499097Solid State1
440Blythswood , Marchant E. W.The Echelon spectroscope; with application to investigate the beheaviour of the chief lines in the mercury spectrum under the influence of a magnetic field.190049384403Spectroscopy1
441Crew H.On the arc spectra of some metals, as influenced by an atmosphere of hydrogen.190050497505Spectroscopy1
442Trowbridge J.The spectra of hydrogen and the spectrum of aqueosus vapour.190050338347Spectroscopy1
443Burbury S.H.On the law of partition of energy.190050584595Statistical Physics1
444Burbury S.H.Law of partition of kinetic energy.190049226228Statistical Physics1
445Walker G.W.Distribution of a gas in an electrical field.190049529538Statistical Physics1
446Lees C.H.On the thermal conductivities of mixtures and of their constituents.190049286293Thermal Conduction1
447Peirce B.O.On the thermal conductivity of vulcanite.1900491531Thermal Conduction0,50,5
448Bottomley J.T. , Beattie J. C.Thermal radiation in absolute measure.190049543557Thermal Radiation1
449Baly E.C.C.On the distillation of liquid air, and the composition of the gaseous and liquid phases.At constant pressure190049517529Thermodynamics1
450Burbury S.H.On certain supposed irreversible processes.190049475486Thermodynamics1
451MacGregor J.G.On a diagram of freezing-point depressions for electrolytes.190050505519Thermodynamics1
452RayleighThe law of partition of kinetic energy.19004998118Thermodynamics1
453Roes-Innes J.Theory of the constant-volume gas-thermometer.190050251260Thermodynamics1
454Tayler J.B.Heat of formation of alloys.1900503743Thermodynamics1
455Wilson H.A.On the velocity of solidification and viscosity of supercooled liquids.190050238250Thermodynamics1
456Young S.On the law of Cailletet and Mathias and the critical density.190050291305Thermodynamics1
457Barret W. F.On some novel thermo-electric phenomena.190049309316Thermoelectricity1
458Tsuruta K.On some effects of twist on the thermo-electric qualities of iron.190050223231Thermoelectricity1
459Chappuis P.Note on gas-thermometry.-I190050433442Thermometry1
460Tory H.M.A comparison of platinum thermometers of different degrees of purity.190050421432Thermometry1
461Barnard R.J.A.The annual march of temperature.190050408410Various Topics1
462Barus C.The rates of a rocking watch, with remarks on a gravitational pendulum.190050595604Various Topics1
463Sheppard W. F.On the tabulation of certain frequency distributions.190050393398Various Topics1
464Lodge O.On the controversy concerning Volta's contact force.190049351383Volta Effect1
465Lodge O.On controversy concerning Volta's contact force.190049454475Volta Effect1
466Spiers F.S.Contact electricity.1900497090Volta Effect1
467Gwyther R.F.An appendix to the paper on the classes of progressive long waves.190050308312Waves1
468Gwyther R.F.The classes of progressive long waves.190050213216Waves1
469Gwyther R.F.The general motion of long waves, with an examination of the direct reflexion of the solitary wave.190050349352Waves1
470RayleighOn approximately simple waves.190050135139Waves1
471Trowbridge J.The production of the x-rays by a battery current190050132135X-Rays1
472Barton E.H.On the refraction of sound by wind.19011159165Acoustics1
473RayleighOn the problem relating to the propagation of sound between parallelwalls.19011301311Acoustics1
474RayleighAcoustical notes-IV19012280285Acoustics1
475Majorana Q.On the relative luminous intensities of sun and sky.19011555562Astrophysics1
476Jeans J.H.The mechanism of radiation.19012421455Atomic Physics1
477Strutt R.J.On the tendency of the atomic weights to approximate to whole numbers.19011311314Atomic Physics1
478Sutherland W.The cause of the structure of spectra.19012245274Atomic Physics1
479KelvinNineteenth century clouds over the dynamical theory of heat and light.19012140Black Body1
480Nutting P.G.On the complete emission function.19012379386Black Body1
481Jeans J.H.The theoretical evaluation of the ratio of the specific heats of a gas.19012638651Calorimetry1
482Lodge O.Gas theory & c.19012241241Calorimetry1
483Thomson J.J.On a kind of easily absorbed radiation produced by the impact of slowly moving cathode rays; together with a theory of the negative glow, the dark space, and the positive column.19011361376Cathod Rays0,50,5
484Donnan F.G.Theory of colloidal solution190116470Chemistry
485Kuenen J.P.Mixtures of hydrochloric acid and methyleter.19011593598Chemistry
486KelvinOn the ether and gravitational matter through infinite space.19012161177Cosmology1
487Barlow W.Crystal symmetry.The actual basis of the thirty-two classes.19011136Cristallography1
488Richards T.W., Archibald E.H.A study of growing crystals by instantaneous photomicrography.19012488500Cristallography1
489Ashton A.W.On the resistance of dielectrics, and the effect of an alternating electromotive force on the insulating of indiarubber.19012501523Dielectrics1
490Ashton A.W.Note on electrification of dielectrics by mechanical means.19012233235Dielectrics1
491Fleming J.A., Ashton A.W.On a model which imitates the behaviour of dielectrics.19012228233Dielectrics1
492More L.T.Note on dielectric strain.19012527531Dielectrics1
493Barus C.The absorption of the ionized phosphorus emanation in tubes. II190124049Diffusion Processes1
494Chree C.Applications of elastic solids to metrology.19012594616Elasticity1
495Chree C.Applications of elastic solids to metrology.19012532558Elasticity1
496Appleyard R.A direct-reading conductivity-bridge.190121780Electrical Conduction1
497Beattie J.C.Leakage of electricity from charged bodies at moderate temperatures-II19011442454Electricity1
498Earhart R.F.The sparking distances between plates for small distances.19011147159Electricity1
499Guggenheimer S.Note on spark-discharge.19012311317Electricity1
500Sacerdote P.Note on the subject of a paper by Prof. L. T. More :19011357359Electricity1
501Sand H.J.H.On the concentration at the electrodes in a solution, with special reference to the liberation of hydrogen by electrolysis of a mixture of copper sulphate and sulphuric acid.190114579Electrolysis0,50,5
502Adams E.P.The Electromagnetic effects of moving charged spheres.19012285299Electromagnetism0,50,5
503Barkla C.G.On the velocity of electric waves along wires.19011652667Electromagnetism1
504Beattie R.Note on the length of the break-spark in an inductive circuit.19012653658Electromagnetism1
505Brooks H.Damping of the oscillations in the discharge of a Leyden-jar.1901292108Electromagnetism1
506Cremieu V.Reply to Mr. H. A. Wilson's article entitled On The Magnetic Effect Of The Electric Convection, And On Rowland And Cremieu Experiments19012235237Electromagnetism1
507Glazebrook R.T.Note on the practical application of the theory of magnetic disturbance by earth-currents.19011432442Electromagnetism1
508Mizuno T.Function of self-induction in Wehnelt interruptor.19011246250Electromagnetism1
509Morton W.B.On the propagation of polyphase currents along a number of parallel wires.19011563571Electromagnetism1
510Pender H.On the magnetic effect of electrical convection.19012179208Electromagnetism1
511Pierce G.Indices of refraction for electric waves, measured by a modified radio-micrometer.19011179198Electromagnetism0,50,5
512Pierce G.Note on the double refraction of electric waves.19011548551Electromagnetism1
513Pocklington H.C.On the fundamental equations of electrodynamics and Cremien's experiment.19011325330Electromagnetism1
514RayleighOn the induction-coil.19012581594Electromagnetism1
515Rucker A.W.On the magnetic field produced by electric tramways.19011423431Electromagnetism1
516Schuster A.On the electric inertia and the inertia of electric convection.19011227238Electromagnetism1
517Schuster A.On magnetic precession.19011314324Electromagnetism1
518Shaw P.E.An investigation of the simple coherer.19011265296Electromagnetism1
519Wilson H.A.The magnetic field of electric convection.19012319320Electromagnetism1
520Wilson H.A.On the magnetic effect of electric convection, and on Rowland's and Cremieu's experiments.19012144150Electromagnetism1
521Lees C.H.On the viscosities of mixtures of liquids and of solutions.19011128147Fluids1
522Natanson L.On the laws of viscosity.19012342356Fluids1
523Zahum A. F.Resistance of the air at speeds below one thousand feet a second.19011530535Fluids1
524Burke J.B.B.On the phosphorescent glow in gases.19011342356Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
525Simpson G.C.On the electrical resistance of bismuth to alternating currents in a strong magnetic field.19012300311Galvanomagnetic Effects1
526Barus C.On the change of the colours of cloudy condensation with number of available nuclei, and on the effect of an electric field.19011572578Geophysics1
527Barus C.The transmission of the emanations of phosphorus through air and other media.III19012391403Ionization1
528Chattock A.P., Walker W.E. (Miss), Dixon E.H.On the specific velocities of ions in the discharge from points.190117998Ionization1
529Rutherford E.Dependence of the current through conducting gases on the electric field.19012210228Ionization1
530Townsend J.S., Kirkby P.J.Conductivity produced in hydrogen and carbonic acid gas by the motion of negatively charged ions.19011630642Ionization1
531Townsens J.S.The conductivity produced in gases by the motion of negatively charged ions.19011198227Ionization0,50,5
532Villari E.How air subjected to x-rays loses its discharging property, and how it produces electricity.19011535538Ionization1
533Beattie R.Hysteresis of nickel and cobalt in a rotating magnetic field.19011642647Magnetic Properties1
534Buchanan J.A contribution to the theory of magnetic induction in iron and othermetals.19011330341Magnetic Properties1
535Rhoads E.Experiments on the change in dimensions caused by magnetization in iron.19012463468Magnetic Properties1
536Richardson S.W., Laws S.C.On some interesting changes in the magnetic condition of an alloy ofnearly pure iron and alluminium (2,42%) due to successive heatings and coolings.19011296301Magnetic Properties1
537Richardson S.W., Lownds L.The magnetic properties of the alloys of cast-iron and aluminium.- part II19011601624Magnetic Properties1
538Buchanan J.A contribution to the theory of magnetic induction in iron and othermetals.-Part III19012456462Magnetism1
539Brace D.B.The observation of the resolution of light into the its circular components in the Faraday19011464475Magneto-Optical Effects1
540Pearson K.On lines and planes of closest fit to system of points in space.19012559571Mathematics1
541Bromwich T.J.Note on the potential of a symmetrical system.19012237240Mechanics1
542Hill B.V.Note on accidental double-refraction in liquids.19012524527Optics1
543Natanson L.On double-refraction in moving viscous liquids.19012469477Optics1
544Pocklington H.C.On rotatory polarization in biaxial crystals.19012361370Optics1
545RayleighOn the stresses in solid bodies due to unequal heating, and on the double refraction resulting therefrom.19011169178Optics1
546Rendtorff E.J.On differential double refraction.19011539548Optics1
547Sowter R.J.On astigmatic lenses.19011239246Optics1
548Wood R.W.On cyanine prism and a new method of exhibiting anomalous dispersion.19011624627Optics1
549Wood R.W.A mica echelon grating.19011627629Optics1
550Wood R.W.On the propagation of cusped waves and their relation in the primaryand secondary focal lines.19011589593Optics1
551Jeans J.H.The striated electrical discharge.19011521529Rarified Gases0,50,5
552Skinner C.A.On the conditions controlling the drop of potential at the electrodes in vacuum-tube discharge.19012616638Rarified Gases1
553Willows R.S.On the absorption of gas in a Crookes tube.19011503517Rarified Gases1
554Willows R.S.On the effect of a magnetic field on the discharge through a gas.19011250260Rarified Gases1
555Bottomley J.T. , Evans W.T.Measurement of the expansibility of a hard jena glass.19011125128Solid State1
556Baly E.C.C., Syers H.W.The spectrum of cyanogen.19012386391Spectroscopy1
557Langley S.P.The new spectrum.19012119130Spectroscopy1
558Pflugger A.The anomalous dispersion of cyanin.19012317318Spectroscopy1
559Porter A.W.The emission-function of a body emitting a line-spectrum.19012573574Spectroscopy1
560RayleighOn Balfour Stewart's theory of the connexion between radiation and absorption.1901198100Spectroscopy1
561RayleighSpectroscopic notes concerning the gases of the atmosphere.19011100105Spectroscopy1
562Smitthels A.The spectra of carbon compounds.19011476503Spectroscopy1
563Trowbridge J.The spectra of hydrogen, and some of its compounds.19012370379Spectroscopy1
564Wood R.W.The anomalous dispersion of carbon.19011405410Spectroscopy1
565Wood R.W.On the production of a bright-line spectrum by anomalous dispersion and its application the19011551555Spectroscopy1
566Wood R.W. , Magnusson C.E.Anomalous dispersion of cyanin.190113645Spectroscopy1
567Amagat E.H.Note on isothermals of fluids, and in particular of hydrogen.19012651653Thermodynamics1
568Burbury S.H.Boltzmann's law of distribution e^(-2h)(chi), van der Waals' theorem.19012403417Thermodynamics1
569Further H.H.A further note on Van der Waal's equation.19012108118Thermodynamics1
570Hilton H.A note on van der Waal's equation.19011579589Thermodynamics1
571Lehfeldt R.A.Electromotive force and osmotic pressure.19011377403Thermodynamics1
572Rose-Innes J.On the practical attainment of the thermodynamic scale of temperature.19012130144Thermodynamics0,50,5
573Rose-Innes J., Young SydneyThe thermal properties of isopentane compared with those of normal pentane.19012208210Thermodynamics1
574Travers M.W.The liquefaction of hydrogen.19011411423Thermodynamics1
575Wilderman M.On the velocity of reaction before complete equilibrium and before the point of transition.190125092Thermodynamics0,50,5
576Lownds L.The thermomagnetic and thermoelectric properties of crystalline bismuth.19012325341Thermoelectricity1
577Barus C.Simultaneous volumetric and electric graduation of the steam-tube with a phosphorus ionizer.IV19012477488Various Topics1
578Lehfeldt R.A.Note on the graphical treatment of experimental curves.19011403405Various Topics1
579Pearson K.On some application of the theory of chance to racial differentation19011110124Various Topics1
580Fraser W.G.On the breaking of waves.19012356361Waves1
581Gwyther R.F.The progressive long waves of solitary and periodic types in shallow water.19011106110Waves1
582Kent N.A.Notes on the Zeeman effect.19012245279Zeeman Effect1
583Barton E.H. , Laws S.C.Air-pressures used in playing brass instruments.19023385393Acoustics1
584Cook S.A376R.On flutings in a sound-waves and the forces due to a flux of a viscous fluid around spheres.19023471482Acoustics1
585Johnstone Stoney G.On the law of atomic weights.19024411416Atomic Physics1
586Johnstone Stoney G.On law of atomic weights.19024504505Atomic Physics1
587KelvinOn the weights of atoms.19024281301Atomic Physics1
588KelvinOn the weights of atoms.19024177198Atomic Physics1
589Sutherland W.Ionization, ionic velocities, and atomic sizes.19023161177Atomic Physics0,50,5
590Vincent J.H.On a general numerical connexion between the atomic weights.19024103115Atomic Physics1
591Burbury S.H.On irreversible processes and Planck's theory in relation thereto.19023225240Black Body1
592Rosenhain W.On an improved form of coal-calorimeter.19024451458Calorimetry1
593Durack J.J.E.Lenard rays.190242945Cathod Rays1
594Hilton H.A comparison of various notations employed in19023203212Cristallography1
595KelvinMolecular dynamics of a crystal.19024139156Cristallography1
596Buchanan J.Note on a paper by Prof. Fleming, and Mr. Ashton, entitled On a model which imitates the behaviour of dielectrics.19023240243Dielectrics1
597Hormell W. G.Dielectric constant of paraffins.190235267Dielectrics1
598Cassie W.On the measurement of Young's modulus.19024402410Elasticity1
599Hilton H.Note on capillary constants of crystal faces.19023144148Elasticity1
600KelvinA new specifying method for stress and strain in an elastic solid.19023444448Elasticity1
601KelvinA new specifying method for stress and strain in an elastic solid.190239597Elasticity1
602Strutt R.J.The electrical conductivity of metals and their vapours.19024596605Electrical Conduction1
603Williams W.On the temperature variation of the electrical resistances of pure metals, and allied matters.19023515532Electrical Conduction1
604De Nicolaieve M.W.On a new reaction between electrostatic tubes and insulators, and onthe electrostatic field round an electric current, and the theory ofProfessor Poynting.19024133138Electricity1
605KelvinAepinus atomized.19023257283Electricity1
606Wilson H.A.The current-density at the cathode in the electric discharge in air.19024608614Electricity1
607Donnan F.G.Condensation of the vapours of organic liquids in presence of dust-free air.19023305310Electrolysis1
608Lehfeldt R.A.A voltameter for small currents.19023158159Electrolysis1
609Veley V.H. , Manley J.J.The ionic and thermal coefficients of nitric acid.19023118122Electrolysis1
610Wilson H.A.The laws of electrolysis of alkali salt-vapours.19024207214Electrolysis1
611Chabot J.J.T.Rotating earth-inductor without sliding-contacts.19024506507Electromagnetism1
612Chant C.A.An experimental investigation into the Skin effect in electrical oscillators.19023425444Electromagnetism1
613Jervis-Smith F.J.A high pressure spark-gap used in connexion with the tesla coil.19024224226Electromagnetism1
614Morton W.B.On the forms of the lines of electric force and of energy flux in the neighbourhood of wires leading waves.19024302314Electromagnetism1
615Pollock J.A., Vonwiller O.U.Some experiments on electric waves in short wire systems, and on the specific inductive capacity of a specimen of glass.19023586606Electromagnetism1
616RayleighIs rotatory polarization influenced by the Earth's motion?19024215220Electromagnetism1
617Trowbridge J.The induction coil.19023393396Electromagnetism1
618Gilbert N.E.Some experiments upon the relations between ether, matter, and electricity.19023361380Ether1
619Hicks W.M.On the Michelson-Morley experiment relating to the drift of the aether.19023942Ether1
620Hopkinson B.On the necessity for postulating an aether.19023123126Ether1
621Barus C.On spontaneous nucleation, and on nuclei produced by shaking solutions.19024262269Fluids1
622Petavel J.E.A recording manometer for high-pressure explosions.19023461471Fluids1
