Il Nuovo Cimento
Note. If you find errors or misprints in the database, please mail to Giuliani.
# | Author | Title | Year | Vol. | FPg | LPg | Topic | Experimental | Theoretical | Math. physics | Applied | Review | Comments | Didactical | Historical |
1 | Righini Crinò B. | Sulle forze molecolari. | 1946 | 3 | 391 | 411 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2 | Bernardini G., Cacciapuoti B.N., Querzoli B. | Sulla componente elettronica nella bassa atmosfera. | 1946 | 3 | 349 | 371 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
3 | Cocconi G., Festa C. | La distribuzione della densità negli sciami estesi nell'aria. | 1946 | 3 | 297 | 300 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
4 | Cocconi G., Festa C. | Sulle particelle penetranti che accompagnano gli sciami estesi. | 1946 | 3 | 293 | 296 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
5 | Cocconi G., Loverdo A., Tongiorgi V. | Valutazione sperimentale e teorica degli spettri di densità degli sciami estesi. | 1946 | 3 | 50 | 56 | Cosmic rays | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
6 | Della Corte M. | Sul problema delle fluttuazioni negli scimi della radiazione cosmica. | 1946 | 3 | 142 | 151 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
7 | Dellaporta N., Clementel E. | Sulla estensione della teoria degli sciami per basse energie. | 1946 | 3 | 235 | 251 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
8 | Ferretti B. | Sulle particelle penetranti negli sciami estesi dell'aria. | 1946 | 3 | 301 | 306 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
9 | Salvini G. | Sull'assorbimento della radiazione cosmica a 2100 m. | 1946 | 3 | 282 | 283 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
10 | Carrelli A. | Sul segno dell'effetto Hall. | 1946 | 3 | 40 | 49 | Electromagnetism | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
11 | Scandone F. | Considerazioni sulle dimensioni delle particelle elementari. | 1946 | 3 | 57 | 60 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
12 | Conversi M., Pancini E., Piccioni O. | Sull' assorbimento e sulla disintegrazione dei mesoni alla fine del loro percorso. | 1946 | 3 | 372 | 390 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
13 | Ferretti B. | Sull'ipotetico mesone di vita media molto breve. | 1946 | 3 | 307 | 319 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
14 | Salvetti C., | Numeri Clifford ed equazioni del mesone. | 1946 | 3 | 252 | 282 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
15 | Tongiorgi V. | Sui secondari del mesone generati per urto. | 1946 | 3 | 342 | 348 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
16 | Puppi G. | Momento dipolare nelle molecole biatomiche. | 1946 | 3 | 252 | 256 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
17 | Puppi G. | Su una reazione caratteristica per le molecole biatomiche. | 1946 | 3 | 198 | 201 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
18 | Puppi G. | Similitudine tra molecole biatomiche. | 1946 | 3 | 338 | 341 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
19 | Ageno M. | Sull'albedo dei neutroni lenti. | 1946 | 3 | 3 | 14 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
20 | Amaldi E., Bocciarelli D., Cacciapuoti B.N., Trabacchi G.C. | Effetti di diffrazione nello sparpagliamento dei neutroni veloci. | 1946 | 3 | 15 | 21 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
21 | Amaldi E., Bocciarelli D., Cacciapuoti B.N., Trabacchi G.C. | Sullo sparpagliamento elastico dei neutroni veloci da parte di nuclei medi e pesanti. | 1946 | 3 | 203 | 234 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
22 | Corinaldesi E. | Sulla misura della densità dei neutroni termici. | 1946 | 3 | 131 | 141 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
23 | Verde M. | Distribuzione dei neutroni generati da una sorgente puntiforme di neutroni veloci, in un mezzo idrogenato illimitato. Parte I.-Neutroni di risonanza. | 1946 | 3 | 116 | 129 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
24 | Bolle A., Puppi G., Zanotelli G. | Esperimenti di induzione nucleare. | 1946 | 3 | 412 | 414 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
25 | Garelli M.C. | Fotometria eterocromatica. | 1946 | 3 | 152 | 184 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
26 | Lovera G. | La diffusione della luce nei vetri opalini. | 1946 | 3 | 61 | 80 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
27 | Pincherle L. | Rifrazione tra mezzi assorbenti. | 1946 | 3 | 328 | 337 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
28 | Scandone F.,Ballerini L. | Studio delle proprietà ottiche delle lamine metalliche sottili. | 1946 | 3 | 81 | 115 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
29 | Amaldi E., Ferretti B. | Su due varianti dell'acceleratore a induzione. | 1946 | 3 | 22 | 39 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
30 | Casale R. | Sui multivibratori come demoltiplicatori di frequenza. | 1946 | 3 | 285 | 291 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
31 | Lovera G. | Verifica di una nuova formula sulla spaziatura dei granuli lungo le tracce di particelle ionizzanti nelle lastre fotografiche. | 1946 | 3 | 320 | 327 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
32 | Petralia S., Ricamo R. | Un amplificatore simmetrico ad accoppiamento diretto. | 1946 | 3 | 185 | 197 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
33 | Clementel E., Puppi G. | Influenza della materializzazione dei fotoni in campo elettronico sui processi a cascata. | 1947 | 4 | 277 | 278 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
34 | Cocconi G. | Interpretazione degli sciami estesi dell'aria con la teoria a cascata. | 1947 | 4 | 227 | 232 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
35 | Cocconi G. | Valutazione teorica della curva di decorrenza degli sciami estesi. | 1947 | 4 | 85 | 87 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
36 | Dallaporta N., Poiani G. | Sulla estensione della teoria degli sciami per le basse energie. | 1947 | 4 | 1 | 8 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
37 | Milone C., Tongiorgi V. | Sulla generazione in paraffina di particelle penetranti ionizzanti da parte di radiazione cosmica non ionizzante. | 1947 | 4 | 146 | 152 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
38 | Mura A., Salvini G., Tagliaferri G. | Sulla presenza di una componente penetrante negli sciami estesi dell'aria. | 1947 | 4 | 10 | 23 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
39 | Quercia I.F., Rispoli B., Sciuti S. | Sull'eccesso positivo della componente penetrante in alta quota. | 1947 | 4 | 283 | 285 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
40 | Salvini G., Tagliaferri G. | Sulla componente penetrante degli sciami dell'aria. | 1947 | 4 | 279 | 282 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
41 | Conversi M., Nappo F. | Due circuiti di autocoincidenze a pieno rendimento. | 1947 | 4 | 166 | 176 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
42 | Dascola G. | Sulle varie fasi di esistenza di un tipo di scarica a bagliore con emissione elettronica di campo e sue caratteristiche dinamiche. | 1947 | 4 | 63 | 73 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
43 | Galafassi V.E. | Sopra un artificio per calcolare la resistenza totale di una rete elettrica. | 1947 | 4 | 153 | 160 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
44 | Montalenti G. | Su una variazione anomala della permeabilità in funzione della temperatura. | 1947 | 4 | 161 | 165 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
45 | Ricamo R. | Effetto piezoelettrico e sua misura nel vetro. | 1947 | 4 | 233 | 250 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
46 | Sillano P. | Calcolo numerico della sensibilità dei ponti a quattro lati. | 1947 | 4 | 203 | 209 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
47 | Borsellino A. | Sulle coppie di elettroni create da raggi gamma in presenza di elettroni. | 1947 | 4 | 112 | 130 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
48 | Caldirola P. | Disintegrazione del Be9 per urto di elettroni veloci. | 1947 | 4 | 39 | 51 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
49 | Caldirola P. | Correzione relativistica nel calcolo del momento magnetico del deutone. | 1947 | 4 | 89 | 101 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
50 | Mura A., Salvini G., Tagliaferri G. | Osservazioni in camera di Wilson sullo sparpagliamento laterale delle particelle negli sciami estesi. | 1947 | 4 | 102 | 111 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
51 | Radicati L.A. | Studio sintetico di una classe di particelle elementari. | 1947 | 4 | 251 | 261 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
52 | Cacciapuoti B.N. | Sulle radiazioni X e gamma emesse dal 104Rh45. | 1947 | 4 | 31 | 38 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
53 | Giulotto L., Gigli A. | Su un nuovo aspetto del fenomeno di induzione nucleare. | 1947 | 4 | 275 | 276 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
54 | Giulotto L., Gigli A., Sillano P. | Su alcune caratteristiche del fenomeno di induzione nucleare. | 1947 | 4 | 201 | 202 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
55 | Addario M., Cocconi G. | Sulla produzione di mesoni nella bassa atmosfera. | 1947 | 4 | 212 | 220 | Mesons | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
56 | Corinaldesi E. | Sulla disintegrazione di un mesone in uno stato legato. | 1947 | 4 | 131 | 138 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
57 | Verde M. | Distribuzione dei neutroni, generati da una sorgente puntiforme di neutroni veloci, in un mezzo idrogenato. Parte II.-Neutroni termici. | 1947 | 4 | 24 | 30 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
58 | Clementel E. | Sul processo a cascata della componente protonica. | 1947 | 4 | 221 | 226 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
59 | Borsellino A. | Sulle ipotesi poste a fondamento delle statistiche intermedie. | 1947 | 4 | 52 | 62 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
60 | Bordoni P.G. | Metodo elettroacustico per ricerche sperimentali sulla elasticità. | 1947 | 4 | 177 | 200 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
61 | Rostagni A., Filosofo I. | Vacuometro radiometrico a compensazione. | 1947 | 4 | 74 | 84 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
62 | Ferreoro M., Sacerdote G. | Determinazione dei parametri di propagazione sonora in corpi assorbenti. | 1947 | 4 | 262 | 274 | Vibrations-Waves-Acoustic | 1 | |||||||
63 | Ferrero M., Sacerdote G. | Coefficiente di riflessione ed impedenza acustica. | 1947 | 4 | 139 | 145 | Vibrations-Waves-Acoustic | 1 | |||||||
64 | Lovera G. | Nuova formula per il calcolo di vibrazione molecolari degli Idruri biatomici. | 1948 | 5 | 181 | 186 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
65 | Borsellino A. | Un metodo elettrico per la determinazione approssimata delle radici reali o complesse di una equazione algebrica. | 1948 | 5 | 23 | 28 | Biophysics | 1 | |||||||
66 | Ballario C., Benini M., Calamai G. | Eccesso positivo della componente mesonica al livello del mare sotto diverse altezze zenitali. | 1948 | 5 | 187 | 195 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
67 | Bernardini G., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | Sull'assorbimento in diversi materiali della radiazione che genera le evaporazioni nucleari. | 1948 | 5 | 511 | 512 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
68 | Clementel E., Dallaporta N. | Sui processi multipli nella componente dura della radiazione cosmica. | 1948 | 5 | 298 | 310 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
69 | Clementel E., Fabbrichesi L. | Sulla estensione delle teoria degli sciami per le basse energie.III. | 1948 | 5 | 78 | 85 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
70 | Clementel E., Puppi G. | Sull'eccesso positivo della radiazione cosmica. | 1948 | 5 | 529 | 534 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
71 | Clementel E., Puppi G. | Sull'assorbimento dei mesoni negativi. | 1948 | 5 | 505 | 506 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
72 | Cortini G., Manfredini A., Persano A. | Sulla generazione dei mesoni lenti in quota. | 1948 | 5 | 507 | 508 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
73 | Cortini G., Manfredini A., Persano A. | Sulla variazione con la quota della frequenza delle evaporazioni nucleari nelle lastre fotografiche. | 1948 | 5 | 292 | 297 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
74 | Della Corte M. | Sulla distribuzione di densità degli sciami estesi. | 1948 | 5 | 92 | 97 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
75 | Quercia I. F., Rispoli B.,Sciuti S. | Sull'eccesso positivo della componente penetrante in alta quota. | 1948 | 5 | 397 | 398 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
76 | Salvini G. | La distinzione delle componenti della radiazione cosmica nella bassa atmosfera e la frequenza relativa dei mesoni lenti. | 1948 | 5 | 213 | 234 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
77 | Salvini G. | Sull'ipotesi di un nuovo tipo di particelle negli sciami estesi. | 1948 | 5 | 104 | 106 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
78 | Tongiorgi Cocconi V. | Sull'origine dei neutroni associati con gli sciami estesi. | 1948 | 5 | 391 | 393 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
79 | Tongiorgi V. | Sulla presenza di neutroni negli sciami estesi dei raggi cosmici. | 1948 | 5 | 101 | 103 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
80 | Fazzini T., Franchetti S. | Sulla radioattività del Rb87. | 1948 | 5 | 311 | 324 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
81 | Abele M. | Teoria della propagazione di un campo elettro-magnetico lungo una guida dielettrica a sezione circolare. | 1948 | 5 | 274 | 284 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
82 | Carlevaro M. | Sulla variabilità della frequenza di risonanza nella girointerazionedelle radioonde. | 1948 | 5 | 535 | 550 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
83 | Carrara N. | Velocità di fase e velocità di gruppo. | 1948 | 5 | 515 | 517 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
84 | Carrara N. | Deduzioni relativistiche sulla propagazione del campo elettromagnetico entro una guida d'onda. | 1948 | 5 | 249 | 262 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
85 | Cutolo M. | Contributo allo studio della frequenza giromagnetica mediante la girointerazione delle radioonde nella ionosfera. | 1948 | 5 | 475 | 488 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
86 | Cutolo M., Ferrero R. | A proposito dell'effetto Lussemburgo. | 1948 | 5 | 518 | 520 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
87 | Toraldo di Francia G. | Per una teoria dell'effetto Stiles-Crawford. | 1948 | 5 | 598 | 599 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
88 | Caldirola P. | Condizioni ai limiti nella teoria dell'elettrone puntiforme. | 1948 | 5 | 99 | 100 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
89 | D'Ans A. M., Da Rios R., Malaspina L. | Liberazione di elettroni da superficie metalliche per urto di ioni. | 1948 | 5 | 394 | 396 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
90 | Somigliana C. | Costanti terrestri e misure di gravità. | 1948 | 5 | 111 | 120 | Gravitation | 1 | |||||||
91 | Baratta F., Milone A. | Magnetizzazione di fili di ferro stirati oltre il limite di elasticità nella fase di rottura. | 1948 | 5 | 58 | 67 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
92 | Drigo A., Pizzo M. | Particolari aspetti della magnetizzazione di sottili pellicole ferromagnetica. | 1948 | 5 | 196 | 206 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
93 | Montalenti G. | Sulla relazione tra effetto Barkausen e legge di Rayleigh. | 1948 | 5 | 154 | 161 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
94 | Brunelli B., Mandò M. | Sul calore di ignizione nelle misure in bomba calorimetrica. | 1948 | 5 | 167 | 172 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
95 | Castoldi L. | Deduzione variazionale delle equazione della dinamica dei continui deformabili. | 1948 | 5 | 140 | 149 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
96 | Gratton L. | Soluzione dell'equazione del trasporto nel caso cilindrico. | 1948 | 5 | 68 | 77 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
97 | Ferretti B. | Sull'assorbimento dei mesoni prodotti artificialmente. | 1948 | 5 | 209 | 211 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
98 | Ferretti B. | Sulla cattura atomica dei mesoni lenti. | 1948 | 5 | 325 | 365 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
99 | Morpurgo G. | Sulla generazione dei mesoni lenti. | 1948 | 5 | 285 | 291 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
100 | Puppi G. | Mesoni dei raggi cosmici. | 1948 | 5 | 587 | 588 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
101 | Kind A. | Sugli stati isobarici del nucleone nel problema del deutone. | 1948 | 5 | 1 | 22 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
102 | Radicati L.A. | Sulla self_energy elettromagnetica dei protoni e dei neutroni. | 1948 | 5 | 513 | 514 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
103 | Giulotto L. | Sulla forma dei segnali osservati con un induttore nucleare. | 1948 | 5 | 498 | 504 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
104 | Borsellino A. | Sulla fotodisintegrazione del 9Be4. | 1948 | 5 | 263 | 273 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
105 | Caldirola P. | Onda di detonazione negli esplosivi nucleari. | 1948 | 5 | 509 | 510 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
106 | Ballerini L. | Teoria elementare del microscopio a contrasto di fase. | 1948 | 5 | 121 | 132 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
107 | Berti L. | Teoria della microscopia in contrasto di fase. | 1948 | 5 | 133 | 139 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
108 | Di Jorio M. | La teoria generale dell'isoplanatismo per aperture e campi generici.I:Fasci meridiani. | 1948 | 5 | 447 | 474 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
109 | Dreaglio R., Garelli C.M. | Riunione plenaria della Commissione Internazionale dell'illuminazio-ne. | 1948 | 5 | 521 | 525 | Optics | ||||||||
110 | Toraldo di Francia G. | Rapporto critico alla Commissione Internazionale dell'Ottica sulle leggi generali della diffrazione. | 1948 | 5 | 589 | 590 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
111 | Caldirola P. | Sul moto di una particella di Dirac in un campo coloumbiano misto. | 1948 | 5 | 29 | 35 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
112 | Clementel E., Dallaporta N. | Tentativo per una teoria semiclassica dei processi multipli. | 1948 | 5 | 235 | 248 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
113 | Radicati L.A. | L'equazione del secondo ordine per una particella di Dirac-Pauli. | 1948 | 5 | 173 | 180 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
114 | Barducci I., Pasqualini G. | Misura dell'attrito interno e delle costanti elestiche del legno. | 1948 | 5 | 416 | 446 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
115 | Berti L. | Spettri di assorbimento nella regione ultrarossa. | 1948 | 5 | 44 | 51 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
116 | Caldirola P. | Raggio classico dell'elettrone e spostamento del livello 2S dell'atomo di idrogeno. | 1948 | 5 | 207 | 208 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
117 | Caldirola P. | Teoria sulla struttura fine della riga H(alfa). | 1948 | 5 | 399 | 415 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
118 | Ciccone A. | Spettro di assorbimento nel primo ultrarosso di alcool benzenico diluito in tetracloruro di carbonio. | 1948 | 5 | 489 | 492 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
119 | Giulotto L., Olivelli G. | Sull'origine dello spettro Raman di bassa frequenza nella calcite. | 1948 | 5 | 52 | 57 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
120 | Puccianti L. | Apparecchio spettroscopico per l'utrarosso. | 1948 | 5 | 37 | 43 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
121 | Addario M., Cortini G. | Sulla fotoriproduzione degli eventi osservati nelle lastre fotografiche. | 1948 | 5 | 567 | 568 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
122 | Bassi P., Loria A. | Circuito di demoltiplicazione per 64. | 1948 | 5 | 367 | 369 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
123 | Berardo R., Mezzetti L., Pancini E. | Sulla tecnica costruttiva dei contatori di G.M. interamente metallici. | 1948 | 5 | 370 | 373 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
124 | Lepri F., Quercia I.F., Rispoli B. | Sulla tecnica della osservazione autosincrona dei transienti. | 1948 | 5 | 569 | 585 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
125 | Lepri F., Rispoli B. | Su un semplice circuito di sincropio. | 1948 | 5 | 384 | 390 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
126 | Lovera G. | Un analizzatore elettrico delle curve oscillanti secondo il metodo Vercelli. | 1948 | 5 | 150 | 153 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
127 | Martelli G., Santangelo M. | Contatori a basso rendimento. | 1948 | 5 | 374 | 383 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
128 | Ricamo R. | Nuovo metodo di misura di variazione di resistenza ad alta frequenza. | 1948 | 5 | 86 | 91 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
129 | Sette D. | Su alcuni effetti ottici degli ultrasuoni. | 1948 | 5 | 493 | 497 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
130 | Bozza G. | Proposta per una scala internazionale delle temperature. | 1948 | 5 | 107 | 110 | Units | 1 | |||||||
131 | Ferrero M., Sacerdote G. | Parametri di propagazione sonora in corpi assorbenti granulosi. | 1948 | 5 | 551 | 566 | Vibrations-Waves-Acoustic | 1 | |||||||
132 | Ferrero M.A., Sacerdote G.G. | Sulla determinazione dei parametri caratteristici di una impedenza acustica. | 1948 | 5 | 162 | 166 | Vibrations-Waves-Acoustic | 1 | |||||||
133 | Sette D. | Lenti ultrasonore di materie plastiche | 1949 | 6 | 135 | 147 | Acoustic | 1 | |||||||
134 | Careri G. | Sulla cinetica delle reazioni di dissociazione. | 1949 | 6 | 94 | 107 | Chemistry | 1 | |||||||
135 | Addario M.M., Tamburino S. | Frequenza delle stelle con vario numero di rami prodotte dai raggi cosmici in lastre fotografiche esposte a 29000 m sul livello del mare. | 1949 | 6 | 405 | 407 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
136 | Addario M.M.,Milone C. | Sullo spettro di densità degli sciami estesi al livello del mare. | 1949 | 6 | 294 | 296 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
137 | Bassi P., Clementel E., Filosofo I.,Puppi G. | Sull'eccesso positivo dei mesoni al livello del mare. | 1949 | 6 | 484 | 493 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
138 | Bassi P., Loria A. | Sciami prodotti da mesoni. | 1949 | 6 | 559 | 564 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
139 | Bernardini G., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | Sulle evaporazioni nucleari nei raggi cosmici e l'assorbimento della componente nucleonica. Prima parte. | 1949 | 6 | 456 | 469 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
140 | Borsellino A. | Sullo sparpagliamento angolare e laterale degli elettroni in uno sciame.I. | 1949 | 6 | 543 | 551 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
141 | Budini P. | Gli sciami di Auger e la componente elettronica della radiazione cosmica. | 1949 | 6 | 402 | 404 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
142 | Budini P. | Sulle particelle penetranti negli sciami estesi dell'aria. | 1949 | 6 | 163 | 175 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
143 | Caldirola P. | Considerazioni teoriche sulla generazione e sull'eccesso positivo della componente mesonica nella radiazione cosmica. | 1949 | 6 | 565 | 584 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
144 | Clementel E., Fabbrichesi L. | Sul rapporto fra componente elettronica e fotonica. | 1949 | 6 | 399 | 401 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
145 | Clementel E., Puppi G. | Sulle stelle di evaporazione | 1949 | 6 | 494 | 499 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
146 | Cortini G. | Sulla distribuzione in energia delle particelle emesse nelle evaporazioni nucleari. | 1949 | 6 | 470 | 484 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
147 | Ferretti B. | Sulla componente della radiazione penetrante generatrice di stelle. | 1949 | 6 | 379 | 390 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
148 | Garelli C.M. | Sullo spettro dei mesoni in funzione della profondità atmosferica. | 1949 | 6 | 337 | 343 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
149 | Lovati A., Mura A., Salvini G., Tagliaferri G. | Sulla natura e sul numero di particelle penetranti nelle esplosioni nucleari prodotte nel piombo dalla radiazione cosmica. | 1949 | 6 | 291 | 293 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
150 | Lovati A., Mura A., Salvini G., Tagliaferri G. | Alcune proprietà delle esplosioni nuclaeri nella radiazione cosmica. | 1949 | 6 | 207 | 216 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
151 | Lovera G. | Sulla distribuzione angolare dei raggi nelle stelle di disintegrazione prodotte dalla radiazione cosmica. | 1949 | 6 | 233 | 234 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
152 | Puppi G. | Sui mesoni dei raggi cosmici. | 1949 | 6 | 194 | 199 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
153 | Quercia I.F., Rispoli B. | Su alcune tecniche elettromagnetiche per lo studio della radiazione cosmica. | 1949 | 6 | 63 | 78 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
154 | Salvini G. | Struttura degli sciami estesi dell'aria. | 1949 | 6 | 300 | 302 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
155 | Salvini G., Tagliaferri G. | La produzione di particelle penetranti negli sciami dell'aria. | 1949 | 6 | 108 | 124 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
156 | Altieri N.,Carrelli A. | Sul segno dell'effetto Hall. | 1949 | 6 | 176 | 179 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
157 | Carrara N. | Coppia e momento angolare della radiazione. | 1949 | 6 | 50 | 56 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
158 | Garelli C.M.,Malvano R. | Trasformazioni relativistiche in onde elettromagnetiche cilindriche. | 1949 | 6 | 200 | 206 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
159 | Gibellato S. | Riflessione totale di un'onda elettromagnetica con riflesione metallica dell'onda evanescente. | 1949 | 6 | 344 | 359 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
160 | Malvano R. | Guida d'onda metallica a sezione di parallelogramma. | 1949 | 6 | 265 | 273 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
161 | Schaffner M., Toraldo di Francia G. | Microonde evanescenti generate per diffrazione. | 1949 | 6 | 125 | 130 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
162 | Ageno M., Chizzotto M. | Sulla penetrazione di elettroni di 17 MeV. | 1949 | 6 | 81 | 93 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
163 | Loinger A. | Sulle soluzioni fisiche dell'equazione dell'elettrone puntiforme. | 1949 | 6 | 360 | 367 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
164 | Drigo A., Pizzo M. | Il ferromagnetismo di sottili lamine di Fe, Co e Ni,in relazione con lo spessore | 1949 | 6 | 327 | 336 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
165 | Drigo A., Pizzo M. | Le impurità ferromagnetiche dei corpi e la magnetizzazione dei piccoli granuli. | 1949 | 6 | 297 | 299 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
166 | Giulotto L., Levi Setti R. | Registrazione automatica delle curve di assorbimento paramagnetico di risonanza. | 1949 | 6 | 594 | 595 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
167 | Malvano R. | Risonanza paramagnetica nell'allume di Cromo e Potassio. | 1949 | 6 | 161 | 162 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
168 | Castoldi L. | Formulazione lagrangiana delle equazioni del moto per sistemi dinamici soggetti a vincoli servomotori. | 1949 | 6 | 180 | 186 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
169 | Pastori M. | Propagazione ondosa nei continui anisotropi e corrispondenti direzioni principali. | 1949 | 6 | 187 | 193 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
170 | Zin G. | La continuazione analitica delle funzioni associate ai sistemi fisici lineari. | 1949 | 6 | 531 | 542 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
171 | Carinaldesi E., Field G. | On the self-energy of a Pseudoscalar Meson in Interraction with Nucleons. | 1949 | 6 | 520 | 530 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
172 | Gamba A., Radicati L.A. | Sulla distribuzione angolare dei mesoni prodotti nelle emulsioni fotografiche. | 1949 | 6 | 374 | 378 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
173 | Lovera G. | Un procedimento per il calcolo del rapporto tra le masse dei mesoni pi greco e mu. | 1949 | 6 | 229 | 330 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
174 | Fumi F.G. | Proprietà fisiche delle molecole e teoria dei gruppi. | 1949 | 6 | 591 | 593 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
175 | Salvetti C. | Il regime transitorio dei reattori nucleari. (parte I) | 1949 | 6 | 303 | 326 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
176 | De Sabata V. | Sul modello del 9Be4. | 1949 | 6 | 368 | 373 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
177 | Franzini T. | Sezioni d'urto per scissione del Mercurio e del Tallio. | 1949 | 6 | 159 | 160 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
178 | Berti L. | Un nuovo obbiettivo catadiotrico a forte apertura. | 1949 | 6 | 131 | 134 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
179 | Di Jorio M. | La teoria generale dell'isoplanatismo per aperture e campi generici. (parte II-Fasci extrameridiani) | 1949 | 6 | 435 | 455 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
180 | Di Jorio M. | Sopra una teoria generale dell'immagine nei sistemi ottici aventi un piano di simmetria. | 1949 | 6 | 57 | 62 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
181 | Toraldo di Francia G. | Aberrazioni del terzo ordine del reticolo di diffrazione. | 1949 | 6 | 24 | 29 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
182 | Toraldo di Francia G. | Il fenomeno di Gibbs nella microscopia in contrasto di fase. | 1949 | 6 | 30 | 38 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
183 | Zanetti R. | Sulla variazione di trasparenza di una pila di lastre. | 1949 | 6 | 235 | 240 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
184 | Dallaporta N. | Trattazione quantistica dei processi multipli. | 1949 | 6 | 255 | 264 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
185 | Franchetti S. | Sulla forma delle autofunzioni non relativistiche per una particella a energia positiva in un campo coulombiano. | 1949 | 6 | 274 | 283 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
186 | Morpurgo G. | Sui limiti di validità del metodo di Weizsacker. | 1949 | 6 | 504 | 519 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
187 | Merlin M. | Metodo dinamico di determinazione della conducibilità termica dei materiali cattivi conduttori. | 1949 | 6 | 283 | 290 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
188 | Pierucci M. | Un nuovo effetto elettronico. | 1949 | 6 | 79 | 80 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
189 | Carrara N., Lombardini P., Cigni R., Sacconi L. | Spettroscopia molecolare. Spettro di inversione dell'ammoniaca. | 1949 | 6 | 552 | 558 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
190 | Ciccone A. | Spettri di assorbimento di liquidi nell'ultrarosso. | 1949 | 6 | 500 | 503 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
191 | Giulotto L., Olivelli G. | Sull'accoppiamento delle oscillazioni esterne nei cristalli. | 1949 | 6 | 231 | 232 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
192 | Born M. | The foundation of quantum statistics. | 1949 | 6 | 163 | 170 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
193 | Casimir H.B.G. | Some aspects of Onsager's theory of reciprocal relations in inversible processes | 1949 | 6 | 227 | 231 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
194 | De Boer J. | The caloric and thermal equation of states in classical and in quantum Statistical mechanics. | 1949 | 6 | 199 | 207 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
195 | Gorter C.J. | The two fluid model for Helium II. | 1949 | 6 | 245 | 250 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
196 | Guggenheim E.A. | Co-operative free energy. | 1949 | 6 | 181 | 186 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
197 | Kirkwood J.G. | The statistical mechanical theory of irreversible processes. | 1949 | 6 | 233 | 239 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
198 | Klein O. | On the statistical derivation of the laws of chemical equilibrium. | 1949 | 6 | 171 | 180 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
199 | Kramers H.A. | On the behaviour of a gas near the wall. | 1949 | 6 | 297 | 304 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
200 | Mayer J.E. | Distribution functions and integral equation methods. | 1949 | 6 | 209 | 226 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
201 | Montroll E.W. | Continuum models of cooperative phenomenon. | 1949 | 6 | 265 | 278 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
202 | Onsager L. | Statistical Hydrodynamics. | 1949 | 6 | 279 | 287 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
203 | Prigogine I. | Sur la perturbation de Maxwell par des réactions chemiques. | 1949 | 6 | 289 | 296 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
204 | Rushbrooke G.S. | On the theory of regular solutions. | 1949 | 6 | 251 | 263 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
205 | Wataghin G. | Irreversible processes and the formation of nuclei. | 1949 | 6 | 241 | 243 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
206 | Yvon J. | De l'équilibre des liquides. | 1949 | 6 | 187 | 197 | Statistical Physics | ||||||||
207 | Ageno M., Chiozzotto M., Querzoli R. | Sulle caratteristiche dei fotomoltiplicatori elettronici, usati comerivelatori di scintillazioni. | 1949 | 6 | 217 | 228 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
208 | Ballerini L. | Microcinematografia in contrasto di fase. | 1949 | 6 | 148 | 150 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
209 | Bassi P. , Beretta E. | Sul funzionamento dei contatori a catodo esterno. | 1949 | 6 | 585 | 590 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
210 | Beretta E., Rostagni A. | Scariche secondarie nei contatori di Geiger e Muller e coefficienti di liberazione di elettroni. | 1949 | 6 | 391 | 396 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
