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1) Materials Science and Nanotechnology (MSN)
This project is structured in four sub-projects each of them, in turn, is articulated in work-packages (WP)
A) Development of solid-state electrolytes for electrochemical devices.
WP1: Electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs).
WP2: Electrolytes for proton exchange membranes fuel cells (PEMFCs).
B) Development of sensors, biosensors and biomaterials.
WP1: Development of biocompatible materials for tissue engineering.
WP2: Synthesis of new sensing materials as thin films for the detection of harmful gases.
WP3: biosensors.
C) Materials synthesis and fabrication of devices for optics, photonics, and biophotonics.
WP1: Photonics in nanostructured systems obtained from massive semiconductors.
WP2: Photonics in auto-assembled nanostructured systems based on semiconductors, metals, and polymers.
WP3: Wavelength conversion in lithium niobate guides.
WP4. Non-linear propagation of ultra-short pulses in optical fiber and in massive media.
WP5. Si-Ge wave guides.
WP6. Biophotonics: fiber optical tweezer.
D) New methodologies for structural and functional characterization of materials and devices.
WP1. Applications of solid-state NMR spectroscopy to the materials science.
WP2. Applications of the neutron diffraction to the materials science.
WP3. Applications of the optical spectroscopy to the materials science.

2) Molecular Biomedicine (MB)
This project is structured in three sub-projects each of them, in turn, is articulated in work-packages (WP)
A) Molecular ematology.
WP1: Molecular mechanisms responsible for the increased procution of blood cells in chronical mieloprolipherative diseases.
WP2: Molecular mechanisms responsible of the reduced platelet production in hereditary MYH9-related macrothrombo-cytopenias.
WP3: Molecular mechanisms of the platelet malfunction in pathologies related to the altered blood cells production.
B) Molecular bases of the neurological degeneration.
WP1: neurological degeneration mechanisms and neuro-protection strategies.
WP2: New molecules and markers development for diagnostics.
C) Cells technologies.
WP1: Stem cells.
WP2: Cells therapy
WP3: Genetically modified cells lines production.

Pavia 2008 - Sito curato e realizzato dal Dr. Pecora Fabio e dalla Dr. Cassinelli Silvia