623Wanklyn J.A.On the physical peculiarities of solutions of gases in liquids.19023346348Fluids1
624Wanklyn J.A.On the physical peculiarities of solutions of gases in liquids.19023498500Fluids1
625Baker W.C.The Hall effect in gold for weak magnetic fields.190247284Galvanomagnetic Effects1
626Patterson J.On the change of the electrical resistance of metals when placed in a magnetic field.19023643656Galvanomagnetic Effects1
627Simpson G.C.On the electrical resistance of Bismuth to alternating currents in a magnetic field.19024554560Galvanomagnetic Effects1
628Thomson J.J.On the effect of a magnetic field on metallic resistance.19023353359Galvanomagnetic Effects1
629Williams W.E.On the magnetic change of length and electrical resistance in nickel.19024430435Galvanomagnetic Effects1
630Barus C.The sizes of the water particles producing the coronal and the axialcolours of cloudy condensation.190242429Geophysics1
631Beattie J.C. , Morrison J. T.The magnetic elements at the Cape of Good Hope from 1605 to 1900.19023532535Geophysics1
632D'Arcy R.F.The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by light, and the electrical discharging action of this decomposition.190234252Geophysics1
633RayleighOn the question of hydrogen in the atmosphere.19023416422Geophysics1
634Stevenson J.On the chemical and geological history of the atmosphere.19024435451Geophysics1
635Wade E.B.H.A new hygrometric method.19023380385Geophysics1
636Zettwuch G.Researches on the blue colour of the sky.19024199202Geophysics1
637KelvinOn the clustering of gravitational matter in any part of the universe.1902319Gravitation1
638Porter T.C.On the ebullition of rotating water.-A lecture experiment.19024330335Hydrodynamics1
639Barus C.The behaviour of the phosphorus emanation in spherical condensers.-V190238091Ionization0,50,5
640Kirkby P.J.On the electrical conductivities produced in air by the motion of negative ions.19023212225Ionization1
641Lewis P.The role of water vapour in gaseous conduction.19023512514Ionization1
642McClung R.K.The rate of recombination of ions in gases under different pressures.19023283305Ionization0,50,5
643Townsend J.S.The conductivity produced in gases by the aid of ultra-violet light.19023557576Ionization1
644Mansergh Varley W.On the magnetism induced in iron by rapidly oscillating current-fields.19023500512Magnetic Properties1
645Nagaoka H., Honda K.On the magnetostriction of steel, nickel, cobalt, and nickel-steels.190244572Magnetic Properties1
646Lyle T.R.On circular filaments or circular magnetic shells equivalent to circular coils, and on the equivalent radius of a coil.19023310329Magnetism1
647Honda K., Shimizu S.Change of length of ferromagnetic wires under constant tension by magnetization.19024338346Magneto-Elastic Effects1
648Honda K., Shimizu S., Kusakabe S.Change of the modulus of elasticity of ferromagnetic substances by magnetization.19024459468Magneto-Elastic Effects1
649Honda K., Shimizu S., Kusakabe S.Change of the modulus of rigidity of ferromagnetic subsatnces by magnetization.19024537546Magneto-Elastic Effects1
650Blakesley T.H.On a method of mechanically obtaining teta from hyperbolic trigonometrical functions of teta.19024238240Mathematics1
651Hitchcock F.L.On vector differentials.19023576586Mathematics1
652Muir T.Aggregates of minors of an axisymmetric determinant.19023410416Mathematics1
653Muir T.The Jacobian of the primary minors of an axisymmetric determinant with reference to the corresponding elements of the latter.19024507512Mathematics1
654RayleighSome general theorems concerning forced vibrations and resonance.1902397117Mechanics1
655Allen H.S.The effect of errors in ruling on the appearance of a diffraction-grating.190239295Optics1
656Edser E., Senior E.The diffraction of light from a dense to a rarer medium, when the angle of incidence exceeds its critical value.19024346352Optics1
657Everett J.D.Contributions to the theory of the resolving power of objectives.19024166171Optics1
658Everett J.D.On focal lines, and anchor-ring wave-fronts.19023483486Optics1
659Larmor J.On the influence of convection on optical rotatory polarization.19024367370Optics1
660Michelson A.A.The velocity of light.19023330337Optics1
661Voigt W.On the behaviour of pleochroitic crystals along directions in the neighbourhood of an optic axis.190249097Optics1
662Walker J.On MacCullagh and Stokes's elliptic analyser, and other applications of a geometrical representation of the state of polarization of a stream of light.19023541549Optics1
663Wood R.W.On a remarkable case of uneven distribution of light in a diffraction grating spectrum.19024396402Optics1
664Wood R.W.A suspected case of the electrical resonance of minute metal particles for light-waves. A new type of absorption.19023396410Optics1
665Wood R.W.On the electrical resonance of metal particles for light-waves.19024425429Optics1
666McLennan J.C.On a kind of radioactivity imparted to certain salts by cathode rays.19023195203Radioactivity1
667Rutherford E., Brooks H.T.(Miss)Comparison of the radiations from radioactive substances.19024123Radioactivity0,50,5
668Rutherford E., Grier A.GDeviable rays of radioactive substances.19024315330Radioactivity0,50,5
669Rutherford E., Soddy F.The cause and nature of radioactivity.-Part I.19024370396Radioactivity1
670Rutherford E., Soddy F.The cause and nature of radioactivity.-PartII.19024569585Radioactivity1
671Thomson J.J.Experiments on induced-radioactivity in air, and on the electrical conductivity produced in gases when they pass through water.19024352367Radioactivity1
672Skinner C.A.On conditions controlling the drop of potential at the electrodes in vacuum-tube discharge.19024490504Rarified Gases1
673Tutton A.E.The thermal expansion of porcelain.19023631642Solid State1
674Cassie W.Multiple transmission fixed-arm spectroscope.19023449457Spectroscopy1
675Cuthbertson C.Arrangement of bands in the first group of the positive band-spectrum of nitrogen.19023348353Spectroscopy1
676Herbert A.M.The effect of the presence of hydrogen on the intensity of the linesof the carbon spectrum.19024202207Spectroscopy1
677Trowbridge J.On a spectra arising from the dissociation of water vapour and the presence of dark lines in gaseous spectra.19024156161Spectroscopy1
678Wood R.W.The Clayden effect and reversal of spectrum lines.19024606607Spectroscopy1
679Wood R.W.The absorption, dispersion, and surface-colour of selenium.19023607622Spectroscopy0,50,5
680Wood R.W.The anomalous dispersion of sodium vapour.19023128144Spectroscopy1
681Jeans J.H.On the conditions necessary for equipartition of energy.19024585596Statistical Physics1
682Carslaw H.S.A problem in conduction of heat.19024162165Thermal Conduction1
683Lyle T.R., Hosking R.The temperature variations of the specific molecular conductivity and of the fluidity of sodium chloride solutions.19023487498Thermal Conduction1
684Peck J.W.The steady temperatures of a thin rod.19024226238Thermal Conduction1
685Bottomley J.T.On radiation of heat and light from heated solid bodies.19024560568Thermal Radiation1
686Everett J.D.On the comparison of vapour-temperatures at equal pressures.19024335338Thermodynamics1
687Jewett F.B.A new method of determining the vapour-density of metallic vapours, and an experimental application to the cases of sodium and mercury.19024546554Thermodynamics1
688Kuenen J.P., Robson W.G.Observation on mixtures with maximum vapour-pressure.19024116132Thermodynamics1
689Kuenen J.P., Robson W.G.Vapour-pressures of carbon dioxide and of ethane at temperatures below 0 C.19023149158Thermodynamics1
690Kuenen J.P., Robson W.G.The thermal properties of carbon dioxide and of ethane.19023622630Thermodynamics1
691Mellor J.W.On the law of molecular attraction.19023423424Thermodynamics1
692Olszewski K.Determination of inversion temperature of Kelvin effect in hydrogen.19023535540Thermodynamics1
693Parks G.J.On the heat evolved or absorbed when a liquid is brought in contact with a finely divided solid.19024240253Thermodynamics0,50,5
694RayleighOn the distillation of binary mixtures.19024521537Thermodynamics0,50,5
695Wilderman M.On the velocity of reaction before complete equilibrium and the point of transition are reached, &c.-Part III19024468489Thermodynamics1
696Wilderman M.On the velocity of reaction before complete equilibrium and the point of transition are reached, &C.-Part III.19024270277Thermodynamics1
697Harrison E.P.On the variation with temperature of the thermoelectromotive force, and of electric resistance of nickel, iron, and copper, between the temperature of -200 C and +1050 C.19023177195Thermoelectricity1
698Straubel R.Experiments on the electro-thermal effect in tourmaline.19024220223Thermoelectricity1
699Strutt R.J.The discharge of positive electrification by hot metals.1902498103Thermoionic Effect1
700Thomson J.J.On some of the consequences of the emission of negatively electrified corpuscles by hot bodies.19024253262Thermoionic Effect1
701Chappuis P.Note on gas-thermometry.-II19023243247Thermometry1
702Hartley W.N.An investigation into composition of brittle platinum.190248489Various Topics1
703RayleighOn the pressure of vibrations.19023338346Waves1
704Allen H.S.A preliminary note on the relation between primary and secondary Rontgen radiation.19023126128X-Rays0,50,5
705McClung R.K., McIntosh D.Absorption of Rontgen rays by aqueosus solutions.190236879X-Rays1
706Walker G.W.On asymmetry of the Zeeman effect.19023247251Zeeman Effect1
707Hilton H.On the graphical solution of astronomical problems.190366676Astronomy1
708Marshall Watts W.On the existence of a relationship between the spectra of some elements and the squares of their atomic weights.19035203207Atomic Physics1
709Marshall Watts W.On the atomic weight of radium.190366466Atomic Physics1
710Mills J.E.On the numerics of the elements.- Part III19035543549Atomic Physics1
711Runge C.Relationship between spectra and atomic weights.19036698701Atomic Physics1
712Thomson J.J.The magnetic properties of systems of corpuscles describing circularorbits.19036673693Atomic Physics1
713Veley V.H.Initial acceleration in chemical change.19036271279Chemistry1
714CookeA penetrating radiation from the Earth's surface.19036403411Cosmic Rays1
715McF.Orr W.The impossibility of undamped vibrations in an unbounded dielectric.19036667693Dielectrics1
716More L.T.On electrostriction.19036119Dielectrics1
717MacLaurin R. C.The influence of stiffness on the form of a suspended wire or tape.19036166173Elasticity1
718Morrow J.On an instrument for measuring the lateral contraction of tie-bars, and on the determination of Poisson's ratio.19036417424Elasticity1
719RayleighOn the work done by forces operative at one or more points of an elastic solid.19036385392Elasticity1
720Campbell A.Measurements of small resistances.190363341Electricity1
721Campbell N.R.Some experiments on the electrical discharge from a point to a plane.19036618627Electricity1
722Lehfeldt R.A.A resistance comparator.19035672674Electricity1
723Morton W.B.On the connexion between speed of propagation and attenuation of electric waves along parallel wires.19035643548Electricity1
724PizibramOn the point-discharge in mixtures of gases.19036176180Electricity1
725Searle G.F.C.On a simple rheostat.19036173175Electricity1
726Smith S.W.J.A portable capillary electrometer.19035398404Electricity1
727Stark J.Remarks on the theory of ionization by collision of ions with neutral molecules.19036116119Electricity1
728Townsend J.S.The genesis of ions by the motion of positive ions in a gas, and a theory of the sparking potential.19036598618Electricity0,50,5
729Wilberforce L. R.Note on the elementary treatment of conducting networks.19035489490Electricity1
730Brown J.Removal of the voltaic potential-difference by heating in oil.19035591594Electrolysis1
731Dampier Whetham W.C.The theory of electrolytic dissociation.19035279290Electrolysis1
732Taylor W.W. , Inglis J.K.H.A suggested theory of the aluminium anode.19035301313Electrolysis0,50,5
733Battelli A., Magri L.On oscillatory discharges.19035620643Electromagnetism1
734Battelli A., Magri L.Oscillatory discharges.19035134Electromagnetism1
735Campbell G.A.On loaded lines in telephonic transmission.19035313330Electromagnetism0,50,5
736Chant C.A.The variation of potential along a wire transmitting electric waves.19035331344Electromagnetism1
737Cremieu V., Pender H.Magnetic effect of electric convection.19036442464Electromagnetism1
738Fleming J.A., Clinton W.C.On the measurement of small capacities and inductances.19035493511Electromagnetism1
739Havelock T.H.On the pressure of radiation.19036157165Electromagnetism1
740Ives J.E.On the law of the condenser in the induction-coil.19036411417Electromagnetism1
741Lyle T.R.Preliminary account of a wave-tracer and analyser.19036549559Electromagnetism0,50,5
742Marchant E. W.A graphical method of determining the nature of the oscillatory discharge from a condenser through a coil of variable inductance.19035155161Electromagnetism0,50,5
743Nagaoka H.On the potential and lines of force of a circular current.190361929Electromagnetism1
744Pender H.On the magnetic effect of electrical convection.-II190353448Electromagnetism1
745RayleighOn the spectrum of an irregular disturbance.19035238243Electromagnetism1
746Schuster A.On the spectrum of an irregular disturbance.19035344346Electromagnetism1
747Stroud W., Oates J.A.On the application of alternating currents to the calibration of capacity-boxes, and to the comparison of capacities and inductances.19036707720Electromagnetism1
748Watson W.Note on the construction and attachment of thin galvanometer mirrors.19036188192Electromagnetism1
749KelvinOn electro-ethereal theory of the velocity of light in gases,liquid,and solids.19036437442Ether1
750Cook S.R.On the distribution of pressure around spheres in a viscous fluid.19036424436Fluids0,50,5
751Kuenen J.P.On the mutual solubility of liquids.19036637653Fluids1
752Strutt R.J.Fluorescence of crystals under the Rontgen rays.19036250251Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
753Blyth V. J.On the influence of magnetic field on thermal conductivity.19035529537Galvanomagnetic Effects1
754Lownds L.The thermomagnetic and related properties of crystalline bismuth.19035141153Galvanomagnetic Effects1
755Williams W.E.The influence of stress and of temperature on the magnetic change ofresistance in iron, nickel, and nickel-steel.19036693697Galvanomagnetic Effects1
756Coleridge Farr C.On the interpretation of Milne seismograms.19036401403Geophysics1
757McLennan J.C., Burton E.F.Some experiments on the electrical conductivity of atmospheric air.19035699708Geophysics1
758RayleighNote on the theory of the fortnightly tide.19035136141Geophysics1
759Simpson G.C.On the charging through ion absorption and its bearing on the earth permanenent negative charge.19036589598Geophysics1
760RayleighOn the vibrations of a rectangular sheet of rotating liquid.19035297301Hydrodynamics1
761Durack J.J.E.On the specific ionization produced by the corpuscles given out by radium.19035550561Ionization1
762McClung R.K.The relation between the rate of recombination of ions in air and the temperature of the air.19036655666Ionization1
763Patterson J.On the ionization in air at different temperatures and pressures.19036231238Ionization1
764Thomson J.J.On the charge of electricity carried by a gaseous ion.19035346355Ionization1
765Townsend J.S.Specific ionization produced by corpuscles of radium.19035698699Ionization1
766Townsend J.S.The conductivity produced in gases by the aid of ultra-violet light.19035389398Ionization1
767Wilson H.A.A determination of the charge on the ions produced in air by Rontgen rays.19035429441Ionization1
768Honda K., Shimizu S.The Wiedemann effect in ferromagnetic substances.19035650657Magnetic Properties1
769Wills R.L.Effect of temperature on the hysteresis loss in iron.19035117133Magnetic Properties1
770Honda K., Shimizu S.Change of length of ferromagnetic substances under high and low temperatures by magnetization.19036392400Magneto-Elastic Effects1
771Majorana Q.New magnetic-optic phenomena exhibited by magnetic solutions.19035486488Magneto-Optical Effects1
772Filon L.N.G.On a new mode of expressing solutions of Laplace equation, in terms of operators involving Bessel functions.19036193213Mathematical Physics1
773Everett J.D.On the mathematics of Bees' cells.19036228230Mathematics1
774Hitchcock F.L.On vector differentials.19035187197Mathematics1
775JoliA method of establishing the principles of the calculus of quaternions.19036653654Mathematics1
776Pearson K.On a general theory of the method of false position.19035658668Mathematics1
777Chapman H.W.On the problem of Columbus.19035458476Mechanics1
778Derriman W.H.On oscillating table for determining moments of inertia.19035648650Mechanics1
779Jeans J.H.On the vibrations set up in molecules by collisions.19036279286Mechanics1
780Peck J.W.Note on the special epochs in vibrating systems.19035511516Mechanics1
781RayleighOn the free vibrations of systems affected with small rotatory terms.19035293297Mechanics1
782Allen H.S.The effect of errors in ruling on the appearescence of a diffraction-grating.19036559562Optics1
783Bennet T.L.Minimum deviation through a prism.19036697697Optics1
784Blakesley T.H.Single-piece lenses19036521524Optics1
785Carslaw H.S.Use of Contour integration in the problem of diffraction by a wedge of any angle.19035374379Optics1
786Chartres R.Note on Minimum deviation through a prism.19036529529Optics1
787Glazebrook R. T.Theoretical optics since 1840,-A survey19035537543Optics1
788Kimball A.L.Note on the application of Cornu's spiral to the diffraction-grating. Geometrical method of obtaining the intensity formula for a flat diffraction-grating.190363033Optics1
789Sowter R.J.On the astigmatic aberration.19036524528Optics1
790Wadsworth F.L.O.On the aberration of the concave grating, when used as an objective spectroscope.19036119156Optics1
791Wadsworth F.L.O.On the effect of absorption on the resolving power of prism trains, and on methods of mechanically compensating this effect.19035355373Optics1
792Walker G.W.On the theory of refraction in gases.19036464492Optics0,50,5
793Whitwell A.On refraction at a cylindrical surface.190364658Optics1
794Wood R.W.The electrical resonance of metal particles for light-waves.19036259266Optics1
795Adams E.P.Water radioactivity19036563569Radioactivity1
796Blythswood , Allen H. S.Radium radiation and contact electricity.19036701707Radioactivity1