211 | Ceccarelli M., Merlin M., Rostagni A. | Nuovo metodo per la determinazione dell'energia dei quanti gamma emessi da sorgenti deboli. | 1949 | 6 | 151 | 158 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
212 | Facchini U., Orsoni L. | Un metodo utilizzante la scissione dell'U235 per l'analisi del contenuto di uranio nei materiali. | 1949 | 6 | 241 | 254 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
213 | Salvetti C. | Il regime transitorio dei reattori nucleari. (parte II) | 1949 | 6 | 413 | 434 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
214 | Giacomini A. | Contributo alla tecnica di ricerhe sull'azione biologica degli ultrasuoni. | 1949 | 6 | 39 | 49 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
215 | Sette D. | L'assorbimento delle onde ultrasonore nei liquidi. | 1949 | 6 | 1 | 145 | Ultrasounds | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
216 | Zin G. | Su alcune questioni di elettrodinamica classica relativa al moto dell'elettrone. | 1949 | 6 | 1 | 23 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
217 | Demichelis F. | Una questione di nomenclatura. | 1949 | 6 | 397 | 398 | Units | 1 | |||||||
218 | Unione Internazionale di Fisica Pura e Applicata | Simboli delle unità e grandezze fisiche. | 1949 | 6 | 409 | 411 | Units | 1 | |||||||
219 | Toraldo di Francia G. | Principi variazionali per i coefficienti di riflessione delle barriere di riflessione. | 1950 | 7 | 255 | 265 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
220 | Careri G. | Sulla cinetica delle reazioni di dissociazione.II. | 1950 | 7 | 155 | 158 | Chemistry | 1 | |||||||
221 | Addario M.M., Tamburino S. | Nuclei pesanti della radiazione cosmica primaria osservati in lastre fotografiche esposte fino a 29000 m s.l.d.m. | 1950 | 7 | 389 | 400 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
222 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | Sull'effetto di transizione nel fenomeno di produzione di stelle da parte della radiazione cosmica. | 1950 | 7 | 697 | 699 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
223 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | Contributo allo studio degli sciami estesi.I. | 1950 | 7 | 401 | 456 | Cosmic rays | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
224 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | Contributo allo studio degli sciami estesi.II. | 1950 | 7 | 816 | 834 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
225 | Bagalà L., Merlin M., Puppi G. | Cammino libero medio di particelle ionizzanti della radiazione cosmica in emulsione fotografica. | 1950 | 7 | 525 | 526 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
226 | Borsellino A. | Sullo sparpagliamento dei fotoni di uno sciame. | 1950 | 7 | 638 | 654 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
227 | Borsellino A. | Sulla dipendenza dalla profondità dello sparpagliamento degli elettroni di uno sciame.II. | 1950 | 7 | 323 | 330 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
228 | Borsellino A. | Sulle funzioni di struttura angolare e laterale degli sciami estesi. | 1950 | 7 | 700 | 702 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
229 | Borsellino A., Salvini G. | Considerazioni sullo sviluppo in cascata della componente penetrante degli sciami estesi. | 1950 | 7 | 790 | 794 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
230 | Budini P. | Struttura delle tracce generate da particelle ionizzanti di alta energia. | 1950 | 7 | 835 | 846 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
231 | Budini P. | Sulla componente elettronica della radiazione cosmica. | 1950 | 7 | 868 | 880 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
232 | Budini P., Dallaporta N. | Sulla componente nucleonica della radiazione cosmica alle medie energie. | 1950 | 7 | 230 | 254 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
233 | Budini P., Poiani G. | Sullo spettro mesonico sotto materiali densi. | 1950 | 7 | 13 | 20 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
234 | Buschmann J., Quercia I.F., Rispoli B. | Sulle disintegrazioni nucleari prodotte dalla radiazione nucleonica a 3500 m s.l.d.m. | 1950 | 7 | 457 | 469 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
235 | Caldirola P., Loiger A. | Eccesso positivo e molteplicità di produzione dei mesoni. | 1950 | 7 | 161 | 165 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
236 | Caldirola P., Zin G. | Effetto di latitudine sulla componente nucleonica della radiazione cosmica. | 1950 | 7 | 575 | 588 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
237 | Castagnoli C., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | Sull'effetto barometrico negli sciami estesi atmosferici. | 1950 | 7 | 307 | 312 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
238 | Cini M., Wataghin G. | Sull'eccesso positivo dei mesoni. | 1950 | 7 | 135 | 144 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
239 | Dallaporta N., Melin M. | Sulla produzione di mesoni pi-greco di bassa energia negli urti nucleari. | 1950 | 7 | 963 | 966 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
240 | Dallaporta N., Merlin M., Puppi G. | Effetto di transizione che genera le stelle. | 1950 | 7 | 99 | 108 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
241 | Ferretti Sforzini M. | Sul problema della generazione dei mesoni e l'effetto di latitudine. | 1950 | 7 | 196 | 206 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
242 | Franzinetti C.F. | On nuclear disintegrations underground. | 1950 | 7 | 384 | 387 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
243 | Garelli C.M., Wataghin G. | Radiazione cosmica a grandi profondità. | 1950 | 7 | 695 | 696 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
244 | Goldschmidt-Clemont Y., Merlin M. | On the measurement of the Mass of cosmic Ray particles using a sandwich of fotographic plates in a magnetic field. | 1950 | 7 | 220 | 229 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
245 | Lord J.J., Fainberg J., Schein M. | Evidence for the multiple production of mesons in a single nucleon-nucleon collision. | 1950 | 7 | 774 | 781 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
246 | LovatinA., Mura A., Salvini G., Tagliaferri G. | Cloud Chamber Observation on the Electromagnetic Component from Nuclear Explosions and the Development of the Nuclear Cascade. | 1950 | 7 | 943 | 953 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
247 | Malaspina L., Merlin M.,Pirucci O., Rostagni A. | Stelle di disintegrazione nucleare in emulsioni fotografiche. | 1950 | 7 | 145 | 153 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
248 | Mezzetti L., Querzoli R. | Sugli sciami penetranti generati in Piombo e Carbonio. | 1950 | 7 | 470 | 481 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
249 | Milone C., Tamburino S., Villari G. | Sulla distribuzione laterale delle particelle degli sciami estesi dei raggi cosmici in aria. | 1950 | 7 | 207 | 219 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
250 | Quercia I.F., Rispoli B., Sciuti S. | Eccesso positivo e asimmetria Est-Ovest della radiazione penetrante tra il livello del mare e 7300 m s.l.m. | 1950 | 7 | 715 | 747 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
251 | Quercia I.F., Rispoli B., Sciuti S. | On positive and negative excess of the penetrating component of Cosmic Radiation at 3500 m above sea level. | 1950 | 7 | 277 | 280 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
252 | Salvini G. | The mean free path of the N component of the cosmic radiation. | 1950 | 7 | 786 | 789 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
253 | Schien M., Lord J.J. | Nuclear Disruption in the Stratosphere. | 1950 | 7 | 21 | 27 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
254 | Ferretti | Sulla "Bremsstrahlung" nei cristalli. | 1950 | 7 | 118 | 134 | Crystals | 1 | |||||||
255 | Brunelli B., Cunsolo D. | Sulla conversione interna della energia cinetica degli elettroni delle sostanze (beta)-attive. | 1950 | 7 | 847 | 857 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
256 | Carrelli A., Rescigno L. | Misure di conducibilità ad alte frequenze.(nota I) | 1950 | 7 | 1 | 8 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
257 | Carrelli A., Rescigno L. | Misure di conducibilità ad alte frequenze.(nota I) | 1950 | 7 | 9 | 12 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
258 | Gibellato S. | Onde elettromagnetiche ordinarie ed evanescenti prodotte da distribuzioni piane di cariche e di correnti. | 1950 | 7 | 060 | 625 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
259 | Lovati A., Mura A., Salvati G., Tagliaferri G. | Proprietà delle particelle emesse nelle esplosioni nucleari e confronto tra le esplosioni in C e in Ph. | 1950 | 7 | 36 | 47 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
260 | Ferretti B. | Sulla diagonalizzazione delle hamiltoniana nella teoria dei campi d'onda. | 1950 | 7 | 79 | 81 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
261 | Ferretti B. | Ancora sulla diagonalizzazione della hamiltoniana nella teoria dei campi d'onda. | 1950 | 7 | 375 | 377 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
262 | Ferretti B. | Sul problema degli autovalori della energia dei sistemi chiusi nella teoria dei campi. | 1950 | 7 | 899 | 900 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
263 | Branca G., Carrelli A. | Sulla compressibilità delle soluzioni elettrolitiche. | 1950 | 7 | 190 | 195 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
264 | Valle G. | Sulla teoria dell'accensione della scarica elettrica in campo magnetico trasversale. | 1950 | 7 | 174 | 189 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
265 | Drigo A. | Sulla magnetorestenza di lamine ferromagnetiche sottili. | 1950 | 7 | 527 | 529 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
266 | Malvano R., Panetti M. | Gli spettri a risonanza magnetica degli allumi di cromo osservati con un metodo dinamico. | 1950 | 7 | 28 | 35 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
267 | Montalenti G. | Considerazioni critiche sulle teorie modellistiche dei cicli di isteresi dei materiali magnetici. | 1950 | 7 | 748 | 756 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
268 | Amaldi E., Fidecaro G. | An experiment on the anomalous scattering of fast mu- mesons by nucleons. | 1950 | 7 | 535 | 552 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
269 | Amaldi E., Fidecaro G., Mariani F. | On the coulomb scattering of mu-mesons by nuclei. | 1950 | 7 | 553 | 574 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
270 | Amaldi E., Fidecaro G., Mariani F. | On the influence of the spin interaction on the scattering of mesons and electrons by light nuclei. | 1950 | 7 | 757 | 773 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
271 | Clementel E. | Sullo spettro di generazione dei mesoni. | 1950 | 7 | 109 | 177 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
272 | Corinaldesi E. | On the Electromagnetic properties of Mesons. | 1950 | 7 | 892 | 898 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
273 | Corinaldesi E. | On the Self-Energy of a Meson. | 1950 | 7 | 77 | 78 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
274 | Molpurgo G. | Generazione di mesoni da parte di fotoni. | 1950 | 7 | 855 | 867 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
275 | Gallone S., Salvetti C. | Influenza della funzione di sorgente sulla distribuzione dei neutroni termici in un mezzo moltiplicante. | 1950 | 7 | 626 | 637 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
276 | Gallone S., Salvetti C. | Metodi simbolici di calcolo relativi alla moltiplicazione dei neutroni. | 1950 | 7 | 482 | 500 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
277 | Bracci A., Facchini U., Germagnoli E. | Determinazione dell'intensità di una sorgente di neutroni. | 1950 | 7 | 881 | 891 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
278 | Verde M. | Teoria della fotodissociazione e formazione dell'H3 e dell'He3. | 1950 | 7 | 283 | 306 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
279 | Wataghin G. | Sul metodo del "taglio relativistico". | 1950 | 7 | 166 | 167 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
280 | Facchini U., Gatti E. | Misura della sezione d'urto di fissione dell'Uranio per neutroni termici. | 1950 | 7 | 589 | 605 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
281 | Puppi G. | Sui modelli statistici dei nuclei. | 1950 | 7 | 703 | 704 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
282 | Ciccone A. | Spettro di assorbimento di metacresolo nel primo ultrarosso. | 1950 | 7 | 373 | 374 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
283 | Toraldo di Francia G. | A proposito delle microantenne retiniche. | 1950 | 7 | 275 | 276 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
284 | Toraldo Di Francia G. | Sur les lois générales de la diffraction. | 1950 | 7 | 967 | 979 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
285 | Castoldi L. | Sulla relazione di indeterminazione. | 1950 | 7 | 961 | 962 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
286 | Cini M. | Su alcune relazioni tra principi variazionali nel quadro delle formulazioni di Feynman e di Schwinger dell'elettrodinamica. | 1950 | 7 | 911 | 918 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
287 | Cini M., Radicati L.A. | Sull'applicazione del metodo di Feynman alla bremsstrahlung. | 1950 | 7 | 380 | 383 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
288 | Cini M., Radicati L.A. | Un principio variazionale per problemi dipendenti dal tempo. | 1950 | 7 | 905 | 910 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
289 | Dirac P. A. M. | A new Meaning for Gauge Transformations in electrodynamics. | 1950 | 7 | 925 | 938 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
290 | Ferretti B. | Ancora sull'operatore S(sigma) di Dyson-Feynmann. | 1950 | 7 | 783 | 785 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
291 | Gamba A. | Sulla relazione di indeterminazione. | 1950 | 7 | 378 | 379 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
292 | Gamba A. | Proprietà di trasformazione dei campi di Spin 1/2. | 1950 | 7 | 919 | 924 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
293 | Loinger A. | Sull'intensità delle righe esterne Raman e infrarosse dei cristalli. | 1950 | 7 | 939 | 942 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
294 | Morpurgo G. | Sullo spostamento del livello 2S(1/2). | 1950 | 7 | 313 | 322 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
295 | Ascenzi A., Boato G., Passalacqua F. | Rilievo di iodio nell'ipofisi mediante I131. | 1950 | 7 | 530 | 530 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
296 | Baroni G., Castagnoli C. | Emulsioni nucleari studiate al microscopio elettronico. | 1950 | 7 | 364 | 371 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
297 | Bassi P., Filosofo I., Prinzi L. | Azione del campo magnetico sul funzionamento dei contatori G.M. | 1950 | 7 | 83 | 93 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
298 | Bracci A., Facchini U.,, Germaglioli E., Zimmer E. | Contatori di neutroni a BF3. | 1950 | 7 | 512 | 519 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
299 | Caperi G., Nencini G. | La discriminazione deli ioni negli spettrometri di massa. | 1950 | 7 | 64 | 68 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
300 | Colombino P. | Multivibratore d'ingresso per coincidenze ad elevato potere risolutivo. | 1950 | 7 | 955 | 960 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
301 | Conversi M. | Un generatore di impulsi portatile per l'analisi di circuiti di coincidenze. | 1950 | 7 | 674 | 676 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
302 | Conversi M., Tichio H. K. | Un dispositivo per lo studio della produzione dei mesoni nella stratosfera. | 1950 | 7 | 677 | 689 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
303 | Drigo A. | Un apparecchio a fotomoltiplicatore per la misura della emanazione del radio. | 1950 | 7 | 501 | 511 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
304 | Drigo A. | Sulla possibilità di ridurre gli impulsi di fondo dei fotomoltiplicatori "931 A" mediante un elettrodo esterno. | 1950 | 7 | 267 | 270 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
305 | Filosofo I., Merlin M., Rostagni A. | Misure di basse tensioni di vapore. | 1950 | 7 | 69 | 75 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
306 | Franzini T., Musumeci L. | Numerazione di impulsi su filo d'acciaio. | 1950 | 7 | 159 | 160 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
307 | Gatti E. | Spettrografo di impulsi a 99 canali. | 1950 | 7 | 655 | 673 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
308 | Goldschmidt-Clermont Y. | On the mesurement of scattering in the photographic plate. | 1950 | 7 | 331 | 350 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
309 | Levi F. A. | Metodo per l'osservazione microscopica di preparati sottoposti all'azione degli ultrasuoni. | 1950 | 7 | 271 | 273 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
310 | Mattarolo L. | Metodo per la determinazione della diffusività termica dei cattivi conduttori del calore. | 1950 | 7 | 809 | 815 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
311 | Musumeci L. | Dispersione e aberrazione nello spettrografo di massa a campo magnetico. | 1950 | 7 | 351 | 363 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
312 | Ricamo R. | Alimentatore stabilizzato per tensioni da 600 a 1800 V. | 1950 | 7 | 795 | 797 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
313 | Ricamo R. | Sul funzionamento del rilevatore a scintilla di particelle alfa. | 1950 | 7 | 49 | 54 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
314 | Tagliaferri G., Terra L. | Uno stabilizzatore elettronico di tensione alternata. | 1950 | 7 | 690 | 694 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
315 | Zimmer E. | Preparazione di strati sottili di ossidi d'Uranio per misure radioattive. | 1950 | 7 | 520 | 523 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
316 | Carrelli A., Porreca F. | Sulla propagazione di onde ultrasonore nei liquidi. | 1950 | 7 | 94 | 98 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
317 | Petralia S. | Interferometria ultrasonora nei gas.I. | 1950 | 7 | 705 | 714 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
318 | Porreca F. | Sulla distribuzione di intensità nei reticoli ultrasonori. | 1950 | 7 | 171 | 173 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
319 | Sette D. | Contributo sperimentale alle misure del coefficiente di assorbimento delle onde ultrasonore nei liquidi | 1950 | 7 | 55 | 63 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
320 | Perucca E. | Attività dell'Unione internazionale di Fisica Pura e Applicata. | 1950 | 7 | 799 | 806 | Various topics | ||||||||
321 | Rosino L. | Caratteri fisici di alcune classi di stelle variabili. | 1951 | 8 | 54 | 61 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
322 | Addario Indovina M.M. | Alcune osservazioni sulla radiazione che genera le stelle a grande altezza. | 1951 | 8 | 729 | 731 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
323 | Addario M.M., Tamburino S. | Disintegrazione nucleari a grande altezza. | 1951 | 8 | 82 | 95 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
324 | Allegretti L., Abd El-Wahab Khalil | Su un secondo, terzo e quarto massimo osservati nella curva di transizione di Rossi. | 1951 | 8 | 1011 | 1013 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
325 | Ballario C., Brunelli B., De Marco A., Martinelli G. | Sulla variazione diurna degli sciami espesi di grande densità a 3500 m s.l.m. | 1951 | 8 | 587 | 589 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
326 | Bassi P., Bianchi A.M., Manduchi C. | Sui fotoni negli sciami estesi dell'atmosfera. | 1951 | 8 | 735 | 737 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
327 | Bassi P., Filosofo I., Manduchi C., Prinzi L. | Eccesso positivo dei mesoni a 2000 metri. | 1951 | 8 | 469 | 474 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
328 | Belliboni G., Fabbrichesi L., De Marco L., Merlin M. | Effetto di transizione delle stelle di disintegrazione in lastre nucleari sotto piccoli spessori. | 1951 | 8 | 374 | 382 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
329 | Bonetti A., Tomasini G. | Absorption of Slow (mu)-Mesons in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1951 | 8 | 693 | 704 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
330 | Budini P. | Sullo spettro di densità degli sciami estesi dell'aria. | 1951 | 8 | 446 | 465 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
331 | Budini P., Poiani G. | Ricerca di un effetto orario sulla componente penetrante della radiazione cosmica. | 1951 | 8 | 732 | 734 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
332 | Caldirola P., Fieschi R., Gulmanelli P. | Effetto di latitudine sulla distribuzione dei mesoni nell'atmosfera. | 1951 | 8 | 508 | 511 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
333 | Caldirola P., Gulmanelli P. | Distribuzione nell'atmosfera delle componenti mesonica ed elettronica della radiazione cosmica. | 1951 | 8 | 229 | 242 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
334 | Clementel E., Puppi G. | Sulla componente nucleonica nell'atmosfera. | 1951 | 8 | 936 | 951 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
335 | Della Corte M., Giovannozzi M. | An intrinsic angular analysis of cosmic ray stars. | 1951 | 8 | 741 | 748 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
336 | Ferretti Sforzini M. | Sul problema della generazione dei mesoni e l'effetto di latitudine (II). | 1951 | 8 | 909 | 913 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
337 | Fraschetti S., Giovannozzi M. | Sparpagliamento degli sciami sotto materiale pesante. | 1951 | 8 | 312 | 316 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
338 | Fubini S. | Sui mesoni associati ai grandi sciami. | 1951 | 8 | 843 | 850 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
339 | Levi Setti R., Merlin M. | Stelle di evaporazione generate in lamine metalliche. | 1951 | 8 | 504 | 507 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
340 | Levi Setti R., Tomasini G. | On the Decay of (mu)-Mesons. | 1951 | 8 | 994 | 1005 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
341 | Lovati A., Mura A., Succi C., Tagliaferri G. | Interaction Mean Free Path of the Particles Emitted in Cosmic Ray Nuclear Explosions. | 1951 | 8 | 271 | 278 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
342 | Manfredini A. | Sulla distribuzione angolare dei rami delle stelle prodotte dalla radiazione cosmica nelle emulsioni fotografiche. | 1951 | 8 | 195 | 205 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
343 | Mc Cusker C.B.A.,Millar D.D. | A Note on the V Particle. | 1951 | 8 | 289 | 291 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
344 | Melin M., Pierucci O. | Metodo di discriminazione di stelle a 2 rami in emulsioni nucleari. | 1951 | 8 | 528 | 533 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
345 | Mezzetti L., Querzoli R. | Sull'analisi statistica dei risultati di misure eseguite con contatori di Geiger. | 1951 | 8 | 768 | 773 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
346 | Millar D.D. | The Transition Effect of Exstensive Air Showers. | 1951 | 8 | 279 | 288 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
347 | Milone C. | Sulla costituzione degli sciami estesi di raggi cosmici. | 1951 | 8 | 643 | 650 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
348 | Salvati G. | Detection of Nuclear Interaction by Means of a Cloud Chamber containing a Crystal of Sodium Iodide. | 1951 | 8 | 798 | 805 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
349 | Sard R.D., Crouch M.F., Jones D.R., Conforto A.M., Stearns B.F. | Neutron Production by Cosmic-Ray Particles at sea Level and Underground. | 1951 | 8 | 326 | 340 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
350 | Vidale M.L., Schein M. | High energy nuclear interaction of cosmic ray particles close to the top of the atmospere. | 1951 | 8 | 774 | 797 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
351 | Ageno M., Querzoli R. | Un'ipotesi sul meccanismo delle scintillazioni nei cristalli organici. | 1951 | 8 | 512 | 514 | Crystals | 1 | |||||||
352 | Giulotto L., Loinger A. | Oscillazioni esterne e calore specifico della calcite. | 1951 | 8 | 475 | 486 | Crystals | 1 | |||||||
353 | Jona F., Scherrer P. | Determinazione delle costanti elastiche del ghiaccio. | 1951 | 8 | 981 | 993 | Crystals | 1 | |||||||
354 | Bachelet F., Ferretti Sforzini M., Ippolito F. | Studio della radioattività di lave Vesuviane. | 1951 | 8 | 851 | 856 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
355 | Ceccarelli M., Quareni G., Rostagni A. | Sulla radioattività del potassio. | 1951 | 8 | 132 | 143 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
356 | Ascoli R. | Teoria delle linee di ritardo "compensate". | 1951 | 8 | 914 | 927 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
357 | Carrara N. | Mezzi dispersivi che non presentano l'effetto Fizeau-Fresnel. | 1951 | 8 | 569 | 576 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
358 | Gozzini A. | La costante dielettrica dei gas nella regione delle microonde. | 1951 | 8 | 361 | 368 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
359 | Grillini L. | Un'esperienza mediante reticoli piani per microonde. | 1951 | 8 | 952 | 959 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
360 | Clemente E. | Scattering of Neutrons By Deuterons. | 1951 | 8 | 185 | 194 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
361 | Schonberg M. | Physical Applications of the Resolvent Operators (I). On the Mathematical Formalism of Feynman's Theory of the Positron. | 1951 | 8 | 651 | 682 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
362 | Ferretti B. | Sulla diagonalizzazione della hamiltoniana nella teoria dei campi d'onda e sulla teoria dei sistemi chiusi. NOTA I. | 1951 | 8 | 108 | 131 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
363 | Carrelli A., Rescigno L. | Misure di conducibilità in alta frequenza con soluzioni dotate di notevole viscosità. | 1951 | 8 | 308 | 311 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
364 | Tartaglione E. | Diffrazione di raggi X da parte di soluzioni acquose di alcuni solfati. | 1951 | 8 | 977 | 980 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
365 | Alberigi Quaranta A., Mezzetti L., Pancini E., Stoppini G. | Sulla velocità di migrazione degli elettroni nelle miscele di Argon e alcool. | 1951 | 8 | 618 | 642 | Gases | 1 | |||||||
366 | Colli L., Facchini U. | Velocità di migrazione degli elettroni in campo elettronico in Argon. | 1951 | 8 | 891 | 892 | Gases | 1 | |||||||
367 | Von Engel | A Survey of Recent Advances in Discharge Physics. | 1951 | 8 | 42 | 53 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
368 | Drigo A. | Sulla magnetizzazione spontanea e il punto di Curie di lamine ferromagnetiche di piccolissimo spessore. | 1951 | 8 | 498 | 501 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
369 | Gozzini A. | Sull'effetto Faraday di sostanze paramagnetiche nella regione delle microonde. | 1951 | 8 | 928 | 935 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
370 | Kip A.F., Davis C.F., Jennings L., Reiner D., Malvano R. | Risonanza paramagnetica in alcuni allumi di Cromo a varie temperature. | 1951 | 8 | 683 | 692 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
371 | Thibaud J., Perrier D. | Luminosité a la rencontre d'ondes de choc produites par les charges creuses. | 1951 | 8 | 705 | 712 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
372 | Budini P. | Cattura K del mesone mu. | 1951 | 8 | 901 | 908 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
373 | Cini M., Radicati L.A. | On the Double Scattering of Mesons by Nucleons. | 1951 | 8 | 542 | 551 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
374 | Cini M.,Radicati L.A. | Sullo scattering dei mesoni da parte dei nucleoni. | 1951 | 8 | 317 | 325 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
375 | Corinaldesi E. | On the Influence of the Particle Structure in the Moler Scattering of (mu)-Mesons Protons. | 1951 | 8 | 62 | 69 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
376 | Fry W.F. | Short (mu)-Meson Tracks from (pigreco)-Meson Decays. | 1951 | 8 | 590 | 591 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
377 | Morpurgo G. | Fotoriproduzione dei mesoni nel Deuterio. | 1951 | 8 | 552 | 568 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
378 | Vrkljan V.S. | Uber das Schrodinngersche Zittern der de Broglienschen Teilchen dem Spin 1 vom Typus des Mesons. | 1951 | 8 | 369 | 373 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
379 | Fumi F.G. | On the Form of Molecular Orbitals in Conjugated Rings and Chains. | 1951 | 8 | 1 | 25 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
380 | Gallone S., Orsoni L., Salvetti C. | Sorgenti di neutroni variabili nel tempo in mezzi moltiplicanti (I). | 1951 | 8 | 960 | 969 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
381 | Caianiello E.R. | On the Universal Fermi-Type Interaction (II). | 1951 | 8 | 749 | 767 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
382 | Caianiello E.R. | On the Universal Fermi-type Interaction (I). | 1951 | 8 | 535 | 541 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
383 | Castoldi L. | Di alcune particolarità geometriche dello scattering classico di Rutherford. | 1951 | 8 | 491 | 493 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
384 | Chiarotti G., Giulotto L. | Misure di ampiezza di segnali nucleari. | 1951 | 8 | 595 | 597 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
385 | Gallone S., Salvetti C. | Un modello nucleare asimmetrico. | 1951 | 8 | 970 | 976 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
386 | Gamba A. | A Theoretical Investigation of the Photodisintegration of the Alpha-Particle (I). | 1951 | 8 | 605 | 617 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
387 | Gerosa A., Levi Setti R. | High Energy Event in Nuclear Emulsion at 4550 m. | 1951 | 8 | 601 | 601 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
388 | Liotta S. | Annichilamento protone-antiprotone con emissione di mesoni vettoriali neutri e carichi. | 1951 | 8 | 857 | 873 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
389 | Ollano Z.M.I., Roy R.R. | Emission of Neutrons and Protons from Ne22 by the Bombardament of (alfa)-Particles. | 1951 | 8 | 77 | 81 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
390 | Orsoni L. | Il fattore di utilizzazione termica in simmetria cilindrica. | 1951 | 8 | 434 | 435 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
391 | Paganelli M., Quareni G. | Sul legame tra la cattura K e l'emissioni (gamma) del Potassio 40. | 1951 | 8 | 598 | 600 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
392 | Ricamo R. | Studio del livello a 8,20 MeV del C13. | 1951 | 8 | 893 | 895 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
393 | Ricamo R. | Risonanze (n,n) ed (n,p) nel P31 e S32. | 1951 | 8 | 383 | 402 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
394 | Cini M. | Sullo stato di polarizzazione dei prodotti della reazione D+D. | 1951 | 8 | 1007 | 1010 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
395 | Facchini U.,Gatti E., Germagnoli E. | Lo spettro di energia delle particelle emesse nella reazione 6(3)Li (n, alfa)3(1)H. | 1951 | 8 | 146 | 151 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
396 | Gallone S., Salvetti C. | A proposito dei momenti magnetici dei nuclei speculari. | 1951 | 8 | 502 | 503 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
397 | Verde M. | A Further Theoretical contribution to the Photodisintegration of H3 and He3. | 1951 | 8 | 152 | 158 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
398 | Berti L. | Complementi alla teoria del microscopio in contrasto di fase. | 1951 | 8 | 26 | 41 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
399 | Albertoni S., Cugiani M. | Sul problema del cambiamento di variabili nella teoria delle distribuzioni. | 1951 | 8 | 884 | 888 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
400 | Bernasconi A., Caldirola P. | Sulle correzioni di relatività e di spin per una particella in campo centrale. | 1951 | 8 | 71 | 73 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
401 | Corinaldesi E. | Charge Fluctuations in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1951 | 8 | 494 | 497 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
402 | Maehly H.J. | Zur genaherten Berechnung der Eigenwerte einer Schrodinger-Gleichung. | 1951 | 8 | 466 | 468 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
403 | Schonberg M. | Sur la thèorie des Perturbations Mècanique Quantique (II). Spectres continus et Mixtes. | 1951 | 8 | 403 | 431 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
404 | Schonberg M. | Mechanism of the Loss of Energy by Collisions in a Material Medium (I). | 1951 | 8 | 159 | 184 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
405 | Schonberg M. | On the General Theory of Damping in Quantum Mechanics. | 1951 | 8 | 817 | 842 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
406 | Schonberg M. | Sur la Thèorie des Perturbation en Mècanique Quantique (I). Spectres Discontinus. | 1951 | 8 | 243 | 270 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
407 | Wataghin G. | On the Quantum Theory of Fields (I). | 1951 | 8 | 592 | 594 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
408 | Lovera G. | Regolarità nei dati spettroscopici di molecole biatomiche formate con atomi del 4° e 6°gruppo. | 1951 | 8 | 1014 | 1015 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
409 | Simonetta M., Bonelli R. | Sul calcolo del più basso livello energetico dell'Ortoelio. | 1951 | 8 | 813 | 816 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
410 | Ageno M., Chizzotto M., Querzoli R. | Modifiche apportate ad un impianto acceleratore per ioni positivi. | 1951 | 8 | 433 | 433 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
411 | Ascoli R. | Sull'accoppiamento delle "scale di due". | 1951 | 8 | 584 | 585 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
412 | Bassi P. | Sui contatori a radiazione di Ceronkov. | 1951 | 8 | 807 | 809 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
413 | Belliboni G., Merlin M. | Sulla discriminazione di particelle fortemente ionizzanti in lastre nucleari. | 1951 | 8 | 349 | 356 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
414 | Bersano C. | Un metodo generale di analisi spettrografica quantitativa. | 1951 | 8 | 577 | 583 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
415 | Bonetti A., Occhialini G.P.S. | Cylindrical Emulsions. | 1951 | 8 | 725 | 727 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
416 | Boutry G.A., Le Blan L. | Un corps noir: étalon de brillance à tempèrature ajustable. | 1951 | 8 | 207 | 222 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