797McLennan J.C.Induced radioactivity excited in air at the foot of waterfalls.19035419428Radioactivity1
798Rutherford E.Some remark on radioactivity.19035481485Radioactivity1
799Rutherford E.The magnetic and electric deviation of the easily absorbed rays from radium.19035177187Radioactivity1
800Rutherford E.Excited radioactivity and the method of its transmission.1903595117Radioactivity1
801Rutherford E., Soddy F.On the radioactivity of uranium.19035441445Radioactivity1
802Rutherford E., Soddy F.Radioactive change.19035576591Radioactivity1
803Rutherford E., Soddy F.A comparative study of the radioactivity of radium and thorium.19035445557Radioactivity1
804Rutherford E., Soddy F.Condensation of the radioactive emanations.19035561576Radioactivity1
805Strutt R.J.An experiment to exhibit the loss of negative electricity by radium.19036588589Radioactivity1
806Strutt R.J.Radioactivity of ordinary materials.190356800Radioactivity1
807Strutt R.J.The preparation and properties of an intensely radioactive gas from metallic mercury.19036113116Radioactivity1
808Wilson H.A.The electric intensity in the uniform positive column in air.19036180188Rarified Gases0,50,5
809Blakesley T.H.Direct-vision spectroscope of one kind of glass.19036268270Spectroscopy1
810Brace D.B.A sensitive-strip spectropolariscope.19035161170Spectroscopy1
811Cartmel W.B.The anomalous dispersion and selective absorption of fuchsin.19036213227Spectroscopy0,50,5
812Petavel J.E., Hutton R.S.Preliminary note on effect of pressure upon arc spectra.19036569577Spectroscopy1
813Runge C., Precht J.On the position of radium in the periodic system according to its spectrum.19035476481Spectroscopy1
814Strutt R.J.Absorption of light by mercury and its vapour.190367678Spectroscopy1
815Trowbridge J.Spectra of gases and metals at high temperatures.190365863Spectroscopy1
816Trowbridge J.the spectra of hydrogen, and reversed lines in the spectra of gases.19035153155Spectroscopy1
817Trowbridge J.On the gaseous constitution of the H and K lines of the solar spectrum, together with a discussion of reversed gaseous lines.19035524529Spectroscopy1
818Walker G.W.On unsymmetrical broadening of spectral lines.19036536540Spectroscopy1
819Wood R.W.Photographic reversals in spectrum photographs.19036577587Spectroscopy1
820Wood R.W.The anomalous dispersion, absorption, and surface-colour of nitroso-dimethil-aniline,with a note on the dispersion of toluine.1903696112Spectroscopy1
821Burbury S.H.On the conditions necessary for equipartition of energy.19035134135Statistical Physics1
822Burbury S.H.On the variation of entropy as treated in Willard Gibbs'19036251259Statistical Physics1
823Burbury S.H.Mr. J. H. Jeans' theory of gases. (Notes on his paper in Phil. Mag. June 1903.)19036529535Statistical Physics1
824Jeans J.H.The kinetic theory of gases developed from a new standpoint.19035597620Statistical Physics1
825Jeans J.H.The kinetic theory of gases.19036720722Statistical Physics1
826Schuster A.The influence of radiation on the transmission of heat.19035243257Thermal Conduction0,50,5
827Buckingham E.On a modification of the plug experiment.19036518521Thermodynamics1
828Makower W.On the determination of the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume for air and steam.19035226238Thermodynamics1
829Ramsay W., Steele B.D.The vapour-densities of some carbon compounds; an attempt to determine their correct molecular weights.19036492518Thermodynamics1
830RayleighOn the proportion of argon in the vapour rising from liquid air.19035677680Thermodynamics1
831Wilderman M.Theory of the connexion between the energy of electrical waves or oflight introduced into a system and chemical energy, heat energy, mechanical energy, &c, of the same.19035208226Thermodynamics1
832Wilderman M.On the connexion between freezing points, and solubities.19035405419Thermodynamics0,50,5
833Harker J.A.A direct-reading potentiometer for thermoelectric work.190364146Thermoelectricity1
834Lehfeldt R.A.A potentiometer for thermocouple measurements.19035668671Thermoelectricity1
835Richardson O.W.On the positive ionization produced by hot platinum in air at low pressures.190368096Thermoionic Effect1
836Wilson H.A.The ionization produced by hot platinum in air.19036267268Thermoionic Effect1
837Callendar H.L.On the thermodinamical correction of the gas-thermometer.190354895Thermometry1
838KelvinAnimal thermostat.19035198202Thermometry1
839Wood R.W.On screens transparent only to ultra-violet light, and their use in spectrum photography.19035257263Ultraviolet Light1
840Milner S.RNote on a new form of vacuum stopcock.190367880Various Topics1
841Parks G.J.On the thickness of the liquid film formed by condensation at the surface of a solid.19035517523Various Topics1
842Barkla C.G.Secondary radiation from gases subject to x-rays.19035685698X-Rays1
843Porter T.C.On a method of mechanically reinforcing sounds.19047283288Acoustics1
844RayleighOn the open organ-pipe problem in two dimensions.19048481487Acoustics1
845Langley S.P.On a possible variation of the solar radiation, and its probable effect on terrestrial temperatures.190487891Astrophysics1
846KelvinPlan of a combination of atoms to have the properties of polonium orradium.19048528534Atomic Physics1
847Nagaoka H.Kinetics of a system of particles illustrating the line and the bandspectrum and the phenomena of radioactivity.19047445455Atomic Physics1
848Schott G.A.On the kinetics of a system of particles illustrating the line and band spectrum.19048384387Atomic Physics1
849Sutherland W.Dielectric capacity of atoms.19047402405Atomic Physics1
850Thomson J.J.On the structure of the atom: an investigation of the stability and periods of oscillation of a number of corpuscles arranged at equal intervals around the circumference of a circle; with application of the results to the theory of atomic structure.19047237265Atomic Physics1
851Townsend J.S., Hurst H.E.The genesis of ions by the motion of positive ions, and a theory of the sparking potential.19048738752Atomic Physics1
852Larmor J.On the intensity of the natural radiation from moving bodies and itsmechanical reaction.19047578586Black Body1
853Leininger F.On the relation of the electric charges transported by cathode and canal rays to the exciting current.19047180199Cathod Rays1
854Everett J.D.On normal piling, as connected with Osborne Reynolds's theory of theuniverse.190483037Cosmology1
855Vonwiller O.U.A contribution to the study of the dielectric constant of water at low temperatures.19047655662Dielectrics1
856Richardson O.W.The solubility and diffusion in solution of dissociated gases.19047266274Diffusion Processes1
857Richardson O.W., Nicol J., Parnell T.The diffusion of hydrogen through hot platinum.19048129Diffusion Processes1
858Beilby G.T.The hard and soft states in metals.19048258276Elasticity1
859Garret C.A.B.On the lateral vibration of bars.19048581589Elasticity0,50,5
860Trouton F.T., Rankine A.O.On the stretching and torsion of lead wire beyond the elastic limit.19048538556Elasticity1
861Appleyard R.The conductometer.19047281282Electrical Conduction1
862Garret A.E., Willows R.S.Chemical dissociation and electrical conductivity.19048437454Electrical Conduction1
863Hosking R.The electrical conductivity and fluidity of solutions.19047469484Electrical Conduction1
864Schuster A.On the number of electrons conveying the conduction currents in metals.19047151157Electrical Conduction1
865Trowbridge J., Rollins W.Radium and the electron theory.19048410413Electrical Conduction1
866Duddell W.Instruments for the measurement of large and small alternating currents.1904891104Electricity1
867Fleming J.A.On a hot-wire ammeter for the measurement of very small alternating currents.19047595604Electricity1
868KelvinOn electric insulation in19048534538Electricity1
869Threlfall R.On a new form of sensitive hot-wire voltmeter.19047371376Electricity1
870Weintraub E.Investigation of the arc in metallic vapours in an exhausted space.1904795124Electricity1
871Traube J.Theory of solutions.19048158165Electrolysis1
872Bowlker T.J.On the lengthening of the spark from an induction-coil by the aid ofauxiliary wires.19048487497Electromagnetism1
873Chant C.A.The variation of Potential along the trasmitting antenna in wirelesstelegraphy.19047124140Electromagnetism1
874Fleming J.A.A model illustrating the propagation of a periodic electric current in a telephone cable, and the simple theory of its operation.19048221230Electromagnetism1
875Fleming J.A.The propagation of electric waves along spiral wires , and on an appliance for measuring the length of waves used in wireless telegraphy.19048417437Electromagnetism1
876Fleming J.A.Note on the measurement of small inductances and capacities, and on a standard of small inductance.19047586595Electromagnetism1
877MacDonald H.M.On the electrical vibrations associated with thin terminated conducting rods.19048276278Electromagnetism1
878McF.Orr W.Note on the radiation from an alternating circular electric current.19047336341Electromagnetism1
879Pollock J.A.A comparison of the periods of the electrical vibrations associated with simple circuits, with an appendix by J. C. Close.19047635655Electromagnetism1
880RayleighOn the electrical vibrations associated with terminated conducting rods.19048105107Electromagnetism1
881Shaw P.E., Garrett C. A. B.On coherence and recoherence.19048165174Electromagnetism1
882Sutherland W.The Crémieu-Pender discovery.19047405407Electromagnetism1
883Thomson J.J.On momentum in the electric field.19048331356Electromagnetism1
884Brace D.B.On double refraction in matter moving through the ether.19047317329Ether1
885Larmor J.On the ascertained absence of effects of motion through the ether, in relation to the constitution of matter, and on the FitzGerald-Lorentz hypotesis.19047621625Ether1
886Michelson A.A.Relative motion of earth and ether.19048716719Ether1
887Skinner S.On the occurence of cavitation in lubrication.19047329335Fluids1
888Smoluchowski de Smolan M.On the principles of aerodynamics and their application, by the method of dinamical similarity, to some special problems.19047667681Fluids1
889Trouton F.T., Andrew E.S.On the viscosity of pitch-like substances.19047347355Fluids1
890Zahm A. F.Atmospheric friction on even surfaces. With a note by lord Rayleigh.190485867Fluids1
891Aichi K., Tanakadate T.Theory of the rainbow due to a circular source of light.19048598610Geophysics1
892Johnstone Stoney G.Escape of gases from atmospheres.19047690700Geophysics1
893Sutherland W.The electric origin of gravitation and terrestrial magnetism.19048685692Geophysics1
894Burrard S.G.On deflexions of the plumb-line in India.19047292294Gravitation1
895Fisher O.On deflexion of the plump-line in India.190471425Gravitation1
896McClung R.K.Reply to Mr. G. W. Walker paper on the19048211215Ionization1
897Strutt R.J.Conduction of electricity through high vacua, under the influence of radioactive substances.19048157158Ionization1
898Townsend J.S.The charges on ions.19047276281Ionization1
899Walker G.W.On the rate of recombination of ions in gases.19048206211Ionization1
900Walker G.W.On saturation currents in ionization.190486506596Ionization0,50,5
901Wilson C.T.R.The condensation method of demonstrating the ionization of air undernormal conditions.19047681690Ionization1
902Allan G.E.On the magnetism of basalt and the magnetic behaviour of basaltic bars when heated in air.190474561Magnetic Properties1
903Chree C.The bending of magnetometer deflexion-bars.190473945Magnetic Properties1
904Harrison E.P.On the variationon with temperature of the magnetic permeability of nickel and iron.19048179205Magnetic Properties1
905Laws S.C.The magnetic susceptibility of alloys of bismuth and tin.190484957Magnetic Properties1
906Thornton W.M.The magnetization of iron in bulk.19048620635Magnetic Properties1
907Anderson A.On the force on a magnetic particle in a magnetic field.190483842Magnetism1
908Chree C.The law of action between magnets and its bearing on the determination of the horizontal component of the Earth magnetic force with unifilar magnetometers.19048113145Magnetism1
909Watson W.A quartz-thread vertical force magnetograph.19047393399Magnetism1
910Walker G.W.On stresses in a magneto-static field.19047399402Magneto-Elastic Effects1
911Cotter J.R.An instrument for drawing conics.19047274276Mathematics1
912Everett J.D.Note on Borgnet's method of dividing an angle in an arbitrary ratio.190477577Mathematics1
913Jourdain P.E.B.On the transfinite cardinal numbers of number-classes in general.19047294303Mathematics1
914Jourdain P.E.B.On the Transfinite cardinal numbers of well-ordered aggregates.190476175Mathematics1
915Pearson K.On the novel instrument for Drawing parabolas.19047200201Mathematics1
916Chree C.The whirling and transverse vibrations of rotating shafts.19047504542Mechanics1
917Lees C.H.Simple graphical method of treating the impact of smooth elastic spheres.19048215218Mechanics1
918Morton W.B., Vinycomb T.B.On the vibrations of strings excited by plucking and by resonance.19048573581Mechanics0,50,5
919Bennet W.Notes on non-homocentric pencils, and the shadows produced by them. An elementary treatment of the standard astigmatic pencil.19047700715Optics1
920Porter A.W.On the diffraction images formed by a plane diffraction-grating.19048174178Optics1
921Wood R.W.The achromatization of approximately monochromatic interference fringes by highly dispersive medium, and the consequent increase in the allowable path-difference.19048324331Optics1
922Wood R.W.Some new case of interference and diffraction.19047376388Optics1
923Pfund A.H.A study of selenium cell.190472639Photoconductivity1
924Simmance & AbadyThe Simmance-Abady19047341346Photometry1
925Allan S.J.Radioactivity of the atmosphere.19047140150Radioactivity1
926Bragg W.H.On the absorption of alfa rays, and on the classification of the alfa rays from radium.19048719725Radioactivity1
927Bragg W.H., Kleeman R.On the ionization curves of radium.19048726738Radioactivity1
928Brooks H.The decay of the excited radioactivity from thorium,radium,and actinium.19048373384Radioactivity1
929Burton E.F.A radioactive gas from crude petroleum.19048498508Radioactivity1
930Eve A.S.On the secondary radiation caused by the beta and gamma rays of radium.19048669685Radioactivity1
931Eve A.S.A comparison of the ionization produced in gases by penetrating Rontgen and radium rays.19048610618Radioactivity1
932Joly J.On the motion of radium in the electric field.19047303307Radioactivity1
933KelvinContribution by Lord Kelvin to the discussion on the nature of the emanations from radium which was opened by prof. E. Rutheford at themeeting of the British association last September.19047220222Radioactivity1
934Le Rossignol C., Gimingham C.T.The rate of decay of thorium emanation.19048107110Radioactivity1
935McClelland J.A.The comparison of capacities in electrical work; an application of radioactive substances.19047362371Radioactivity1
936McClelland J.A.The penetrating radium rays.190486777Radioactivity1
937McClelland J.A.On the emanation given off by radium.19047355362Radioactivity1
938Rutherford E.Slow transformation products of radium.19048636650Radioactivity0,50,5
939Rutherford E., Barnes H.T.Heating effect of the radium emanation.19047202219Radioactivity1
940Skinner S.The photographic action of radium rays.19047288292Radioactivity1
941Strutt R.J.Notes on radioactivity of various materials.19048618619Radioactivity1
942Haselfoot C.E., Kirbly P.J.The electrical effects produced by the explosion of hydrogen and oxygen.19048471481Rarified Gases1
943Holborn L., Austin L.W.Cathode disintegration in the discharge through gases at low pressures.19048145157Rarified Gases1
944Jaffe' G.On the conductivity of gases contained in small vessels.19048556567Rarified Gases1
945Kirkby P.J.The effect of the passage of electricity through a mixture of oxygenand hydrogen at low pressures.19047223232Rarified Gases1
946Richardson O.W.The effect of a luminous discharge on the ionization produced by hotplatinum in gases at low pressures.19048400410Rarified Gases1
947Hagen E., Rubens H.On some relations between the optical and the electrical qualities of metals.19047157179Solid State1
948Harrison E.P.On the temperature-variation of the coefficient of expansion of purenickel.19047626634Solid State1
949Holborn L., Austin L.W.Disintegration of the platinum metals in different gases.19047388393Solid State1
950Sutherland W.The electric origin of rigidity and consequences.19047417444Solid State1
951Barnes J.On the analysis of bright spectrum lines.19047485503Spectroscopy1
952Houstoun R.A.Some spectroscopic notes.19047456467Spectroscopy1
953Kayser H.New standards of optical wave-length.19048568571Spectroscopy1
954Marshall Watts W.On the atomic weight of radium, and on relationshipe between the atomic weights of the elements and their spectra.19048279284Spectroscopy1
955Schuster A.A simple explanation of Talbot's band.1904718Spectroscopy1
956Wood R.W.A quantitative determination of the anomalous dispersion of sodium vapour in the visible and ultra-violet regions.19048293324Spectroscopy1
957Burbury S.H., J.H. JeansThe kinetic theory of gases.19047467469Statistical Physics1
958Jeans J.H.The determination of the size of molecules from the kinetic theory of gases.19048692699Statistical Physics1
959Jeans J.H.The persistence of molecular velocities in the kinetic theory of gases.19048700703Statistical Physics1
960Bumstead H.A.On the variation of entropy as treated by Prof. Willard Gibbs.19047814Thermodynamics1
961Burbury S.H.On the theory of diminishing entropy.190484349Thermodynamics1
962McF.Orr W.On Clausius' theorem for irreversible cycles, and on the increase ofentropy.19048509527Thermodynamics1
963Morley E.W.On the vapour-pressure of mercury at ordinary temperatures.19047662667Thermodynamics1
964Laws S.C.The Thomson effect in alloys of bismuth and tin.19047560578Thermoelectricity1
965Owen G.On the discharge of electricity from a Nernst filament.19048230258Thermoionic Effect1
966Darwin H.An electric thermostat.19047408414Thermometry1
967Michell A.G.M.The limits of economy of material in frame-structures.19048589597Various Topics1
968Phillips C.E.S.A new automatic gas-pump.19048218220Various Topics1
969Taudin Chabot J.J.A compact arrangement for reading off deflexions (of galvanometers, &c) with the possibility of increasing the sensitiveness without increase of space or loss of light.19048111112Various Topics1
970Traube I.A contribution to the theories on osmosis, solubility, and narcosis.19048704715Various Topics1
971Skinner C.A.The relation of electrode fall in gases to the contact potential series.19048387400Volta Effect1
972KelvinOn the front and rear of a free procession of waves in deep water.19048454470Waves1
973KelvinOn deep-water two-dimensional waves produced by any given initiatingdisturbance.19047609620Waves1
974Barkla C.G.Energy of secondary Rontgen radiation.19047543560X-Rays1
975McClung R.K.The relative amount of ionization produced in gases by Rontgen rays of different types.19048357373X-Rays1
976McClung R.K.The effect of temperature on the ionization produced in gases by theaction of Rontgen rays.190478195X-Rays1
977Barton E.H., Garrett C.A.B.Vibration curves simultaneouly obtained from a monochord sound box and string.190510149157Acoustics1
978Traube J.On the space occupied by atoms: the theories of th. W.Richards and J. Traube.190510340352Atomic Physics1
979Larmor J.On the constitution of natural radiation.190510574584Black Body1
980Harker J.A.The specific heat of iron at high temperatures.190510430438Calorimetry1
981Hehl N.On the dimensions of the cathode images.19059614617Cathod Rays1
982Boltwood B. B.The origin of radium.19059599613Chemistry1
983Hilton H.On crystallographic projections.190598588Cristallography1
984Appleyard R.Contact with dielectrics.190510485497Dielectrics1
985More L.T.On dielectric strain along the lines of force.190510676695Dielectrics1
986Adeney W.E.Unrecognized factors in the transmission of gases through water.19059360369Diffusion Processes1
987Sutherland W.A dynamical theory of diffusion for non-electrolytes and the molecular mass of albumin.19059781785Diffusion Processes1
988Bell C.A.Determination of Young's modulus (adiabatic) for glass.19059413424Elasticity1
989Bjerknes V.On Maxwell's stress theory.19059491494Elasticity1
990Chree C.On the lateral vibration of bars.19059134136Elasticity1
991Havelock T.H.On surfaces of discontinuity in a rotationally elastic medium.190510603613Elasticity1
992Lees C.H.On the depression due to a load at the centre of an elastic chain tightly stretched between two points in the same horizontal plane.19059811816Elasticity1
993Lees C.H., Grime R.E.On a compact apparatus for determining Young's modulus for thin wires.19059258264Elasticity0,50,5
994Morrow J.On the lateral vibration of bars of uniform and varying sectional area.190510113125Elasticity1
995Phillips P.The slow strech in indiarubber, glass, and metal wires when subjected to a constant pull.19059513531Elasticity1
996Price W.A.The electrical resistance of a conductor the measure of the current passing.190510352363Electrical Conduction1
997Hobbs G.M.The relation between P.D. and spark-length for small values of the latter.190510617631Electricity1
998Kinsley C.Short spark-discharges.19059692708Electricity1
999Wehnelt A.On the discharge of negative ions by glowing metallic oxides, and allied phenomena.1905108090Electricity1
1000Willows R.S., Peck J.Action of radium on the electric spark.19059378384Electricity1
1001Worthington A.M.A fundamental experiment in electricity.190510380383Electricity1
1002Jones H.C.Theory of electrolytic dissociation.(A correction)190510157159Electrolysis1
1003Kahlenberg L.Recent investigations bearing on the theory of electrolytic dissociation.19059214229Electrolysis1
1004Kahlenberg L.The theory of electrolytic dissociation.190510662664Electrolysis1
1005Milner S.ROn polarization at a metallic anode.19059645668Electrolysis1
1006Sand H.J.S.The measurement of the potential of the electrodes in stationary liquids.The determination of changes of concentration at the cathode during electrolysis.190592041Electrolysis1
1007Burbury S.H.On the theory of electric inertia.19059243250Electromagnetism1
1008Clinton W. C.Note on the voltage ratios of an inverted rotary converter.190510160163Electromagnetism0,50,5
1009Duddell W.A high-frequency alternator.19059299309Electromagnetism1
1010Fleming J.A.The application of the cymometer in the determination of the coefficient of coupling of oscillation transformers.19059758767Electromagnetism1
1011Hargreaves R.Radiation and electromagnetic theory. II- Eolotropic potential19059425466Electromagnetism1
1012Hargreaves R.Radiation and electromagnetic theory.19059313350Electromagnetism1
1013Henderson E.Alternators in parallel.19059309313Electromagnetism1
1014Nicholson J.W.On electrical vibrations between confocal elliptic cylinders, with special reference to short waves.190510225236Electromagnetism1
1015Poynting J.H.Note on the tangential stress due to light incident obliquely on an absorbing surface.19059169171Electromagnetism1
1016Poynting J.H.Radiation pressure.19059393406Electromagnetism1
1017Sumpner W.E.The measurement of small differences of phase.19059155166Electromagnetism1
1018Brace D.B.The ether190510383396Ether1
1019Brace D.B.The negative results of second and third order tests of the ether drift and possible first order methods1905107180Ether1
1020Brace D.B.A repetition of Fizeau's experiment on the change produced by the earth motion on the rotation of a refracted ray.190510591599Ether1
1021Jeans J.H.On the partition of energy between matter and ether.1905109198Ether1
1022KelvinOn the statistical kinetic equilibrium of ether in ponderable matter, at any temperature.190510285290Ether1
1023Barlow P.S.Osmotic experiments on mixtures of alcohol and water.190510112Fluids1
1024Buchanan J., Malcolm H. W.Experiments with rotating viscous liquids.19059251257Fluids1
1025Duff A.W.Poiseuille's law at very low rates of shear.19059685692Fluids1
1026Lattey R.T.On the mutual solubilities of diethylamine and water.190510397399Fluids1
1027Stanford R.V.A new form of pyknometer.190510269270Fluids1
1028Wood R.W.The fluorescence of sodium vapour and the resonance radiation of electrons.190510513525Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
1029Williams W.E.On the magnetic change of resistance in iron,nickel,and nickel-steelat various temperatures.190597785Galvanomagnetic Effects1
1030Chree C.On the stresses in the earth crust before and after the sinking of a bore-hole.19059785802Geophysics1
1031Chree C.Deductions from magnetic disturbances at Greenwich.190510306317Geophysics1
1032Cook S.R.Escape of gases from atmospheres.19059508510Geophysics1
1033Honda K.A portable aero-mercurial tide-gauge.190510253259Geophysics1
1034Johnstone Stoney G.Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney's reply.19059510513Geophysics1
1035Sebelien J.The distribution of the actinic sunlight on the northern hemisphere at summer solstice.19059351360Geophysics1
1036Stevenson J.The chemical and geological history of the atmosphere.1905988102Geophysics1
1037Richardson O.W.The structure of ions formed in gases at high pressures.190510177179Ionization1
1038Richardson O.W.The rate of recombination of ions in gases.190510242253Ionization1
1039Wilson H.A.The electrical conductivity of flames.190510476485Ionization1
1040Honda K., Shimizu S.On the magnetization and the magnetic change of length in ferromagnetic metals and alloys at temperatures ranging from -186° C to +1200° C.190510548574Magnetic Properties1
1041Honda K., Shimizu S.On the magnetization and the magnetic change of length in ferromagnetic metals and alloys at temperatures ranging from -186° C to +1200° C.190510642661Magnetic Properties1
1042Lyle T.R.Investigation of the variations of magnetic hysteresis with frequency.19059102124Magnetic Properties1
1043Wood R.W.Anomalous dispersion of the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarization.19059725727Magneto-Optical Effects1
1044Wood R.W.The magneto-optics of sodium vapour and the rotatory dispersion formula.190510408427Magneto-Optical Effects1
1045Harward A.E.On the transfinite numbers.190510439460Mathematics1
1046Jourdain P.E.B.On transfinite cardinal numbers of the exponential form.190594256Mathematics1
1047Nicholson J.W.On the application of Legendre's function to the theory of the Jacobian elliptic integrals.19059264284Mathematics1
1048Bennet G.T.Parallel motion of Sarrut and some allied mechanisms.19059803810Mechanics1
1049Lanchester F.W.The pendulum accelerometer, an instrument for the direct measurementand recording of acceleration.190510260268Mechanics1
1050Sharpe J.W.The boomerang.1905106067Mechanics1
1051Watson W.The determination of the moment of inertia of the magnets used for measurement of the horizontal component of the earth's field.190510130148Mechanics1
1052Drysdale C.V.On the curvature method of treaching optics.19059467491Optics1
1053Houstoun R.A.The effect of a surface-film in total reflexion.1905101224Optics1
1054Houstoun R.A.Total reflexion at the second surface of a thin plane parallel plate.1905102433Optics1
1055Johnstone Stoney G.On an optical paradox.190510126129Optics1
1056Michelson A.A.A reciprocal relation in diffraction.19059506507Optics1
1057RayleighAn optical paradox.19059779781Optics1
1058Sowter R.J.On ellipsoidal lenses.190510180183Optics1
1059Thomson J.J.On the emission of negative corpuscles by the alkali metals.190510584590Photoelectric Effect1
1060Dyke G.B.On the practical determination of the mean spherical candle-power of incandescence and arc lamps.19059136147Photometry1
1061Dyke G.B.On the flux of light from the electric arc with varying power-supply.190510216225Photometry1
1062Fleming J.A.On the ratio between the mean spherical and the mean horizontal candle-power of incandescent electric lamps.190510208216Photometry1
1063Blanc G.A.On radioactivity of mineral springs.19059148154Radioactivity1
1064Bragg W.H.On the alfa particles of radium.190510600602Radioactivity1
1065Bragg W.H., Kleeman R.On the alfa particles of radium, and their loss of range in passing through various atoms and molecules.190510318340Radioactivity1
1066Campbell N.R.On radioactivity and chemical change.19059545549Radioactivity1
1067Campbell N.R.The radiation from ordinary materials.19059531544Radioactivity1
1068Denning A. D.A simple method of determining the radiation constant: suitable for a laboratory experiment.190510270278Radioactivity1
1069Eve A.S.The properties of radium in minute quantities; with a note by Prof. Rutheford.19059708712Radioactivity1
1070Eve A.S.On the radioactive matter present in the atmosphere.19051098112Radioactivity1
1071Godlewski T.Some radioactive properties of uranium.1905104560Radioactivity1
1072Godlewski T.Absorption of the beta and gamma rays of actinium.190510375379Radioactivity1
1073Godlewski T.Actinium and its successive products.1905103545Radioactivity1
1074Jackson W.H.Note on a paper by W.Makower entitled On the method of transmission of the excited activity of radium to the chatod.190510532537Radioactivity1
1075KelvinPlan of an atom to be capable of storing an electrion with enormous energy for radio-activity.190510695698Radioactivity1
1076Mackenzie A.S.The deflexion of alfa rays from radium and polonium.190510538548Radioactivity1
1077Makower W.On the method of transmission of the excited activity of radium to the cathode.190510526532Radioactivity1
1078Makower W.The molecular weights of radium and thorium emanations.190595677Radioactivity1
1079McClelland J.A.On secondary radiation.19059230243Radioactivity1
1080Rudge W.A.D.The properties of radium in minute quantities.190510183183Radioactivity1
1081Rutherford E.Charge carried by the alfa and beta rays radium.190510193208Radioactivity1
1082Rutherford E.Slow transformation products of radium.190510290306Radioactivity1
1083Rutherford E.Some properties of the alfa rays from radium.190510163176Radioactivity1
1084Rutherford E., Barnes H.T.Heating effect of the gamma rays from radium.19059621628Radioactivity1
1085Sister J.M.W.On the emission of negative electricity by radium and thorium emanations.190510460466Radioactivity1
1086Slater J. M.W. MissOn the excited activity of thorium.19059628644Radioactivity1
1087Soddy F.The production of radium from uranium.19059768779Radioactivity1
1088Wood A.Spontaneous ioniziation of air in closed vessels and its causes.19059550576Radioactivity1
1089Wood R.W.The scintillations produced by radium.190510427430Radioactivity1
1090Cunningham J.A.The cathode fall from hot carbon.19059193207Rarified Gases1
1091Kirkby P.J.The union of hydrogen and oxygen at low pressures through the passage of electricity.19059171185Rarified Gases1
1092Peck J.On the effect of a transverse magnetic field on the discharge through a vacuum-tube.1905106770Rarified Gases1
1093Robb A.A.On the conduction of electricity through gases between parallel plates.190510237242Rarified Gases1
1094Robb A.A.On the conduction of electricity through gases between parallel plates.190510664676Rarified Gases1
1095Townsend J.S.A theory of the variation of the potential required to maintain a current in a gas.19059289299Rarified Gases0,50,5
1096Willows R.S.Action of a magnetic field on the discharge through a gas.19059370378Rarified Gases1
1097Morley E.W., Miller D.C.On the theory of experiments to detect aberrations of the second degree.19059669680Relativity1
1098Morley E.W., Miller D.C.Report of an experiment to detect the FitzGerald-Lorentz effect.19059680685Relativity1
1099RayleighThe origin of the prismatic colours.190510401407Spectroscopy1
1100Burbury S.H.Lord Rayleigh on the virial equation.1905103335Statistical Physics1
1101RayleighOn the pressure of gases and the equation of virial.19059494505Statistical Physics1
1102RayleighOn the momentum and pressure of gaseous vibrations, and on the connexion with the virial theorem.190510364374Statistical Physics1
1103Searle G.F.C.A method of determining the thermal conductivity of copper.19059125129Thermal Conduction1
1104Buckingham E.On certain difficulties which are encountered in the study of thermodynamics.19059208214Thermodynamics1
1105Kirkby P.J.The union of hydrogen with oxygen at low pressures caused by the heating of platinum.190510467476Thermodynamics1
1106McF.Orr W.On Clausius' theorem for irreversible cycles, and on the increase ofentropy.19059728730Thermodynamics1
1107Planck M.On Clausius' theorem for irreversible cycles and on the increase of entropy.19059167168Thermodynamics1
1108Campbell A.On direct reading resistance-thermometers, with a note on composite thermocouples.19059713722Thermoelectricity1
1109Schmitz H.E.The thermoelectric circuit of three metals.190510631642Thermoelectricity1
1110Richardson O.W.The discharge of electricity from hot platinum in phosphorus vapour.19059407413Thermoionic Effect1
1111Young S.On the boiling-points of homologous compounds.19059119Thermometry1
1112Blythswood , Allen H. S.Dewar's method of producing high vacua.190510497512Various Topics1
1113Morrow J., Watkin E.L.An interference apparatus for the calibration of extensometers.19059129134Various Topics1
1114Taudin Chabot J.J.Simple diagram connecting the various motions in the so-called Bohnenberger's machine.19059722724Various Topics1
1115Johnstone Stoney G.Flat-wavelet resolution.19059577598Waves1
1116KelvinDeep water ship-waves.19059733757Waves1
1117Nicholson J.W.On the diffraction of short waves by a rigid sphere.190611193205Acoustics1
1118Tolver Preston S.On certain questions connected with Astronomical physics.190612570576Astronomy1
1119Jeans J.H.On the constitution of the atom.190611604607Atomic Physics1
1120RayleighOn electrical vibrations and the constitution of the atom.190611117123Atomic Physics1
1121RayleighNote to190611292292Atomic Physics1
1122Schott G.A.A kinematical explanation of groups of spectrum lines with constant frequency-difference.190612579580Atomic Physics1
1123Schott G.A.On the electron theory of matter and the explanation of fine spectrum lines of gravitation.1906122129Atomic Physics1
1124Thomson J.J.On the number of corpuscles in an atom.190611769781Atomic Physics1
1125Jeans J.H.Thermodynamical theory of radiation.1906125760Black Body1
1126RayleighOn the constitution of natural radiation.190611123127Black Body1
1127Tuckerman L.B.Remarkes on Prof. Jeans' article190612498498Black Body1
1128More L.T.The dielectric strain along the lines of force.190612268268Dielectrics1
1129Russel A.The dielectric strength of air.190627237276Dielectrics1
1130Veley V.H.A modified form of apparatus for the determination of the dielectricconstants of non-conducting liquids.1906117381Dielectrics1
1131Wullner A., Wien M.The dielectric strain along the lines of force.190611607609Dielectrics1
1132Barton E.H., Penzer J.Simultaneous vibration-curves of string and air photographically obtained from a monochord.190612576578Elasticity1
1133Hancock E.L.The effect of combined stesses on the elastic properties of iron andsteel.190612418425Elasticity1
1134Hancock E.L.A preliminary report on the effect of combined stresses on the elastic properties of steel.190611276282Elasticity1
1135Hancock E.L.Tests of metals in reverse torsion.190612426430Elasticity1
1136Hawthorne W., Morton W.B.Note on deflexions caused by a break in an overhead wire carried on poles.190611632639Elasticity0,50,5
1137Hawthorne W., Morton W.B.Supplementary note on the deflexions caused by a break in an overhead wire carried on poles.190612200202Elasticity1
1138Morley A., Tomlinson G.A.Tensile overstrain and recovery of aluminium, copper, and aluminium bronze.190611380392Elasticity1
1139Morrow J.On the lateral vibration of bars subjected to forces in the direction of their axes.190612233243Elasticity1
1140Morrow J.On the lateral vibrations of loaded and unloaded bars.190611354374Elasticity1
1141Rankine A.OOn the decay of torsional stress in solutions of gelatine.190611447455Elasticity1
1142Scoble W.A.The strength and behaviour of ductile materials under combined stress.190612533547Elasticity1
1143Shorter S.A.On the surface elasticity of saponine solutions.190611317328Elasticity0,50,5
1144Horton F.The electrical conductivity of metallic oxides.190611505531Electrical Conduction1
1145Willows R.S.Electrical resistance of alloys.190612604609Electrical Conduction1
1146Campbell Swinton A.A.An experiment with the electric arc.190611829831Electricity1
1147Fleming J.A.The construction and use of oscillation valves for rectifying high-frequency electric currents.190611659665Electricity1
1148Hurst H.E.Genesis of ions by collision and sparking potentials in carbon dioxide and nitrogen.190611535552Electricity1