417 | Carrelli A., Branca G. | Visualizzazione delle onde di viscosità nei liquidi. | 1951 | 8 | 889 | 890 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
418 | Chizzotto M. | Dispositivo per il controllo automatico della pressione in un impianto ad alto vuoto. | 1951 | 8 | 345 | 348 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
419 | Kolb O. | Ein neuer Apparat zum Absunchen und Ausmessen teilchenempfindlicher Platten. | 1951 | 8 | 487 | 490 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
420 | Levi Setti R. | Contribution to the Methods of Measurement of Scattering in the Photographic Plate. | 1951 | 8 | 97 | 107 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
421 | Lovati A., Mura A., Tagliaferri G., Terra L. | Una camera di Wilson di grandi dimensioni per ricerche sulla radiazione cosmica. | 1951 | 8 | 713 | 724 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
422 | Mariani F. | Rappresentazione nomografica dell'urto tra due particelle di dimensioni atomiche. | 1951 | 8 | 297 | 300 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
423 | Meulemans G., Occhialini G.P.S., Vincent A.M. | The Wire Method of Loading Nuclear Emulsions. | 1951 | 8 | 341 | 344 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
424 | Mignone G. | Eliminazione della contrazione nelle emulsioni nucleari. | 1951 | 8 | 896 | 897 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
425 | Grossetti E. | Su alcune particolarità nella emissione degli ultrasuoni. | 1951 | 8 | 441 | 445 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
426 | Grossetti E. | Sulla distribuzione d'intensità del campo ultrasonoro nei liquidi. | 1951 | 8 | 301 | 307 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
427 | Porreca F. | Alcune particolarità sul comportamento degli ultrasuoni nei liquidi. | 1951 | 8 | 521 | 527 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
428 | Lovera G. | Sulle frequenze di vibrazioni delle molecolebiatomiche formate con atomi del 4°, 5°, 6°, 7° gruppo. | 1952 | 9 | 541 | 543 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
429 | Mukerji S.K., Banarsi Lal | On the Raman Spectra of p-diphenylbenzene in various Solutions. | 1952 | 9 | 413 | 420 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
430 | Mukerji S.K., Banarsi Lal | On the Raman Spectra of Thianthrene in Various Solutions. | 1952 | 9 | 699 | 704 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
431 | Abd El-Wahab Khalil M. | Anomalies of the absorbition curve of Cosmic radiation in lead. | 1952 | 9 | 1248 | 1249 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
432 | Abd el-Wahab M., Allegretti L., El-Fandi M.G., El-Sherbini M. | Aumento dell'intensità dei raggi cosmici al livello del mare durante tempeste di sabbia. | 1952 | 9 | 734 | 735 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
433 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | On the Interaction of Cosmic Rays with Matter under 50 meters Water Equivalent. | 1952 | 9 | 453 | 455 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
434 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | On the interaction of cosmic rays with matter under 50 metres equivalent. | 1952 | 9 | 969 | 1003 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
435 | Barbanti Silva L. Bonacini C. Depietri C. Lovera G. Perilli Fedeli E | Sulla distribuzione anomala delle stelle di disintegrazione prodotte dalla radiazione cosmica nelle emulsioni fotografiche. | 1952 | 9 | 630 | 632 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
436 | Baroni G., Cortini G., Milone A., Scarsi L., Vanderhaeghe G. | Etude de la composante molle du rayonnement cosmique au Pic du Midi. | 1952 | 9 | 867 | 885 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
437 | Bassi P., Bianchi A.M., Cadorin D., Manduchi C. | Sulla distribuzione zenitale delle particelle degli sciami estesi. | 1952 | 9 | 1037 | 1043 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
438 | Bassi P., Bianchi A.M., Manduchi C. | Sulla componente fotonica degli sciami estesi dell'aria. | 1952 | 9 | 358 | 364 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
439 | Bassi P., Manduchi C., Veronesi P. | Sulla distribuzione zenitale della componente nucleonica di media energia. | 1952 | 9 | 722 | 725 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
440 | Berretta E., Filosofo I., Sommacal B. | Sull'eccesso positivo verticali ed inclinato dei mesoni (mu). | 1952 | 9 | 317 | 323 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
441 | Bertolino G., Cini M., Colombino P., Wataghin G. | Produzione multipla di mesoni negli sciami penetranti. | 1952 | 9 | 407 | 412 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
442 | Brini D., Rimondi O., Filosofo I. | Spettro dei mesoni (mu) al livello del mare. | 1952 | 9 | 505 | 510 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
443 | Broxon J.W. | New Barometric and Temperature Coefficients for the Frequency of Small Cosmic-Ray Bursts. | 1952 | 9 | 1054 | 1070 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
444 | Budini P., Lanza G. | Sull'accoppiamento "N" dei raggi cosmici alle alte energie. | 1952 | 9 | 381 | 390 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
445 | Caldirola P., Fieschi R., Gulmanelli P. | A Phenomenological Theory of Cosmic Radiation in the Atmosphere. | 1952 | 9 | 5 | 35 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
446 | Clementel E., Ferrari F. | Sulla componente nucleonica nell'atmosfera (II). | 1952 | 9 | 572 | 579 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
447 | Cortini G., Manfredini A., Segré | On nuclear explosions produced by primary protons in emulsions exposed in the high atmosphere. | 1952 | 9 | 659 | 686 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
448 | Cortini G., Manfredini A., Segrè G. | Sullo spettro di energia della componente nucleonica a varie quote. | 1952 | 9 | 191 | 193 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
449 | Dallaporta N., Merlin M., Pierucci O., Rostagni A. | Generazione di mesoni (pigreco) in piombo ealluminio esposti ai raggi cosmici. | 1952 | 9 | 202 | 204 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
450 | Levi Setti R., Tomasini G. | Slow Heavy Mesons from Cosmic Ray Stars. | 1952 | 9 | 1244 | 1247 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
451 | Lovati A., Mura A., Tagliaferri G. | Neutral Mesons Production In Energetic Nuclear Encounters. | 1952 | 9 | 205 | 207 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
452 | Lovati A., Mura A., Tagliaferri G., Terrani S. | A Cloud Chamber Analysis of Cosmic Rays at 3500 Metres. The Electronic Component from | 1952 | 9 | 846 | 958 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
453 | Lovera G. | Sull'anamalia nella distribuzione angolare intrinseca dei rami nelle stelle prodotte dalla radiazione cosmica. | 1952 | 9 | 857 | 860 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
454 | Lovera G. | Questioni statistiche sulla distribuzione angolare dei rami nelle stelle prodotte dalla radiazione cosmica. | 1952 | 9 | 134 | 140 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
455 | Mandò M., Ronchi L. jr. | On the Energy Relation for fast Muons in Rock. | 1952 | 9 | 517 | 529 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
456 | Merlin M., Vitale B., Goldschmdt- Clermont Y. | Misura dell'eccesso positivo a bassa energia mediante sandwich di lastre nucleari in campo magnetico. | 1952 | 9 | 421 | 428 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
457 | Milone C. | Sullo spettro di energia degli elettroni negli sciami estesi di raggi cosmici. | 1952 | 9 | 549 | 571 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
458 | Milone C. | Sulle particelle penetranti negli sciami estesidei raggi cosmici e la fase di sviluppo degli sciami. | 1952 | 9 | 637 | 641 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
459 | Monticelli F. | Sui metodi di soluzione delle equazioni della cascata elettrofotonica. | 1952 | 9 | 477 | 486 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
460 | Peaslee D.C. | Cosmic Rays Underground. | 1952 | 9 | 61 | 73 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
461 | Poiani G., Villi C. | Sullo sparpagliamento laterale degli sciami alle basse energie. | 1952 | 9 | 1109 | 1115 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
462 | Poiani G., Villi C. | Sulla probabilità di localizzazione degli elettroni negli sciami estesi. | 1952 | 9 | 825 | 833 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
463 | Segrè G. | Sulle particelle alfa nella radiazione cosmica primaria. | 1952 | 9 | 116 | 127 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
464 | Terreaux Ch. | Meson Production with Latitude Cut-Off. | 1952 | 9 | 1029 | 1031 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
465 | Demichelis F., Malvano R. | Coincidence investigation of the (gamma) spectrum from 214 Bi 83 (RaC). | 1952 | 9 | 1106 | 1108 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
466 | Paganelli M., Quereni G. | Sullo schema di disintegrazione del K40. | 1952 | 9 | 324 | 335 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
467 | Ageno M., Querzoli R. | Sul meccanismo delle scintillazioni nelle soluzioni. | 1952 | 9 | 282 | 290 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
468 | Berti L. | Elementi per il calcolo di un filtro birifrangente. | 1952 | 9 | 304 | 311 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
469 | Bertolini F. | Sulla capacità di un condensatore sferico. | 1952 | 9 | 852 | 854 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
470 | Coccone A. | Luminescenza di soluzioni per effetto di raggi gamma rivelata mediante un fotomoltiplicatore 931 A. | 1952 | 9 | 36 | 43 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
471 | Cutolo M. | Determinazione sperimentale delle curve di risonanza nel moto degli elettroni lenti nell'alta atmosfera. | 1952 | 9 | 391 | 406 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
472 | Cutulo M. | Su di un nuovo fenomeno di interazione fra onde ed elettroni liberi sottoposti al campo magnetico terrestre. | 1952 | 9 | 687 | 696 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
473 | Motzo M. | Curve teoriche di risonanza nell'interazione tra onde elettromagnetiche, per incidenza verticale nella ionosfera. | 1952 | 9 | 213 | 219 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
474 | Schumann W.O. | Uber die Ausbreitung sehrlanger elektrischer Wellen um die Erde und die Signale des Blitzes. | 1952 | 9 | 1116 | 1138 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
475 | Valle G. | Teoria della tensione di scarica fra elettrodi cilindrici coassiali in campo magnetico trasversale. | 1952 | 9 | 145 | 168 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
476 | Corinaldesi E., Trainor L. | Evalutation of Integrals im the Theory of Atomic Scattering of Electrons | 1952 | 9 | 940 | 945 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
477 | Corinaldesi E., Trainor L., Ta-You-Wu | The Oppenheimer Approximation for the Scattering of electrons. | 1952 | 9 | 436 | 439 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
478 | Annis M., Bridge H., Courant H., Olbert S. | S-Particles. | 1952 | 9 | 624 | 627 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
479 | Ascoli R. | Interazioni non localizzabili - Esempio dell'effetto Compton. | 1952 | 9 | 757 | 783 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
480 | Caianiello E.R. | Fermion Types and ensuing Selection Rules. | 1952 | 9 | 336 | 350 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
481 | Ferretti B. | Sugli stati isobarici dei nucleoni e la diffusione dei meseni (pigreco) contro i protoni. | 1952 | 9 | 312 | 313 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
482 | Gamba A. | Pion Production and Charge Independence. | 1952 | 9 | 1032 | 1034 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
483 | Muller R., Stool P. | Kernphotospaltung am B10 und B11 durch (gamma)-Strahlen bis 31 MeV. | 1952 | 9 | 1232 | 1236 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
484 | Bellomo E., Loinger A. | Equivalenza fisica dell'equazione di Dirac-Corben con l'equazione di Dirac. | 1952 | 9 | 1240 | 1241 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
485 | Caianiello E.R., Fubini S. | On the Algorithm of Dirac Spurs. | 1952 | 9 | 1218 | 1226 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
486 | Corben H.C. | A unified field theory with varying charge and rest-mass. | 1952 | 9 | 235 | 252 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
487 | Holmberg B. | A remark on the uniqueness of the potential determined from the asymptotic phase. | 1952 | 9 | 597 | 604 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
488 | Loinger A. | Un semplice modello di due campi interagenti. | 1952 | 9 | 1080 | 1086 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
489 | Carrelli A., Tartaglione E. | Diffrazione di raggi X da parte di soluzioni acquose di zucchero caramellato. | 1952 | 9 | 440 | 441 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
490 | Cerrai E., Marchetti C., Silvestri M. | Misura della concentrazione in deuterio dell'acqua di condensa di un soffione boracifero di Larderello. | 1952 | 9 | 511 | 516 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
491 | Ford I.H., Picciotto E.E. | Etude des minéraux de terres rares par absorption neutronique. | 1952 | 9 | 141 | 144 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
492 | Milone Tamburino S., Stella A. | Sulla radioattività delle lave etnee. | 1952 | 9 | 1044 | 1053 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
493 | Miolone Tamburino S., Stella A. | Determinazione della radioattività di un pegmatite di Delianova mediante emulsioni nucleari esposte a strati di roccia polverizzata e compressa ed a sezioni sottili. | 1952 | 9 | 253 | 268 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
494 | Dallaporta N. | Sulle vite medie dei mesoni (mu)+ e (mu)-. | 1952 | 9 | 449 | 452 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
495 | Bassi P., Bianchi A.M., Manduchi C. | Intensity measurement of Cerenkov light. | 1952 | 9 | 861 | 863 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
496 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Bisi A. | Ionizzazione totale delle particelle (alfa) del polonio in argon e azoto. | 1952 | 9 | 1004 | 1007 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
497 | Budini P., Poiani G. | Sull'aumento della ionizzazione specifica primaria alle alte energie. | 1952 | 9 | 199 | 201 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
498 | Huybrechts M., Schonberg M. | Ionization at relativistic energies and polarization effects. | 1952 | 9 | 764 | 807 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
499 | Schonberg M. | The Theory of ionization and the Emission of Cerenkov Radiation. | 1952 | 9 | 210 | 211 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
500 | Schonberg M. | Ionization Loss at Relativistic Energies and Polarizzation Effects. | 1952 | 9 | 372 | 375 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
501 | Carrelli A., Rescigni L. | Misure di conducibilità in alta frequenza con soluzioni viscose. | 1952 | 9 | 618 | 619 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
502 | Carrelli A., Rescigno L. | Misure della costante dielettrica di soluzioni saline acquose in alta frequenza. | 1952 | 9 | 1 | 4 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
503 | Carrelli A., Rescigno L. | Misure di conducibilità di elettrliti forti e deboli in alta frequenza. | 1952 | 9 | 719 | 721 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
504 | Schafroth M.R. | Coulomb Interaction and the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect. | 1952 | 9 | 291 | 303 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
505 | Brovetto P., Ferroni S. | Transizioni proibite negli spettri di risonanza paramagnetica degli allumi di cromo. | 1952 | 9 | 628 | 629 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
506 | Fumi F.G. | Matter Tensor in Symmetrical Systems. | 1952 | 9 | 739 | 756 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
507 | Alberigi Quaranta A., Pancini E. | The disintegration of (mu) mesons in carbon. | 1952 | 9 | 959 | 968 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
508 | Baroncini D. | The Non-Adiabatic Method with a Neutral Pseudo-Scalar Meson Field. | 1952 | 9 | 642 | 658 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
509 | Budini P. | Cattura nucleare del mesone (mu). | 1952 | 9 | 445 | 448 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
510 | Clementel E. | Interazione dei mesoni (pigreco) con la materia nucleare. | 1952 | 9 | 369 | 371 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
511 | Demeur M., Dilworth C., Schonberg M. | A Probable Example of Multiple Production of Mesons. | 1952 | 9 | 92 | 94 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
512 | Mandò M., Ronchi L. jr | Sulla perdita di energia di mesoni veloci per creazione di coppie. | 1952 | 9 | 105 | 115 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
513 | Peaslee D.C. | Cosmic Ray Evidence on the (mu)-meson Magnetic Moment. | 1952 | 9 | 56 | 60 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
514 | Lovera G. | Formula per le frequenze di vibrazione delle molecole biatomiche dei metalli alcalini. | 1952 | 9 | 442 | 444 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
515 | Verde M. | Accoppiamento spin-orbita e polarizzazione di neutroni. | 1952 | 9 | 376 | 379 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
516 | Boato G., Careri G., Santangelo M. | Argon Isotopesin Natural Gases. | 1952 | 9 | 44 | 49 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
517 | Boato G., Careri G., Volpi G.G. | Hydrogen Isotopes in Steam Wells. | 1952 | 9 | 539 | 540 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
518 | Caldirola P., Gulmanelli P. | Su una nuova equazione ondulatoria per una particella a spin 1/2. | 1952 | 9 | 834 | 845 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
519 | Careri G. | Note on Superposition Method in Mass Spettrometry. | 1952 | 9 | 128 | 133 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
520 | Ferroni S. | Relation between Even and Odd Couplings in Beta-Decay Theory. | 1952 | 9 | 1103 | 1105 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
521 | Gamba A., Verde M. | On a question of nuclear spectroscopy. | 1952 | 9 | 544 | 546 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
522 | Inonu E., Wigner E.P. | Representations of Galilei group. | 1952 | 9 | 705 | 718 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
523 | Morpurgo G, | Sull'energia di legame dell'H3 e dell'He4. | 1952 | 9 | 461 | 476 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
524 | Segrè E. | The problem of the stability of technetium. | 1952 | 9 | 1008 | 1011 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
525 | Bracci A., Facchini U., Malvicini A. | Spettro della radiazione (gamma) emessa nella reazione 10 B(n,alfa) 7Li*, 7li*-7Li+gamma. | 1952 | 9 | 1237 | 1239 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
526 | Ferrari F., Villi C. | Sulla teoria evaporativa delle disintegrazioni nucleari. | 1952 | 9 | 487 | 504 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
527 | Ferrari F., Villi C. | Sui livelli energetici dei nuclei pesanti. | 1952 | 9 | 927 | 939 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
528 | Puppi G., De Sabbata E., Manaresi E. | Eccitazioni dei nuclei per assorbimento dei mesoni (mu)- I. Considerazioni generali. | 1952 | 9 | 726 | 733 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
529 | Grosjean C.C. | Note on the Diffraction of Light by a Finite Number of Centres Distributed at Random. | 1952 | 9 | 220 | 234 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
530 | Cini M. | The commutation laws in the theory of quantized fields. | 1952 | 9 | 1025 | 1028 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
531 | Corben H.C. | A Reformulation of Field Theory. | 1952 | 9 | 580 | 596 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
532 | Corben H.C. | The current density in quantum electrodynamics. | 1952 | 9 | 1071 | 1079 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
533 | Corinaldesi E. | Current Fluctuations in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1952 | 9 | 194 | 195 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
534 | Fubini S. | Sull'operatore U(t) di Dyson-Feynman. | 1952 | 9 | 846 | 851 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
535 | Loinger A. | Sulle soluzioni dell'equazione di Dirac-Corben. | 1952 | 9 | 855 | 856 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
536 | Morpurgo G. | Sulla corrispondenza tra elettrodinamica classica e quantistica. | 1952 | 9 | 808 | 817 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
537 | Schonberg M. | Application of second quantization methods to the classical statistical mechanics. | 1952 | 9 | 1139 | 1182 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
538 | Wataghin G. | On the Quantum Theory of Fields (II). | 1952 | 9 | 208 | 209 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
539 | Ingraham L. | Conformal relativity. | 1952 | 9 | 886 | 926 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
540 | Ageno M., Cortelassa G. | Sulla fluorescenza destata da particelle alfa nello stilbene. | 1952 | 9 | 196 | 197 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
541 | Fumi F.G. | Photoelasticity in Crystals. | 1952 | 9 | 184 | 185 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
542 | Wilson A.J.C. | Theory and Use of Statistical Methods in the Determination of Symmetry and Structure of Crystals. | 1952 | 9 | 50 | 55 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
543 | Wisniewski F.J. | Une déductionnon ondulatoire des formules de la diffraction des particules sur un cristal. | 1952 | 9 | 186 | 188 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
544 | Wisniewski F.J. | Théorie mécanique de la diffusion des particules par des réseaux. | 1952 | 9 | 620 | 623 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
545 | Ageno M., Cortelessa G., Querzoli R. | Un caso d'invecchiamento di scintillatori liquidi. | 1952 | 9 | 1242 | 1243 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
546 | Alberigi A., Lepri F., Stoppini G. | Uno speciale selettore temporale di impulsi elettronico. | 1952 | 9 | 365 | 368 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
547 | Ascoli R. | Su un dispositivo per la stabilizzazione dei fotomoltiplicatori. | 1952 | 9 | 615 | 617 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
548 | Ascoli R. | Sulla rivelazione di sciami di particelle mediante contatori a scintillazione. | 1952 | 9 | 610 | 614 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
549 | Bassi P., Bianchi A.M. | Questioni tecniche sui contatori a radiazione di Cerenkov (I). | 1952 | 9 | 1087 | 1091 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
550 | Bertolini G., Bisi A. | Un camera di ionizzazione a bassa capacità. | 1952 | 9 | 1022 | 1024 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
551 | Cerrai E., Marchetti C., Silvestri M. | Applicazione del metodo del galleggiante alla misura rapida della concentrazione in D(2)O si soluzioni acquose di acqua pesante. | 1952 | 9 | 530 | 534 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
552 | Colli L., Facchini U. | Il meccanismo della scarica nei contatori ad argon. | 1952 | 9 | 1183 | 1217 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
553 | Della Corte M., Ramat M. | Photometric Measurements of Tracks in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1952 | 9 | 605 | 609 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
554 | Demichelis F., Malvano R. | Sul funzionamento di un particolare circuito a coincidenze. | 1952 | 9 | 1227 | 1231 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
555 | Gallone S., Orsoni L. | Sul regime transitorio dei reattori nucleari con diffusore. | 1952 | 9 | 269 | 273 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
556 | Gatti E., Germagnoli E. | Un nuovo metodo di coincidenza. | 1952 | 9 | 189 | 190 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
557 | Gatti E., Germagnoli E., Persano A., Zimmer E. | Boron Layer Scintillation Neutron Detectors. | 1952 | 9 | 1012 | 1021 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
558 | Gimenez C., Labeyrie J. | Fabrication et propriétés des compteurs de Geiger remplis °la vapeur de brome et destinés à la prospection beta e gamma. | 1952 | 9 | 169 | 183 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
559 | Ibrahim A.A.K., Kabiel A.M. | On the Oscillating Cylinder Viscosimeter. | 1952 | 9 | 864 | 865 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
560 | Malvicini A. | Rivelatore a scintillazione per particelle (alfa). | 1952 | 9 | 535 | 538 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
561 | Marchetti C., Silvestri M. | L'impianto ideale per la separazione degli isotopi. | 1952 | 9 | 97 | 104 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
562 | Musumeci L. | Sull'aberrazione negli spettrometri di massa a settore magnetico. | 1952 | 9 | 429 | 435 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
563 | Persico E. | A New Resistor Network for the Integration of Laplace's Equation. | 1952 | 9 | 74 | 89 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
564 | Succi C., Tagliaferri G. | On the Ooeration of the Diffusion Cloud Chamber. | 1952 | 9 | 1092 | 1102 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
565 | Carrelli A., Porreca F. | Ultrasonic Grating remaining after stopping the Supersonic Waves. | 1952 | 9 | 90 | 91 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
566 | Petralia S. | Interferometria ultrasonora nei gas (II). Dispersione ultrasonora nel cloruro di metile. | 1952 | 9 | 351 | 357 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
567 | Petralia S. | Interferometria ultrasonora nei gas (III). Velocità e assorbimento di ultrasuoni nell'anidride solforosa. | 1952 | 9 | 818 | 824 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
568 | Porreca F. | Sulla propagazione di sottili fasci luminosi in liquidi attraversati da ultrasuoni. | 1952 | 9 | 274 | 281 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
569 | Bracci A., Zimmer E.L. | Drift Velocity of Electrons in BF3. | 1953 | 10 | 103 | 104 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
570 | Jablonski A. | Fluorescent Emission of Resonance Lines at Higher Pressures. | 1953 | 10 | 573 | 580 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
571 | Olivelli G. | Spettro Raman di bassa frequenza dell'aragonite. | 1953 | 10 | 343 | 344 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
572 | Regge T., Verde M. | Scattering Problems with Spin-Orbit Couplings. | 1953 | 10 | 997 | 1011 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
573 | Singh L. | A Note on the Raman Spectrum of Thianthrene in Solution. | 1953 | 10 | 89 | 89 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
574 | Baroni G., Borselino A., Scarsi L., Vanderhaeghe G. | An Analysis of the Electron Pairs Produced in Nuclear Emulsions by Cosmic Rays Photons. | 1953 | 10 | 1653 | 1661 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
575 | Belliboni G., Vitale B. | Distribuzioni angolari dei rami neri e grigi in stelle di media ed alta energia. | 1953 | 10 | 72 | 79 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
576 | Beretta E., Filosofo I., Sommacal B., Puppi G. | On the Positive Excessof Mesons of High Energy. | 1953 | 10 | 1354 | 1356 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
577 | Bertolino G., Debnedetti A., Lovera G., Vigone M. | Sui "jets" di mesoni nelle emulsioni nucleari. | 1953 | 10 | 991 | 992 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
578 | Broxon J.W. | Chree Analysis of Pressure-Temperature-Corrected Cosmic-Ray Burst Frequencies. | 1953 | 10 | 1434 | 1440 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
579 | Cadorin D. | Sulla componente elettronica della radiazione cosmica nell'atmosfera derivante dal decadimento dei neutretti. | 1953 | 10 | 364 | 379 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
580 | Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Franzinetti C., Manfredini A., Moreno D. | An Investigation on jets. | 1953 | 10 | 1539 | 1558 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
581 | Castagnoli C., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | On the Associated Penetrating Particles Underground. | 1953 | 10 | 893 | 897 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
582 | Cester R., Clementel E. | Sul calcolo delle tracce elettrofotoniche. | 1953 | 10 | 1441 | 1450 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
583 | Clementel E. | Sulla penetrazione degli elettroni. | 1953 | 10 | 683 | 685 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
584 | Conversi M., Martinelli G., Rothwell P. | Sul rapporto tra i numeri di neutroni e di protoni e su alcune proprietà della componente nucleonica | 1953 | 10 | 898 | 914 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
585 | Cresti M., Loria A., Zago G. | Sulla distribuzione zenitaldelle particelle degli sciami estesi. | 1953 | 10 | 779 | 783 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
586 | Dilworth C.C., Goldsack S.J. | The Spectra and Sign Distribution of particles from Cosmic Ray Stars at 2860 meters Altitude. | 1953 | 10 | 926 | 936 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
587 | Dilworth C.C., Goldsack S.J., Hoang T.F., Scarsi L. | An Analysis of "jets" initiated by High Energy Cosmic Rays. | 1953 | 10 | 1261 | 1274 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
588 | Franchetti S. | Clod Chamber Study of Cosmic Ray Electonic Showers under Dense Materials(I). | 1953 | 10 | 551 | 563 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
589 | Galli M. | Produzione dei neutroni di bassa energia da parte della radiazione cosmica. | 1953 | 10 | 1187 | 1195 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
590 | Grilli M., Vitale B. | Tracce di rinculo nelle stelle di disintegrazione nucleare prodotte dalla radiazione cosmica. | 1953 | 10 | 1047 | 1078 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
591 | Lovati A. | Further Results on the Interaction of Cosmic Rays Underground. | 1953 | 10 | 1201 | 1204 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
592 | Lovati A., Mura A., Succi C., Tagliaferri G. | A Search for the production of Penetrating Secondaries by Mu-Mesons Underground. | 1953 | 10 | 105 | 107 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
593 | Lovera G., Barbanti Silva L., Bonaccini C., De Pietri C., Perilli Fedeli R., Roveri A. | Su una coppia di stelle vicine correlate. | 1953 | 10 | 986 | 987 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
594 | Mandò M., Sona P.G. | Sull'applicabilità del concetto di percorso per l'assorbimento dei muoni sotto terra. | 1953 | 10 | 1275 | 1287 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
595 | Messel H., Potts R.B. | Longitudinal Development of Extensive Air Showers. | 1953 | 10 | 754 | 778 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
596 | Milone C. | Sciami di almeno due elettroni prodotti in piombo da raggi cosmici. | 1953 | 10 | 1744 | 1746 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
597 | Milone C. | Sugli elettroni e fotoni negli sciami estesi di raggi cosmici. | 1953 | 10 | 1126 | 1141 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
598 | Poiani G., Villi C. | Nota sullo sparpagliamento laterale degli sciami alle alte energie. | 1953 | 10 | 179 | 181 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
599 | Quercia I.F., Rispoli B. | Altitude and Geomagnetic Effects of Positive and Negative Penetrating Particles of Cosmic Radiation. | 1953 | 10 | 1142 | 1171 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
600 | Quercia I.F., Rispoli B. | Zenithal Dependence of the Penetrating Component of Cosmic Radiation. | 1953 | 10 | 357 | 363 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
601 | Roesler F.C., McCusker C.B.A. | On the Growth of a cosmic Ray Initiated Jet in a Nucleous. | 1953 | 10 | 127 | 144 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
602 | Strffolini R. | Sul contributo alla componente elettronica della radiazione cosmica nell'atmosfera derivante dal decadimento delle particelle mu. | 1953 | 10 | 300 | 307 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
603 | Van Alen J.A. | The Cosmic Ray Intensity Above the Atmosphere Near the Geomagnetic Pole. | 1953 | 10 | 630 | 647 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
604 | Wolfendale A.W. | On the Possible Existence of Associated Knock-on Electrons. | 1953 | 10 | 1493 | 1494 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
605 | Bonetti A., Levi Setti R., Panetti M., Tomasini G. | Observation of Decay at Rest of a Heavy Particles. | 1953 | 10 | 345 | 346 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
606 | Brini D., Veronesi P. | The Decay of the Space Charges in Intermitted Discharges in Neon and Argon. | 1953 | 10 | 1662 | 1672 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
607 | Demichelis F., Malvano R. | Cascades in the Gamma-Ray Spectrum of 214Po84. | 1953 | 10 | 405 | 418 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
608 | Demichelis F., Malvano R. | Correlazione angolare nelle cascate gamma-gamma del 214Po84. | 1953 | 10 | 1359 | 1366 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
609 | Deutsch S., Dodd E.C. | Radiactivitè alfa Specifique des Plaques Ilford pour Recherches Nucléaires. | 1953 | 10 | 858 | 861 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
610 | Germagnoli E., Malvicini A., Zappa L. | Gamma Rays Emitted from 60Co, 56Mn, 187W, 128I, 104Rh. | 1953 | 10 | 1388 | 1405 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
611 | Panetti M., Scarsi L. | Analysis of a Tau-Meson Decay. | 1953 | 10 | 687 | 690 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
612 | Hibberd F.H. | Theoretical Resonance Curves in the Gyro-Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere. | 1953 | 10 | 380 | 385 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
613 | Loinger A. | Un esempio elettrodinamico di teorema di ortogonalità alla Van Hove. | 1953 | 10 | 498 | 499 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
614 | Caldirola P. | Sull'equazione del moto dell'elettrone nell'elettrodinamica classica. | 1953 | 10 | 1747 | 1752 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
615 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | Preliminary Researchon 0V1 Events in Emulsions. | 1953 | 10 | 1351 | 1353 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
616 | Amaldi E., Mezzetti L., Stoppini G. | On Lungitudinal Developmentof Air Showers According to Fermi's Theory of Meson Production. | 1953 | 10 | 803 | 816 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