1149Owen D.The comparison of electric fields by means of an oscillating electric needle.190611402414Electricity0,50,5
1150Russel A.The dead points of a galvanometer needle for transient currents.190612202210Electricity1
1151Shaw P.E.The disruptive voltage of thin liquid films between iridio-platinum electrodes.190612317328Electricity1
1152Sumpner W.E.The theory of phasemeters.19061181107Electricity1
1153Townsend J.S.The field of force in a discharge between parallel plates.190611729745Electricity1
1154Trouton F.T., Searle C.Leakage currents in the moisture condensed on glass surfaces.190612336347Electricity1
1155Wilson H.A.The theory of190612269272Electricity1
1156Barton E.H.On the properties of electrically prepared colloidal solutions.190611425447Electrolysis1
1157Blackman P.Atomic conductivities of the ions.190612150152Electrolysis1
1158Blackman P.Quantitative relation between molecular conductivities.190611416418Electrolysis1
1159Burton E.F.The action of electrolytes on colloidal solutions.190612472478Electrolysis1
1160Gundry P.G.On the asymmetrical action of an alternating current on a polarizable electrode.190611330353Electrolysis1
1161Dyke G.BOn the use of the cymometer for the determination of resonance-curves.190611665678Electromagnetism1
1162Fleming J.A.On the electric radiation from bent antenne.190612588604Electromagnetism0,50,5
1163Leathem J.G.A semplification of the mathematical discussion of the effect of a long straight wire on electric waves.1906124657Electromagnetism1
1164Milner S.R.The use of the secohmmeter for the measurement of combined resistances and capacities.190612297317Electromagnetism0,50,5
1165Nicholson J.W.The symmetrical vibrations of conducting surfaces of revolution.190611703721Electromagnetism1
1166RayleighOn the experimental determination of the ratio of the electrical units.19061297108Electromagnetism1
1167Bakker G.On the theory of surface forces.190612557569Fluids1
1168Porter A.W.On the inversion-points for a fluid passing through a porous plug and their use in testing proposed equations of state.190611554568Fluids1
1169Wood R.W.Fluorescence and Lambert's law.190611782788Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
1170Stevenson J.The chemical and geological history of the atmosphere.190611226237Geophysics1
1171Lehfeldt R.A.Acceleration of gravity at Johannesburg.190612479481Gravitation1
1172Bragg W.H., Kleeman R.D.On the recombination of ions in air and other gases.190611466484Ionization1
1173Kleeman R.D.On the recombination of ions made by alfa,beta,gamma,and X-rays.190612273297Ionization1
1174Wilson H.A.The velocities of the ions of alkali salt vapours at high temperatures.190611790793Ionization1
1175Wilson H.A., Gold E.On the electrical conductivity of flames containing salt vapours forrapidly alternating currents.190611484505Ionization1
1176Campbell A.On the use of chilled cast iron for permanent magnets.190612468472Magnetic Properties1
1177Eccles W.H.The effect of electrical oscillations on iron in a magnetic field.190612109119Magnetic Properties1
1178Lyle T.R., Baldwin J.M.Experiments on the propagation of longitudinal waves of magnetic flux along iron wiresand rods.190612433468Magnetic Properties1
1179Hargreaves R.Ellipsoidal harmonics, eolotropic and isotropic.1906123646Mathematical Physics
1180Hargreaves R.Some Ellipsoidal potentials, eolotropic and isotropic.190611568586Mathematical Physics1
1181Lyle T.ROn an expeditions practical method of harmonic analysis.1906112541Mathematics1
1182Perry J.Winding ropes in mines.190611107117Mechanics1
1183RayleighOn the production of vibrations by forces of relatively long duration, with application to the theory of collisions.190611283291Mechanics1
1184RayleighOn an instrument for compounding vibrations, with application to thedrawing of curves such as might represent white light.190611127130Mechanics1
1185Sutherland W.The molecular constitution of aqueosus solutions.190612120Molecular Structure0,50,5
1186Anderson A.Note on the focometry of concave lenses and convex mirrors.190611789789Optics1
1187Davies H.On the solution of problems in diffraction by the aid of contour integration.1906126367Optics1
1188Johonnott E.SBlack spot in thin liquid films.190611746753Optics1
1189Malcolm H.W.Double refraction in colloids produced by electric endosmose.190612548556Optics1
1190Porter A.B.Diffraction theory of microscopic vision.190611154166Optics1
1191Raman C.V.Unsymmetrical diffraction-bands due to a rectangular aperture.190612494498Optics1
1192RayleighOn the interference-rings, described by Haidinger, observable by means of plates whose surfaces are absolutely parallel.190612489493Optics1
1193Smith G.F.H.The general determination of the optical constants of a crystal by means of refraction through a prism.1906122936Optics1
1194Walker J.A note on Talbot's lines.190611531534Optics1
1195Wood R.W.Interference colours of chlorate of potash crystal, and a new method of isolating heat waves.1906126770Optics1
1196Wood R.W.The intensification of glass diffraction grating, and the diffraction process of colour photography.190612585588Optics1
1197Wood R.W.Abnormal polarization and colour of light scattered by small absorbing particles.190612147149Optics1
1198Wood R.W.Fish-eye views, and vision under water.190612159162Optics1
1199Ramsay W., Spencer J.F.Chemical and electrical changes induced by ultraviolet light.190612397418Photoelectric Effect1
1200Dow J.S.Colour phenomena in photometry.190612120134Photometry1
1201Becquerel H.On some properties of the alfa rays emitted by radium and by bodies rendered active by the radium emanations.190611722728Radioactivity1
1202Bonson H.L.On the periods of transformation of radium A,B,and C.1906127382Radioactivity1
1203Bragg W.H.On the ionization of various gases by the alfa particles of radium.190611617632Radioactivity1
1204Bragg W.H.The alfa particles of uranium and thorium.190611754768Radioactivity1
1205Bronson H.L.The effect of high temperatures on the rate of decay of the active deposit from radium.190611143153Radioactivity1
1206Bronson H.L.On the ionization produced by alfa rays.190611806812Radioactivity1
1207Campbell N.R.The radiation from ordinary materials.190611206226Radioactivity1
1208Crowther J.AOn the coefficient of absorption of the beta rays from uranium.190612379392Radioactivity1
1209Eve A.SAbsorption of the gamma rays of radioavtive substances.190611586595Radioactivity1
1210Eve A.S.On the radioactive matter in the earth and the atmosphere.190612189200Radioactivity1
1211Hahn O.The ionization ranges of the alfa rays of actinium.190612244254Radioactivity1
1212Hahn O.On some properties of the alfa rays from radiothorium.190611793805Radioactivity1
1213Hahn O.Properties of the alfa rays of radiothorium.1906128293Radioactivity1
1214Levin M.On the origin of the beta rays emitted by thorium and actinium.190612177188Radioactivity1
1215McClung R.K.The absorption of alfa rays.190611131142Radioactivity1
1216McCoy H. N.The relation between the radioactivity and the composition of uranium compounds.190611176186Radioactivity1
1217Moore R.B., Schlundt H.Some new methods for separating uranium X from uranium.190612393396Radioactivity1
1218Rutherford E.The mass and velocity of the alfa particles expelled from radium and actinium.190612348371Radioactivity1
1219Rutherford E.Retardation of the particle from radium in passing through matter.190612134146Radioactivity1
1220Rutherford E.Some properties of the alfa rays from radium.190611166176Radioactivity1
1221Rutherford E.Distribution of the intensity of the radiation from radioactive sources.190612152158Radioactivity1
1222Rutherford E.The retardation of the velocity of the alfa particles in passing through matter.190611553554Radioactivity1
1223Rutherford E., Hahn O.Mass of the alfa particles from thorium.190612371378Radioactivity1
1224Brown J.A.An investigation of the potential required to maintain a current between parallel plates in a gas at low pressures.190612210232Rarified Gases1
1225Campbell Swinton A.A.The effect of radium in facilitating the visible electric discharge in vacuo.1906127073Rarified Gases1
1226Skinner C.A.Comparative observations on the evolution of gas from the cathode in helium and argon.190612481488Rarified Gases1
1227Ewing J.A.The molecular structure of metals.190612254267Solid State1
1228Ingersoll L.R.On the Faraday and Kerr effects in the infra-red spectrum.1906114172Spectroscopy1
1229Marshall Watts W., Wilkinson H.M.On the190612581588Spectroscopy1
1230Morris-Airey H.On the resolving power of spectroscopes.190611414416Spectroscopy1
1231RayleighSome measurements of wave-lengths with a modified apparatus.190611685703Spectroscopy1
1232Wood R.W.The fluorescence, magnetic rotation, and temperature emission spectra of iodine vapour.190612329336Spectroscopy1
1233Wood R.W.The fluorescence and magnetic rotation spectra of sodium vapour, and their analysis.190612499524Spectroscopy1
1234Barbury S.H.The H Theorem and Professor J.H.Jeans's dynamical theory of gases.190611455465Thermodynamics1
1235Barlow P.S.The osmotic pressures of alcholic solutions.190611595604Thermodynamics1
1236Buckingham E.Elementary notes on thermodynamics; the plug experiment.190611678685Thermodynamics1
1237Inglis J.H.K.The isothermal distillation of nitrogen and oxygen and of argon and oxygen.190611640658Thermodynamics1
1238Jeans J.H.The H-theorem and the dynamical theory of gases.1906126062Thermodynamics1
1239Chattock A.P.On a non-leaking glass tap.190611379380Various Topics1
1240KelvinLetter from Mr. Barber Starkey describing remarkable results of a discharge of lightning upon an oak-tree.1906126263Various Topics1
1241Mond R.L., Wilderman MeyerA new improved type of chronograph.190611393402Various Topics1
1242Gwyther R.F.On the range of stokes deep-water waves.190611374378Waves1
1243KelvinDeep sea ship-waves.190611125Waves1
1244Barkla C.G.Secondary Rontgen radiation.190611812828X-Rays1
1245Bumstesd H.A.The heating effects produced by Rontgen rays in different metals, and their relation to the question of change in the atom.190611292317X-Rays1
1246Barton E.H.The lateral vibration of bars treated simply.190714578591Acoustics0,50,5
1247More L.T., Fry H.S.On the appreciation of difference of phase of sound-waves.190713452459Acoustics1
1248Nicholson J.W.The scattering of sound by spheroids and disks.190714364377Acoustics1
1249RayleighOn the relation of the sensitiveness of the ear to pitch, investigated by a new method.190714596604Acoustics1
1250RayleighAcoustical Notes.-VII.190713316333Acoustics1
1251RayleighOn our percepition of sound direction.190713214232Acoustics1
1252RayleighOn the passage of sound through narrow slits.190714153161Acoustics1
1253Tolver Preston S.On certain questions connected with astronomical physics.190714265272Astronomy1
1254Le Bas G.The unit-stere theory: the demonstration of a natural relation between the volumes of the atoms in compounds under corresponding conditions and that of combined hydrogen.190714324350Atomic Physics1
1255Richardson O.W.A theory of displacement of spectral lines produced by pressure.190714557578Atomic Physics1
1256Schott G.A.On the radiation from moving systems of electrons, and the spectrum of canal rays.190713657687Atomic Physics1
1257Jeans J.H.On the thermodynamical theory of radiation.190713285286Black Body1
1258Thomson J.J.On the electrical origin of the radiation from hot bodies.190714217231Black Body1
1259Dalton J.P.On the variation of specific heats with temperature and density.190713525535Calorimetry1
1260Dalton J.P.On the specific heat of saturated vapours.190713536542Calorimetry1
1261Thomson J.J.Rays of positive electricity.190714359364Canal Rays1
1262Thomson J.J.On rays of positive electricity.190713561575Canal Rays1
1263Thomson J.J.Rays of positive electricity.190714295297Canal Rays1
1264Wien W.On rays of positive electricity.190714212213Canal Rays1
1265Kleeman R.D.On the secondary cathode rays emitted by substances when exposed to the gamma rays.190714618644Cathod Rays1
1266Joly J.Pleochroic Halos.190713381383Cristallography1
1267Shaw P.E.On spark potentials in liquid dielectrics.190713277279Dielectrics1
1268Trouton F.T.The rate of recovery of residual charge in electric condenser.190713578588Dielectrics1
1269Hancock E.L.Recovery of nickel and carbon steel from overstrain.190713688693Elasticity1
1270Honda K., Terada T.On the change of elastic costants of ferromagnetic substances by magnetization.1907133683Elasticity1
1271Searle J.H.C.The effect of rotatory inertia on the vibrations of bars.1907143560Elasticity1
1272Larmor J.On the range of freedom of electrons in metals.190714312316Electrical Conduction1
1273Williams W.E.On the influence of stress on the electrical conductivity of Metals.190713635343Electrical Conduction1
1274Fleming J.A.Some observation on the Poulsen Arc as a means of obtaining continuous electrical oscillations.190714251265Electricity1
1275Melander G.On the production of statical electricity by the action of heat and light.190714450455Electricity1
1276Patterson W.H.The carbon cell.190713181186Electricity1
1277Searle G.F.C.The impulsive motion of electrified systems.190713118148Electricity1
1278Taylor Jones E.A short-period electrometer, and its use in determining the frequencies of slow electrical oscillations.190714238254Electricity1
1279Upson W.L.Observation on the electric arc.190714126144Electricity1
1280Young F.B.On the relation of the field at the point of an electrified needle to the mechanical force resulting.190713542551Electricity1
1281Garrett A.E.Electrical conductivity produced by heating salts.190713728747Electrolysis1
1282Hirsch R., Soddy F.A gas generated from aluminium electrodes.190714779784Electrolysis1
1283Holt A.The decomposition of water-vapour in contact with hot platinum wire.190713630635Electrolysis1
1284Bucherer A.H.The action of uniform electric and magnetic fields on moving electrons.190713721721Electromagnetism1
1285Campbell A.On the measurement of mutual inductance by the aid of a vibration galvanometer.190714494503Electromagnetism0,50,5
1286Cunningham E.On the electromagnetic mass of a moving electron.190714538547Electromagnetism1
1287De La Rive L.On the introduction of Doppler's factor into the solutions of the equations of the electron theory.190713279285Electromagnetism1
1288Fleming J.A.On magnetic oscillators as radiators in wireless telegraphy.190714677697Electromagnetism1
1289Lyle T.R.On transformer indicator diagrame.190713468480Electromagnetism1
1290Nicholson J.W.A general solution of the electromagnetic relations.190713259265Electromagnetism1
1291Russel A.The magnetic field and inductance coefficients of circular, cylindrical, and helical currents.190713420445Electromagnetism1
1292Schott G.A.On the electron theory of matter and on radiation.190713189213Electromagnetism1
1293Burton C.V.Notes on ether and electrons.190713693708Ether1
1294KelvinOn the motions of ether produced by collisions of atoms or molecules containing or not containing electrions.190714317324Ether1
1295Lodge O.The density of the ether.190713488506Ether0,50,5
1296Lodge O.Note on the ether and on the hypothetical magnetic flow.190713727727Ether1
1297Bakker G.On the theory of surface forces.II.190714509528Fluids1
1298Lowry T.M.Osmotic pressure from the stanpoint of the kinetic theory.190713552559Fluids1
1299Milner S.R.On surface concentration, and formation of liquid films.19071396110Fluids1
1300Owen G., Hughes A.L.Condensation nuclei produced by cooling gases to low temperatures.190714528538Fluids1
1301Prescott J.On convective equilibrium of the spherical mass of gas subject only to the mutual gravitation of its part.190713459467Fluids1
1302Raman C.V.The curvature method of determining the surface-tension of liquids.190714591596Fluids1
1303Vegard L.Contributions to the theory of solutions.190713589613Fluids1
1304De Kowalski J.Some applications of the theory of electrons to the theory of phosphorescence.190713622626Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
1305Kunz J.An abrupt limit of distance in the power of the positive rays to produce phosphorescence.190714614617Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
1306Chree C.Auroral and sun-spot frequencies contrasted.190713149164Geophysics1
1307Eve A.S.The ionization of the atmosphere over the ocean.190713248258Geophysics1
1308Lowell P.A general method for evaluating the surface-temperature of the planets; with special reference to the temperature of Mars.190714161176Geophysics1
1309Poynting J.H.On Prof. Lowell's method for evaluating the surface temperatures of the planets; with an attempt to represent the effect of day and night on the temperature of the earth.190714749760Geophysics1
1310Prescott J.On the figure of the Earth.190714482493Geophysics1
1311Allen S.J.A null instrument for measuring ionization.190714712723Ionization1
1312Bragg W.H.On the ionization of various gases by the alfa particles of radium.-No.2190713333357Ionization1
1313Bragg W.H., Cooke W.T.The ionization curve of methane.190714425427Ionization1
1314Campbell N.The effect of change of temperature on spontaneous ionization.190713614622Ionization1
1315Eve A.S.Ionization by spraying.190714382395Ionization1
1316Sutherland W.The ionization in solutions and two new types of viscosity190714135Ionization1
1317Wood A., Campbell N.R.Diurnal periodicity of the spontaneous ionization of air and other gases closed vessels.1907132650Ionization1
1318Baldwin J.M.The behaviour of iron under small periodic magnetizing force.190713232248Magnetic Properties1
1319Mallik D.N.Magnetic induction in spheroids.190714455468Magnetism1
1320Honda K., Terada T.On the effect of stress on magnetization and its reciprocal relations to the change of elastic constants by magnetization.19071465115Magneto-Elastic Effects1
1321Russel J.The superposition of mechanical vibrations upon magnetization and conversely, in iron, steel,and nickel.190714468476Magneto-Elastic Effects1
1322Wood R.W.The magnetic rotation of sodium vapour at the D lines.190714145152Magneto-Optical Effects1
1323Gray A.The attraction of ellipsoidal shells and of solid ellipsoids at external and internal points with some historical notes.190713385416Mathematical Physics1
1324Blakesley T.H.Logarithmic lazytongs and lattice-works.190714377381Mathematics1
1325Nicholson J.W.The asymptotic expansion of Bessel functions of high order.190714697707Mathematics1
1326Pearson K.On the influence of the past experience of future expectation.190713365378Mathematics1
1327Pochin E.A.N.Experimental mathematics.190714395404Mathematics1
1328Stephenson A.On expansion in Bessel's functions.190714547449Mathematics1
1329Barton E.H., Penzer J.Simultaneous vibration-curves of string and bridge photographically obtained from a monochord.190713446452Mechanics1
1330Stephenson A.Stability of the steady state of forced oscillation.190714707712Mechanics1
1331Bevan P.V.Lloyd's Fringes for internal reflexion, and the change of phase of ordinarily reflected light.190714503508Optics1
1332RayleighOn the light dispersed from fine lines ruled upon reflecting surfaces or transmitted by very narrow slits.190714350359Optics1
1333Wood R.W.A simple treatment of the secondary maxima of grating spectra.190714477482Optics1
1334Griffith I.O.The relation between the intensity of the ultra-violet light falling on a negatively charged zinc plate and the quantity of electricity which is set free from the surface.190714297306Photoelectric Effect1
1335Millikan R.A., Winchester G.The influence of temperature upon photo-electric effects in a very high vacuum, and the order of photo-electric sensitiveness of the metals.190714188210Photoelectric Effect1
1336Dow J.S.A form of cosine Flicker photometer.190714644653Photometry1
1337Blanc G.A.On the radioactive matter in the earth and the atmosphere.190713378381Radioactivity1
1338Bragg W.H.On the properties and natures of various electric radiations.190714429449Radioactivity1
1339Bragg W.H.The influence of the velocity of the alfa particle upon the stoppingpower of the substance through which it passes.190713507516Radioactivity1
1340Eve A.S.On the amount of radium emanation in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface.190714724733Radioactivity1
1341Eve A.S., McIntosh D.The amount of radium present in typical rocks in the immediate neighbourhood of Montreal.190714231237Radioactivity1
1342Hahn O.On radioactinium.190713165180Radioactivity1
1343KelvinAn attempt to explain the radioactivity of radium.190713313316Radioactivity1
1344Mackenzie A.S.Secondary radiation from a plate exposed to rays from radium.190714176187Radioactivity1
1345McLennan J.C.On the radioactivity of lead and other metals.190714760779Radioactivity1
1346Rumelin G.The rate of transformation of the radium emanation.190714550553Radioactivity1
1347Rutherford E.The production and origin of radium.190714733749Radioactivity1
1348Rutherford E.The velocity and energy of the alfa particles from radioactive substances.190713110117Radioactivity1
1349Schott G.A.Note on the explanation of the radioactivity of radium.190714210212Radioactivity1
1350Soddy F., Mackenzie T.D.The relation between uranium and radium.190714272295Radioactivity1
1351Wilson W., Makower W.Note on the rate of decay of the active deposit from radium.190714404408Radioactivity1
1352Bottomley J.T., King F.A.On experiments with vacuum gold-leaf electroscopes on the mechanical temperature effects in rarefied gases.190713747759Rarified Gases1
1353Kirkby P.J.Chemical effects of the electric discharge in the rarefied hydrogen and oxygen.190713289312Rarified Gases1
1354Bucherer A.H.On a new principle of relativity in the electromagnetism.190713413420Relativity1
1355Castelli E.,Gradual modification of the first linear spectra of emission of mercury.190714784785Spectroscopy1
1356RayleighNote on the remarkable case of diffraction spectra described by Prof. Wood.1907146065Spectroscopy1
1357Twyman F.Improvements in the Hufner type of spectrophotometer.190713481488Spectroscopy1
1358Burbury S.H.On the work which may be gained during the mixture of gases.190714422425Thermodynamics1
1359Burbury S.H.Diffusion of gases as an irreversible process.190714122126Thermodynamics1
1360Dalton J.P.On the saturation costants according to van der Waals's Equations.190713517524Thermodynamics1
1361Olszewski K.Temperature of inversion of the Joule-Kelvin effect for air and nitrogen.190713722724Thermodynamics1
1362Porter A.W.On the isopiestic temperatures of saturated vapours of different substances.190713724726Thermodynamics1
1363Martyn G.H.Discharge of electricity from hot bodies.190714306312Thermoionic Effect1
1364Hopkinson B.On the measurement of gas-engine temperatures.1907138495Thermometry1
1365Barus C.The efficiency of the plug-cock fog-chamber.190713357364Various Topics1
1366Behn U.Some new experiments with the flame tube.190713627630Various Topics1
1367KelvinInitiation of deep-sea waves of three classes: (1) from a single displacement; (2) from a Group of equal and similar displacement; (3) by a periodically varying surface-pressure.190713136Waves1
1368Stephenson A.On the forcing of oscillations by disturbances of different frequencies.190714115122Waves1
1369Adams J.M.Note on a spectrum of the Rontgen Rays from a focus tube and the relatively selective absorption of Rontgen rays in certain metals.190713576578X-Rays1
1370Barkla C.G., Sadler C.A.Secondary X-rays and the atomic weight of nickel.190714408422X-Rays1
1371Beatty R.T.Secondary Rontgen radiation in air.190714604614X-Rays1
1372Crowther J.A.On the secondary Rontgen radiation from gases and vapours.190714653675X-Rays1
1373More L.T.The fatigue of metals subjected to Rontgen Radiation.190713708721X-Rays1
1374Barton E.H.On spherical radiation and vibrations in conical pipes.1908156981Acoustics1
1375Bowlker T.J.On the factors serving to determine the direction of sound.190815318332Acoustics1
1376RayleighAcoustical notes.-VIII190816235246Acoustics1
1377Campbell W.W.On the rings of Saturn.190816949949Astrophysics1
1378Lowell P.The tores of Saturn.190815468477Astrophysics1
1379Schott G.A.On the frequencies of the free vibrations of quasi-permanent systems of electrons, and on the explanation of spectrum lines.190815438467Atomic Physics1
1380Wilde H.On the atomic weight of radium.190815280282Atomic Physics1
1381Wilde H.On the atomic weight of radium and other elementary substances.190816824830Atomic Physics1
1382Wood R.W.On the existence of positive electrons in the sodium atom.190815274279Atomic Physics1
1383Thomson J.J.Positive rays.190816657691Canal Rays1
1384Trowbridge J.Positive rays.190816697702Canal Rays1
1385Kunz J.On cathode and canal rays from hollow cathodes.190816161183Cathod Rays1
1386A.C, Jessup A.E.The evolution and devolution of the elements.1908152155Chemistry
1387Le Bas G.The unit-stere theory: the demonstration of a natural relation between the volumes of the atoms in compounds under corresponding conditions and that of combined hydrogen.1908166092Chemistry1
1388KelvinThe problem of a spherical gaseous nebula.190815687711Cosmology1
1389KelvinProblem of a spherical gaseous nebula.190816123Cosmology1
1390KelvinOn the formation of concrete matter from atomic origins.190815397413Cosmology1
1391Clack B.W.On the coefficient of diffusion.190816863879Diffusion Processes1
1392Lewis W.C.M.An experimental examination of Gibbs's theory of surface-concentration, regarded as the basis of adsorption, with an application to the theory of dyeing.190815499526Diffusion Processes1
1393Hancock E.L.Effect of combined stresses on the elastic properties of steel.190815214222Elasticity1
1394Hancock E.L.Results of tests of materials subjected to combined stresses.190816720725Elasticity1
1395Morley A.Laterally loaded struts and tie-rods.190815711720Elasticity1
1396Morrow J.On the lateral vibration of bars supported at two points with one end overhanging.190815497499Elasticity1
1397Williams W.E.On the rupture of materials under combined stress: -tension and hydrostatic pressure-1908158187Elasticity1
1398Lees C.H.On the resistance of a conductor of uniform thickness whose breadth suddenly changes, and on the shapes of the stream-lines in the immediate neighbourhood.190816734739Electrical Conduction1
1399Smith F.E.The variation of manganin resistances with atmospheric humidity.190816450456Electrical Conduction1
1400Almy J.E.Minimum spark potentials.190816456462Electricity1
1401Chabot J.J.T.Rotating earth-inductor without sliding contacts.190816916918Electricity1
1402Cohen B.S.The production of small variable frequency alternating currents suitable for telephonic and other measurements.190816480492Electricity1
1403Drysdale C.V.A vacuum-tube model for demonstrating the propagation of alternate currents in cables.190816718720Electricity1
1404Duddell W.Short spark phenomena.190816340345Electricity1
1405Earhart R.F.Discharge from an electrified point and the nature of the discharge occurring through very small distances.1908164859Electricity1
1406Lehfeldt R.A.The electrochemical equivalents of oxygen and hydrogen.190815614627Electrolysis1
1407Bellini E., Tosi A.A directive system of wireless telegraphy.190816638657Electromagnetism1
1408Campbell A.On the use of variable mutual inductances.190815155171Electromagnetism1
1409Comstock D.F.The relation of mass to energy.190815121Electromagnetism1
1410Drysdale C.V.The use of shunts and transformers with alternate current measuring instruments.190816136153Electromagnetism1
1411Havelock T.H.On certain Bessel integrals and the coefficientes of mutual induction of coaxial coils.190815332345Electromagnetism1
1412Mallik D.N.Magnetic rotation of electric discharge.190816531550Electromagnetism1
1413Mallik D.N.Mutual induction.190815364371Electromagnetism1
1414Mallik D.N.Experimental determination of magnetic induction in an elongated spheroid.1908156568Electromagnetism1
1415Stephenson A.On mechanical phosphorescence.190815352363Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
1416Wood R.W.On the emission of polarized light by fluorescent gases.190816184189Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
1417Wood R.W.On a method of showing fluorescent absorption directly if it exists.190816940944Fluorescence, Phosforescence1
1418Honda K., Terada T., Isitani D.On secondary undulations of oceanic tides.19081588126Geophysics1
1419Very F.W.The greenhouse theory and planetary temperatures.190816462480Geophysics1
1420Chattock A.P., Tyndall A.M.On the changes of pressure which accompany point discharge through hydrogen, containing oxygen and nitrogen.1908162447Ionization1
1421Gill E.W., Pidduck F.B.The genesis of ions by collision of positive and negative ions in a gas. Experiments on argon and helium.190816280290Ionization1
1422Drysdale C.V.Notes on the plug permeameter.190816132136Magnetic Properties1
1423Schott G.A.The electron theory of matter and the explanation of magnetic properties.190815172198Magnetic Properties1
1424Becquerel J.On the dispersion of magnetic rotatory power in the neighbourhood of bands of absorption in the case of rare earths. Remarks on the subject of recent comunications by Prof. R.W. Wood and Mr. G.J. Elias.190816153161Magneto-Optical Effects1
1425Elias G.J.On anomalous magnetic rotatory dispersion of rare earths, remarks on Prof. R.W. Wood recent paper.190815538539Magneto-Optical Effects1
1426Wood R.W.Anomalous magnetic rotatory dispersion of neodymium.190815270274Magneto-Optical Effects1
1427Hargreaves R.A pressure integral as kinetic potential.190816436444Mathematical Physics1
1428Mallik D.N.A potential problem.1908156364Mathematical Physics1
1429RayleighHamilton's principle and the five aberrations of von Seidel.190815677687Mathematical Physics1
1430Richardson L.F.A Frechand graphic way of determining stream lines and equipotentials.190815237269Mathematical Physics1
1431Bridgman P.W.On certain development in Bessel functions.1908169470Mathematics1
1432Meadoweroft L.V.On the curvature and torsion of a helix on any cylinder, and on a surface of revolution.1908155563Mathematics1
1433Miller G.A.The groups of isomorphisms of the groups whose degree is less than eight.190815223232Mathematics1
1434Nicholson J.W.On Bessel functions of equal argument and order.190816274279Mathematics1
1435Van Orstrand C.E.Inverse interpolation by means of a reversed series.190815628638Mathematics1
1436Hargreaves R.Interaction of dynamical systems.190816110120Mechanics1
1437Stephenson A.On induced stability.190815233236Mechanics1
1438Stephenson A.On periodic non generating forces of high frequency.190816616621Mechanics1
1439Sutherland W.Another method of measuring large molecular masses.190816497512Molecular Structure1
1440Johnstone Stoney G.Telescopic vision.190816318339Optics1
1441Johnstone Stoney G.Telescopic vision.190816950979Optics1
1442Johnstone Stoney G.Telescopic vision.190816796881Optics1
1443Milner S.ROn interference fringes obtained with glass wedges, and their application to the examination of plate glass.190816429436Optics1
1444Porter A.W.On the effect of the position of the grating (or prism) upon the resolving power of the spectroscope.190815762764Optics1
1445RayleighFurther measurements of wave-lengths, and miscellaneous notes on Fabry and Perot's apparatus.190815548558Optics1
1446RayleighOn reflexion from glass at the polarizing angle.190816444449Optics1
1447RayleighThe effect of a prism on Newton's rings.190815345351Optics1
1448Tomkins J.A.Note on focometry of a concave lens.190815198200Optics1
1449Watson H.E.Some properties of artists' colours.190816725733Optics1
1450Wright C.S.Note on an improvement in the method of determining visibility curves.190816395396Optics1
1451Bragg W.H., Madsen J.P.V.The quality of the secondary ionization due to beta rays.190816692697Radioactivity1
1452Bragg W.H., Madsen J.P.V.An experimental investigation of the nature of gamma rays.190816918939Radioactivity1
1453Bragg W.H., Madsen J.P.V.An experimental investigation of the nature of the gamma rays.190815663675Radioactivity1
1454Bronson H.L.On the relative activity of the emanation and the active deposit from thorium and from actinium.190816291299Radioactivity1
1455Eve A.S.On the amount of radium emanation in the atmosphere near the Earth'ssurface.190816622632Radioactivity1
1456Eve A.S.The changes in velocity, in an electric field, of the alfa, beta andsecondary rays from radioactive substances.190815720737Radioactivity1
1457Eve A.S.The secondary gamma rays due to the gamma rays of radium C.190816224234Radioactivity1
1458Geiger H.The irregularities in the radiation from radioactive bodies.190815539547Radioactivity1
1459Goldstein E.On the canal-ray group.190815372385Radioactivity1
1460Joly J.On the radium-content of deep-sea sediments.190816190197Radioactivity1
1461Joly J.The radioactivity of sea-water.190815385393Radioactivity1
1462Kinoshita S.Condensation of the actinium and thorium emanations.190816121131Radioactivity1
1463Kleeman R.D.On the different kinds of gamma rays of radium, and the secondary gamma rays which they produce.190815638663Radioactivity1
1464McLennan J.C., Kennedy W.T.On the radioactivity of potassium and other alkali metals.190816377395Radioactivity1
1465Russ S.The distribution in electric fields of the active deposits of radium, thorium, and actinium.190815601614Radioactivity1
1466Russ S.On the electrical charge of the active deposit of actinium.190815737745Radioactivity1
1467Rutherford E.Experiments with the radium emanation. The volume of the emanation.1908163000Radioactivity1
1468Rutherford E., Royds T.The action of the radium emanation upon water.190816812818Radioactivity1
1469Satterly J.The amount of radium emanation in the atmosphere.190816584615Radioactivity1
1470Soddy F.The relation between uranium and radium.190816632638Radioactivity1
1471Soddy F.Attempts to detect the production of helium from the primary radio-elements.190816513530Radioactivity1
1472Kirkby P.J.The positive column in oxygen.190815559569Rarified Gases1
1473Laby T.H., Kaye G.W.C.Gaseous ionization and pressure.190816879889Rarified Gases1
1474Bucherer A.H.On the principle of relativity. A reply to Mr. E.Cunningham.190816939940Relativity1
1475Bucherer A.H.On the principle of relativity and on the electromagnetic mass of the electron.190815316318Relativity1
1476Cunningham E.On the principle of relativity and the electromagnetic mass of the electron. A reply to Dr. A.H.Bucherer.190816423428Relativity1
1477Lewis G.N.A revision of the fundamental laws of matter and energy.190816705717Relativity1
1478Wilson E.B.On the principle of relativity.190816419422Relativity1
1479Houstoun R.A.A new spectrophotometer of the Hufner type.190815282287Spectroscopy1
1480Rutherford E., Royds T.Spectrum of the radium emanation.190816313317Spectroscopy1
1481Skinner C.A., Tood A.Q.An investigation of the optical properties of films of magnetic metals.190816833862Spectroscopy1
1482Wood R.W.An extension of the principal series of the sodium spectrum.190816945947Spectroscopy1
1483Wood R.W.The resonance spectra of sodium vapour.190815581601Spectroscopy1
1484Bryan G.H.Note on certain dynamical analogues of temperature equilibrium.190815765767Statistical Physics1
1485Bakker G.On the theory of surface forces. -III. The physical meaning of the unstable part of James Thomson.190815413431Thermodynamics1
1486Buckingham E.The thermodynamic corrections of the nitrogen scale.190815526538Thermodynamics1
1487Burton C.V.On the thermally excited vibrations of an atmosphere.190815147155Thermodynamics1
1488Dickson J.D.H.On the Joule-Kelvin inversion temperature, and Olszewski experiment.190815126146Thermodynamics1
1489Haigh E.On orthobaric volumes in relation to pressure and temperature.190816201223Thermodynamics1
1490Laby T.H.A recalculation of the vapour pressure of mercury.190816789796Thermodynamics1
1491Maxwell J.C.Equilibrium of heterogeneous substances.190816818824Thermodynamics1
1492McF.Orr W.The mixing of gases.-Remarks on Mr. Burbury recent papers-190815297300Thermodynamics1
1493Owen G., Hughes A.L.On molecular aggregations produced in gases by sudden cooling.190815746761Thermodynamics1
1494Rose-Innes J.Practical attainement of the thermodynamic scale of temperature.190815303316Thermodynamics1
1495Vegard L.Researches upon osmosis and osmotic pressure.190816247271Thermodynamics1
1496Vegard L.Researches upon osmosis and osmotic pressure.190816396419Thermodynamics1
1497Kunz J.On the corpuscular theory of the thermoelectric forces.190816767789Thermoelectricity1
1498Richardson O.W.The cinetic energy of the ions emitted by hot bodies.190816890916Thermoionic Effect1
1499Richardson O.W.The specific charge of the ions emitted by hot bodies.190816740767Thermoionic Effect1