617 | Bonetti A., Lvi Setti R., Panetti M., Tomasini G. | On the Existence of Unstable Charged Particles of Hyperprotonic Mass. | 1953 | 10 | 1736 | 1743 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
618 | Budini P., Villi C. | Teoria non locale dell'interazione tra particelle di Fermi. | 1953 | 10 | 1172 | 1186 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
619 | Ceccarelli M., Merlin M. | Disintegrazione in movimento di una particella pesante. | 1953 | 10 | 1207 | 1209 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
620 | Cini M., Gamba A. | Has the Isotopic Spin any Sense for Light Particles ? | 1953 | 10 | 1040 | 1046 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
621 | De Sabbata V., Manaresi E., Puppi G. | Eccitazione dei nuclei per assorbimento dei mesoni pigreco-. II. Risultati e conclusioni. | 1953 | 10 | 1704 | 1728 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
622 | Fry W.F. | Electrons Associated with Negative mu Mesons. | 1953 | 10 | 490 | 495 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
623 | Salvini G. | Interaction Mean Free Path and Charge Exchange of the pigreco-Mesons. | 1953 | 10 | 1018 | 1034 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
624 | Wataghin G. | On the Non Local Interaction and on the Statistical Interpretation of the Cut-off Operators. | 1953 | 10 | 500 | 503 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
625 | Caianiello E.R. | On Quantum Field Theory - I: Explicit Solution of Dyson's Equation in Electrodynamics Without Use of Feynman Graphs. | 1953 | 10 | 1634 | 1652 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
626 | Chrétien M., Peierls R.E. | Properties of Form Factors in Non-Local Theories. | 1953 | 10 | 668 | 676 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
627 | Ferretti B. | Sulla diagonalizzazione della hamiltoniana nella teoria dei campi (II). | 1953 | 10 | 1079 | 1125 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
628 | Gulmanelli P. | On a theorem in Non-Local Field Theories. | 1953 | 10 | 1582 | 1589 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
629 | Macke W. | Renormalised two Particle Potential from Field Theory. | 1953 | 10 | 1198 | 1200 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
630 | Pauli W. | On the Hamiltonian Structure of non-local field theories. | 1953 | 10 | 648 | 667 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
631 | Rayski J. | Mass Quantization and Isotopic Spin in Non Local-Field Theory. | 1953 | 10 | 1729 | 1735 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
632 | Rayski J. | On a Regular Field Theory. | 1953 | 10 | 1 | 26 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
633 | Rzewuski J. | On Differential Conservation Laws in Non-local Field Theories. | 1953 | 10 | 182 | 185 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
634 | Rzewuski J. | Relativistic Quantum Dynamics of a System of Interacting Particles. | 1953 | 10 | 90 | 93 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
635 | Rzewuski J. | Differential Conservation Laws in Non_local Field Theories. | 1953 | 10 | 784 | 802 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
636 | Schonberg M. | Generalization of the Classical Field Formalism by Means of Functionals. | 1953 | 10 | 1597 | 1601 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
637 | Stephenson G. | Dirac's Electrodynamics and Einstein's Unified Field Theory. | 1953 | 10 | 1595 | 1596 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
638 | Stephenson G., Kilmister C.W. | A Unified Field Theory of Gravitation and Electromagnetism. | 1953 | 10 | 230 | 235 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
639 | Wataghin G. | On a Non-Local Field Theory. | 1953 | 10 | 1602 | 1604 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
640 | Cennamo F. | Diffrazione dei raggi X nei liquidi. | 1953 | 10 | 395 | 404 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
641 | Cennamo F., Tartaglione E. | Diffrazione dei raggi X in soluzioni acquose di formaldeide. | 1953 | 10 | 1012 | 1017 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
642 | Cutolo M. | Determinazione sperimentale dell'intensità totale del campo magnetico terrestre nella regione inferiore dell'alta atmosfera (strato E). | 1953 | 10 | 915 | 925 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
643 | Houtermans F.G. | Determination of the Age of the Earth from the Isotopic Composition of meteoric Lead. | 1953 | 10 | 1623 | 1633 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
644 | Moraschinelli E. | Autoradiografia dell' aerosol atmosferico. | 1953 | 10 | 1341 | 1342 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
645 | Stephenson G. | Affine Field Structure of Gravitation and Electromagnetism. | 1953 | 10 | 354 | 355 | Gravitation | 1 | |||||||
646 | Amaldi E., Baroni G., Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | Contributions to the tau Meson Investigation. | 1953 | 10 | 937 | 948 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
647 | Ceccarelli M., Dallaporta N., Merlin M., Quareni G., Zorn G.T. | Un mesone tau uscente da stella. | 1953 | 10 | 681 | 682 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
648 | Ascoli Balzanelli A., Ascoli R. | Effetto Cerenkov in sostanze aeriformi. | 1953 | 10 | 1345 | 1346 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
649 | Budini P. | On the Energy Lost by Relativistic Ionizing Particle in a Material Medium and on the Cerenkov Radiation. | 1953 | 10 | 236 | 259 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
650 | Budini P., Taffara L. | Sulla ionizzazione e sulla radiazione di Cerenkov. | 1953 | 10 | 1489 | 1492 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
651 | Eguchi T., Ohta M. | Capture of mu-mesons by Atomic Nuclei. | 1953 | 10 | 1415 | 1423 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
652 | Gatti R. | On the Scattering of Mu- Mesons by Nuclei. | 1953 | 10 | 1559 | 1581 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
653 | Morinaga H., Fry W.F. | Nuclear Capture of Negative mu Mesons in Photographic Emulsion. | 1953 | 10 | 308 | 318 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
654 | Battaglia A., Gozzini A., Polacco E. | Birifrangenza magnetica di sostanze paramagnetiche nelle condizioni di risonanza. | 1953 | 10 | 1205 | 1206 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
655 | Brovetto P., Cini G., Ferroni S. | Risonanza paramagnetica del solfato doppio di manganese e ammonio. | 1953 | 10 | 1325 | 1334 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
656 | Chiarotti G., Giulotto L. | Nuclear signals dependence on the radiofrequency field and paramagnetic field. | 1953 | 10 | 54 | 71 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
657 | Carrelli A. | Sul problema della separabilità delle variabili. | 1953 | 10 | 1213 | 1218 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
658 | Cini M. | A Covariant Formulation of the Non-Adiabatic Method for the Relativistic Two-Body Problems (II). | 1953 | 10 | 614 | 629 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
659 | Baldo M., Sechi B. | Un mesone K uscente da stella. | 1953 | 10 | 1482 | 1484 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
660 | Bonetti A., Dallaporta N., Merlin M., Dascola G. | Produzione di mesoni in materiali condensati diversi. | 1953 | 10 | 215 | 229 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
661 | Cap F. | Nichtlineare pseudoskalare Mesonentheorie. | 1953 | 10 | 1347 | 1348 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
662 | Clementel E., Puppi G. | Interazione con i nuclei e produzione dei mesoni pi-greco. | 1953 | 10 | 197 | 214 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
663 | Fabri E. | Teoria semiclassica della diffusione dei mesoni pigeco su nucleoni. | 1953 | 10 | 1367 | 1374 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
664 | Goldsack S., Schonberg M., Vanderhaeghe G. | Possible Example of a new Mode of Disintegration of the neutral pigreco-Meson. | 1953 | 10 | 1480 | 1481 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
665 | Minguzzi A., Puppi G., Ranzi A. | Interaction of pigreco+ Mesons in Photographic Plates (I). | 1953 | 10 | 1753 | 1755 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
666 | Budini P., Poiani G. | Sulla anaelasticità degli urti nucleone-nucleo a grande energia. | 1953 | 10 | 1288 | 1298 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
667 | Bracci A., Facchini U., Gatti E., Germagnoli E., Malvicini A., Perona G. | Neutron Capture Gamma Rays from Deuterium. | 1953 | 10 | 949 | 957 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
668 | Ricamo R. | D,D Neutron Scattering and Polarization Effects in C12. | 1953 | 10 | 1607 | 1615 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
669 | Ageno M., Cortellessa G., Querzoli R. | Sezione d'urto totale di alcuni elementi per neutroni di 14 MeV. | 1953 | 10 | 281 | 299 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
670 | Ascoli R. | Interazioni non localizzabili - Confronto fra varie formulazioni. | 1953 | 10 | 745 | 753 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
671 | Budini P. | Processi del quart'ordine dell'interazione alla Fermi. | 1953 | 10 | 1486 | 1488 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
672 | Budini P. | Processi del secondo'ordine dell'interazione alla Fermi. | 1953 | 10 | 1299 | 1310 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
673 | Caianiello E.R. | On the Universal Fermi -Type interaction (III). | 1953 | 10 | 43 | 53 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
674 | Ceccarelli M., Zorn G.T. | On the Angular Correlation of the Products of nuclear Disintegrations. | 1953 | 10 | 540 | 550 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
675 | Cini M., Fubini S. | Adiabadic Nuclear Potential for Large Values of the Coupling Costant. | 1953 | 10 | 1695 | 1703 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
676 | Corben H.C. | Longe Range Nuclear Forces. | 1953 | 10 | 1485 | 1485 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
677 | Kind A. | A proposito della dinamica nucleare. | 1953 | 10 | 176 | 178 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
678 | Ladu M. | Stelle da Protoni di Alta Energia in Emulsioni Nucleari. | 1953 | 10 | 108 | 110 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
679 | Messel H., Potts R.B. | On a Recent Interpretation of Star Data. | 1953 | 10 | 496 | 497 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
680 | Morpurgo G. | Sull'energia di legame dell' He5 e del Li6. | 1953 | 10 | 473 | 489 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
681 | Morpurgo G., Touschek B.F. | Remarks on the validity of the Tamm-Dancoff Method. | 1953 | 10 | 1681 | 1694 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
682 | Stoll P., Wachter M. | Die Energieabhangigkeit des Wirkungsqerschnitts der Reaktion Li(gamma, alfa)H3. | 1953 | 10 | 347 | 349 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
683 | Tauber G.E., Ta-You Wu | The J Values of States in Configurations (j)n. | 1953 | 10 | 677 | 680 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
684 | Williamson E.M. | Energy in the Nuclear Field. | 1953 | 10 | 113 | 126 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
685 | Boato C., Careri G., Cimino A., Molinari E., Volpi G.G. | A Perturbating Factoron the Kinetics of Homogeneous Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Reaction. | 1953 | 10 | 993 | 994 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
686 | Fubini S. | Non-adiabatic Treatment of Nucleons Pion Scattering. | 1953 | 10 | 564 | 572 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
687 | Fubini S. | A covariant Non-Adiabatic Equation for Nucleon-Pion Scattering. | 1953 | 10 | 851 | 854 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
688 | Gamba A., Wataghin V. | A Selection Rule for the Reaction Li (gamma d) 4He. | 1953 | 10 | 174 | 175 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
689 | Clementel E., Coen A. | Sullo scattering di particelle cariche da parte dei nuclei. | 1953 | 10 | 988 | 990 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
690 | Ferrari F., Villi C. | On the Excitation Energy of a Heavy Nucleus Described by Real Fermi Gas. | 1953 | 10 | 94 | 97 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
691 | Gallone S., Salvetti C. | Liquid Drop Behaviour of an Independent Particle Nuclear Model. | 1953 | 10 | 145 | 150 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
692 | Gatto R. | Sul contributo delle forze tensoriali ai momenti di quadrupolo dei nuclei pesanti. | 1953 | 10 | 1311 | 1324 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
693 | Kind A., Patergnani G. | Modello a particelle indipendenti ed eccitazione del nucleo pesante. | 1953 | 10 | 1375 | 1387 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
694 | Pleaslee D.C. | The Ground State of Cl34. | 1953 | 10 | 1349 | 1350 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
695 | Ladu M. | Eventi anaelastci da protoni di alta energia in emulsioni nucleari. | 1953 | 10 | 855 | 857 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
696 | Stahelin P., Preiswerk P. | Die Lage der ersten Anregungsstufe in Kernen mit geraden Protonen und gerader Neutronenzahl. | 1953 | 10 | 1219 | 1260 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
697 | Albertoni S., Cugiani M. | Sul problema del cambiamento di variabili nella teoria delle distribuzioni (II). | 1953 | 10 | 157 | 173 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
698 | Michel L. | Selection Rules Imposed by Charge Conjugation. | 1953 | 10 | 319 | 339 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
699 | Schonberg M. | A General Theory of the Second Quantization Methods. | 1953 | 10 | 697 | 744 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
700 | Schonberg M. | A Generalization of the Quantum Mechanics. | 1953 | 10 | 350 | 353 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
701 | Schonberg M. | Application of second quantization methods to the classical statistical mechanics(II). | 1953 | 10 | 419 | 472 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
702 | Schonberg M. | A Statistical Generalization of the quantum Mechanics (I). | 1953 | 10 | 1499 | 1538 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
703 | Cini M. | A Covariant Formulation of the Non-Adiabatic Method for the Relativistic Two-Body Problems.(I). | 1953 | 10 | 526 | 539 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
704 | Corinaldesi E. | On the Scattering Theory of Relativistic Equations. | 1953 | 10 | 1673 | 1680 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
705 | Ingraham R.L. | Spinor relativity. | 1953 | 10 | 27 | 42 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
706 | Bordoni G.P., Nuovo M. | Misure di velocità delle onde elastiche nei solidi a temperatura elevata. | 1953 | 10 | 386 | 394 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
707 | Bordoni P.G. | Dipendenza delle autofrequenze di un solido dalla temperatura e dal volume secondo la meccanica statistica. | 1953 | 10 | 268 | 280 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
708 | Fieschi R., Fumi F.G. | High-order Matter Tensors in Symmetrical Systems. | 1953 | 10 | 865 | 882 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
709 | Grossetti E. | Sul modo di vibrazione della superficie di una lamina di quarzo piezoelettrico. | 1953 | 10 | 151 | 156 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
710 | Plainevaux J.E.C. | Guidage par suspension sur lames élastiques. | 1953 | 10 | 1451 | 1460 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
711 | Alvial C.G. | Studio dell'azione di vari metodi di sviluppo nella formazione del fondo delle emulsioni nucleari. | 1953 | 10 | 1616 | 1622 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
712 | Argiero L. | Determinazione delle curve di sensibilità ai raggi gamma di emulsioni fotografiche. | 1953 | 10 | 1035 | 1039 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
713 | Artom M., Garelli C.M., Gentile C. | Applicazione di filtri interferenziali alla fotometria e alla calorimetria. | 1953 | 10 | 827 | 834 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
714 | Bella F., Franzinetti C. | Spark counters. | 1953 | 10 | 1461 | 1479 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
715 | Bella F., Franzinetti C. | On the Theory of the Spark Couter. | 1953 | 10 | 1335 | 1337 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
716 | Bella F., Franzinetti C., Lee D.W. | On Spark Counters. | 1953 | 10 | 1338 | 1340 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
717 | Bertolini G., Bisi A., Zappa L. | Spettrometro beta e gamma a contatore proporzionale. | 1953 | 10 | 1424 | 1433 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
718 | Bonferroni P.L., Conversei M. | Uno stimatore elettronico comandato dai potenziali biologici. | 1953 | 10 | 835 | 842 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
719 | Caianiello E.R. | Non-Linearities in the Strong-Focusing Accelerator. | 1953 | 10 | 581 | 593 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
720 | Caianiello E.R., Turrin A. | Stability and Periodicity in the Strong-Focusing Accelerator. | 1953 | 10 | 594 | 603 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
721 | Cresti M., Loria A., Zago G. | Camera di Wilcoxon in campo magnetico. | 1953 | 10 | 843 | 850 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
722 | Debeauvais-Wack M. | Action de la basse température sur les émulsions nucléaires. | 1953 | 10 | 1590 | 1594 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
723 | Della Corte M., Ramat M., Ronchi L.jr | The Grain Density and the Process of Track Formation in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1953 | 10 | 958 | 970 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
724 | Della Corte M., Ramat M., Ronchi L.jr | The Grain Density and the Process of Track Formation in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1953 | 10 | 509 | 525 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
725 | Gallone S. | Sul fattore di utilizzazione termica ed il tratto di diffusione termico in una pila eterogenea. | 1953 | 10 | 1495 | 1497 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
726 | Gatti E., Perona G., Persano A. | Generatore impulsabile di Neutroni. | 1953 | 10 | 80 | 86 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
727 | Gatti E., Persano A. | Current Fluctuations in Corona Counters. | 1953 | 10 | 686 | 686 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
728 | Gatti E., Piva F. | A New Single Channel Elementary Amplitude Discriminator. | 1953 | 10 | 984 | 985 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
729 | Guerci C., Tagliaferri G., Terra L. | Apparecchiatura per lo studio dei fenomeni elettrodici nelle celle elettrolitiche. | 1953 | 10 | 971 | 983 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
730 | Ibrahim A.A.K., Kabiel A.M. | On the Oscillating Cylinder Viscosimeter. | 1953 | 10 | 87 | 88 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
731 | Milone C. | Ondoscopio meccanico. | 1953 | 10 | 340 | 342 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
732 | Perucca E. | Projet d'un preàmbule de principes pour un texte de tables réunissant les unités du Sistéme unique dit "MKSA". | 1953 | 10 | 186 | 192 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
733 | Sands M., Touschek B. | Alignment Errors in the Strong-Focusing Synchrotron. | 1953 | 10 | 604 | 613 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
734 | Carrelli A., Porreca F. | Ultrasonic Grating Remaining after the Stopping of the Ultrasonic Waves (III). | 1953 | 10 | 883 | 892 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
735 | Carrelli A., Porreca F. | Ultrasonic Grating Remaining After the Stopping of the Ultrasonic Waves.(IV) | 1953 | 10 | 1406 | 1414 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
736 | Carrelli A., Porreca F. | Ultrasonic grating remaining after stopping the supersonic waves -II | 1953 | 10 | 98 | 102 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
737 | Parthasarathy S., Chhapgar A.F., Harkrishan Singh | Dispersion of Ultrasonic Velocity in Some Organic Liquids. | 1953 | 10 | 260 | 263 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
738 | Parthasarathy S., Mahendroo P.P. | Absorbition Coefficient of Ultrasonic in some Liquid Detewrmined by the New Thermal Technique. | 1953 | 10 | 1196 | 1197 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
739 | Parthasarathy S., Srinivasan D., Chari S.S. | Absorbition of Ultrasonic waves in Liquids at 5MHz from Thermal Consideration. | 1953 | 10 | 264 | 267 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
740 | Petralia S. | Interferometria ultrasonora nei gas (IV). Assorbimento di ultrasuoni nell'ammoniaca. | 1953 | 10 | 817 | 826 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
741 | Gamba A. | The number of Indipendent Components of Tensors in Symmetrical Systems. | 1953 | 10 | 1343 | 1344 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
742 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Bisi A. | Total Ionization of alfa-Particles of Po in Mixtures of Gases. | 1954 | 11 | 458 | 467 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
743 | Colli L., Facchini U. | Light Emission by Germinating Plants. | 1954 | 12 | 150 | 153 | Biophysics | 1 | |||||||
744 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Franzinetti C. | Life time Mesurements of Unstable Charged Particles of Cosmic Radiation Using Emulsions. | 1954 | 12 | 668 | 676 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
745 | Bachelet F., Conforto A.M. | Time Variations of Cosmic Ray Intensity. | 1954 | 12 | 923 | 929 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
746 | Belliboni G., Vitale B. | Distribuzioni e correlazioni angolari e distribuzioni energetiche dei rami di stelle di disintegrazione nucleare prodotte dalla radiazione cosmica. | 1954 | 11 | 372 | 392 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
747 | Benzi V. | Bilancio energetico della radiazione cosmica presso l'Equatore. | 1954 | 11 | 686 | 687 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
748 | Bertanza L., Martelli G. | Fluctuations in the Transition Curves of Cosmic Ray Electons. | 1954 | 11 | 217 | 230 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
749 | Bertolino G., Pescetti D. | On Cosmic Rays Jets. | 1954 | 12 | 630 | 638 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
750 | Cernigoi C., Poiani G. | Sullo spettro della componente fotonica nella bassa atmosfera. | 1954 | 12 | 957 | 958 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
751 | Cernigoi C., Poiani G. | Sullo spettro della componente fotonica al livello del mare. | 1954 | 11 | 41 | 48 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
752 | Ciok P., Danysz M., Gierula J. | Delayed Decay of Heavy Fragments Ejected from Cosmic Ray Stars. | 1954 | 11 | 436 | 444 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
753 | Colombino P., Ferroni S., Wataghin G. | On the Production of Penetrating Showers in Hydrogen and Carbon. | 1954 | 11 | 572 | 574 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
754 | Conversi M., Rothwell P. | Angular Distributions in Cosmic Ray Stars at 3500 Meters. | 1954 | 12 | 191 | 210 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
755 | Corinaldesi E. | Remark on an Unusual Cosmic Ray Event. | 1954 | 12 | 571 | 572 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
756 | Curatolo M., Indovina Addario M.M., Palumbo D., Santangelo M. | Sul metodo delle emulsioni nucleari nello studio della componente neutronica della radiazione cosmica. | 1954 | 12 | 460 | 463 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
757 | Davis W.P., Hazen W.E., Heineman R.E. | The Multiple Core Structure of Air Showers. | 1954 | 12 | 233 | 242 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
758 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L.,Vigone M., Wataghin G. | On Narrow Showers of Pairs of Changed Particles. | 1954 | 12 | 954 | 956 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
759 | Di Corato M., Levi Setti R., Panetti M., Pinto P. | Correlazioni tra disintegrazioni nucleari provocate da raggi cosmici. | 1954 | 12 | 548 | 557 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
760 | Dilworth C.C., Goldsack S.J., Hoang T.F., Scarsi L. | Remarks on Recent Analyses of Cosmic Ray Jets. | 1954 | 11 | 424 | 428 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
761 | Filosofo I., Pohl E., Pohl-Ruling J. | On the Positove Excess of Mesons of High Energy. | 1954 | 12 | 809 | 812 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
762 | Grilli M., Vitale B., Hodgson P.E., Ladu M. | Tracce di rinculo in stelle di disintegrazione nucleare generate da protoni di energia definita (50, 100, 150, 250 e 450 MeV). | 1954 | 12 | 889 | 898 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
763 | Haber-Schaim U., Yekutieli G. | Energetic Nuclear Collisions in the Upper Atmosphere. I. The Nucleon pion Cascade. | 1954 | 11 | 172 | 187 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
764 | Haber-Schaim U., Yekutieli G. | Energetic Nuclear Collisions in the Upper Atmosphere. II. The Muon Component | 1954 | 11 | 683 | 685 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
765 | Hazen W.E. | Air-Shower Transition in Water; Interpretation of Under-Water Decoherence Curves. | 1954 | 11 | 393 | 398 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
766 | Hoang T.F., Jauneau L., Jouvin J., Mabboux C. | Estimation statistique de l'exposant du spectre d'énergie du rayonnement cosmique primarie. | 1954 | 12 | 869 | 874 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
767 | Lovati A., Mura A., Succi C. | On the Production of Electronic Component by Fast Mu-Mesons. | 1954 | 11 | 92 | 95 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
768 | Lovati A., Mura A., Succi C., Tagliaferri G. | A Cloud Chamber Analysis of Cosmic Radiation at 3500 m. PART B:Results on the Hard and Soft Components. | 1954 | 12 | 526 | 538 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
769 | McCusker C.B.A., Roesler F.C. | An Analysis of Cosmic Ray Jets. | 1954 | 11 | 98 | 99 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
770 | Milone C. | Sulla dipendenza del rapporto fotoni/elettroni negli sciami di raggi cosmici dalla densità media degli sciami selezionati. | 1954 | 11 | 241 | 249 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
771 | Quercia I.F., Rispoli B. | Geomagnetic Effects of the mu Meson Component of Cosmic Radiation atSea Level. | 1954 | 12 | 490 | 518 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
772 | Astbury J.P. | The Analysis of V Decays when the Errors of Measurement Are Large. | 1954 | 12 | 387 | 406 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
773 | Brini D., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | On the Dependence of the Decay Times of Space Charge by the Static Characteristic in Intermittent Discharge. | 1954 | 12 | 413 | 424 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
774 | Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | Decadimento in quiete di una particella di massa iperprotonica. | 1954 | 12 | 464 | 465 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
775 | Fry W.F., White G.R. | Non-Mesonic Decay of a Bound 0V1-Particles. | 1954 | 11 | 551 | 554 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
776 | Dabrowski J., Sawicki J. | Angular Distribution of Deuterons from 9Be(p,d)8Be. | 1954 | 12 | 293 | 295 | Deuterons | 1 | |||||||
777 | Boella M. | A proposito delle esperienze di interazione ionosferica delle radio onde. | 1954 | 12 | 104 | 142 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
778 | Bisi A., Zappa L. | On the Orbital Electron Capture in 195 Au. | 1954 | 12 | 539 | 547 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
779 | Caldirola P. | Spiegazione classica del momento magnetico anomalo dell'elettrone. | 1954 | 11 | 108 | 110 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
780 | Caldirola P., Duimio F. | Introduzione di una lunghezza fondamentale nella teoria classica dell'elettrone. | 1954 | 12 | 699 | 732 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
781 | D'Andlau A.Ch. | Interactions des électrons avec la matière. | 1954 | 12 | 859 | 868 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
782 | Duimio F. | Su un'equazione alle differenze finite per l'elettrone classico. | 1954 | 11 | 326 | 329 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
783 | Flint H.T., Williamson E.M. | A Theory of the Electron. | 1954 | 11 | 188 | 199 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
784 | Flint H.T., Williamson E.M. | A Theory of the Electron. | 1954 | 11 | 568 | 569 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
785 | Amaldi E., Anderson C.D., Blackett P.M.S., Frtter W.B., Leprice-Riguet L., Peters B., Powell C.F., Rochester C.D., Rossi B., Thompson B.W. | Simbols for Fundamental Particles. | 1954 | 11 | 213 | 214 | Elementary particles | ||||||||
786 | Demichelis F. | On the Decay Scherme of 212Po84(ThC'). | 1954 | 12 | 407 | 412 | Elementary particles | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
787 | Demichelis F., Malvano R. | On the Decay Scherme of 214Po84. | 1954 | 12 | 358 | 368 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
788 | Dilworth C., Goldsack S.J., Hirschberg L. | Determination of the Mass of Slow Particles by the Costant Sagitta Method. | 1954 | 11 | 113 | 126 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
789 | Engler A., Haber-Schaim U., Winkler W. | Nuclear Collisions of High Energy Protons, Mesons and alfa-Particles. | 1954 | 12 | 930 | 942 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
790 | Erdos P., Stoll P., Wachetr M., Wataghin V. | Invistigation on the Reaction 7Li(gamma,alfa)3H. | 1954 | 12 | 639 | 648 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
791 | Gatto R. | Watson's Type Relation for lamda-Particle Production. | 1954 | 12 | 160 | 162 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
792 | Gatto R. | Sulla indipendenza dalla carica nella produzione di particelle lambda. | 1954 | 11 | 445 | 457 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
793 | Goldemberg J., Liete Lopes J. | The Harmonic mean Energy for Photon Absorption by Nuclei. | 1954 | 12 | 817 | 818 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
794 | Hara O., Marumori T., Ohnuki Y., Shimodaira H. | On the Universal Fermi Interaction. | 1954 | 12 | 309 | 316 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
795 | Ingraham R.L. | Conformal Geometry and Elementary Particles. | 1954 | 12 | 825 | 851 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
796 | Minguzzi A. | Optical Model of Nuclei and Elastic Backscattering of pigreco-Mesons. | 1954 | 12 | 799 | 806 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
797 | Peaslee D.C. | Lambda 0 Excited State. | 1954 | 12 | 943 | 944 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
798 | Suffczynski M. | On the Ground State of the Mesonic Atom. | 1954 | 12 | 455 | 456 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
799 | Caianiello E.R. | Non-Perturbative Equations for Propagation Kernels. | 1954 | 12 | 561 | 562 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
800 | Caianiello E.R. | On Quantum Field Theory. II: Non-perturbative Equations and Methods. | 1954 | 11 | 492 | 529 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
801 | Candlin D.J. | On Recurrence Relations in Field Theory. | 1954 | 12 | 380 | 386 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
802 | Cini M., Fubini S. | Non Perturbation Tretment of Scattering in Quantum Field Theory. | 1954 | 11 | 142 | 152 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
803 | Ferretti B. | On the Renormalization Technique in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1954 | 12 | 457 | 459 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
804 | Freese E. | Propagation and Wavefunctions in Quantum-Theory of Fields. | 1954 | 11 | 312 | 315 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
805 | Kallén G. | The Coupling Costant in Field Theory. | 1954 | 12 | 217 | 225 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
806 | Lehmann H. | Uber Eigenschaften von Ausbreitungsfunktionen und Renormierungskonstanten quantisierter Felder. | 1954 | 11 | 342 | 357 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
807 | Matthews P.T., Salam A. | The Green's Functions of Quantised Field. | 1954 | 12 | 563 | 567 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
808 | Phillips R.J.N. | Relativistic Treatment of the Vector Meson Field. | 1954 | 12 | 905 | 914 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
809 | Polkinghorne J.C. | Normal Products of Heisenberg Operators. | 1954 | 12 | 317 | 322 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
810 | Rayski J. | Mass quantization in Non-Local Field Theory. | 1954 | 12 | 815 | 816 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
811 | Stephenson G. | Some Properties of Non-Symmetric Unified Field Theories. | 1954 | 12 | 279 | 284 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
812 | Symanzik K. | Zur renormierten einzeitigen Bethe-Salpeter-Gleichung. | 1954 | 11 | 88 | 91 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
813 | Umezawa H., Oneda S. | Commutation Relations between Different Fields. | 1954 | 12 | 566 | 567 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
814 | Zimmermann W. | Yang-Feldmanformalismus und einzeitige Wellenfunktionen. | 1954 | 11 | 577 | 589 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
815 | Zimmermann W. | Einzeitige Verfahren der Feldphysik. | 1954 | 11 | 559 | 561 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
816 | Zimmermann W. | Zum Renormierungsprogramm der Feldphysik. | 1954 | 11 | 416 | 419 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
817 | Ageno M. | Fotofluorescenza e scintillazioni. | 1954 | 11 | 318 | 320 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
818 | Bertanza L., Martinelli G., Zacutti A. | Some Measurement on Overheated Liquids. | 1954 | 11 | 692 | 693 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
819 | Bordoni P.G., Nuovo M. | Sulla dissipazione delle onde elastiche nel piombo ad alta temperatura. | 1954 | 11 | 127 | 141 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
820 | Careri G., Paoletti A., Salvetti F.L. | Self-Diffusion in Liquid Indium. | 1954 | 11 | 399 | 406 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
821 | Carrelli A., Branca G. | Su di un'onda di pressione nei liquidi. | 1954 | 11 | 590 | 595 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
822 | Carrelli A., Cennamo F. | Sulla viscosità di volume -(I). | 1954 | 11 | 429 | 435 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