1500Richardson O.W., Brown F.C.The kinetic of the negative electrons emitted by hot bodies.190816353376Thermoionic Effect1
1501Holt A., Hopkinson E.The decomposition of water vapour by electric sparks.19081692110Various Topics1
1502Mendenhall C.E., Ingersoll L.R.On certain phenomena exhibited by small particles on a Nernst glower.190815205214Various Topics1
1503Tolver Preston S.On some physical relations affecting matter in diverse stages of subdivision.190816345351Various Topics1
1504Smith S.W.J., Moss H.On the contact potential differences determined by means of null solutions.190815478497Volta Effect1
1505Barkla C.G.Note on X-rays and scattered X-rays.190815288296X-Rays1
1506Barkla C.G., Sadler C.A.Homogeneous secondary Rontgen radiations.190816550584X-Rays0,50,5
1507Bumstead H.A.On the heating effects produced by Rontgen rays in lead and zinc.190815432437X-Rays1
1508Barton E.H., Richmond T.J.Vibration curves of violin G sting and Belly.190918233240Acoustics1
1509More L.T.On the localization of the direction of sounds.190918308319Acoustics1
1510Robinson J.Note on Konig's theory of the ripple formation in Kundt's tube experiment.190918180187Acoustics1
1511Soddy F.Multiple atomic disintegration.190918739744Atomic Physics1
1512Jeans J.H.Temperature-radiation and the partition of energy in continuous media.190917229254Black Body1
1513Thomson J.J.Positive electricity.190918821845Canal Rays1
1514Berkeley, Burton C.V.Contribution to the osmotic theory of solutions.190917598619Chemistry
1515Wood R.W.High purity interference phenomena of chlorate of potash crystals.190918535537Cristallography1
1516Hodgson B.The conducivity of dielectrics under the action of radium Rays.190918253258Dielectrics1
1517Lewis W.C.M.An experimental investigation of Gibbs's theory of surface-concentration, regarded as the basis of adsorption.190917466494Diffusion Processes1
1518McBain J.W.The mechanism of the adsorption (190918916935Diffusion Processes1
1519Royds T.The doppler effect in positive rays in hydrogen.190918895900Doppler Effect1
1520Trowbridge J.The doppler effect in positive rays.190917520524Doppler Effect1
1521Dunstan A.E.The coefficient of viscous traction of lead and tin alloys.190917192201Elasticity1
1522Green G.Flexural vibrations of thin rods.190918722729Elasticity1
1523Morrow J.On the lateral deflexion and vibration of190918452465Elasticity0,50,5
1524Barnard R.J.A.Direct application of the electron theory to induction currents.190917706710Electrical Conduction1
1525Jeans J.H.The motion of electrons in solids.Part I.- Electric conductivity, Kirchhoff law and radiation of great wave-length.190917773794Electrical Conduction1
1526Jeans J.H.The motion of electrons in solids. Part II.-Radiation of all wave-lengths ina perfectly reflecting enclosure. Natural Radiation. Dependence of natural radiation of a low of force.190918209226Electrical Conduction1
1527De Kowalski J., Rappel U.J.Alternating-current spark potentials and their relation to the radius of the curvature of the electrodes.190918699712Electricity1
1528Drysdale C.V.The use of the potentiometer on alternate current circuits.190917402411Electricity1
1529Owen M.On frictional electricity.190917457465Electricity1
1530Pollock J.A.A note on the electron theory of the carbon arc.190917361366Electricity1
1531Pollock J.A., Ranclaud A.B.B.The discharge of electricity from glowing carbon.190917366374Electricity1
1532Pollock J.A., Wellisch E.M., Ranclaud A.B.B.The relighting of the carbon arc.190917449456Electricity1
1533Richmond T.J.On the formation of striae in a dust-tube by an electric discharge.190918771782Electricity1
1534Russel A., Wright A.The Arthur Wring electrical device for evaluating formulae and solving equations.190918291308Electricity1
1535Simpson G.C.On the Wilson-Gardien theory of thunderstorm electricity.190917619634Electricity1
1536Wilson C.T.R.On thunderstorm electricity.190917634641Electricity1
1537Burton E.F.The action of electrolytes on copper colloidal solutions.190917583597Electrolysis1
1538Cameron A.T., Oettinger E.On the electromotive forces produced by acid and alkaline solutions streaming through glass capillary tubes.190918586603Electrolysis1
1539Holt A. jr.The dissociation of water vapour.190917715723Electrolysis1
1540Smith S.W.J.On the action between metals and acids and the conditions under which mercury causes evolution of hydrogen.190917833848Electrolysis1
1541Burton C.V.On the Faraday-Maxwell mechanical stress; and on etherial stress and momentum in general.190917641653Electromagnetism1
1542Duddell W.On a bifilar vibration galvanometer.190918168179Electromagnetism1
1543Eagle A.On the form of the pulses constituing full radiation or white light.190918787793Electromagnetism1
1544Fleming J.A., Dyke G.B.A note on the production of steady electric oscillations in closed circuits and a method of testing radiotelegraphic receivers.190917670676Electromagnetism1
1545Fleming J.A., Richardson H.W.The effect of an air-blast upon spark discharge of a condenser charged by an induction coil or transformer.190917677692Electromagnetism1
1546Lees C.H.On Vascy's or Pirani's Method of comparing the self-inductance of a coil with the capacity of a condenser.190918432436Electromagnetism1
1547Lehfeldt R.A.The treatement of electrodynamics.190917275280Electromagnetism1
1548Lyle T.R.Theory of the alternate current generator.1909184574Electromagnetism1
1549Nicholson J.W.Inductance and resistence in telephone and other circuits.190918417432Electromagnetism1
1550Nicholson J.W.The inductance of two parallel wires.190917255275Electromagnetism1
1551Russel A.The effective resistance and inductance of a concentric main, and methods of computing the ber and bei and allied functions.190917524552Electromagnetism1
1552Russell A., Alty J.N.An electromagnetic method of studying the theory of and solving algebrical equations of any degree.190918802811Electromagnetism1
1553Searle G.F.C.Impulsive motion of an electrified sphere.1909174371Electromagnetism1
1554Snow E.C.On Pirani's method of measuring the selfinductance of a coil.190917849854Electromagnetism1
1555Starling S.G.On the treatment of electrodynamics.190917767767Electromagnetism1
1556Taylor Jones E.Electrical oscillations in coupled circuits.1909172843Electromagnetism1
1557Burton C.V.The apparent dispersion of light in space, and the minuteness of structure of the ether.190918872877Ether1
1558McAulay A.Elastic solid ether, with two moduli, satisfying MacCullagh crystalline optical conditions.190917553560Ether1
1559Douglas Rudge W.A.The porous plug experiment.190918159168Fluids1
1560Gibson A.H.An investigation of the resistance to the flow of air through a pipe, with the deduction and verification of a rational formula.190917389402Fluids0,50,5
1561Gibson A.H.On the steady flow of an incompressible viscous fluid through a circular tube with uniformly converging boundaries.1909183538Fluids1
1562Harrison W.J.The decay of waves in a canal.190918483491Fluids1
1563Hosking R.The viscosity of water.190917502520Fluids1
1564Hosking R.The viscosity of water.190918260263Fluids1
1565Kleeman R.D.The determination of a constant in capillarity.1909183944Fluids1
1566Kleeman R.D.Some relation in capillarity.190918491510Fluids1
1567Kleeman R.D.Some relations between the critical constants and certain quantities connected with capillarity.190918901908Fluids1
1568Morton W.BNote on the amount of water in a cloud formed by expansion of moist air.190917190192Fluids1
1569Shorter S.A.On surface separation from solutions of saponin, peptone, and albumin.190917560572Fluids1
1570Burton C.V.A modified theory of gravitation.19091771113Gravitation1
1571Wilde H.On the moving force of terrestial and celestial bodies in relation to the attraction of gravitation.190918523529Gravitation1
1572Houstoun R.A.Transverse oscillations of a canal of circular section.190917325328Hydrodynamics1
1573Houstoun R.A.On the damping of long waves in a rectangular trough.190917154164Hydrodynamics1
1574RayleighOn the resistance due to Obliquely moving waves and its dependence upon the particular form of the fore-part of a ship.190918414416Hydrodynamics1
1575Erikson H.A.The recombination of the ions in air at different temperatures.190918328336Ionization1
1576Parr Metcalfe E.On ionization in various gases.190918878889Ionization1
1577Sutherland W.The ion in gases.190918341371Ionization1
1578Talbot Lattey R.The ionization of electrolytic Oxygen.1909182631Ionization1
1579Wilson W.The effect pressure on the natural ionization in a closed vessel, and on the ionization produced by the gamma rays.190917216226Ionization1
1580Allan G.E.Magnetism of basalt.190917572581Magnetic Properties1
1581Gray J.G., Ross A.D.On an improved form of magnetometer and accessories for the testing of magnetic materials at different temperatures.190918148159Magnetic Properties1
1582Ingersoll L.R.Magnetic rotation in iron cathode film.19091874102Magnetic Properties1
1583Muller W.P., Grace H.Effect of temperature on the hysteresis loss in iron in a rotation field.190918866871Magnetic Properties1
1584Thompson S.P., Moss E.W.On the Self-Demagnetizing factor of bar magnets.190917729739Magnetic Properties1
1585Taudin Chabot J.J.A gyrodynamical solution of the problem of the a magnetic mariner's compass.190918729739Magnetism1
1586Wood R.W.The absorption , fluorescence, magnetic rotation and anomalous dispersion of mercury vapour.190918240249Magneto-Optical Effects1
1587Nicholson J.W.On the relation of Airy's integral to the Bessel Functions.190918617Mathematical Physics1
1588RayleighOn the istantaneous propagation of disturbance in a dispensive medium exemplified by waves on water deep and Shallow.19091816Mathematical Physics1
1589Burbury S.H.On the law of probability for a system of correlated variables.190917128Mathematics1
1590Chree C.On the coefficients in certain series of Bessel's functions.190917329331Mathematics1
1591Hitchcock F.LThe double nature of nabla.190917113125Mathematics1
1592Burton C.V.On the kinetic criterion of potential energy.190917692706Mechanics1
1593Coker E.G.A laboratory machine for applying bending and twisting moments simultaneously.190917496502Mechanics1
1594More L.T.Theories of Matter and Mass.1909181726Mechanics1
1595Stephenson A.On the frequency ranges of non-generating force exerting cumulative influence.190917164170Mechanics1
1596Stephenson A.On induced stability.190917765766Mechanics1
1597Hogley C.F.A search for the heavier gases of the Helium Group in minerals.190918672677Mineralogy1
1598Sutherland W.Molecular diameters.190917320321Molecular Structure1
1599Sutherland W.The electrical origin of molecular attraction.190917657670Molecular Structure1
1600Wilderman M.On velocity of molecular and chemical reactions in heterogeneous System.190918538577Molecular Structure1
1601Bateman H.The reflexion of light at an ideal plane mirror moving with a uniform velocity of translation.190918890895Optics1
1602Bevan P.V.Anomalous dispersion by metallic vapours.190918407411Optics1
1603Raman C.V.Historical note on the discovery of the ultra-microscopic method.190917495495Optics1
1604Raman C.V.The experimental study of Huygen's secondary waves.190917204216Optics1
1605Schuster A.What is interference? A rejoinder to professor Wood.190918767770Optics1
1606Walker J.On the elliptic polarization produced by the direct transmission of a plane polarization produced by the direct transmission of a plane polarized stream through a plate of quartz, cut in a direction oblique to the optic axis, with a method of ...190918195207Optics1
1607Wood R.W.Talbot's fringes and the echelon grating.190918758767Optics1
1608Wood R.W.On the flow of energy in a system of interference fringes.190918250252Optics1
1609Fleming J.A.A note on photoelectric properties of potassium-sodium alloy.190917286295Photoelectric Effect1
1610Paterson C.C.The proposed international unit of candle power.190918263274Photometry1
1611Blanc G.A.On the distribution of thorium in the earth's surface materials.190918146148Radioactivity1
1612Boyle R.W.The absorption of the radioactive emanations by charcoal.190917374389Radioactivity1
1613Campbell N.The absorption of beta rays by liquids.190917180190Radioactivity1
1614Coleridge Farr C., Florance D.C.H.On the radium content of certain igneous rock from the sub-antartic islands of New Zealand.190918812816Radioactivity1
1615Eve A.S.Primary and secondary gamma rays.190918275291Radioactivity1
1616Eve A.S.On the amount of radium present in sea-water.190918102107Radioactivity1
1617Forsyth R.W.The effect of the temperature of the rate of production of uranium X.190918207209Radioactivity1
1618Gray J.A.The ultimate product of the uranium disintegration series.190918816818Radioactivity1
1619Joly J.On the radioactivity of certain lavas.190918577586Radioactivity1
1620Joly J.On the distribution of thorium in the earth's surface materials.190918140145Radioactivity1
1621Joly J.On the radium-content of sea water.190918396407Radioactivity1
1622Joly J.On the distribution of thorium in the earth's surface materials.190917760765Radioactivity1
1623Kennedy W.T.On the active deposit from actinium in uniform electric field.190918744757Radioactivity1
1624Madsen J.P.V.Secondary gamma radiation.190917423448Radioactivity1
1625Makower W.On the number and the absorption by matter of the beta particles emitted by radium.190917171180Radioactivity1
1626Russ S.The diffusion of actinium and thorium emanations.190917412422Radioactivity1
1627Rutherford E.Condensation of the radium emanation.190917723729Radioactivity1
1628Rutherford E., Royds T.On the nature of the alfa particle from radioactive subsatnces.190917281286Radioactivity1
1629Soddy F.The relation between uranium and radium.- IV.190918846858Radioactivity1
1630Soddy F.The rays and product of uranium X.190918858865Radioactivity1
1631Soddy F., Russell A.S.The gamma-rays of uranium and radium.190918620649Radioactivity1
1632Taylor T.S.On the retardation of alpha rays by metals and gases.190918604619Radioactivity1
1633Waters J.W.Radioactive minerals in common rocks.190918677679Radioactivity1
1634Wilson W.On the radio-active products present in the atmosphere.190917321325Radioactivity1
1635Wright C.S.On variations in the conductivity of air enclosed in metallic receivers.190917295318Radioactivity1
1636Thomson J.J.On striations in the electric discharge.190918441451Rarified Gases1
1637Vegard L.On the electric discharge through the gas HCl, HBr, Hl.190918465483Rarified Gases1
1638Lewis G.N., Tolman R.C.The principle of relativity and non-Newtonian Mechanics.190918510523Relativity1
1639Madsen J.P.V.The scattering of the beta rays of radium.190918909915Scattering Processes1
1640Pound V.E.The absorption of the types of beta rays, together with a study of the secondary rays excited by them.190917126153Secondary Emission1
1641Dufour A.Secondary spectrum of hydrogen.190917854855Spectroscopy1
1642Hogley C.F.The secondary spectrum of hydrogen.190917581583Spectroscopy1
1643Lowry T.M.A method of producing an intense Cadmium spectrum with a proposal for the use of mercury and cadmium as standards in refractomery.190918320327Spectroscopy1
1644Marshall Watts W.On the calculation of the atomic Weight of radium from spectroscopic data.190918411413Spectroscopy1
1645Royds T.The grating spectrum of radium emanation.190917202204Spectroscopy1
1646Stansfield H.The Echelon spetroscope, its secondary action, and the structure of the green mercury line.190918371396Spectroscopy1
1647Wood R.W.The selective reflexion of monochromatic light by mercury vapour.190918187193Spectroscopy1
1648Wood R.W.The ultra-violet absorption, fluorescence, and magnetic rotatium of sodium vapour.190918530535Spectroscopy1
1649Richardson O.W.Notes on the kinetic theory of matter.190918695698Statistical Physics1
1650Rudorf G.The molecular and some other constants of the inactive gases.190917795813Statistical Physics1
1651Brown F.C.The kinetic energy of the positive ions emitted from various hot body.190918649672Thermoionic Effect1
1652Brown F.C.The kinetic energy of the positive ions emitted by hot platinum.190917355361Thermoionic Effect1
1653Pollock J.A., Ranclaud A.B.B., Norman E.P.The discontinuity of potential at the surface of glowing carbon.190918229233Thermoionic Effect1
1654Richardson O.W.Thermionics.190917813833Thermoionic Effect1
1655Richardson O.W.The kinetic energy of the ions emitted by hot bodies. -II.190918681695Thermoionic Effect1
1656Pidduck F.B.Note on the absorption of ultra-violet light by dilute solutions.190917710715Ultraviolet Light1
1657Abbot C.G.Note on the theory of the Greenhouse.1909183235Various Topics1
1658Campbell A., Smith T.On a method of testing photographic shutters.190918782787Various Topics1
1659Hodges A.L.Note on the psychological Accommodation of the lenses of the eyes.190918259259Various Topics1
1660Milne J.R.A device to prevent backlash in the toothed wheels and rack-and-pinion gears of scientific instruments.190918336337Various Topics1
1661Poynting J.H., Todd G.W.On a method of determinig the sensibility of a balance.190918132135Various Topics1
1662Taylor Jones E., Owen M.Musical arc oscillation in coupled circuits.190918713722Various Topics1
1663Todd G.W.The balance as a sensitive barometer.190918135139Various Topics1
1664Wood R.W.Note on the theory of the greenhouse.190917319320Various Topics1
1665Campbell A.On the measuremant of wave length for high frequency electrical oscillations.190918794801Waves1
1666Wood R.W.The damping of mercury waves.190918194195Waves1
1667Barkla C.G., Sadler C.A.The absorption of Rontgen rays.190917739760X-Rays1
1668Bragg W.H., Glasson J.L.On a want of symmetry shown by secondary X-rays.190917855864X-Rays1
1669Sadler C.A.Transformations of X-Rays.190918107132X-Rays1
1670Barton E.H., Ebblewhite T.F.Vibration curves of violin bridge and strings.191020456464Acoustics1
1671Berry G.H.The striking point of pianoforte strings.191019648651Acoustics1
1672RayleighThe problem of the whispering gallery.19102010011005Acoustics1
1673Robinson J.On Konig's theory of the ripple formation in Kundt's tube.191019476485Acoustics1
1674Wilde H.On a new binary progression of the planetary distances, and on the mutability of the solar system.191019597605Astronomy1
1675Lowell P.Photograps of Jupiter taken at the Lowell observatory.191019488497Astrophysics1
1676Lowell P.On the limits of the oblateness of a rotating planet and the physical deductions from them.191019700712Astrophysics1