823 | Carrelli A., Cennamo F. | La viscosità di volume -(II). | 1954 | 12 | 1 | 4 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
824 | Martinelli G. | Influence of Ions on the Nucleation Processes in Liquids. I - Liquids in Stable Thermodynamical Equilibrium. | 1954 | 12 | 250 | 259 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
825 | Parthasarathy S., Bakhshi N.N. | A Futher Elucidation of the Relationship Between Sound Velocity in Liquids and Molecular Weight. | 1954 | 11 | 310 | 311 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
826 | Cennamo F. | Diffrazione di raggi X nella Naftalina allo stato liquido ed allo stato solido-(II). | 1954 | 12 | 165 | 173 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
827 | Kròlikowski W. | The Wave Function of Photons and their Configurational Equation. | 1954 | 12 | 852 | 858 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
828 | Aliverti G., De Maio A., Lovera G., Perilli-Fedeli R. | Autoradiografie dell'aerosol atmosferico. | 1954 | 12 | 270 | 278 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
829 | Begemann F., Geiss J., Houtermans F.G., Buser W. | Isotopenzusammensetzung und Radioaktivitat von rezentem Vesuvblei. | 1954 | 11 | 663 | 673 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
830 | Alberigi-Quaranta A., Pancini E. | Sulla cattura dei mesoni Mu- da parte dei nuclei leggeri. | 1954 | 11 | 607 | 617 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
831 | Amaldi E., Baroni G., Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Franzinetti C., Manfredini A. | On a Possible Negative K->pigreco-Meson Decay. | 1954 | 11 | 207 | 209 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
832 | Annis M., Taffara L. | On the gamma-Rays Associated with S-Particles. | 1954 | 12 | 813 | 814 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
833 | Argan P.E., Gigli A., Sciuti S. | On the Interaction of tau-Mesons with Matter at High Energies. | 1954 | 11 | 530 | 538 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
834 | Bonetti A., Levi Setti R., Panetti M., Scarsi L., Tomasini G. | Remarks on the Decay of a Meson-Active Triton. | 1954 | 11 | 330 | 331 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
835 | Bonetti A., Levi Setti R., Panetti M., Scarsi L., Tomasini G. | On the Possible Ejection of a Meson-Active Triton from a Nuclear Disintegration. | 1954 | 11 | 210 | 212 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
836 | Bridge H., Courant H., Dayton B., DeStaebler H.C.jr, Rossi B., Safford R., Willard D. | Recent Results on S-Particles. | 1954 | 12 | 81 | 89 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
837 | Calzolari M.L., Dascola G., Gainotti A., Mora S. | Produzione di Mesoni pigreco in Carbonio ed Alluminio. | 1954 | 11 | 565 | 567 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
838 | Davidson J.P. | The Anomalous Large Angle Scattering of mu-Mesons. | 1954 | 11 | 205 | 206 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
839 | Debenedetti A. | An Unstable Fragment and a Positive tau-Meson Emitted in a Nuclear Disintegration. | 1954 | 12 | 466 | 469 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
840 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., LoveraG., Tallone L., Vigone M. | An Analysis of two Positive tau-Mesons. | 1954 | 11 | 420 | 423 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
841 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L., Vigone M. | An Analysis of three K-mesons Ejected from Stars. | 1954 | 12 | 374 | 379 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
842 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L., Vigone M. | A V-Event Associated with a Star from Which a K-meson is Emitted. | 1954 | 12 | 369 | 373 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
843 | Fabri E. | A study of tau-Meson Decay. | 1954 | 11 | 479 | 491 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
844 | Fabri E., Touschek B.F. | La vita media del mesone tau. | 1954 | 11 | 96 | 97 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
845 | Gregory B., Lagarrigue A., Leprince-Ringuet L., Muller F., Peyrou Ch. | Etude des mésons K chargés, au Moyen de deux chambres de Wilson superposées. | 1954 | 11 | 292 | 309 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
846 | Hirschberg D., Hirscheberg L. | Analyse de deux évènements K. | 1954 | 12 | 296 | 299 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
847 | Lévy M.M., Marshak R.E. | The S-Wave in Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1954 | 11 | 366 | 371 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
848 | Marshak R.E., Messiah A.M.L. | Pion Production by Polarized Beams of Nucleons. | 1954 | 11 | 337 | 341 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
849 | Shrikantia G.S. | A Five Particles Decay of Heavy Meson? | 1954 | 12 | 807 | 808 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
850 | Ascoli Balzanelli A., Ascoli R. | Esperienza sull'effetto Cerenkov nell'aria. | 1954 | 11 | 562 | 564 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
851 | Beneventano M., Carlson-Lee D., Stoppini G., Bernardini G., Goldwasser E.L. | The pigreco-/pigreco+ from Deuterium Near Photo-Pion Threshold. | 1954 | 12 | 156 | 159 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
852 | Colombino P., Ferroni S., Ghigo G., Watwghin G. | Sull'urto nucleone-protone con produzione di mesoni. | 1954 | 12 | 819 | 820 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
853 | Dallaporta N. | On the Nature of the chi-Meson. | 1954 | 11 | 82 | 87 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
854 | Sartori L., Wataghin V. | P-Wave Pion Nucleon Scattering by Variational Method. | 1954 | 12 | 145 | 147 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
855 | Sartori L., Wataghin V. | Pion-Nucleon Scattering by Variational Method. | 1954 | 12 | 260 | 269 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
856 | Taylor J.C. | A Covariant Non-Abiadatic Equation for Nucleon-Pion Scattering. | 1954 | 12 | 148 | 149 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
857 | Brini D., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | On Intermittent Discharge in Air at Low Pressure. | 1954 | 12 | 948 | 949 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
858 | Brini D., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | Formative Time of the Cathodic Space Change. | 1954 | 12 | 915 | 922 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
859 | Scarfiello R. | Sur le Changement de variables dans les distributions et leurs tranformées de Fourier. | 1954 | 12 | 471 | 482 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
860 | Feld B.T. | Nucleon Polarization Resulting from pigreco-Mesons Production. | 1954 | 12 | 425 | 437 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
861 | Gatto R. | Magnetic Effects in the Scattering of Muons by Nuclei. | 1954 | 12 | 613 | 618 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
862 | Minguzzi A., Puppi G., Ranzi A. | Interaction of pigreco+ Mesons in Photographic Plates (II). | 1954 | 11 | 697 | 700 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
863 | Simonetta M., Vaciago A. | Sulla struttura elettronica del nitrobenzolo. | 1954 | 11 | 596 | 606 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
864 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L., Vigone M. | A Negative Hyperon Decaying in Flight. | 1954 | 12 | 952 | 953 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
865 | Rayski J. | On a Systematization of Heavy Mesons and Hyperons. | 1954 | 12 | 945 | 947 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
866 | Araujo J.M. | The Effect of Nuclaer Compressibility on the Nuclear Photoeffect. | 1954 | 12 | 780 | 798 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
867 | Bertolini G., Bisi A., Lazzarini E., Zappa L. | On the L-Capture to K-Capture Ratio in Cd109. | 1954 | 11 | 539 | 550 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
868 | Bosco B., Regge T. | On the Polarization of High Energy Nucleons Scattered by a Nuclear Field. | 1954 | 12 | 285 | 287 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
869 | Brovetto P., Cini G. | High Polarization of Nuclei in Paramagnetic Substances. | 1954 | 11 | 618 | 625 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
870 | Brovetto P., Ferroni S. | High Nuclear Polarizations in Paramagnetic Substances. | 1954 | 12 | 90 | 98 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
871 | Chiarotti G., Cristiani G., Giulotto L., Lanzi G. | A Nuclear Inductor for Measurements of Thermal Relaxation Times in Liquids. | 1954 | 12 | 519 | 525 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
872 | Cini M., Morpurgo G., Touschek B. | A Non-Perturbation Treatment of Scattering and the "Wentzel-Example". | 1954 | 11 | 316 | 317 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
873 | Clementel E. | Sezione d'urto per i processi (d,p) e (p,d). | 1954 | 11 | 412 | 415 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
874 | Franchetti S. | Role of Exchange Forces in the Problem of Helium II. | 1954 | 12 | 743 | 768 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
875 | Gatti E., Germagnoli E., Perona G. | Misure di sezioni d'urto totali per neutroni lenti. | 1954 | 11 | 262 | 273 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
876 | Glattli H., Loepfe E., Scherrer P. | Eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Be8-Niveaus. | 1954 | 12 | 174 | 190 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
877 | Goldsack S.J., Hirschberg D. | A Punched Card System of Recording of Events in Nuclear Emulsion Work. | 1954 | 11 | 100 | 102 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
878 | Kind A., Patergnani G. | A Proposito di un modello statistico a particelle indipendenti del nucleo pesante. | 1954 | 11 | 106 | 107 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
879 | Marquez L. | On the Mechanism of Fission at Very High Energy. | 1954 | 12 | 288 | 289 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
880 | Morpurgo G. | A Meson Effect in the Dipole Selectio_Rule in Selfconjugate Nuclei. | 1954 | 12 | 60 | 80 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
881 | Morpurgo G. | Further Remarks on Tamm-Dancoff Method. | 1954 | 11 | 103 | 105 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
882 | Popovic D. | Assorbimento in risonanza di neutroni nel sodio. | 1954 | 12 | 143 | 144 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
883 | Regge T. | Tensor Force and Intermediate Coupling in P-Shell Nuclei. | 1954 | 11 | 285 | 291 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
884 | Tomasini A. | Sulle temperature nucleari. | 1954 | 12 | 134 | 139 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
885 | Verde M. | Pseudoscalar Nuclear Field and Polarization. | 1954 | 12 | 452 | 454 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
886 | Gamba A. | Symmetry Correlations in Nuclear Reactions. | 1954 | 11 | 323 | 325 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
887 | Brovetto P., Cini G. | Further Considerations on Nuclear Polarization by Means of Electron Resonance Saturation. | 1954 | 12 | 899 | 904 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
888 | De Marco A., Milone A. | Una precisazione sulle "tracce T" in emulsione nucleare. | 1954 | 12 | 99 | 102 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
889 | Power E.A. | No-Pair Terms in the Adiabatic Nuclear Potential. | 1954 | 12 | 323 | 334 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
890 | Grosjean C.C. | Solution of a Non-Isotropic Random Flight Problem in the Case of a Non-Isotropic Point Source. | 1954 | 11 | 11 | 40 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
891 | Wolf E. | Optics in Terms of Observable Quantities. | 1954 | 12 | 884 | 888 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
892 | Jancel R., Kahan T. | Théorie non maxwellienne des plasmas homogènes et anisotropes. | 1954 | 12 | 573 | 612 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
893 | Fermi E. | Polarization of High Energy Protons Scattered by Nuclei. | 1954 | 11 | 407 | 411 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
894 | Martin A., Verlet L. | Diffusion proton-proton aux énergies intermédiaires. | 1954 | 12 | 483 | 489 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
895 | Bergmann O., Baker N. | On Corben's Formulation of the Dirac Equation. | 1954 | 11 | 203 | 204 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
896 | Bertotti B. | On the Relation Between Fundamental Tensor and Affinity in Unified Field Theory. | 1954 | 11 | 358 | 365 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
897 | Corinaldesi E. | High-Energy Expansions of Phase Shifts. | 1954 | 12 | 438 | 448 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
898 | Corinaldesi E. | Construction of Potentials from Phase Shift and Binding Energies of Relativistic Equations. | 1954 | 11 | 468 | 478 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
899 | Ferretti B. | On the Field Measurements and the State Definition in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1954 | 12 | 558 | 560 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
900 | Minardi E. | Quantizzazione della massa e formalismo non locale. | 1954 | 11 | 694 | 696 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
901 | Minardi E. | Sul contributo del campo elettrostatico alla quantizzazione della massa. | 1954 | 12 | 950 | 951 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
902 | Morpurgo G., Touschek B.F., Radicati L.A. | On Time Reversal. | 1954 | 12 | 677 | 698 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
903 | Schonberg M. | Simple Solution of the generalized Schrodinger Equations. | 1954 | 12 | 300 | 303 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
904 | Schonberg M. | A Non-Linear Generalization of the Schrodinger and Dirac Equations. | 1954 | 11 | 674 | 682 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
905 | Schonberg M. | On the Hydrodinamic Model of the Quantum Mechanics. | 1954 | 12 | 103 | 133 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
906 | Schonberg M. | A Non-linear Generalization of the Schrodinger and Dirac Equations (II). | 1954 | 12 | 649 | 667 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
907 | Tietz T. | Note to the Solution of the Schrodinger Equation for Finite Systems. | 1954 | 12 | 449 | 451 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
908 | Bertotti B. | On the Two_Body Problem in General Relativity. | 1954 | 12 | 226 | 232 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
909 | Corinaldesi E. | Relativistic Scattering of Electons and Born Approximation. | 1954 | 11 | 200 | 202 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
910 | Bassani F., Fumi F.G. | The Interaction between Equilibrium Defects in the Alkali Halides: The "Groud State" Binding Energiesbetween Divalent Impurities and Vacancies. | 1954 | 11 | 274 | 284 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
911 | Camagni P., Chiarotti G. | A Study of the F->Z1 Conversion in KCl Crystals with Divalent Impurities. | 1954 | 11 | 1 | 10 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
912 | Plainevaux J.E. | Guidage rectiligne sur lames élastiques. Comparaison de divers types connus et nouveaux. | 1954 | 12 | 37 | 59 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
913 | Bussetti G. | Sulla frequenza degli elementi chimici. | 1954 | 12 | 769 | 779 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
914 | Deprit A. | Temperate Distributions Associated with the Klein-Gordon Equation. | 1954 | 12 | 335 | 350 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
915 | Alvial C.G. | Variazione della sensibilità delle emulsioni nucleari in funzione della temperatura. | 1954 | 12 | 351 | 357 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
916 | Bisi A., Zappa L. | On the Efficiency of Quanta Detection in Proportional Counters. | 1954 | 12 | 211 | 216 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
917 | Blanc D. | Caractéristiques de fonctionnement des compteurs à Cathode externe remplis de méthylal pur. | 1954 | 11 | 231 | 240 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
918 | Bolla G., Terrani S., Zappa L. | Spettrometro beta ad alto potere di collezione. | 1954 | 12 | 875 | 883 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
919 | Brini D., Peli L., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | Study of a Liquid Scintillation Counter. | 1954 | 11 | 655 | 662 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
920 | Brini D., Peli L., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | An Amplifier with Low Dissipation and Short Rise-Time for C.R.T. | 1954 | 11 | 651 | 654 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
921 | Colli L., Facchini U., Rossi A. | Study of RCA 5819 and EMI 6260 Photomultipliers as Individual PhotonCounters. | 1954 | 11 | 255 | 261 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
922 | Colombo S. | Dispositivo per la predeterminazione del tempo di conteggio, o del numero dei conteggi, nelle apparecchiature di numerazione di impulsi elettrici. | 1954 | 12 | 290 | 292 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
923 | Cortelessa G., Querzoli R. | Sistema ottico per trasmissione di informazioni. | 1954 | 11 | 321 | 322 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
924 | Della Corte M. | The Grain Density and the Process of Track Formation in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1954 | 12 | 28 | 36 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
925 | Demichelis F., Malvano R. | Discriminatore differenziale oscillografico e sua applicazione nei circuiti a coincidenza. | 1954 | 11 | 49 | 52 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
926 | Gatti E. | A Stable High Speed Multichannel Pulse Analyzer. | 1954 | 11 | 153 | 162 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
927 | Gatto R. | Matrix Elements for Double Pion Photoproduction. | 1954 | 12 | 568 | 570 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
928 | Gottstein K. | Measurements of the "Noise" of Different Types of Microscope Stages. | 1954 | 12 | 619 | 629 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
929 | Grosjean C.C., Vanhuyse V.J. | On the Properties of a Spectrometer for Linear Electon Accelerators. | 1954 | 11 | 639 | 650 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
930 | Hirschberg D. | Dosage de radioéléments par la distribution des intervalles entre désintégrations. Application au RdTh. | 1954 | 12 | 733 | 742 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
931 | Lovati A., Succi C. | Una camera a diffusione con campo magnetico per fisica nucleare. | 1954 | 11 | 163 | 171 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
932 | Lovera G. | Sui conteggi di granuli nelle emulsioni nucleari. | 1954 | 12 | 154 | 155 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
933 | Malvicini A. | Camera a scintillazione per la misura dell'emanazione contenuta nell'aria. | 1954 | 12 | 821 | 823 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
934 | Mandò M. | Sui contatori ad effetto Cerenkov non focheggianti. | 1954 | 12 | 5 | 28 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
935 | Plainevaux J.E. | Mouvement parasite vertical d'une suspension élastique symétrique comprensation et asservissement. | 1954 | 11 | 626 | 638 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
936 | Renharz M., Vanderhaeghe G. | Application of the Capillary Tube Method to the Determination of Radiocarbon. | 1954 | 12 | 243 | 249 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
937 | Salvini G. | Proposal of a Synchrotron with a Double Vacuum Chamber. | 1954 | 11 | 555 | 558 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
938 | Someda G., Merlin M. | Un elettromagnete di grande potenza per lastre nucleari. | 1954 | 11 | 73 | 81 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
939 | Baroncini D. | Un metodo per i problemi d'urto con un potenziale Coulombiano modificato. | 1954 | 11 | 688 | 691 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
940 | Grossetti E. | Determinazione del coefficiente di assorbimento degli ultrasuoni dei liquidi mediante il metodo termico. | 1954 | 11 | 250 | 254 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
941 | Petralia S. | Assorbimento di ultrasuoni in miscele di elio-argon. | 1954 | 11 | 570 | 571 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
942 | Schafroth M.R. | A Sound-Wave Description of Fermion Assemblies. | 1954 | 11 | 53 | 72 | Vibrations-Waves-Acoustic | 1 | |||||||
943 | Gamba A., Moncassoli A. | The alfa-Particles Model of 20Ne. | 1955 | 2 | 1119 | 1120 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
944 | Herzenberg A. | Studies on the alfa -Particle Model of Nuclei - II. | 1955 | 1 | 1008 | 1040 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
945 | Herzenberg A. | Studies on the alfa -Particle Model of Nuclei. - I. | 1955 | 1 | 986 | 1007 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
946 | Brahmachary R.L. | On the Cosmological Implication of Galactic Magnetic Fields II. | 1955 | 2 | 149 | 151 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
947 | Brahmachary R.L. | On the Cosmological Implication of Galactic Magnetic Fields. | 1955 | 1 | 953 | 954 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
948 | Giacometti G. | Su dei nuovi orbitali di tipo pigreco a simmetria tetraedrica. | 1955 | 1 | 507 | 508 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
949 | Jaslonski A. | Virtual Oscillators in the Metallic Model of Luminescent Molecules. | 1955 | 2 | 995 | 1000 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
950 | Suffczynski M. | Two-Center Integrals for Iron Using Wave Functions withh Exchhange. | 1955 | 2 | 1320 | 1321 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
951 | Tietz T. | On the Approximate Thomas-Fermi Function for a Compressed Neutral Atom. | 1955 | 2 | 327 | 329 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
952 | Tietz T. | An Improved Approximate Analytic Solution of the Tomas-Fermi Equation for Atoms. | 1955 | 1 | 955 | 956 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
953 | Ageno M. | Sulla radiazione gamma di bassa energia a grande profondità. | 1955 | 2 | 160 | 161 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
954 | Ageno M., Cortelessa G., Querzoli R. | Sullo spettro dei raggi gamma di bassa energia, nnella radiazione cosmica. | 1955 | 1 | 453 | 467 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
955 | Baccalin C., bassi P., Manduchi C. | Misure su protoni dei raggi cosmici. | 1955 | 1 | 657 | 668 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
956 | Bender P.A. | Energy Estimation Photon Induced Cascae Showers. | 1955 | 2 | 980 | 897 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
957 | Bertolino G. | Coefficiente di anaelasticità nei getti dei raggi cosmici. | 1955 | 2 | 1130 | 1131 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
958 | Brini D., Peli L., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | Absolute Low-Energy Differential Range Spectrum of Cosmic Ray mu- Mesons at Sea-Level. | 1955 | 2 | 613 | 638 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
959 | Ceccarelli M., Quereni G., Zorn G.T. | On the Nuclear Interaction of He-Nuclei in the Cosmic Radiation. | 1955 | 1 | 667 | 678 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
960 | Cervasi M., Fidecaro G., Mezzetti L. | Penetrating Showers from Hydrogen and other Elements. | 1955 | 1 | 300 | 313 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
961 | Davies J.H., Evans D., Francois P.E., Friedlander M.W., Hillier R., Iredale P., Keefe D., Menon M.G.K., Perkins D.H., Powell C.F., Boggild J., Brene N., Fowler P.H., Hooper J., Ortel W.C.G., Scharff M., Crane L., Johnston R.H.W., O'Cellaigh C., Anderson | On the Masses and Modes of Decay of Heavy Mesons Produced by Cosmic Radiation.(G-Stack Collaboration) | 1955 | 2 | 1063 | 1103 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
962 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L., Vigone M. | Detailed Analysis and Discussion of Two Narrow Showers of Pair of Charged Particles. | 1955 | 2 | 220 | 230 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
963 | Gardner J.W., Gellman H., Messel H. | Numerical Calculations on the Fluctuation Problem in Cascade Theory. | 1955 | 2 | 58 | 74 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
964 | Lohrmann E. | Angular Distribution in Cosmic Ray Stars. | 1955 | 1 | 1126 | 1140 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
965 | Marquez L., Costa N.L. | The Formation of 32 P from Atmospheric Argon by Cosmic Rays. | 1955 | 2 | 1038 | 1041 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
966 | McCusker C.B.A. | A Variation of the Rate of Penetrating Expansive Showers with Sidereal Time. | 1955 | 2 | 1340 | 1341 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
967 | Miesowicz M., Jurkiewics L., Massalski J.M. | Remarks on Low-Energy Gamma-Radiation at Great Depths. | 1955 | 2 | 152 | 154 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
968 | Poiani G. | Sullo sviluppo della compenente fotonica nell'atmosfera. | 1955 | 2 | 1114 | 1118 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
969 | Werle J. | Singular Potentials in Relativistis Equations of Motion. | 1955 | 1 | 537 | 542 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
970 | Yeivin Y. | The Positive-Negative Difference of Cosmic-Ray Muons. | 1955 | 2 | 658 | 660 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
971 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Franzinetti C., Manfredini A. | Unusual Event Produced by Cosmic Rays. | 1955 | 1 | 492 | 500 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
972 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Lazzarini E. | Radioactivity of 134Cs. | 1955 | 2 | 273 | 289 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
973 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Lazzarini E. | On the Decay of 134Cs. | 1955 | 1 | 746 | 748 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
974 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Lazzarini E. | Angular Correlation of Scattered Annihilation Radiation. | 1955 | 2 | 661 | 662 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
975 | Bisi A., Germagnoli E., Zappa L. | On the Decay 51Cr24. | 1955 | 2 | 1052 | 1057 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
976 | Bisi A., Germagnoli E., Zappa L., Zimmer E. | On the Energy Distribution and the Emission Probability of Internal Bremsstrahlung in 71Ge32. | 1955 | 2 | 290 | 300 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
977 | Bisi A., Terrani S., Zappa L. | On the beta - Decay of 171 Tm. | 1955 | 2 | 172 | 172 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
978 | Bisi A., Terrani S., Zappa L. | on the Total Decay Energy in the Orbital Electron Capture of 181 W. | 1955 | 1 | 651 | 656 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
979 | Bisi A., Terrani S., Zappa L. | Unique First Forbidden Beta Spectrum of 89Sr. | 1955 | 2 | 1297 | 1300 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
980 | Bisi A., Terrani S., Zappa L. | The decay of 185 W. | 1955 | 1 | 291 | 299 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
981 | Brini D., Rimondi O., Valdè U., Filosofo I. | On the Zenithal Effect of Extensive Air Showers. | 1955 | 1 | 1269 | 1272 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
982 | Clementel E., Villi C. | Many Body Forces and Non-Linear Interactions. | 1955 | 1 | 344 | 346 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
983 | Deutsch S., Nikolic M. | Limite supérieure d'un embranchement alfa de l'UX1 (234Th). | 1955 | 2 | 1326 | 1327 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
984 | Forster H.H., Rosen A. | Decay of 103Ru. | 1955 | 1 | 972 | 973 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
985 | Forster H.H., Wigging J.S. | Decay of 134 Cs. | 1955 | 2 | 854 | 856 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
986 | Gatto R. | Angular Correlation in Cascade Decay. | 1955 | 2 | 841 | 844 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
987 | Hirschberg D. | Dosage de radioéléments par la distribution des intervalles entre désintégrations. Efficacitédes estimations. | 1955 | 1 | 341 | 343 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
988 | Ricci R.A., Triverio G. | Sullo schema di decadimento del Bi (Rac). | 1955 | 2 | 745 | 759 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
989 | Ricci R.A., Trivero G. | Revision of the beta-Ray Spectrum of 214Bi(RaC)83. | 1955 | 1 | 717 | 721 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
990 | Aitchison G.J., Goodwin G.L. | Ionospheric Self-Interaction of Radio Waves at Vertical Incidence. | 1955 | 1 | 722 | 725 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
991 | Cutolo M. | A proposito delle esperienze sull'interazione delle radioonde nella ionosfera. | 1955 | 1 | 726 | 732 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
992 | Grosjean C.C. | Note on the Propeties of Two Functions Appearing in the Theory of TM Wave Propagation Through Periodically Irisloaded Guides. | 1955 | 1 | 1264 | 1266 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
993 | Grosjean C.C. | Theory of Circurary Symmetric Standing TM Waves in Terminated Irisloaded Guides. | 1955 | 2 | 11 | 26 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
994 | Grosjean C.C. | On the Theory of Circularly Symmetric TM Waves in Infinite Irisloaded Guides. | 1955 | 1 | 427 | 438 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
995 | Grosjean C.C. | Mathematical Trasformation of a System of Equations Appearing in the Theory of TM Wave Propagation in Corrugated Guides. | 1955 | 1 | 439 | 446 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
996 | Grosjean C.C. | Trasformation of a Frequency Equationn in Corrugated Wave Guide Theory. | 1955 | 1 | 174 | 192 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
997 | Grosjean C.C., Vanhuyse V.J. | Experimental Verification of a Frequency Equation for Corrugated Wave Guides. | 1955 | 1 | 193 | 200 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
998 | Palma Vittorelli M.B., Palma M.U., Palumbo D., Santangelo M. | Determination and Properties of Anisotropy in Paramagnetic Resonance Absorbition. | 1955 | 2 | 811 | 819 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