1677Nicholson J.W.On the size of the tail-particles of comets, and their scattering effect on sunlight.191019626630Astrophysics1
1678Jeans J.H.On the analysis of the radiation from electron orbits.191020642651Atomic Physics1
1679Jeans J.H.On the motion of a particles about a doublet.191020380382Atomic Physics1
1680Kleeman R.D.On the shape on the atom.191020229238Atomic Physics1
1681Kleeman R.D.On the nature of the forces of attraction between atoms and molecules.191019783809Atomic Physics1
1682Jeans J.H.On non-Newtonian mechanical systems, and Planck's Theory of radiation.191020943954Black Body1
1683Larmor J.On the statistical theory of radiation.191020350353Black Body1
1684Thomson J.J.On the theory of radiation.191020238247Black Body1
1685Wilson H.A.On the statistical theory of heat radiation.191020121125Black Body1
1686Wilson H.A.On the statistical theory of radiation.191020904904Black Body1
1687Baynes R.E.Saturation specific heats, &c., with van der Waals' and Clausius' Characteristics.191019407416Calorimetry1
1688Thomson J.J.Rays of positive electricity.191019424435Canal Rays1
1689Thomson J.J.On rays of positive electricity.191020752767Canal Rays1
1690Beatty R.T.The production of cathode particles by omogeneous Rontgen radiations, and their absorbition by Hydrogen and air.191020320330Cathod and X-Rays1
1691Bragg W.H.The consequences of the corpuscular hypothesis of the gamma and X rays, and the range of Beta rays.191020385416Cathod and X-Rays1
1692RayleighNote on the regularity of structure of actual crystals.1910199699Cristallography1
1693Sutherland W.Fundamental constant of atomic vibration and nature of dielectric capacity.191019125Dielectrics1
1694Thornton W.M.The polarization of dielectrics in a steadly field of force.191019390407Dielectrics1
1695Coker E.G.The optical determination of stress.191020740751Elasticity1
1696Love A.E.H.Note on preceding paper.191020443445Elasticity1
1697Prescott J.On the precise effect of radial forces in opposing the distortion of an elastic sphere.191020437443Elasticity1
1698Scoble W.A.Ductile materials under combined stress.191019116128Elasticity1
1699Scoble W.A.Further tests of brittle materials under combined stress.191019908916Elasticity1
1700Steven A.I.Anomalus effects on first loading a wire, and some effects of bending overstrain in soft iron wires.191019619626Elasticity1
1701Eccles W.H.On coherers.191019869888Electrical Conduction0,50,5
1702Chattock A.P.On the forces at the surface of a needle-point discharging.191020266277Electricity1
1703Chattock A.P., Tyndall A.M.On the pressure of the electric wind in hydrogen containing traces of oxigen.191019449460Electricity1
1704Lenard P.Note on the electricity of mercury-falls and on very large ions.191020903904Electricity1
1705Lewis W.C.M.Note on the energy of a191019573575Electricity1
1706Millikan R.A.A new modification of the cloud method of determining the elementary electrical charge and the most probable value of that charge.191019209228Electricity1
1707Perrin J.On the charge of the electron.191019438439Electricity1
1708Perry J.Telephone circuits.191019673684Electricity1
1709Royds T.Further experiments on the constitution of the electric spark.191019285290Electricity1
1710Russel A.Alternating current spark potentials.191019203205Electricity1
1711Russel A.S.Some variations observed in electroscopic measurements and their prevention.191019278284Electricity1
1712Siegbahn M.On the study of variable currents by means of the191020969981Electricity0,50,5
1713Simpson G.C.Earth-air electric currents.191019715725Electricity1
1714Smith F.E.On cadmium amalgams and the weston normal cell.191019250276Electricity1
1715Smith S.W.J.The limitations of the weston cell as a standard of electromotive force.191020206228Electricity0,50,5
1716Taylor Jones E., Roberts E.Musical arc oscillations in coupled circuits.191020660663Electricity1
1717Bateman H.The relation between electromagnetism and geometry.191020623628Electromagnetism1
1718Campbell A.On the use of mutual inductometer.191019497507Electromagnetism1
1719De Tunzelmann G.W.On the mechanical Pressure of radiation effective on the smallest as well as larger particles.191020538540Electromagnetism1
1720Eccles W.H.On an oscillation detector actuated solely by resistance-temperature variations.191020128134Electromagnetism1
1721Eccles W.H.On the energy relations of certain detectors used in wireless telegraphy.191020533538Electromagnetism1
1722Kuehne J.M.On the electrostatic effect of a changing magnetic field.191019461476Electromagnetism1
1723Kuenen J.P.On Pirani's method of measuring self-inductance.191019439441Electromagnetism1
1724Lamb H., Cook G.A hydrodynamical illustration of the theory of the transmission of aerial and electrical waves by a grating.191020303309Electromagnetism1
1725Mason M.The flow of energy in an interference field.191020290296Electromagnetism1
1726Nicholson J.W.The effective resistance and inductance of a elical coil.1910197791Electromagnetism1
1727Nicholson J.W.On the bending of electric waves round a large sphere: I.191019516537Electromagnetism1
1728Nicholson J.W.On the accelerated motion of a dielectric sphere.191020828835Electromagnetism1
1729Nicholson J.W.On the bending of electric waves round a large sphere: II.191020157172Electromagnetism1
1730Nicholson J.W.On the bending of electric waves round the Earth.191019276278Electromagnetism1
1731Nicholson J.W.On the bending of electric waves round the earth.III.191019575760Electromagnetism1
1732Nicholson J.W.On the bending electric waves round the Earth.II.191019435437Electromagnetism1
1733Nicholson J.W.The accelerated motion of an electrified sphere.191020610618Electromagnetism1
1734Sumpner W.E., Phillips W.C.S.A galvanometer for alternate current circuits.191020309319Electromagnetism1
1735Thomson J.J.On a theory of the structure of the electric field and its application to Rontgen radiation and to light.191019301313Electromagnetism1
1736Burton C.V.The sun's motion with respect to the ether.191019417423Ether1
1737Campbell N.The ether.191019181191Ether1
1738McAulay A.Spontaneous generation of electrons in a elastic solid ether.191019129152Ether1
1739Wilson H.A.The relative motion of the earth and the ether.191019809817Ether1
1740Harrison W.J.On the stability of superposed streams of viscous liquid.191020493501Fluids1
1741Hogg J.L.Friction in gases at low pressures.191019376390Fluids1
1742Laws S.C.The change of resistance of metals in a magnetic field at a different temperature.191019685699Galvanomagnetic Effects1
1743Bateman H.The solution of integral equation connecting the velocity of propagation of a Earthquake-wave in the interior of the earth with the times which the disturbance takes to travel to the different stations on the Earth's surface.191019576587Geophysics1
1744Baynes R.E.Note on Mr. Bateman's paper on Earth-quake-waves.191020664665Geophysics1
1745Gold E.The relation between periodic variations of pressure, temperature, and wind in the atmospere.1910192649Geophysics1
1746Burton C.V.Note on a gravitational problems.1910199195Gravitation1
1747Gibson A.H.A rational formula for discharge over a broad-crested weir.1910209596Hydrodynamics1
1748Harrison W.J.The decay waves in a canal.191019906907Hydrodynamics1
1749Barkla G.Typical cases of ionization by X-Rays.191020370379Ionization0,50,5
1750Chattock A.P., Tyndall A.M.On the ioniziong processes at a point discharging in air.191020277290Ionization1
1751Eve A.S.The effect of dust and smoke on the ionization of air.191019657673Ionization1
1752Lonsdale J.J.On the ionization produced by the splashing of mercury.191020464474Ionization1
1753Sutherland W.The theory of the small ion in gases.191019817819Ionization1
1754Wellish E.M.The theory of the small ion in gases.191019201203Ionization1
1755Cheneveau C., Jolley A.C.The magnetic balance of MM.P.Curie and C. Cheneveau.191020357369Magnetic Properties1
1756Ewing J.A.On magnetic hysteresis.19102010051006Magnetic Properties1
1757Thompson S.P.On hysteresis loops and Lissajous' figures, and on the energy wasted in a hysteresis loop.191020417436Magnetic Properties1
1758Nicholson J.W.On the approximate calculation of Bessel functions of imaginary argument.191020938943Mathematics1
1759Nicholson J.W.The asymptotic expansions of Bessel functions.191019228249Mathematics1
1760Savidge G.H.Tables of the ber and bei and kei functions, with further formulae for their computation.1910194958Mathematics1
1761Van Orstrand C.E.Reversion of power series.191019366376Mathematics1
1762Campbell N.The principles of dynamics.191019168181Mechanics1
1763Gibson A.H.The variation of disk resistance with temperature in water.191019513516Mechanics1
1764Greenhill G.On pendulum motion and spherical trigonometry.191020728740Mechanics1
1765Hargreaves R.Ignoration problem. Explicit form of result.191019486488Mechanics1
1766Jervis-Smith F.J.An optical method of reading the torsional angle of the rotating shaft.191019300301Mechanics1
1767Rose-Innes J.On the motion of a pendulum swinging through an arc of finite magnitude.191019851862Mechanics1
1768Stephenson A.On the intensity of periodic fields of force.191020844848Mechanics1
1769Joly J.Pleochroic halos.191019327330Mineralogy1
1770Kleeman R.D.On the shape of molecule.191020445450Molecular Structure1
1771Kleeman R.D.On the radius of the sphere of action of a molecules.191019840846Molecular Structure1
1772Kleeman R.D.On molecular attraction.191020901903Molecular Structure1
1773Kleeman R.D.The attraction constant of a molecule of a substance and its chemical properties.191020905921Molecular Structure0,50,5
1774Mills J.E.Molecular attraction.191020629635Molecular Structure1
1775Sutherland W.Molecular and electronic potential energy.191020249266Molecular Structure1
1776Sutherland W.Molecular diameters.1910192526Molecular Structure1
1777Barus C., Barus M.The interference of the reflected-diffracted and the diffracted-reflected rays of a plane transparent grating and on an interferometer.1910204559Optics1
1778Blakesley T.H.On a means of measuring the apparent diameter of the pupil of the eye, in very fleeble light.191020966969Optics1
1779Chalmers S.D.The sine condition in relation to the coma of optical systems.191019356365Optics1
1780Kaye G.W.C.On a method of counting the rulings of a diffraction grating.191020714718Optics1
1781Smart H.E.A formula for the spherical aberration in a lens-system correct to the fourth power of the aperture.191020820Optics1
1782Trowbridge A., Wood R.W.Note on infra-red investigations with the echelette grating.191020898901Optics1
1783Trowbridge A., Wood R.W.Groove-form and energy distribution of diffraction gratings.191020886898Optics1
1784Whitwell A.On the Lengths of the focal lines of cylindrical lenses.1910205982Optics1
1785Wilson H.A.On the electron theory of the optical properties of metals.191020835844Optics1
1786Wood R.W.On the echelette grating for the infra-red.191020770778Optics1
1787Wood R.W.Some experiments on refraction by non-Homogeneous media.191020712714Optics1
1788Allen H.S.The photoelectric fatigue of metals.191020564573Photoelectric Effect1
1789Gill E.W.B.The electrical effect of the ultra-violet spectrum.191019290300Photoelectric Effect1
1790Stuhlmann O.A difference in the photoelectric effect caused by incident and emergent light.191020331339Photoelectric Effect1
1791Dow J.S.Some further notes on the physiological principles underlying the Flicker photometer.1910195877Photometry1
1792Antonoff G.N.Radium D and its products of trasformation.191019825839Radioactivity1
1793Borodowsky W.A.Absorbtion of beta rays from radium by solutions and liquids.191019605619Radioactivity1
1794Boyle R.W.On the volatilization of radium emanation at low temperatures.191020955966Radioactivity1
1795Fletcher A.On the radiactivity of the rocks of the transandine tunnel.1910203645Radioactivity1
1796Florance D.C.H.On the primary and secondary gamma-rays.191020921938Radioactivity1
1797Geiger H., Rutherford E.The number of alfa particles emitted by uranium and thorium and by uranium minerals.191020691698Radioactivity1
1798Gray J.A., Wilson W.The heterogeneity of the beta rays from a thick layer of radium E.191020870875Radioactivity1
1799Joly J.The amount of thorium in sedimentary rocks. II. Arenaceous and argillaceous rocks.191020353357Radioactivity1
1800Joly J.The Amount of thorium in sedimentary rocks.-I. Calcareous and dolomitic rocks.191020125128Radioactivity1
1801KovariK A.F.On absorbition and reflexion of the beta-particles by matter.191020849866Radioactivity1
1802Makower W.The recoil of radium C from radium B.191019100115Radioactivity1
1803Makower W., Evans E.J.The deflection by a magnetic field of radium B on recoil from radium A.191020882886Radioactivity1
1804Poole H.H.On the rate of evolution of heat by pitchblende.191019314326Radioactivity1
1805Russ S., Makower W.The deflexion by an electrostatic field of radium B on recoil from radium A.191020875882Radioactivity1
1806Russel A.S.The constant of uranium X.191019847851Radioactivity1
1807Rutherford E.Action on the alfa rays on glass.191019192194Radioactivity1
1808Satterly J.Some experiments on the absorbition of radiun emanation by coconut charcoal.191020778788Radioactivity1
1809Satterly J.On the amount of radium emanation in the lower regions of the atmosphere and its variation with the weather.191020136Radioactivity1
1810Soddy F.The relation between uranium and radium.-V.191020340342Radioactivity1
1811Soddy F.The rays and product of uranium X.-II.191020342345Radioactivity1
1812Soddy F. and Soddy W.M., Russell A.S.The question of the omogeneity of gamma-rays.191019725757Radioactivity1
1813Soddy F., Pirret R.The ratio between uranium and radium in minerals.191020345349Radioactivity1
1814Waters J.W.Radioactive minerals in common rocks.191019903904Radioactivity1
1815Waters J.W.The rate of decay of the radioactivity of polonium.191019905906Radioactivity1
1816Stead G.The problem of uniform rotation treated on the principle of relativity.1910209295Relativity1
1817Kovarik A.F., Wilson W.On the reflexion of homogeneous beta-particles of different velocities.191020866870Scattering Processes1
1818Rutherford E., Geiger H., Bateman H.The probability variations in the distribution of alfa particles.191020698707Scattering Processes1
1819Sutherland W.The mechanical vibration of atoms.191020657660Solid State1
1820Bevan P.V.The absorption spectrum of potassium vapour.191019195200Spectroscopy1
1821Goldstein E.On threefold emission-spectra of solid aromatic compounds.191020619622Spectroscopy1
1822Jones H.C.The absorption spectra of certain Uranous and Uranyl compounds.191019566572Spectroscopy1
1823Milner S.R.The series spectrum of mercury.191020636642Spectroscopy1
1824Rubens H., Hollnagel H.Measurements in the extreme infra-red spectrum.191019761782Spectroscopy1
1825Stephenson A.On displacement in the spectrum due to pressure.191020788790Spectroscopy1
1826Trowbridge A.Vacuum spectrometer.191020768770Spectroscopy1
1827Burbury S.H.Boltzmann's law of probability e^(-k(chi)).191019712714Statistical Physics1
1828Kaye G.W.C.On the expansion and thermal hysteresis of fused silica.191020718728Thermal Conduction1
1829Nettleton R.On a new method of determining thermal conductivity.191019587596Thermal Conduction0,50,5
1830Porter A.W.On the lagging of pipes and wires: with an addendum in conjunctions with Mr. E.R. Martin.191020511522Thermal Conduction1
1831Russel A.The convection of heat from a body cooled by a stream of fluid.191020591610Thermal Conduction1
1832Bakker G.On the theory of surface forces.- V Thermodynamics of the capillary layer between the omogeneous phases of the liquid and the vapour.191020135157Thermodynamics1
1833Kleeman R.D.On the equation on continuity of the liquid and gaseous states of matter.191020665689Thermodynamics1
1834Porter A.W.On the inversion-points for a fluid passing through a porous plug and their use in testing proposed equations of state. Part II. An examination of experimental data.191019888897Thermodynamics1
1835Story W.E.Partial pressures in liquid mixtures.19102097121Thermodynamics1
1836Tyrer D.On the relations between the physical properties of liquids at the boiling-point.191020522533Thermodynamics1
1837Wm. McC. Lewis C.On the nature of the transition layer between two adjacent phases.191020502511Thermodynamics1
1838Young F.B.On the critical phenomena of ether.191020793828Thermodynamics1
1839Lees C.H.On the laws regarding the direction of thermo-electric currents enunciated.191019508512Thermoelectricity1
1840Garrett A.E.Positive electrification due to heating aluminium phosphate.191020573591Thermoionic Effect1
1841Richardson O.W.On the positive thermions emitted by the Alkali Sulphates.191020981999Thermoionic Effect1
1842Richardson O.W.On the positive thermions emitted by the salts of the alkali metals.1910209991000Thermoionic Effect1
1843Richardson O.W., Cooke H.L.The heat developed during the absorption of electrons by platinum.191020173206Thermoionic Effect1
1844Richardson O.W., Hulbirt E.R.The specific charge of the ions emitted by hot bodies.-II.191020545559Thermoionic Effect1
1845Callendar H.L.Electrical recording thermometers for clinical work.191019538565Thermometry1
1846Miller W.A constant pressure gas thermometer.191020296302Thermometry1
1847Berry G.H.The pianoforte Sounding-board.191020652657Various Topics1
1848Campbell G.A.Telephonic intelligibility.191019152159Various Topics1
1849Chree C.Discussion of results obtained at Kew observatory with Elster and Geitel Electrical Dissipation Apparatus from 1907 to 1910.191020475493Various Topics1
1850Lewis W.J.Wiltshireite: a new mineral.191020474475Various Topics1
1851Steele B.D.An automatic toepler pump, designed to collect the gas from the apparatus being exhausted.191019863868Various Topics1
1852Thornton W.M.The eye as an electrical organ.191020560563Various Topics1
1853Carslaw H.S.The scattering of waves by a cone.191020690691Waves1
1854Havelock T.H.On the instantaneous propagation of disturbance in a dispersive medium.191019160168Waves1
1855Houstoun R.A.On the damping of long waves in a rectangular trough.191019205206Waves1
1856RayleighOn the finite vibrations of a system about a configuration of equilibrium.191020450456Waves1
1857Chapman C., Piper S.H.On secondary homogeneous X radiation.191019897903X-Rays1
1858Sadler C.A.Homogeneous corpuscular radiation.191019337356X-Rays1