999 | Schiller P. | Zur Frage der Dampfung Elastischer Schwingugen durch Wirbelstrome im Magnetfeld. | 1955 | 2 | 1328 | 1330 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1000 | Teisseyre R. | The Diffraction on a Conductingg Wedge The General Solutions for Dipole Field. | 1955 | 2 | 869 | 871 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1001 | Thompson R.W. | Least Squares Curvature in Non-Uniform Magnetic Field. | 1955 | 1 | 735 | 738 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1002 | Vanhuyse V.J. | On the ( beta 0, k) Diagrams for Circularly Symmetric TM. Waves in Infinite Irisloaded Waveguides. | 1955 | 1 | 447 | 452 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1003 | Bellomo E. | Sul moto di un elettrone finito e la corrispondenza con l'elettrone puntiforme nella meccanica relativistica. | 1955 | 2 | 456 | 466 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1004 | Bocchieri P., Loiger A. | Sulla relazione fra la teoria di Tomonaga-Schwinger e quella di Dirac-Fock-Podolsky. | 1955 | 2 | 314 | 319 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1005 | Bunge M. | A Picture of the Electron. | 1955 | 1 | 977 | 985 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1006 | Caldirola P. | Sull'introduzione di un intervallo di tempo fondamentale nella teoria dell'elettrone. | 1955 | 1 | 742 | 743 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1007 | Caldirola P. | Sull'irraggiamento dell'elettrone nell'elettrodinamica classica. | 1955 | 1 | 269 | 271 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1008 | Cirelli R. | Sul moto di un elettrone investito da un impulso elettromagnetico istantaneo. | 1955 | 1 | 260 | 262 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1009 | Lohrmann E. | On the Energy Determination of Electron Pairs. | 1955 | 2 | 1029 | 1037 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1010 | Lovati A., Succi C. | Urto nucleare elastico di elettroni da 1 MeV in argon. | 1955 | 2 | 1224 | 1233 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1011 | Alexander G., Ballario C., Bizzarri R., Brunelli B., De Marco A., Michelini A., Moneti G.C., Zavattini E., Zichichi A., Astbury J.P. | A Cloud Chamber Observation of Singly Charged Unstable Fragment. | 1955 | 2 | 365 | 369 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1012 | Block M.M., Jastrow R. | Nuclear Production of Heavy Unstable Particles. | 1955 | 2 | 865 | 868 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1013 | Caldwell D.O. | Massen of the New Particles and the Range-Energy Relation. | 1955 | 2 | 183 | 185 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1014 | Clementel E., Villi C. | On the Scattering of Neutrons by Alpha Particles. | 1955 | 2 | 1121 | 1126 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1015 | Dahanayake C., Francois P.E., Fujimoto Y., Iredale P., Waddingtn C.J., Yasin M. | On Heavy Unstable Particles Produced in High Energy Nuclear Disintegrations. | 1955 | 1 | 888 | 903 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1016 | De Marco A., Milone A., Reinhaez M. | Esempio di una probabile particella lamba0 di alta energia. | 1955 | 1 | 744 | 745 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1017 | Duimio F. | Sull'energia di legame dell'H3. | 1955 | 1 | 688 | 693 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1018 | Gatto R. | Theory of Effect of Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations on the Scattering of High Energy Electrons or Muons by Nuclei. | 1955 | 2 | 669 | 676 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1019 | Gatto R. | Fenomenological Study of the New Particles. Lambda -Particles and lamda -Nuclei. | 1955 | 1 | 372 | 393 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1020 | Grilli M., Vitale B., Hodgson P.E., Ladu M. | Emissione di particelle alfa da parte di nuclei eccitati con protoni di 50, 100, 150 e 450 MeV. | 1955 | 1 | 314 | 323 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1021 | Lohrmann E. | On the Topographic Distribution of Cosmic Ray Stars in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1955 | 1 | 1141 | 1145 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1022 | Sachs R.G., Treiman S.B. | Classification of the Eisenberg and Similar Events. | 1955 | 2 | 1331 | 1333 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1023 | Salam A., Polkinghorne J.C. | On the Classification of Fundamental Particles. | 1955 | 2 | 685 | 690 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1024 | Tiomno J. | Mass Reversal and the Universal Interaction. | 1955 | 1 | 226 | 232 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1025 | Yeivin Y., De Shalit A. | Statistical Weights in Many-Particle Systems. | 1955 | 1 | 1146 | 1151 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1026 | Amati D., Vitale B. | On Conservation Laws in Production and Annihilation of Antinucleons. | 1955 | 2 | 719 | 727 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1027 | Arnous E., Heitler W. | The Self-Stress Problem and the Limits of Validity of Quantized Field Theories. | 1955 | 2 | 1282 | 1296 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1028 | Bocchieri P., Loinger A. | Su una formulazione hamiltoniana covariante della teoria classica dei campi. | 1955 | 2 | 1058 | 1062 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1029 | Bocchieri P., Loinger A. | Sulle funzioni d'onda configurazionali della teoria dei campi. | 1955 | 2 | 380 | 382 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1030 | Burton W.K. | Equivalence of the Lagrangian Formulationns of Quantum Field Theory due to Feynman and Schwinger. | 1955 | 1 | 355 | 357 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1031 | Burton W.K., De Borde A.H. | The Evaluation of Transformation Functions by Means of the Feynman Path Integral. | 1955 | 2 | 197 | 202 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1032 | Caianiello E.R. | Non-Perturbative Expansions. | 1955 | 2 | 186 | 188 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1033 | Caianiello E.R. | Remarks on the Existence of Derivatives of Propagation Kernels with Respect to the Interaction Strength. | 1955 | 1 | 337 | 340 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1034 | Caianiello E.R. | Perturbative Expansions. | 1955 | 2 | 155 | 159 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1035 | Cini M., Fubini S. | Current Density in Heisenberg Representation. | 1955 | 2 | 192 | 194 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1036 | Cini M., Fubini S. | Current Density in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1955 | 2 | 860 | 863 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1037 | Dirac P.A.M. | The Stress Tensor in Field Dynamics. | 1955 | 1 | 16 | 36 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1038 | Duimio F., Gulmanelli P., Scotti A. | Su una semplice deduzione delle equazioni di Low dal formalismo di Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann.. | 1955 | 2 | 1132 | 1134 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1039 | Finkelstein R.J. | Generalized Beta Invariants. | 1955 | 1 | 1104 | 1112 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1040 | Finkelstein R.J. | On Non-local Form Factors. | 1955 | 1 | 1113 | 1119 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1041 | Freese E. | Many-point Correlation-functions in Quantum Field Theory. | 1955 | 2 | 50 | 57 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1042 | Fubini S. | Non Linear Integral Equation in Field Theory. | 1955 | 2 | 180 | 182 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1043 | Ingraham R.L. | The Behaviour of Finite Particles in Conformal-Covariant Weak Field Theory. | 1955 | 1 | 82 | 102 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1044 | Katayama Y., Tokuoka Z., Yamazakin K. | Over-all Space-time Descriptio and Third Quantization. | 1955 | 2 | 728 | 744 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1045 | Kay I., Moses H.E. | The Determination of Scattering Potential from the Spectral Measure Function. I. Continous Spectrum. | 1955 | 2 | 917 | 961 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1046 | Kròlikowski W., Rzewuski J. | Covariant One-time Formulation of the Many-body Problem in Quantum Theory. | 1955 | 2 | 203 | 219 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1047 | Lehmann H., Symanzik K., Zimmermann W. | Zur Formulierung quantisierter Feldtheorien. | 1955 | 1 | 205 | 225 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1048 | Lehmann H., Symanzik K., Zimmermann W. | Zur Vertexfunktion in quantisierten Feldtheorien. | 1955 | 2 | 425 | 432 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1049 | Matthews P.T., Salam A. | Propagator of Quantized Field. | 1955 | 2 | 120 | 134 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1050 | Mauger F.E. | A Note on the Strength of Field Equations. | 1955 | 2 | 330 | 333 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1051 | Morpurgo G., Touschek B.F. | Space and Time Reflection of Observable and Non-Observable Quantities in Field Theory. | 1955 | 1 | 1159 | 1179 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1052 | Moses H.E. | The Scattering Operator and the adiabatic Theorem. | 1955 | 1 | 103 | 131 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1053 | Phillips R.J.N. | Indefinite Metrics and Multi-Mass Field Theories. | 1955 | 1 | 824 | 839 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1054 | Proca A. | Particules de très grandes vitesses en Mécanique spinorielle. | 1955 | 2 | 962 | 971 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1055 | Rayski J. | On the Meaning of Bilocalizability. | 1955 | 2 | 255 | 272 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1056 | Schrondinger E. | A Thermodynamic Relation between Frequency-Shift and Broadening. | 1955 | 1 | 63 | 69 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1057 | Schweber S.S. | On the Yang-Feldman Formalism. | 1955 | 2 | 397 | 412 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1058 | Schwebwr S. S. | On Reduction Formulae in Field Theory. | 1955 | 2 | 173 | 175 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1059 | Shaw R. | Virtual Masses of Interacting Fields. | 1955 | 1 | 517 | 521 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1060 | Takahashi Y. | A Note Concerning the Quantization of Spinor Fields. | 1955 | 1 | 414 | 426 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1061 | Taylor J.C. | Singular Integral Equations in Quantum Field Theory. | 1955 | 1 | 679 | 684 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1062 | Umezawa H., Visconti A. | General Theory of Progators. | 1955 | 1 | 1079 | 1103 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1063 | Bertanza L., Martelli G. | Influence of Ions on the Nucleation Processes in Liquids. II.- Liquids Under Positive Pressure in Metastable Thermodynamical Equilibrium (Overheated liquids). | 1955 | 1 | 324 | 336 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1064 | Careri G., Paoletti A. | A Direct Interchange Mechanism in Liquid Tin and Indium Self Diffusion. | 1955 | 1 | 517 | 518 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1065 | Careri G., Paoletti A. | Self-Diffusion in Liquid Indium and Tin. | 1955 | 2 | 574 | 591 | Fluids | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1066 | Carrelli A., Cennamo F. | La viscosità di volume (III). | 1955 | 1 | 365 | 371 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1067 | Carrelli A., Gaeta F.S. | Duration of the Diffraction Grating in Relation to the State of the Powders in Suspension. | 1955 | 2 | 898 | 903 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1068 | Chiarotti G., Cristiani G., Giulotto L. | Proton Relaxation in Pure Liquids and in Liquids Containing Paramagnetic Gases in Solution. | 1955 | 1 | 863 | 873 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1069 | Franchetti S. | Problems of Film Formation and Flow in Liquid Helium II. | 1955 | 2 | 1127 | 1129 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1070 | Hohler G. | Zur Berechnung des Grundzustandes und der Masse der Polarons. | 1955 | 2 | 691 | 706 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1071 | Schonberg M. | Vortex Motionns of Madelung Fluid. | 1955 | 1 | 543 | 580 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1072 | Arnowitt R., Deser S. | High-Energy Multiple Photon Production. | 1955 | 2 | 707 | 718 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
1073 | Ascoli R. | Sull'emissione di fotoni nell'approsimazione di Bloch e Nordsieck. | 1955 | 2 | 1 | 10 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
1074 | Colombo S., Rossi A. Scotti A. | On the 60 Ni Gamma-Gamma Directional Correlation Function. | 1955 | 1 | 522 | 523 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
1075 | Wilos A.J.C. | The Effects of Dislocations of X-Ray Diffraction. | 1955 | 1 | 277 | 283 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
1076 | Hess V.F. | The Role of Eddy Diffusion in the Distribution of Ions in the Atmosfere Near the Ground. | 1955 | 1 | 51 | 62 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
1077 | Anderson F., Lawlor G., Nevin T.E. | Mesonic Decay of a Singly Charged Fragment. | 1955 | 2 | 605 | 607 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1078 | Anderson F., Lawlor G., Nevin T.E. | Unusual Decay of chi-Meson. | 1955 | 2 | 608 | 612 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1079 | Armenteros R., Gregory B., Hendel A., Lagarrigue A., Leprince-Ringuet L., Muller F., Peyrou C. | Further Discussion of the K mu Decay Mode. | 1955 | 1 | 915 | 941 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1080 | Arvalez W., Goldhaber S. | The Lifetime of the tau-Mesons. | 1955 | 2 | 344 | 345 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1081 | Baldo M., Belliboni G., Ceccarelli M., Grilli M., Vitale B., Zorn G.T. | Particelle pesanti instabili in emulsioni nucleari. | 1955 | 1 | 1180 | 1210 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1082 | Baroni G. | An Analysis of Three tau-Mesons. | 1955 | 2 | 169 | 171 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1083 | Boggild J.K., Hopper J.E., Ortel W.C.G., Scharff M. | Evidence for the K mu -Meson. | 1955 | 1 | 1267 | 1268 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1084 | Bonetti A., Levi Setti R., Locatelli B., Tomasini G. | Results on Some Secondary Particles of K-Mesons from the Stacks Flown in Sardinia 1953. | 1955 | 1 | 904 | 914 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1085 | Bridge H.S., DeStaebler H.jr., Rossi B., Sreekantan B.V. | Evidence for Heavy Mesons with The Decay Processes K pigreco2->pigrego+pigreco0 and K mu2->mu+nu from Observations with a Multiplate Cloud Chamber. | 1955 | 1 | 874 | 887 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1086 | Costa G., Dallaporta N. | On the K mu 3- and K beta 3- Decay Schemes. | 1955 | 2 | 519 | 525 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1087 | Dallaporta N., Taffara L. | On the Possible Existence of Degenerate Charged States of Heavy Unstable Bosons in the Gell-Mann-Pais Theory. | 1955 | 2 | 418 | 424 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1088 | Duimio F. | Considerazioni sui decadimenti dei mesoni pigreco e K in fermioni leggeri. | 1955 | 2 | 1308 | 1316 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1089 | Fowler P.H., Perkins D.H. | The Associated Production of a chi-Meson and a sigma-Particle in a Nuclear Disintegration. | 1955 | 2 | 874 | 875 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1090 | Friedlander M.W., Keefe D., Menon M.G.K. | The Production of a pair of Heavy Mesons in High-Energy Nuclear Interaction. | 1955 | 2 | 666 | 668 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1091 | Friedlander M.W., Keefe D., Menon M.G.K. | On Associated Production of a Meson-Active 4H1 Fragment and a K-Meson in a Nuclear Disintegration. | 1955 | 2 | 663 | 665 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1092 | Friedlander M.W., Keefe D., Menon M.G.K. | The Interaction of Fast K-Mesons. | 1955 | 1 | 694 | 704 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1093 | Fry W.F., Schneps J., Snow G.A., Swami M.S. | A tau+ Decay with a Very Low Energy pigreco- Meson. | 1955 | 2 | 872 | 873 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1094 | Fry W.F., Schneps J., Swami M.S. | Further Evidence for the Existence of Heavy K-Meson or Heavy Hyperon. | 1955 | 2 | 346 | 347 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1095 | Gottstein K. | Associated Production of tau Mesons and Charged Hyperon. | 1955 | 1 | 284 | 290 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1096 | Teucher M., Thirring W., Winzeler H. | A Search for Angular Correlations in tau -Meson Decay. | 1955 | 1 | 733 | 734 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1097 | Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Franzinetti C. | Observations on Unstable Fragments. | 1955 | 2 | 550 | 564 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1098 | Gatto R. | Phenomenological Treatment of Decay of Light Hyperfragments. | 1955 | 2 | 373 | 379 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1099 | Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | On the Measurement of Ionizzation in Nuclear Plates. | 1955 | 2 | 301 | 313 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1100 | Caglioti G., Sciuti S., Gigli A. | On the Production of Secondary Electrons by High Energy mu -Mesons. | 1955 | 1 | 851 | 862 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1101 | Carlson_Lee D., Stoppini G., Tau L. | Cross Sections Near Threshold for Charged Photo-Pions from Deuterium | 1955 | 2 | 162 | 164 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1102 | Clementel E., Poiani G., Villi C. | Analytical Method for Obtaining Phase Shifts from Experimental Data on Pion-Proton Scattering. | 1955 | 2 | 389 | 396 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1103 | Clementel E., Poiani G., Villi C. | Phase Shift Analysis for Negative Pion-Proton Scattering at 187 MeV. | 1955 | 2 | 352 | 355 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1104 | Clementel E., Villi C. | On Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1955 | 2 | 845 | 849 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1105 | Costa G., Lanza G. | Sulla produzione di mesoni pigreco nei nuclei pesanti ad opera di primari nucleonici energici. | 1955 | 2 | 1211 | 1223 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1106 | D'Espagnat B., Prentki J. | La production des mésons et les états excités à vie moyenne brève. | 1955 | 1 | 1223 | 1237 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1107 | Ferretti L., Manaresi E. | Interaction of pigreco Mesons in Photographic Plates. | 1955 | 1 | 512 | 516 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1108 | Ferretti L., Manaresi E., Puppi G., Ranzi A., Quareni G. | Coloumb Interference in the Pion-Proton Scattering at 120 MeV. | 1955 | 1 | 1238 | 1250 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1109 | Fry W.F., Schneps J. | The Mass of a Pigreco- Mesons Determined from a sigma Star. | 1955 | 1 | 272 | 273 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1110 | Gatto R. | Double Pion Production in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions. Selection Rules for Production near the Threshold. | 1955 | 2 | 348 | 351 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1111 | Gatto R. | Multiple Pion Production Through Isomeric States of the Nucleon. Theorems Following from Charge Indipendence. | 1955 | 1 | 159 | 173 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1112 | Haber-Schaim U., Thirring W. | Remarks on Pion Nucleon Scattering. | 1955 | 2 | 100 | 119 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1113 | Kessler D., Maze R. | Remarques sur les Interactions Electromagnetiques Multiples des Mesons mu. | 1955 | 1 | 966 | 967 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1114 | Pedretti E., Stanghellini A., Quareni G. | Osservazioni sull'inferenza coulombiana nello scattering pigreco+ +P | 1955 | 2 | 450 | 455 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1115 | Watase Y., Suga K., Tanaka Y., Mitani S. | On the Production of Mesons in Hydrogen and Carbon above 10 GeV. | 1955 | 2 | 1183 | 1201 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1116 | Ferretti L., Veronesi P. | Influenza di un campo magnetico trasversale sulla tensione d'innesco della scarica in un gas in alta frequenza. | 1955 | 2 | 639 | 643 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1117 | Ginzburg V.L. | On the Theory of Superconductivity. | 1955 | 2 | 1234 | 1250 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1118 | Mohanti S.R. | Disappearence of Adsorbed Gases from Dielectic Surfaces Under Electrodeless Discharge. | 1955 | 2 | 1107 | 1109 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1119 | Ascoli R. | On Bloch and Nordsieck's divergence. | 1955 | 2 | 413 | 417 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
1120 | Furth H.P., Waniek R.W. | Application of High Magnetic Fields to Nuclear Track Analysis and Solid State Research. | 1955 | 2 | 1350 | 1352 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
1121 | Proca A. | Interferences en mécanique spinorielle. | 1955 | 2 | 972 | 979 | Mathematical Physics | 1 | |||||||
1122 | Barclay F.R., Jelley J.V. | Cerenkov and Isotropic Radiations from Single mu-Mesons in Air. | 1955 | 2 | 27 | 37 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1123 | Della Corte M., Fazzini T.F., Sona A.M. | Anaelastic Scattering of pigreco Mesons on Carbon. | 1955 | 2 | 1345 | 1349 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1124 | Baroni G., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | Su un metodo per determinare il percorso residuo degli iperoni. | 1955 | 1 | 473 | 481 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1125 | Bosco B., Stroffolini R. | A Field Theoretical Model for S-Wave Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1955 | 2 | 433 | 442 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1126 | Castagnoli C., Cortini G., Manfredini A. | K-Meson and Hyperon Events. | 1955 | 2 | 565 | 573 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1127 | Ceccarelli M., Dallaporta N., Grilli M., Merlin M., Salandin G., Sechi B., Ladu M. | An Unstable Fragment Produced on the Nuclear Capture of a Hyperon. | 1955 | 2 | 542 | 549 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1128 | Clementel E. | Nucleon-Nucleus Potential at High Energies. | 1955 | 1 | 509 | 511 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1129 | Diana E., Duimo F. | Sull'energia di legame degli iperframmenti leggeri. | 1955 | 2 | 370 | 372 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1130 | Enatsu H., Ihara C. | Models of Hyperons. | 1955 | 1 | 394 | 402 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1131 | Fowler P.H., Ortel W.C.G. | An Example of the Associated Production of a Heavy Meson and a Hyperon. | 1955 | 2 | 864 | 864 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1132 | Friedlander M.W. | Some Aspects of the Nuclear Capture of Hyperons and K-Mesons. | 1955 | 2 | 90 | 99 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1133 | Friedlander M.W., Keefe D., Menon M.G.K. | Hyperon Events in Photographic Emulsions. | 1955 | 1 | 482 | 491 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1134 | Hill R.D., Gardnen F.T., Crew J.E. | Evidence for Nuclear Interactio of Charged Hyperon in Flight. | 1955 | 2 | 824 | 827 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1135 | johnston R.H.W., O'Ceallaigh C. | Further Evidence for Nuclear Interaction of a Charged Hyperon Arrested in Photographic Emulsion. | 1955 | 1 | 468 | 472 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1136 | Jones jr J.T., Knipp J.K. | Note on Hyperfragments. | 1955 | 2 | 857 | 859 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1137 | Kind A., Villi C. | The Optical Model and the Nucleon-Nucleus Scattering. | 1955 | 1 | 749 | 751 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1138 | Kohler S. | Polarization of High Energy Nucleonns Scattered by Nuclei. | 1955 | 2 | 911 | 916 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1139 | Schein M., Glasser R.G., Haskin D.M. | Analysis of Properties of Secondary Particles in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions at Very High Energy. | 1955 | 2 | 647 | 657 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1140 | Baldo-Ceolin M., Sechi B. | Disintegrazioni nucleari di alta energia. | 1955 | 2 | 1202 | 1210 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1141 | Benzi V. | Form Factor for Incoherent Scattering of High Energy Charged Particles by Nuclei. | 1955 | 1 | 1261 | 1263 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1142 | Businaro U.L., Gallone S. | Collective Aspects of Nuclear Photoeffect. | 1955 | 1 | 1285 | 1288 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1143 | Businaro U.L., Gallone S. | On the Interpretation of Fission Asymmetry According to the Liquid Drop Nuclear Model. | 1955 | 1 | 629 | 643 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1144 | Businaro U.L., Gallone S. | Saddle Shapes, Thresholt Energies and Fission Asymmtry on the LiquidDrop Model. | 1955 | 1 | 1277 | 1279 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1145 | Cap F., Grobner W. | New Method for the Solution of the Deuteron Problem, and its Application to Regular Potential. | 1955 | 1 | 1211 | 1222 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1146 | Clementel E., Villi C. | Non-Linear Interactions and Nuclear Saturation. | 1955 | 1 | 1273 | 1276 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1147 | Clementel E., Villi C. | Phaseshift Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering Experiments. I.General Formulation. | 1955 | 2 | 1165 | 1182 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1148 | Clementel E., Villi C. | On the Imaginary Part on the Nucleon-Nucleus Potential. | 1955 | 2 | 176 | 179 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1149 | Colombo S., Rossi A., Scotti A. | A Precision Re-Measurement of the 60 Ni Gamma-Gamma Directional Correlation Function. | 1955 | 2 | 471 | 486 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1150 | Dallaporta N. | On the Mean Lives of Heavy Unstable Particles. | 1955 | 1 | 962 | 965 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1151 | Gardner F.T., Hill R.D. | Gap Density Measurements in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1955 | 2 | 820 | 823 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1152 | Iori I., Roveri A. | Sui conteggi dei gruppi di granuli nelle emulsioni nucleari. | 1955 | 2 | 165 | 167 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1153 | Jancovici B.G. | Les force spin_orbite et les durées de vie beta de 12B et 8Li. | 1955 | 1 | 840 | 850 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1154 | Kind A. | The Low Energy Nuclear Mechanics and the Indipendent Particles Model | 1955 | 2 | 443 | 449 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1155 | Klein C.A. | Une anayse en déphasage de la diffon et de la polarization dans les collision neutron-proton à grande energie. | 1955 | 2 | 38 | 49 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1156 | Klein C.A. | Une analyse en déphasages de la diffusionet de la polarisation dans les collisions proton-proton à grande énergie. | 1955 | 1 | 581 | 589 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1157 | Lipkin H.J., De Shalit A., Talmi I. | On the Description of Collective Motion by the Use of Superflous Co-Ordinates. | 1955 | 2 | 773 | 798 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1158 | Lipkin H.J., Rosendorff S., Yekutieli G. | A New Multiple Scattering Parameter. | 1955 | 2 | 1015 | 1028 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1159 | Morpurgo G., Radicati L.A. | On the Dipole Selection Rule in 16O. | 1955 | 2 | 360 | 361 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1160 | Ramanna R., Veeraraghavan N., Iyengar P.K. | Energy Level of 56 Fe and 27 Al by the Inelastic Scattering of 15 MeV Neutrons. | 1955 | 1 | 623 | 628 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1161 | Roederer B. | Zur Massenbestimmung an geladenen Teilchen in kernphotographischen Emulsionen mittels der Methode der variablen Zellen. | 1955 | 2 | 135 | 148 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1162 | Sawicki J. | Coulomb Effects in the 6Li(n,alfa)3H and 6Li(p,alfa)3He Reactions. | 1955 | 1 | 957 | 961 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1163 | Stodiek W. | Arrangement for Precise Scattering Measurements in Nuclear Emulsions | 1955 | 2 | 467 | 470 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1164 | Verde M. | Asymptotic Expansions of Phase Shifts at High Energies. | 1955 | 2 | 1001 | 1014 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1165 | Businaro U.L., Gallone S. | Collective Aspects of Nuclear Photoeffect. | 1955 | 1 | 1282 | 1284 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1166 | Ceccarelli M., Grilli M., Melin M., Salandin G., Sechi B. | A Probable Example of the Reaction: pigreco+p= K+ + K- + n. | 1955 | 2 | 828 | 840 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1167 | Cini M., Fubini S. | A Theoretical Investigation of Nuclear Reactions with Neutrons. | 1955 | 2 | 75 | 89 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1168 | Czyz W. | A Simple Theory of the 7Li( gamma,3H) 4He Reaction. | 1955 | 2 | 320 | 322 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1169 | Gomes L.C., Leite Lopez J. | High Energu Neutron Reactions and the Nuclear Optical Model. | 1955 | 1 | 792 | 799 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1170 | Grimeland B. | Average Cross-Sections for the Reactions 32S(N,P)32P and 31P(n,p) 31Si with Fission Neutrons. | 1955 | 2 | 1336 | 1339 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1171 | Bussetti G. | Masse dei nuclei con Z>=40. | 1955 | 2 | 1301 | 1307 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1172 | De Marco A., Milone A., Reinharz M. | Sul metodo degli elettroni d'urto per la determinazione della massa di particelle al minimo di ionizzazione. | 1955 | 1 | 1041 | 1056 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1173 | Faragò P.S., Gécs M., Mertz J. | Investigation of Magnetic Moments of Atomic Nuclei. | 1955 | 2 | 1110 | 1113 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1174 | Ferroni S., Fubini S. | High Energy Electron Scattering by Polarized Nuclei. | 1955 | 1 | 263 | 265 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1175 | Wisniewski F.J. | Moments magnétiques des noyaux legers. | 1955 | 2 | 323 | 326 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1176 | Benzi V., Ladu M., Marongiu N. | Sul cammino libero medio anaelastico dei protoni di 450 MeV in emulsioni nucleari. | 1955 | 2 | 1317 | 1319 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1177 | Beretta L., Clementel E., Villi C. | S and P Wave Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering Experiment. | 1955 | 1 | 739 | 741 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1178 | Clementel E., Villi C. | On a Mechanical Analyzer for Proton-Proton Triplet Phase Shifts. | 1955 | 2 | 356 | 359 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1179 | Eriksson T. | Polarization of High Energy Protons Scattered by Iron. | 1955 | 2 | 907 | 910 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1180 | Nikitin S.J., Selector J.M., Bogomolov E.G., Zombkovskij S.M. | The Scattering of Protons with Energies 460-660 MeV on Protons. | 1955 | 2 | 1269 | 1281 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1181 | Sawicki J. | Proton Polarization in (n,p) Reactions and Nuclear Optical Model. | 1955 | 2 | 1322 | 1325 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1182 | Tietz T. | Uber iene Approximation der Fermischen Verteilunsfunktion fur positive freie Ionen. | 1955 | 1 | 968 | 971 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1183 | Beck G. | Quantum Theory of the Emissionn Process. | 1955 | 1 | 70 | 81 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1184 | Bracci A., Coceva C., Colli L., Dugnani Lonati R. | Measurement of the Cross-Section and the Energy Spectrum in the Double Compton Effect. | 1955 | 1 | 752 | 755 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1185 | Caldirola P. | Sull'equazione del positrone nell'elettrodinamica classica. | 1955 | 1 | 347 | 350 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1186 | De Broglie L. | Une interprétation nouvelle de la mècanique ondulatoire est-elle possible? | 1955 | 1 | 37 | 50 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1187 | Gamba A. | Thermodynamics and quantum Mechanics. | 1955 | 1 | 358 | 360 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1188 | Gatto R. | The Formalism of Second Quantization in Quantum Statistical Mechanics. | 1955 | 2 | 592 | 604 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1189 | Kummel H. | Zur quantentheoretischen Begrundung der Klassischen Physik. II.- Statistiche Mechanik und Thermodynamik. | 1955 | 2 | 877 | 897 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1190 | Kummel H. | Zur quantentheoretischen begrundung der klassischen Physik. I.-Dynamik der Gase und Flussigkeiten. | 1955 | 1 | 1057 | 1078 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1191 | Loinger A. | Un'analogia fra l'elettrodinamica quantistica e l'elettrodinamica classica della descrizione corpuscolare. | 1955 | 2 | 511 | 518 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1192 | Minardi E. | Condizioni al contorno nella teoria quantistica della dispersione. | 1955 | 2 | 799 | 810 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1193 | Morpurgo G., Touschek B.F. | Remarks on Time Reversal. | 1955 | 1 | 201 | 204 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1194 | Newton R.G., Jost R. | The Construction of Potentials from the S_Matrix for System of Differential Equations. | 1955 | 1 | 590 | 622 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1195 | Ortiz Fornaguera R. | On Some General Properties of Static Solutions of Schiff's Equation. | 1955 | 1 | 132 | 158 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1196 | Prosperi G.M., Tosi C. | Sulle connessioni matematiche fra le teorie classiche dell'elettrone di Feynman e di Rzewuski. | 1955 | 2 | 1342 | 1344 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1197 | Takabayasi T. | Remarks the Hydrodynamical Representation and Certain Generelization of Quantum Mechanics. | 1955 | 1 | 257 | 259 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1198 | Bertotti B. | On the Motion of Charged Particles in General Relativity. | 1955 | 2 | 231 | 240 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1199 | Corinaldesi E. | Quantum Field Theory and the Two-Body Problem of General Relativity. | 1955 | 1 | 1289 | 1290 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1200 | Corinaldesi E. | Remarks on a Previous Note. | 1955 | 2 | 168 | 168 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1201 | Kilmister C.W., Stephenson G. | Field Equations in General Relativity. | 1955 | 1 | 361 | 362 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1202 | Mavridès S. | La solution gènèrale des équations d'Einstein. | 1955 | 2 | 1141 | 1164 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1203 | Bonfiglioli G., Coen E., Malvano R. | Modulation of Electrical Conducivity by Surface Charges in Metals. | 1955 | 2 | 334 | 335 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1204 | Placzek G., Van Hove L. | Interference Effects in the Total Neutron Scattering Cross-Section of Crystals. | 1955 | 1 | 233 | 256 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1205 | Brahmachary R.L. | Axially Symmetric Solution in Problems of Galactic Magnetic Fields and a New Type of Red Shift. | 1955 | 2 | 850 | 853 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
1206 | Ageno M. | Schermi di rinforzo per autoradiografia. | 1955 | 1 | 266 | 268 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1207 | Argan P.E., D'Angelo N., Gigli A. | Remarks on the Operation of the Diffusion Cloud Chamber (I). | 1955 | 1 | 761 | 784 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1208 | Barabaschi S., Cottini C., Gatti E. | High Sensitivity and Accuracy Pulse Trigger Circuit. | 1955 | 2 | 1042 | 1051 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1209 | Bassi P., Mittner P., Scotoni I. | A Half-Liter "Clean" Bubble. | 1955 | 2 | 1334 | 1335 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1210 | Beretta E., Poiani G. | Sulla efficienza di rivelazione dei fotoni a mezzo di scintillatori liquidi. | 1955 | 2 | 362 | 364 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1211 | Bertanza L., Martelli G., Zacutti A. | Operation Conditions of a Bubble Chamber.(n-petane, iso-petane and diethyl ether). | 1955 | 2 | 487 | 494 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1212 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M. | On the Range-Energy Relation for Slow Alfa Particles in Argon. | 1955 | 1 | 644 | 650 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1213 | Bisi A., Zappa L. | Statistical Spread in Pulse Size of the Proportional Spectrometer. | 1955 | 2 | 987 | 994 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1214 | Bisi A., Zappa L., Germagnoli E. | Spurious Peaks due to Multiple Backscattering in a Single Crystal Gamma Spectrometer. | 1955 | 1 | 1120 | 1125 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1215 | Blanc D. | Sur la mesure du temps de restitution des compteurs de Geiger-Muller pour le seuilde Geiger. | 1955 | 1 | 504 | 506 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1216 | Blanc D. | Au sujet du volume sensible des compteurs de Geiger-Muller à cathodeexterne. | 1955 | 1 | 1280 | 1281 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1217 | Boreli F., Grimeland B. | Energy Measurements with a Plastic Scintillator. | 1955 | 2 | 336 | 339 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1218 | Brini D., Peli L., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | A Sufficiently Fast and Economical Sweep Circuit. | 1955 | 2 | 644 | 646 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1219 | Cernigoi C., Poiani G. | On the Purification of the Electron-Pulse Ionization Chamber. | 1955 | 2 | 677 | 678 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1220 | Cervasi M., Fidecaro G. | Sui circuiti di somma. | 1955 | 1 | 942 | 948 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1221 | Conversi M., Gozzini A. | The" Hodoscope Chamber": a New Instrument for Nuclear Research. | 1955 | 2 | 189 | 191 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1222 | Dahanayake C. | A Method for Stripping Nuclear Emulsions from their Glass Supports and Remounting Them. | 1955 | 1 | 1251 | 1254 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1223 | Facchini U., Malvicini A. | The Fast Ionization Chamber in the Study of alfa-Radioactivity in Air. | 1955 | 2 | 340 | 343 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1224 | Facchini U., Malvicini A. | Una Miscela di gas per il riempimento di camere di ionizzazione rapide, poco sensibile a contaminazioni di ossigeno. | 1955 | 1 | 1255 | 1260 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1225 | Ferrero F., Malvano R., Tribuno C. | A Neutron Detection Method to be Used with Pulse Accelerators. | 1955 | 2 | 1135 | 1136 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1226 | Goldin L.L. | Synchrotron Oscillations in Strong-Focusing Accelerators. (Linear Theory) | 1955 | 2 | 1251 | 1268 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1227 | Janssens P., René M. | Recherche d'une relation sémi-empirique parcours-énérgie pour les Milieux composés. | 1955 | 2 | 760 | 772 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1228 | Marquez L. | The Ring Focus in the Spiral Orbit Spectrometer. | 1955 | 1 | 785 | 791 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1229 | Perona G., Persano A. | Un modello di sorgente di deuteroni a campo magnetico. | 1955 | 1 | 501 | 503 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1230 | Pottier J. | Un accélérateur à cavité. | 1955 | 1 | 949 | 952 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1231 | Rechenmann R. | Observations des émulsions nucléaires en lumiére réfléchie. | 1955 | 2 | 1104 | 1106 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1232 | Carrelli A., Porreca F. | Ultrasonic Grating Remaining After Stopping the Supersonic Waves (V). | 1955 | 1 | 527 | 531 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1233 | Cervolani M., Petralia S. | Assorbimento di ultrasuoni in sistemi di liquidi parzialmente miscibili. | 1955 | 2 | 495 | 510 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1234 | Cevolani M., Petralia S. | Velocità di ultrasuoni in sistemi di liquidi parzialmente miscibili. | 1955 | 1 | 705 | 716 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1235 | Fanti F., Porreca F. | Behaviour of Suspensions Crossed by a Small Light beam Modulated by Ultrasonics. | 1955 | 1 | 532 | 536 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1236 | Gabrielli I., Iernetti G. | Measurements of Ultrasonic Absorbition in Rubber. | 1955 | 1 | 403 | 413 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1237 | Gabrielli I., Verdini L. | Velocità di propagazione e coefficiente di assorbimento degli ultrasuoni nei liquidi mesomorfi. | 1955 | 2 | 526 | 541 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1238 | Grossetti E. | Determination of the Ultrasonic Absorption Coefficient of Benzol with Thermal Method | 1955 | 1 | 525 | 526 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1239 | Petralia S. | Effetti di diffusione nell'assorbimento di ultrasuoni in miscele di gas. | 1955 | 1 | 351 | 354 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1240 | Petralia S. | Assorbimento di ultrasuoni in miscele di gas contenenti idrogeno. | 1955 | 2 | 241 | 254 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1241 | Sette D. | Structural Effects in the Ultrasonic Absorption of Liquid Mixtures. | 1955 | 1 | 800 | 821 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1242 | Farinelli U., Gamba A. | Physics and Mathematical Logic. | 1955 | 1 | 1152 | 1158 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
1243 | Polvani G. | Cent'anni... | 1955 | 1 | 1 | 4 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
1244 | Schrondinger E. | The Philosophy of Experiment. | 1955 | 1 | 5 | 15 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
1245 | Porreca F. | On the Persistence of a Phase Grating in Some Suspensions when Stopping the Supersonic Waves. | 1955 | 2 | 904 | 906 | Vibrations-Waves-Acoustic | 1 | |||||||
1246 | Burbidge G.R., Hoyle F. | Matter and Anti-Matter. | 1956 | 4 | 558 | 564 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
1247 | Paoloni L. | Coulomb Repulsion Integrals (pppp) and Bonding Power of an Atom in a Given Valence State. | 1956 | 4 | 410 | 417 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1248 | Bachelet F., Conforto A.M. | Atmospheric Effects on the Cosmic Ray Total Intensity at Sea Level. | 1956 | 4 | 1479 | 1495 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1249 | Bachelet F., Conforto A.M. | Increase of Cosmic Ray Intensity Associated with the Solar Flare of February 23, 1956. | 1956 | 3 | 1153 | 1155 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1250 | Barbati Silva L., Bonacini C., Depietri C., Iori I., Lovera G., Perilli Fedeli R., Roveri A. | On a High Energy Electronic Shower. | 1956 | 3 | 1465 | 1466 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1251 | Barut A.O. | Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays due to Galactic Rotation. | 1956 | 4 | 661 | 665 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1252 | Bassi P., Ferrari F. | The "N" Component of Cosmic Rays in Relation to Oscillations of the Atmosphere. | 1956 | 3 | 806 | 814 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1253 | BertolinoG. | On Cosmic Rays Jets. | 1956 | 3 | 141 | 151 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1254 | Brisbout F.A., Dahanayake C., Engler A., Perkins D.H. | On the Tridet Cross-Section between 1 and 10 GeV. | 1956 | 4 | 1496 | 1503 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1255 | Cocconi G. | Intergalactic Space and Cosmic Rays. | 1956 | 3 | 1433 | 1442 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1256 | Daudin J., Auger P., Cachon A., Daudin A. | Sur les variations diurnes en temps solaire et en temps sidéral des grandes gerbes de l'air. | 1956 | 3 | 1017 | 1032 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1257 | De Marco A., Milone A., Reinhharz M. | The Flux of the Elium Component of Primary Cosmic Radiation at Geomagnetic Latitude 41° N. | 1956 | 3 | 1150 | 1152 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1258 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L., Vigone M. | A Study on Electromagnetic Showers in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1956 | 4 | 1151 | 1159 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1259 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L., Vigone M., Wataghin G. | A High Energy Shower. | 1956 | 3 | 226 | 227 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1260 | Di Caporiacco G., Giovannozzi M. | Cloud Chamber Study of Cosmic Ray Electronic Showers Under Dense Materials (II). | 1956 | 3 | 305 | 317 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1261 | Filosofo I., Modena I., Pohl E., Pohl-Ruling J. | The Increase in the total Cosmic Ray Intensity and in the Positive Excess due to the Solar Flare of 23rd February 1956. | 1956 | 3 | 1112 | 1118 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1262 | Giacconi R., Lovati A., Mura A., Succi C. | High Energy Nuclear Interactions in Lead by Cosmic Ray Protons at 3500 m. | 1956 | 4 | 826 | 833 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1263 | Hanni F.D., Lang C., Teugher M., Winzeler H., Lohrmann E. | A High Energy Jet in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1956 | 4 | 1473 | 1478 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1264 | Lohrmann E. | Measurements on High Energy Electron Showers. | 1956 | 3 | 820 | 821 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1265 | Macleod G.R. | Cosmic Ray Showers of Wide Extent. | 1956 | 3 | 118 | 125 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1266 | McCusker C.B.A., Wilson B.G. | The Rate of Extensive Showers of High Electron Density at Sea Level. | 1956 | 3 | 188 | 194 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1267 | Messel H. | On the Solutions of the Fluctuation Problem in Cascade Showers. | 1956 | 4 | 1339 | 1348 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1268 | Naranan S., Ramanamurty P.V., Sahiar A.B., Siddheshwar Lal, Subramanian A. | Unusual Cosmic Ray Events Observed in a Multiplate Cloud Chamber. | 1956 | 4 | 651 | 656 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1269 | Pinkau K. | Observations on Electromagnetic Cascades in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1956 | 3 | 1285 | 1315 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1270 | Poiani G., Salvatori G. | On the Positive Excess at Low Energies and at Sea Level. | 1956 | 4 | 503 | 504 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1271 | Seeman N., Glasser R.G. | Analysis of an Electron Shower Associated with a Very Energetic He Nucleus. | 1956 | 4 | 703 | 712 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1272 | Sitte K. | Electron Production in Showers of Energies Between 10 and 100 GeV. | 1956 | 3 | 1467 | 1470 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1273 | Waddington C.J. | Observation on the Multiply Charged Particles of the Cosmic Radiation. | 1956 | 3 | 930 | 955 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1274 | Wataghin A. | On the Anelasticity of Cosmic Ray Jets. | 1956 | 4 | 154 | 155 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1275 | Webber W.R. | New Determination of the Intensities of Primary Cosmic Ray Alpha Particles and Li, Be, B Nuclei at (lambda)=41.5° Using a Cerenkov Detector. | 1956 | 4 | 1285 | 1306 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1276 | Yoshiba S. | Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays During the Cosmic-Ray Storms. | 1956 | 4 | 1410 | 1432 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1277 | Aliverti G., De Maio A., Lovera G., Perelli-Fedeli R. | Tracce (alfa) in emulsioni nucleari esposte in aria ad alto contenuto di radon. | 1956 | 4 | 1580 | 1582 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1278 | Ascoli A., Asdente M., Germagnoli E. | On the Ratio Between (gamma)- and (alfa) Activities in (210)Po. | 1956 | 4 | 946 | 947 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1279 | Bacchella G.L., Berthelot A., Di Corato M., Goussu O., Levi Seti R., René M., Revel D., Scarsi L., Tomasini G., Vanderhaeghe G. | On the Q-Value of the Tau-Decay. | 1956 | 4 | 1529 | 1549 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1280 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Lazzarini E. | Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation in 46Ti. | 1956 | 3 | 800 | 805 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1281 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Lazzarini E. | 160Tb Decay. | 1956 | 3 | 754 | 763 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1282 | Bertolini G., Bettoni M., Lazzarini E. | Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation in 160 Dy. | 1956 | 3 | 1162 | 1165 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1283 | Bhatki K.S., Gupta R.K., Jha S. | On the Decay of (132)Cs. | 1956 | 4 | 1519 | 1524 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1284 | Bhattacherjee S.K., Shree Raman | A Note on the Decay of 185W. | 1956 | 3 | 1131 | 1132 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1285 | Birge R.W., Perkins D.H., Peterson J.R., Stork D.H., Whithead M.N. | Decay Characteristic and masses of Positive K Mesons Produced by the Bevatron. | 1956 | 4 | 834 | 855 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1286 | Bishop G.R., Demichelis F. | Study of a Low-intensity Component in the (beta)-ray Spectrum of (214)Bi(RaC)(83). | 1956 | 4 | 1599 | 1600 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1287 | Bisi A., Terrani S., Zappa L. | Radiations From 178W. | 1956 | 3 | 661 | 661 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1288 | Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli-Fabbrichesi L., Cecarelli M., Gottstein K., Varshneya N.C., Waloschek P. | Decay Modes and Mean Life of Scattered K+- Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 631 | 636 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1289 | Block M.M., Hrth E.M., Blevins E.M., Slaughtler G.G. | Observation of Electron Scondaries from V° Decays. | 1956 | 4 | 46 | 50 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1290 | Brisbout F., Friedlander M.W., Iredale P. | Mesonic Decay in Flight of a Triton Hyperfragment. | 1956 | 4 | 948 | 950 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1291 | Cester R., Hoang T.F., Kaplon M.F., Yekutieli G. | Two Examples of Rare K+ Decays in Emulsion. | 1956 | 3 | 1471 | 1473 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1292 | D'Andlau C., Armenteros R., Astier A., DeStaebler H.C., Gregory B.P., Leprince-Ringuet L., Muller F., Peyrou C., Tinlot J.H. | A V°-Decay with an Electron Secondary. | 1956 | 4 | 917 | 921 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1293 | Demichelis F., Radicati L.A. | Beta - gamma Angular Correlation of 214 Bi 83. | 1956 | 3 | 152 | 159 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1294 | Demichelis F., Ricci R.A. | Beta-gamma Angular Correlation of (81)Tl(208)(ThC''). | 1956 | 4 | 96 | 105 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1295 | Demichelis F., Ricci R.A., Triviero G. | Investigation on the beta-Decay of 208 TI 81 (ThC"). | 1956 | 3 | 377 | 389 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1296 | Deutschmann M., Greening W.D.B., Guerriero L., Loria A., Zago G. | Angular Correlations in V° Type Decays. | 1956 | 3 | 566 | 573 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1297 | Gatto R. | Charge Properties of the Weak Decay Interactions of the New Particles. | 1956 | 3 | 318 | 335 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1298 | Morpurgo G. | The Angular Distributions in the Hyperon Decays -II. | 1956 | 4 | 1222 | 1226 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1299 | Picciotto E., Wilgain S. | Confirmation de la période du Thorium-232. | 1956 | 4 | 1525 | 1528 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1300 | Primakoff H. | Exclusion Principle Inhibition of Bound Hyperon Mesonic Decay. | 1956 | 3 | 1394 | 1399 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1301 | Rama Swamy M.K. | A Semi-Empirical Formula for (alfa)-Disintegration Energy in the Region of Rare-Earth Nuclides. | 1956 | 4 | 1570 | 1571 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1302 | Ricci R.A., Van Lieshout R. | Radiations from (66)Ge and (67)Ge. | 1956 | 4 | 1592 | 1593 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1303 | Skjjeggestad O., Sorensen S.O. | Mesonic Decay in Flight of a Triton Hyperfragment. | 1956 | 3 | 652 | 654 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1304 | Shih-Hui Hsieh | On the Photodisintegration of the Deuteron and p-p Scattering. | 1956 | 4 | 138 | 140 | Deuterons | 1 | |||||||
1305 | Abdus Salam, Gilbert W. | On Generalised Dispersion Relations II. | 1956 | 3 | 607 | 611 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1306 | Corinaldesi E. | Dispersion Relations for Photoproduction of Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 1384 | 1398 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1307 | Corinaldesi E. | Dispersion Relations for Decay Processes. | 1956 | 4 | 1605 | 1607 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1308 | Salam A. | On Generalised Dispersion Relations. | 1956 | 3 | 424 | 429 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1309 | Beck G. | Phenomenological Theory of Conductivity. | 1956 | 4 | 1190 | 1191 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1310 | Bocchieri P., Loinger A. | Un'osservazione sulla condizione supplementare dell'elettrodinamica. | 1956 | 3 | 221 | 222 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1311 | Flint H.T., Williamson E.M. | A Reativistic Theory of Charged Particles in an Electromagnetic and Gravitation Field. | 1956 | 3 | 551 | 565 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1312 | Horvath J.I. | Contribution to Stephenson-Kilmister's Unified Theory of Gravitation and Elektromagnetism. | 1956 | 4 | 571 | 576 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1313 | Bisi A., Zappa L., Zimmer E. | Orbital Electron Capture in (179) Ta. | 1956 | 4 | 307 | 312 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1314 | Gupta R.K., Jha S. | On the Electron Capture Decay Energy of (64)Gd(153). | 1956 | 4 | 88 | 95 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1315 | Minardi E. | Sulla teoria bilocale dell'elettrone. | 1956 | 4 | 1127 | 1132 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1316 | Morpurgo G. | On the Inelastic Scattering of Electrons from 12C. | 1956 | 3 | 430 | 437 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1317 | Adel da Silveira | On the Theory of Spin-Two Particles. | 1956 | 3 | 513 | 516 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1318 | Castagnoli C., Franzinetti C., Manfredini A. | Probable Evidence for Y ro-Events. | 1956 | 3 | 1159 | 1161 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1319 | Ceolin C., Dallaporta N. | On a possible Scheme for Heavy Unstable Particles. | 1956 | 3 | 586 | 594 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1320 | Clementel E., Villi C. | On the Scattering of High Energy Electrons by Protons. | 1956 | 4 | 1207 | 1211 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1321 | Cresti M., Greening W.D.B., Guerriero L., Loria A., Zago G., Deutscmann M. | Inelasticity in Collision Between Pions and Lead Nuclei. | 1956 | 4 | 747 | 757 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1322 | Duimio F. | Un possibile schema generale di interazioni tra particelle elementari. | 1956 | 3 | 595 | 599 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1323 | Gamba A. | Strange Particles and the Conservation of Isotopic Spin. | 1956 | 3 | 1486 | 1487 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1324 | Gatto R. | Coherence Effects in the Lee-Yang Parity Doublet Theory of Strange Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 1274 | 1284 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1325 | Martin A. | Meson Nucleon S Scattering and Crossing Theorem. | 1956 | 4 | 369 | 389 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1326 | Tati T. | An Attempt in the Theory of Elementary Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 75 | 87 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1327 | Thirring W. | Depolarization of Stopped Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 666 | 668 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1328 | Ascoli R., Busetti G. | Sulla polarizzazione della Bremsstrahlung. | 1956 | 4 | 147 | 149 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1329 | Ascoli R.,Bussetti G. | On the study of the Bremsstrahlung by Bloch and Nordsieck's Method. | 1956 | 4 | 189 | 196 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1330 | Bass L. | Radiation with a Finite Rest-mass and the Heat Balance of the Earth. | 1956 | 3 | 1204 | 1212 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1331 | Bergmann P.G. | Introduction of "True Observable" into the Quantum Field Equations. | 1956 | 3 | 1177 | 1185 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1332 | Boccherini P., Loinger A., Prosperi G.M. | Campi Fermionici e metodo di quantizzaione di Feynman. | 1956 | 3 | 832 | 835 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1333 | Bocchieri P., Loinger A. | La condizione supplementare del campo di Stuckelberg. | 1956 | 3 | 626 | 632 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1334 | Bogoljubov N.N., Sirkov D.V. | Charge Renormalization Group in Quantum Field Theory. | 1956 | 3 | 845 | 846 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1335 | Bosco B., Stroffolini R. | Meson-Meson Interaction From a Field-Theoretical-Model. | 1956 | 3 | 662 | 664 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1336 | Bracci A., Coceva C., Colli L., Dugnani Lonati R. | Experimental Measurements of Double Compton Effect. | 1956 | 3 | 203 | 213 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1337 | Budini P. | On Cut-Off and non Local Theories. | 1956 | 3 | 835 | 836 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1338 | Burton W.K., De Borde A.H. | Functional Integration in Quantum Field Theory. | 1956 | 4 | 254 | 269 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1339 | Bussetti G. | On the Higher Limit for the Mass of an Assembly of Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 1613 | 1614 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1340 | Caianiello E.R. | Number of Feynman Graphs and Convergence. | 1956 | 3 | 223 | 225 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1341 | Candlin D.J. | On Sums over Trajectories for Systems with Fermi Statistics. | 1956 | 4 | 231 | 239 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1342 | Cini M., Fubini S., Stanghellini A. | The Coupling Constant of p-Wave Pion Nucleon Scattering. | 1956 | 3 | 1380 | 1386 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1343 | Cirella R., Pusterla M. | Metodi funzionali nelle teorie dei campi. | 1956 | 4 | 1601 | 1604 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1344 | Cirelli R., Pusterla M. | Estensione del metodo parametrico di Davidson al caso di potenziali cinetici. | 1956 | 4 | 150 | 153 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1345 | Cook J.M. | On the Vanishing of the Interaction Hamiltonian. | 1956 | 4 | 1585 | 1586 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1346 | Cowan C.L., Harrison F.B., Langer L.M., Reines F. | A Test of Neutrino-Antineutrino Identity. | 1956 | 3 | 649 | 651 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1347 | Eder G. | Zur Photonnvielfacherzeugung. | 1956 | 3 | 885 | 892 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1348 | Ekstein H. | Scattering in Field Theory. | 1956 | 4 | 1017 | 1058 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1349 | Feza Gursey | On a Conform_Invariant Spinor Wave Equation. | 1956 | 3 | 988 | 1006 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1350 | Fubini S. | The Structure of the Nucleon. | 1956 | 3 | 1425 | 1432 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1351 | Fujiwara I. | On the Basic Formulation of Classical and Quantum Theories. | 1956 | 4 | 1575 | 1579 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1352 | Fulton T., Newton R.G. | Explicit Non-Cantral Potentials and Waave Functions for Given S-Matrices. | 1956 | 3 | 677 | 717 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1353 | Haken H. | Kopplung nichetrelativistischer Teilchen mit einem quantisierten Feld. 1. Das Exziton im schwingenden, polaren Kristall. | 1956 | 3 | 1230 | 1253 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1354 | Higgs P.W. | Vacuum Expectation Values as Sum Over Histories. | 1956 | 4 | 1262 | 1273 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1355 | Horvath J.I. | Contribution to the Unified Theory of Physical Fields. | 1956 | 4 | 577 | 581 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1356 | Husain S.I. | Conservation Laws and other Identities in Bonnor's Unified Field Theory. | 1956 | 4 | 768 | 778 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1357 | Jouvet B. | On the Meaning of Fermi Coupling. | 1956 | 3 | 1133 | 1135 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1358 | Kay I., Moses H.E. | The Determination of the Scattering Potential from the Spectral Measure Functionn. III. Calculation of the scattering Potential from the Scattering Operator for the One-Dimensional Schrodinger Equation. | 1956 | 3 | 276 | 304 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1359 | Kay I., Moses H.E. | The determination of scattering Potential from the Spectral Measure Function. II.Point Eigenvalues and Proper Eigenfunction. | 1956 | 3 | 66 | 84 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1360 | Ken-iti Goto | Quantization of Non-Linear Fields. | 1956 | 3 | 533 | 550 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1361 | Konuma M., Umezawa H. | High Energy Behaviour of Renormalizable Fields. II- | 1956 | 4 | 1461 | 1472 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1362 | Kortel F. | On Some Solutions of Gursey's Conformal-Invariant Spinor Wave Equation. | 1956 | 4 | 210 | 215 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1363 | Krolikowski W., Bzewuski J. | One-Time Formulation of the Relativistic Two-Body Problem. Separation of Angular Variables. | 1956 | 4 | 975 | 990 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1364 | Krolikowski W., Rzewuski J. | A New Proof fo the One-time Equation in the Theory of Bound States. | 1956 | 4 | 1212 | 1215 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1365 | Krolikowski W., Rzewuski J. | On "Potentials" in the Theory of Quantized Fields. | 1956 | 3 | 260 | 275 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1366 | Kummel H. | Die Eigenschften der quantentheoretischen Phasenraumdichte. | 1956 | 3 | 870 | 879 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1367 | Laurent B.E. | On Covariant Quantization with Application to the Scattering of Gravitating Dirac Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 1445 | 1460 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1368 | Lee T.D., Yang C.N. | Charge Conjugation, a New Quantim Nu,ber G, and Selection Rules Concerning a Nucleon-Antinucleon System. | 1956 | 3 | 749 | 753 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1369 | Liotta R.S. | Covariant Canonical Equations for a Classical Field (I). | 1956 | 3 | 438 | 446 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1370 | Lomon E.L. | A Soluble Model of Meson-Nucleon S-State Scattering. | 1956 | 4 | 106 | 122 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1371 | Mauger F.E. | The Strength of Field Equations. | 1956 | 3 | 1494 | 1495 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1372 | McCarthy I.E. | Analytical Solution of the Covariant Meson Nucleon Integral Equation. | 1956 | 4 | 991 | 1008 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1373 | McLennan J.A. Jr. | Conformal Invariance and Conservation Laws for Telativistic Wave Equations for Zero Rest Mass. | 1956 | 3 | 1360 | 1379 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1374 | Minardi E. | Su una teoria bilocale dell'interazione tra una particella con spin 1/2 e il campo elettromagnetico. | 1956 | 3 | 968 | 978 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1375 | Minguzzi A. | Non-Linear Effects in the Vacuum Polarization. | 1956 | 4 | 476 | 486 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1376 | Mishra R.S. | Basic Principles of Unified Field Theory. | 1956 | 4 | 907 | 916 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1377 | Oehme R. | Casuality and Dispersion Relations for the Scattering of Mesons by Fixed Nucleons. | 1956 | 4 | 1316 | 1328 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1378 | Park D. | The Theorem on Incoming Waves. | 1956 | 3 | 979 | 987 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1379 | Peaslee D.C. | Dimensionality of Cherge Space. | 1956 | 4 | 1583 | 1584 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1380 | Polkinghorne J.C. | General Dispersion Relations. | 1956 | 4 | 216 | 230 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1381 | Polkinghorne J.C. | On the Integral Equation for the Heisenberg Current Operator. | 1956 | 3 | 658 | 660 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1382 | Pomerancuk I. | Vanishing of Renormalized Charge in the Electrodynamics and in Meson Theory. | 1956 | 3 | 1186 | 1203 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1383 | Rayski J. | Bilocal Field Theories and their Experimental Tests. -I. | 1956 | 4 | 1231 | 1241 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1384 | Rayski J. | On a Bilocal Interpretation of Isotopic Spin. | 1956 | 3 | 126 | 130 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1385 | Schmidt W., Baumann K. | Quantentheorie der Felder als Distributionstheorie. | 1956 | 4 | 860 | 886 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1386 | Sen P. | A Simple Non-Local Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1956 | 3 | 390 | 408 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1387 | Sen P. | Renormalized Dirac Maxwell Equations. | 1956 | 4 | 270 | 282 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1388 | Sen P. | A Mass Spectrum from a Field Theory Model of the Non-Local Theory. | 1956 | 3 | 612 | 625 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1389 | Stanghellini A. | Determination of the p-Wave Coupling Constant f(2) of Pion-Nucleon Scattering from Analysis of the alfa(31) Phase-Shift. | 1956 | 4 | 168 | 171 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1390 | Tobocman W. | Transition Amplitude as Sums over Histories. | 1956 | 3 | 1213 | 1229 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1391 | Umezawa H., Tomozawa Y., Konuma M., Kamefuchi S. | High Energy Behaviour of Renormalizable Fields. | 1956 | 3 | 772 | 799 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1392 | Van Der Spuy E. | Investigationof the States of an Electron in a Proposed Electromagnetic Field. | 1956 | 4 | 1349 | 1363 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1393 | Yamazaki K. | On the Field Theory in Functional Form. | 1956 | 4 | 141 | 144 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1394 | Blatt J.M., Butler S.T., Schafroth M.R. | Superfluidity of Liquid Helium. | 1956 | 4 | 676 | 677 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1395 | Carrelli A., De Vito A. | Dinamic Determination of Viscosity. | 1956 | 4 | 1009 | 1016 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1396 | Carrelli A., Grossetti E. | On Thermoelastic Waves in liquids. | 1956 | 3 | 1254 | 1261 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1397 | Pinkau K. | The Conversion Length of High Energy Photons. | 1956 | 3 | 1156 | 1158 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
1398 | Bhowmik B., Evans D., Van Heerden I.J., Prowse D.J. | On the Spin of Artificially Produced tau-Mesons. | 1956 | 3 | 574 | 585 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1399 | Biswas N.N. | Interactions of K- Mesons with Hydrogen Nuclei at 50 to 110 MeV. | 1956 | 3 | 1481 | 1485 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1400 | Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli-Fabbrichesi L., Ceccarelli M., Gottstein K., Varshneya N.C., Waloschek P. | Further Evidence of 12 C Tripartition induced by K+ Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 1201 | 1203 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1401 | Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli-Fabbrichesi L., Ceccarelli M., Gttstein K., Varshneya N.C., Waloschek P. | On the Properties of tau+ Mesons. | 1956 | 3 | 825 | 831 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1402 | Blatt J.M., Butler S.T. | Some Comments on K- Interactions at Rest. | 1956 | 3 | 409 | 423 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1403 | Brene N. | A tau-Decay with a Secondary of Extremely low Energy. | 1956 | 3 | 1140 | 1141 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1404 | Brene N., Hansen K.H., Hooper J.E., Scharff M. | Remarks on the Analysis of (tau)-Meson Experiments. | 1956 | 4 | 1059 | 1085 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1405 | Brovetto P., Ferroni S. | On the Production of Heavy Mesons in the Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions at Energies Near the Threshold. | 1956 | 3 | 1387 | 1393 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1406 | Cheston W.B. | Absorption on K- Particles by Nuclei. | 1956 | 3 | 645 | 646 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1407 | Cooper W.A., Filthuth H., Newth J.A., Petrucci G., Salmeron R.A., Zichichi A. | A Probable Example of the Production and Decay of a Neutral Tau_Meson. | 1956 | 4 | 1433 | 1444 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1408 | Cooper W.A., Filthuth H., Newth J.A., Salmeron R.A. | Further Measurements on Charged V-Events. | 1956 | 4 | 390 | 409 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1409 | Costa G., Taffara L. | On the Spin and Parity of the tau Meson. | 1956 | 3 | 169 | 179 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1410 | Crussard J., Fouché V., Hennessy J., Kayas G., Leprince-Ringue L., Morellet D., Renard F. | Addendum to " K-Mesons in Emulsions Exposed to a 6.2 GeVProton Beam". | 1956 | 4 | 1195 | 1197 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1411 | Crussard J., Fouché V., Hennessy J., Kayas G., Leprince-Ringuet L., Morellet D., Renard F. | K-Mesons in Emulsions Exposed to a 6.2 Ge V Proton Beam. | 1956 | 3 | 731 | 748 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1412 | Derrick G.H. | On the Existence of a Bound Nucleon-(lambda)° State. | 1956 | 4 | 565 | 570 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1413 | D'Espagnat B., Prentki J. | Interactions faibles directes bosons-leptons et désintégrations des mésons K. | 1956 | 4 | 1572 | 1574 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1414 | D'Espagnat B., Prentki J. | Interactions faibles des hypérons et des mésons lourds. | 1956 | 3 | 1045 | 1059 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1415 | Deutschmann M., Cresti M., Greening W.D.B., Guerriero L., Loria A., Zago G. | An Anomalous V° Event. | 1956 | 3 | 180 | 183 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1416 | Eder G. | Zerfall eines gebundenen lambda°-Teilchens. | 1956 | 3 | 880 | 884 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1417 | Eisemberg Y., Rosendorff S., Yeivin Y. | A note on the Analysis of tau-Meson Events. | 1956 | 3 | 837 | 839 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1418 | Eisenberg Y., Lomon E., Rosendorff S. | An analysis of the Spin and Parity of the (tau)-Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 610 | 630 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1419 | Gatto R. | About the Possible Annihilation Mode of a Nucleon-Antinucleon System into a K-K' Pair. | 1956 | 4 | 526 | 530 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1420 | Gatto R. | A Possible Method for Determining the Spin of the sigma and of the lambda. | 1956 | 3 | 665 | 668 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1421 | Gatto R. | Remarks on the Absorbition of Negative K-Mesons by Protons. | 1956 | 3 | 1142 | 1144 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1422 | Gatto R. | About the A°-Nucleon Force. | 1956 | 3 | 499 | 502 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1423 | George E.P., Herz A.J., Noon J.H., Solntseff N. | Nuclear Interactions of Negative K-Mesons in Nuclear-Research Emulsion. | 1956 | 3 | 94 | 117 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1424 | Haddock R.P. | Analysis of one Hundred Bevatron tau + Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 240 | 253 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1425 | Hanni F., Lang Ch., Teucher M., Winzeler H., Lohrmann E. | On the Mass of the K- Meson. | 1956 | 3 | 1169 | 1170 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1426 | Heckman H.H., Smith F.M., Barkas W.H. | The Masses of Positive K-Particles. | 1956 | 3 | 85 | 93 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1427 | Heckman H.H., Smith F.M., Barkas W.H. | Mass and Spin-Parity Character of the tau-Meson. | 1956 | 4 | 51 | 58 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1428 | Herz A.J., May R.M., Noon J.H., O'Brein B.J., Solntseff N. | Interactions of K- Particles. | 1956 | 3 | 1491 | 1493 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1429 | Koshiba M. | The Application of Charge Indipendence to the Nuclear Capture of Negative K-Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 357 | 368 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1430 | Landovitz L.F., Leitner J. | A Model for lambda°-teta° Production. | 1956 | 3 | 1093 | 1103 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1431 | Marchi C., Pedretti E., Stantic S. | Interaction and Decay of K+ Mesons in Flight. | 1956 | 4 | 940 | 943 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1432 | Mezzetti L., Keuffel J.W. | On the Mean Life Time of K-Mesons Produced by the cosmic Radiation. | 1956 | 4 | 1096 | 1126 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1433 | Morpurgo G. | The Evidence from Angular Correlations on the Spin of the lambda°. | 1956 | 3 | 1069 | 1092 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1434 | Pedretti E. | Kinematics of the Reaction K+p->pigreco+sigma and of the Elastic Scattering K+p->K+p. | 1956 | 3 | 956 | 967 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1435 | Regge T. | Angular Correlations Between Decay Planes of tau+ Mesons and their Production Geometry. | 1956 | 4 | 1615 | 1617 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1436 | Reynolds G.T. | Laboratory Energy Distribution of (lambda)° Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 933 | 934 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1437 | Scharff M., Gjeledaker G., Sorensen S.O. | Three Example of Complete tau Decay. | 1956 | 3 | 216 | 218 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1438 | Schein M., Haskin D.M., Glasser R.G. | Heavy Unstable Particles Produced in High Energy Pion Beam of the Berkeley Bevatron. | 1956 | 3 | 131 | 140 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1439 | Tati T., Tati H. | On lambda°-Binding Energies in Hyperfragments. | 1956 | 3 | 1136 | 1139 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1440 | Fowler P.H., Hansen K.H. | Two Examples of Mesonic Decay of Hyperfragments. | 1956 | 4 | 158 | 163 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1441 | Jones J.T. jr., Keller J.M. | Binding Energies of the Light Hyperfragments. | 1956 | 4 | 1329 | 1338 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1442 | Rosselet Ph., Weill R., Gailloud M. | Production d'un hyperfragment par capture d'un hypéron négatif. | 1956 | 3 | 505 | 509 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1443 | Takahashi Y. | Theory of Multiple Boson Production. | 1956 | 4 | 531 | 548 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1444 | Zielinski P. | Note on the Angular Correlation in Decays of Hyperfragments. | 1956 | 3 | 1479 | 1480 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1445 | Budini P., Taffara L. | On the Energy Loss and Specific Ionization of a Relativistic Particle in a Polarizable Medium -I. | 1956 | 4 | 23 | 45 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1446 | Wolter W., Miesowicz M. | Ionization at the Origin of an Electron Pair of Very High Energy. | 1956 | 4 | 648 | 650 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1447 | Ammiraju P., Lederman L.M. | A Diffusion Chamber Study of Very Slow Mesons. IV.Absorbition of Pions in Light Nuclei. | 1956 | 4 | 283 | 306 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1448 | Beneventano M., Brnardini G., Carlson-Lee D., Stoppini G., Tau L. | Differential Cross- Sections for Photoproduction of Positive Pions in Hydrogen. I.- Low Energies. | 1956 | 4 | 323 | 356 | Light mesons | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1449 | Bonetti A., Levi Setti R., Panetti M., Rossi G., Tomasini G. | Lo spettro di energia degli elettroni di decadimento dei mesoni mu in emulsionie nucleare. | 1956 | 3 | 33 | 50 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1450 | Demeur M., Huleux A., Vanderhaeghe G. | Désintegrations des noyaux légers de l'émulsion nucléaire par des mésons (pigreco)- lents. | 1956 | 4 | 509 | 525 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1451 | Fowler G.N. | On the ionization Loss of Fast micro-Meson. | 1956 | 3 | 1316 | 1336 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1452 | Hirokawa S., Komori H., Ogawa S. | On the Anomalous Magnetic moment of (mu)- Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 736 | 746 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1453 | Kessler D., Kessler P. | On the Validity of the Williams- Weizsacker Method and the Problem of the Nuclear Interactions of Relativistic (mu)-Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 601 | 609 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1454 | Orear J. | Evaluation of the Scattering Lengths in Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1956 | 4 | 856 | 859 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1455 | Bhattacharya S. | On Certain Hydrodynamical Considerations of an Imperfect Fluid in a General Relativistic Field. | 1956 | 4 | 501 | 502 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1456 | Blatt J.M. | Pair Correlations in Dilute Gases at Low Temperatures. | 1956 | 4 | 430 | 464 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1457 | Brahmachary R.L. | A Generalization of Reissner-Nordstrom Solution -I. | 1956 | 4 | 1216 | 1218 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1458 | Butler S.T., Blatt J.M., Schafroth M.R. | Nature of the (lambda)- Transition in Liquid Helium. | 1956 | 4 | 674 | 675 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1459 | Cole G.H.A. | On the Dynamics of a Non-Uniform Electrically Conducting Fluid. | 1956 | 4 | 779 | 785 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1460 | Franchetti S. | On the Problem of the Static Helium Film. I.- General Considerations and Density Distribution in the Film. | 1956 | 4 | 1504 | 1518 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1461 | Mohanty S.R. | Energetics of Elimination of Adsorbed Gases from Dielectric Surfaces Under Electrodeless Discharge. | 1956 | 3 | 219 | 220 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1462 | Mohanty S.R., Rao K.R.K., Bhat T.R. | Production of the Joshi Effect in Oxygen under the Near Infrared. | 1956 | 3 | 1463 | 1464 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1463 | Cini M., Fubini S. | General Properties of the Fixed Source Meson Theory. | 1956 | 3 | 764 | 771 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1464 | Hamaguchi M. | On the Hydrodynamical Model in Multiple Production of Mesons. | 1956 | 4 | 1242 | 1261 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1465 | Lohrmann E. | Meson Production at Very High Energies. | 1956 | 3 | 822 | 824 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1466 | Bassani F., Montaldi E., Fumi F.G. | Electronic State of Diaotmic Molecules: the O+2 Molecular Ion. | 1956 | 3 | 893 | 901 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
1467 | Giacometti G. | Sull'affinità metilica di chinoni. | 1956 | 3 | 1488 | 1490 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
1468 | Sherif I.I. | The Molecular Heats of Gases from the Aspects of Heat Transfer. | 1956 | 3 | 6 | 11 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
1469 | Simonetta M., Favini G., Carrà S., Pierpaoli V. | Electronic Spectra of Mono-, Di- and Tri-Azines of the Naphtalene Series. I.Benzotriazine and its Derivatives. | 1956 | 4 | 1364 | 1383 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
1470 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Some Consideration on the Charge-Exchange cattering of Antinucleons on Nucleons. | 1956 | 4 | 145 | 146 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1471 | Clementel E., Villi C. | On a New Nucleon-Nucleon Potential. | 1956 | 4 | 935 | 939 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1472 | Czyz W., Sawicki J. | Polarization of Nucleons from Photonuclear Reactions. | 1956 | 3 | 864 | 869 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1473 | Ferentz M., Raboy S. | On the Consequences of the possible Existence of the Hyperdeuteron. | 1956 | 4 | 487 | 490 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1474 | Ferretti B. | On the Conservation of the Nucleons. | 1956 | 4 | 951 | 952 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1475 | Fonda L., Reina I. | Nucleon Recoil in the Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1956 | 4 | 1399 | 1409 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1476 | Gatto R. | Angular Correlation Methods for Determining the Spins of the Hyperons. | 1956 | 4 | 197 | 209 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1477 | Goldsack S.J., Lock W.O. | The Capture of Negative Hyperons. | 1956 | 3 | 600 | 606 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1478 | Tsai-Chu | Star Produced by the Capture of a Hyperon sigma -. | 1956 | 3 | 921 | 929 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1479 | Bracci A., Coceva C. | The Diffusion Parameters of Thermal Neutrons in Water. | 1956 | 4 | 59 | 66 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
1480 | Ferrero F., Hanson A.O., Malvano R., Tribuno C. | Fast Photoneutrons from Bismuth. | 1956 | 4 | 418 | 429 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
1481 | Altshuler S. | Ingoing Waves in the Final State of Ionzation Problems. | 1956 | 3 | 246 | 251 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1482 | Amati D., Vitale B. | On the Annihilation of Nucleon-Antiproton Pairs. | 1956 | 3 | 1411 | 1424 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1483 | Bisi A., Terrani S., Zappa L. | An Investigation of thr First Rotational Level of (169)Tm. | 1956 | 4 | 758 | 763 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1484 | De Sabbata V., Sugie A. | A Collective Model for the Nuclear Photo-Reactions. | 1956 | 3 | 16 | 32 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1485 | Gosar P. | Multiple Small Angle Scattering of Waves by an Inhomogeneous Medium. | 1956 | 4 | 688 | 702 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1486 | Grosjean C.C. | On a New Approximate One-velocity Theory of Multiple Scattering in Infinite Homogeneous Media. | 1956 | 4 | 582 | 594 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1487 | Grosjean C.C. | A High AAccuracy Approximation for Solving Multiple Scattering Problems in Infinite Homogeneous Media. | 1956 | 3 | 1262 | 1275 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1488 | Haken H. | Application of Feynman's New Variational Procedure to the Calculation of the Ground State Energy of Excitons. | 1956 | 4 | 1608 | 1610 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1489 | Iwadare J., Otsuki S., Tamagaki R., Watari W. | Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces and n-p Polarization. | 1956 | 4 | 1204 | 1206 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1490 | Mac-Dowell S.W., Giambiagi J.J. | Elastic Scattering of (alfa)-Particles. | 1956 | 4 | 1594 | 1596 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1491 | Pal Varshni Y. | Dependence of Alpha Disintegration Energy on Proton and Neutron Numbers. | 1956 | 3 | 1148 | 1149 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1492 | Puppi G., Stanghellini A. | Some Considerations on the Phase-Shift Analysis in the (p+-p+) Scattering. | 1956 | 3 | 491 | 495 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1493 | Silva E., Goldenberg J. | Photodisintegration of Samarium. | 1956 | 3 | 12 | 15 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1494 | Soriano S. | Perturbazione dei livelli energetici di una particella in una buca di potenziale sferoidale. | 1956 | 4 | 657 | 660 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1495 | Anderson F., Keefe D., Kernan A., Losty J. | A Probable Example of the Reactio K+ +(12)C(6)->K+ +3(4)He (2). | 1956 | 4 | 1198 | 1200 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1496 | Badoni C., Colli L., Facchini U. | Further Measurements on n, P Reactions at 14 MeV. I.- Magnesium, Silicon, Calcium, Zinc, Zirconium. | 1956 | 4 | 1618 | 1622 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1497 | Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Tallone L., Vigone M. | A High Energy Nuclear Interaction. | 1956 | 4 | 1142 | 1150 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1498 | Frahn W.E. | On the Nucleon-Nucleus Interaction. | 1956 | 4 | 313 | 322 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1499 | Kind A., Jess L. | On the Real Part of the Complex Potential Well of the Nucleus. | 1956 | 4 | 595 | 600 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1500 | Brink D.M., Satchler G.R. | Hole and Particles in Shell Models. | 1956 | 4 | 549 | 557 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1501 | Coester F. | Rotational States of Spheroidal Nuclei. | 1956 | 4 | 1307 | 1315 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1502 | Elliott J.P., Skyrme T.H.R. | Effect of Centre-of-Mass Motion on Nuclear Moments. | 1956 | 4 | 164 | 165 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1503 | Hillman P., Stafford G.H. | Polarization Effects in Neutron-Proton Scattering at 98 MeV. | 1956 | 3 | 633 | 641 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1504 | Minardi E. | On the Resonance Nucleon-Nucleus Scattering. | 1956 | 4 | 1219 | 1221 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1505 | Popic R.V. | On the Spin and Parity of the First Excited State of (19)O. | 1956 | 4 | 1597 | 1598 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1506 | Tamura T. | On the Collective Description of Nuclear Surface Oscillation. | 1956 | 4 | 713 | 735 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1507 | Tomasini A. | Excitation of Nuclei by Absorbition of pigreco- Mesons -III. | 1956 | 3 | 160 | 168 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1508 | Weiner R. | Nuclear Isomeric Shift on Spectral Lines. | 1956 | 4 | 1587 | 1589 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1509 | Palma-Vittorelli M.B., Palma M.U., Palumbo D., Sgarlata F. | Evidence for a Double Covalent Bond from Paramagnetic Resonance, Optical Absorption and X-Ray Data. | 1956 | 3 | 718 | 730 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
1510 | Bethe H.A., Hamilton J. | Anti-proton annihilation. | 1956 | 4 | 1 | 22 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1511 | Brinkworth M.J., Rose B. | A Measurement of the Direction of the Polarization Produced in the Scattering of 135 MeV Protons. | 1956 | 3 | 195 | 202 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1512 | Chamberlain O., Chupp W.W., Goldhaber G., Segrè E., Wiegand C., Amaldi E., aroni G., Castagnoli C., Franzinetti C., Manfredini A. | On the Observation of an Antiproton Star in Emulsion Exposed at the Bevatron. | 1956 | 3 | 447 | 467 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1513 | Colli L., Facchini U. | Measurements of the Energy Spectrum of Protons from (n,p) Reactions on Mg and Zn with 14 MeV Neutrons. | 1956 | 4 | 671 | 673 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1514 | Gatto R. | About the Capture and Annihilation of Antiprotons. | 1956 | 3 | 468 | 472 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1515 | Teucher M., Winzeler H., Lohrmann E. | A Possible Example of Production and Annihilation of an Antiproton. | 1956 | 3 | 228 | 230 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1516 | Kamefuchi S., Unezawa H. | On the Limit of Applicability of Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1956 | 3 | 1060 | 1068 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
1517 | Nagel B. | A Remark on Quantum Electrodynamics with Non-Vanishing Photon Mass and Lamb Shift Calculations. | 1956 | 3 | 496 | 498 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
1518 | Bertotti B. | Gravitational Motion and Hamilton's Principle. | 1956 | 3 | 655 | 657 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1519 | Blatt J.M. | The Second Virial Coefficient Near Absolute Zero. | 1956 | 4 | 465 | 475 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1520 | Bocchieri P., Loinger A. | Sul limite della teoria di una particella di Dirac. | 1956 | 3 | 1474 | 1475 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1521 | Farinelli U., Gamba A. | Entropy in Quantum Mechannics. | 1956 | 3 | 1033 | 1044 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1522 | Koba Z. | Velocity of the Dirac Electron. | 1956 | 3 | 1 | 5 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1523 | Koba Z. | Suppementary Remark on My Previous Note "Velocity of the Dirac Electron". | 1956 | 3 | 214 | 215 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1524 | Takabayasi T. | New Classical Spin Theory as the Limit of the Dirac Equation. | 1956 | 3 | 242 | 245 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1525 | Takabayasi T. | Hydrodynamical Description of the Dirac Equation. | 1956 | 3 | 233 | 241 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1526 | Tidman D.A. | A Quantum Theory of Refractive Index, Cerenkov Radiation and Ionization Loss. | 1956 | 3 | 503 | 504 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1527 | Tietz T. | The Solution of the Schrodinger Equation for an Approximate Atomic Fielf. | 1956 | 3 | 486 | 490 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1528 | Tietz T. | Uber eine Approximation der Thomas-Fermi-Funktion. | 1956 | 4 | 1192 | 1194 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1529 | Wigner E.P. | Relativistic Invariance in Quantum Mechanics. | 1956 | 3 | 517 | 532 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1530 | Bertotti B. | On Gravitational Motion. | 1956 | 4 | 898 | 906 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1531 | Pappalardo R. | Su una nuova equazione relativistica dell' elettrone proposta da Zaitsev. | 1956 | 4 | 166 | 167 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1532 | Tonnelat M.A. | Les équations approchées de la théorie du Champ unifié d'Einnstein-Shrodinger.. | 1956 | 3 | 902 | 920 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1533 | Toraldo di Francia G. | Electromagnetic Cross-Section of a Small Circular Disc with Unidirectional Conductivity. | 1956 | 3 | 1276 | 1284 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1534 | Ascoli A., Germagnoli E., Mongini L. | On Intermetallic Diffusion in Gold-Lead System. | 1956 | 4 | 123 | 133 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1535 | Barducci I. | Diffusion Coefficient of N in Alfa -Fe. | 1956 | 3 | 350 | 358 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1536 | Levi L. | Osservazioni sopra il processo di accrescimento a spirale in cristalli di bifosfato di ammonio (ADP). | 1956 | 3 | 484 | 485 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1537 | Luthi B., Olsen J.L. | A New Effect in the Magnetoresistance of Aluminium. | 1956 | 3 | 840 | 841 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1538 | Schafroth M.R., Blatt J.M. | Phenomenological Equations for Superconductors. | 1956 | 4 | 786 | 825 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1539 | Budini P. | On the Pion-Nucleon Interaction. | 1956 | 3 | 1104 | 1111 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
1540 | Adler F.T., Baroncini D. | Approximations For Linear Betatron Oscillations. | 1956 | 4 | 959 | 974 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1541 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Franzinetti C. | An Electronic Scanner for Nuclear Emulsions. | 1956 | 4 | 1165 | 1173 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1542 | Amman F., Dadda L. | Design of the Pole Faces for Circular Particle Acceleretors with the Electrolytic Tank. | 1956 | 3 | 184 | 187 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1543 | Argan P.E., Gigli A. | On the Bubbles Formation in Supersaturated Gas-Liquid Solutions. | 1956 | 4 | 953 | 957 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1544 | Argan P.E., Gigli A. | A New Detector of Ionizing Radiation. The Gas Bubble Chamber. | 1956 | 3 | 1171 | 1172 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1545 | Argan P.E., Gigli A., D'Angelo N. | Remarks on the Operation of the Diffusion Cloud Chamber - II. | 1956 | 3 | 1137 | 1359 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1546 | Baptista A.M., Galvao J.P. | Au sujet du volume sensible des compteurs de Geiger-Muller à cathode externe. | 1956 | 3 | 647 | 648 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1547 | Barford N.C., Reynolds G.T. | Graphical Determination of the Path of a Scattered Particle. | 1956 | 4 | 929 | 932 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1548 | Bassi P., Loria A., Meyer J.A., Mittner P., Scotoni I. | On n-Pentane Bubble Chambers. | 1956 | 4 | 491 | 500 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1549 | Bisi A., Germagnoli E., Zappa L. | Solid Scintillators for Beta Ray Spectrometry. | 1956 | 3 | 1007 | 1016 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1550 | Bisi A., Zappa L., Germagnoli E. | A Coincidence Arrangement for the Detection of Low Energy Quanta. | 1956 | 4 | 764 | 767 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1551 | Blanc D., Viste R. | Le Coefficient de température et la stabilité thermique des compteurs de Geiger-Muller autocoupeurs contenant une vapeur organique. | 1956 | 3 | 1119 | 1130 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1552 | Chinaglia B., Demichelis F. | Photographic Method in gamma ray Scintillation Spettroscopy. | 1956 | 3 | 51 | 58 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1553 | Chinaglia B., Demichelis F. | Magnetic and Scintillation Spectrometers; the case of the (gamma)-Rays of (228)Th(90) and its Decay Products. | 1956 | 4 | 1160 | 1164 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1554 | Chinaglia B., Demichelis F., Ricci R.A. | Tempo di decadimento del ZnS(Ag). | 1956 | 4 | 134 | 137 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1555 | Cottini C., Gatti E. | Millimicrosecond Time Analyzer. | 1956 | 4 | 1550 | 1557 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1556 | Cottini C., Gatti E., Giannelli G. | High Resolution Millimicrosecond Time Interval Measurements Based Up on Frequency Conversion. | 1956 | 4 | 156 | 157 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1557 | Cottini C., Gatti E., Giannelli G., Rozzi G. | Minimum Noise Pre-Amplifier for Fast Ionization Chambers. | 1956 | 3 | 473 | 483 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1558 | Della Corte M. | Analisi Fotometrica delle tracce nelle emulsioni nucleari. I.- Dispositivo sperimentale. | 1956 | 4 | 1565 | 1569 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1559 | Deutsch S. | Radioactivité alfa spécifique des plaques Ilford recherches nucléaires. II. Activité de surface. | 1956 | 3 | 1166 | 1168 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1560 | Diambrini Palazzi G. | A Magnetic Differential Probe. Its Employment for the Determination of the Static Median Magnetic Surface in the Gap of a Synctroton. | 1956 | 3 | 336 | 349 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1561 | Favero P., Grifone G. | Spettrografo a microonde con modulazione ausiliaria. | 1956 | 4 | 1174 | 1189 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1562 | Fidecaro G., Wetherell A.M. | Notes on the Design of Distributed Amplifiers. | 1956 | 3 | 359 | 370 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1563 | Forte M. | Light Pulses Excited by alfa Particles in Argon. A Gaseous Scintillation Detector. | 1956 | 3 | 1443 | 1455 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1564 | Haber-Schaim U. | A Test for the "Median Angle " Method. | 1956 | 4 | 669 | 670 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1565 | Hahn B. | A Carbon Dioxide-Hexane Gas Bubble Chamber. | 1956 | 4 | 944 | 945 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1566 | Hanson R.J., Moore D.C. | A Cosmic-Ray Gas Cerenkov Counter with Adjustable Velocity Threshold. | 1956 | 4 | 1558 | 1564 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1567 | Herz A.J., May R.M., Solntseff N. | Errors in Constant-Sagitta Scattering Measurements in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1956 | 4 | 1623 | 1625 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1568 | Hillman P., Stafford G.H., Whitehead C. | A New Method of Measuring Asymmetries in Neutron Polarization Experiments. | 1956 | 4 | 67 | 74 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1569 | Jones P.B. | Spurious Scattering in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1956 | 3 | 1400 | 1410 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1570 | Jovanovic D.T. | Echelle binaire rapide. | 1956 | 3 | 1456 | 1462 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1571 | Kaftal S., Somigliana R., Terrani S. | Sull'impiego dei radioisotopi per la determinazione dell'usura di utensili da taglio. | 1956 | 4 | 637 | 641 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1572 | Lohrmann E., Teucher M. | Spurious Scattering in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1956 | 3 | 59 | 65 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1573 | Lovera G. | Fluttuazioni statistiche nei conteggi di gruppi di granuli e di lacune nelle emulsioni nucleari. | 1956 | 3 | 1476 | 1478 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1574 | Mohanty S.R., Kannan L.V., Visvanathan S. | Role of Continued Excitation in the Potential Inversion of the Joshi Effect. | 1956 | 4 | 1590 | 1591 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1575 | Orlov Y. | The Non Linear Theory of Betatron Oscillations in the Strong-Focusing Synctroton (I). | 1956 | 3 | 252 | 259 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1576 | Picciotto E., Salvetti F. | Comptage d'alfa à basse temperature; une mèthode pour èviter la diffusion du Radon. | 1956 | 3 | 815 | 819 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1577 | Plainevaux J.E. | Etude des déformations d'une lame de suspension élastique. | 1956 | 4 | 922 | 928 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1578 | Plainevaux J.E. | Mouvement de Tangage d'une suspension élémentaire sur lames élastiques. | 1956 | 4 | 1133 | 1141 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1579 | Pohl E. | A Simple Threefold Concidence Circuit Using Only one EQ 80 (6 BE 7) Valve. | 1956 | 3 | 642 | 644 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1580 | Silvestri M., Adorni N. | An Apparatus for Continuous Isotopic Analysis of Hydrogen-Deuterium Mixtures. | 1956 | 4 | 1610 | 1612 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1581 | Sitte K. | Note on the Tecnique of Experimentson Air Shower Time Variations. | 1956 | 3 | 1145 | 1147 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1582 | Stiller B., Louckes F.I. | Semi-Automatic Recorder for Filar Micrometer Eyepiece and Its Application to Track Measurement. | 1956 | 4 | 642 | 647 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1583 | Thuro G., Paic M. | Etude de la dissolution des grains d'argent des plaques nucléaires épaisses dans le fixateur. | 1956 | 4 | 887 | 897 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1584 | Grossetti E. | Determination of the Ultrasonic Absorption Coefficient in Liquids by the Thermal Method. | 1956 | 3 | 673 | 676 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1585 | Haissinsky M., Mangeot A. | Actions chimiques des ultrasons sur l'eau et les solutions aqueuses. | 1956 | 4 | 1086 | 1095 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1586 | Porreca F. | Experimental Decay Law of the Diffracted Light Remaining in the Liquids at the stopping of the Ultrasonic Waves. | 1956 | 4 | 679 | 687 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1587 | Porreca F. | On the Causes Affecting the Phase Grating Permanence, at the Stopping of the Ultrasounds. | 1956 | 3 | 371 | 376 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1588 | Deutsch S., Kipfer P., Picciotto E. | Pleochoric Haloes and the Artificial Coloration of Biotites by (alfa) Particles. | 1957 | 6 | 796 | 810 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1589 | Deutsch S., Picciotto E. | Effacement des alpha dans les plaques Ilford C 2. | 1957 | 6 | 953 | 955 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1590 | Huybrechts M. | Théorie statistique du comptage de particules alpha émises par des désintégrations successive d'éléments radioactifs. | 1957 | 6 | 811 | 831 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1591 | Pierucci M. | Sull'età dell'Universo. | 1957 | 5 | 572 | 578 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
1592 | Tidman D.A., Ogilvie K.W. | Counting Rate of Cosmic Ray Counter Telescopes in Inclined Directions. | 1957 | 6 | 735 | 738 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
1593 | Cavalca L., Nardelli M., Coghi L. | La struttura del Cloruro di (di)acetamide-cadmio. | 1957 | 6 | 278 | 285 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1594 | Fieschi R. | On the Thermodynamical Theory of Thermal Conduction of Dielectrics Under Electric Fields. | 1957 | 6 | 1225 | 1225 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1595 | Odziemczyk J., Tietz T. | Note on the Atom Form Factor. | 1957 | 6 | 1491 | 1493 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1596 | Pappalardo R. | The Optical Absorption of Ni(7)+ * 6H(2)O at Low Temperatures. | 1957 | 6 | 392 | 394 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1597 | Aly H.H., Waddington C.J. | The Flux of Primary Cosmic Ray (alfa) Particles over Sardinia. | 1957 | 5 | 1679 | 1684 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1598 | Barkow A.G., Chamany B., McDaniel R.E. | Thin Down and Breakup of a Large Z Cosmic Ray Primary. | 1957 | 6 | 125 | 129 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1599 | Brown R.R. | Neutron Yield Functions for the Nucleonic component of Cosmic Radiation. | 1957 | 6 | 956 | 962 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1600 | Conforto A.M., Simpson J.A. | The 24 Hour Intensity Variations of the Primary Cosmic Rays. | 1957 | 6 | 1052 | 1063 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1601 | Fasoli U., Maroni C., Modena I., Pohl E., Pohl-Ruling J. | On the correlation of the intensity of (mu)- and (mu)+ Mesons with the Pressure at Sea-level, and with the Height of the 100 mb Layer. | 1957 | 5 | 473 | 482 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1602 | Fasoli U., Modena I., Pohl E., Pohl-Ruling J. | The Differential and Directional Positive Excess of Mesons at sea Level. | 1957 | 6 | 869 | 881 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1603 | Fasoli U., Pohl-Ruling J. | On the Correction of the Intensity of Cosmic Rays at sea Level by Means of Atmospheric Data. | 1957 | 6 | 1339 | 1355 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1604 | Fay H. | Statistical Fluctuations Occurring in Electron-Photon Cascades of 1000 GeV Primary Energy. | 1957 | 6 | 1516 | 1519 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1605 | Fay H. | Electron-Proton Cascade High Energy in Photographic Emulsions. | 1957 | 5 | 293 | 298 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1606 | Fowler P.H., Freier P.S., Lattes C.M.G., Ney E.P., St Lorant S.J. | Angular Correlation in the (pigreco)-(mu)-e Decay of Cosmic Ray Mesons. | 1957 | 6 | 63 | 68 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1607 | Gardner J.W. | On the Solutions of the Fluctuation Problem in Cascade Showers. | 1957 | 5 | 1368 | 1368 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1608 | Hasegawa S., Nishimura J., Nishimura Y. | On the Angular Distribution of Secondary Particles of High Energy Jet Showers. | 1957 | 6 | 979 | 981 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1609 | Hayakawa S. | A Possible Interpretation of the Multiple Penetrating Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 608 | 614 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1610 | Higashi S., Oshio T., Shibata H., Watanabe K., Watase Y. | On the Cosmic Ray Penetrating Showers Underground. | 1957 | 5 | 592 | 596 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1611 | Higashi S., Oshio T., Shibata H., Watanabe K., Watase Y. | On the Multiple Penetrating Particles Underground. | 1957 | 5 | 597 | 607 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1612 | Hillier R.R., Waddington C.J. | On Heavy Primary Cascades. | 1957 | 6 | 403 | 403 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1613 | Huzita H. | On the Analysis of the Cosmic Ray Jets. | 1957 | 6 | 841 | 849 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1614 | Kessler D., Maze R. | Expérience sur les gerbes pénétrantes Produites par les mesons (mu) dans une grande chambre de Wilson sous terre. | 1957 | 5 | 1540 | 1563 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1615 | Lindern L.V. | Multiple Meson Production and Angular Distribution of Shower Produced in Cosmic Ray "Jets". | 1957 | 5 | 491 | 501 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1616 | Lohrmann E. | Multiple Meson Production in the Cosmic Radiation. | 1957 | 5 | 1074 | 1082 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1617 | Madan M.P. | Law of Molecular Interaction for Krypton. | 1957 | 5 | 1369 | 1370 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1618 | Marquez L., Costa A.L., Almeida I.G. | The Formation of (22)Na From Atmosperic Argon by Cosmic Rays. | 1957 | 6 | 1292 | 1295 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1619 | McCusker C.B.A., Roesler F.C. | New Experimental Evidence for the Tunnel Theory of Cosmic Ray "Jets". | 1957 | 5 | 1136 | 1144 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1620 | Miesowicz M., Stanisz O., Wolter W. | Investigation of an Electromagnetic Cascade of Very High Energy in the First Stage of its Development. | 1957 | 5 | 513 | 516 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1621 | Naranan S., Ramanamurty P.V., Sahiar A.B., Sreekantan B.V. | Interaction of (mu) Mesons Underground (190 MeV). | 1957 | 5 | 1773 | 1776 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1622 | Noon J.H., Herz A.J., O'Brien B.J. | An Observed Cosmic-Ray Flux of Light Elements at 41°N. Geomagnetic Latitude. | 1957 | 5 | 854 | 865 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1623 | O'Brein B.J., Noon J.H. | Measurement of the Alpha Particles Flux at 41° N Geomagnetic Latitude Using Nuclear Emulsion. | 1957 | 5 | 1463 | 1468 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1624 | Oda M. | A Calculation on the structure of the Nucleonic Cascade in the Atmosphere. | 1957 | 5 | 615 | 627 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1625 | Tokunaga S., Ishii T., Nishikawa K. | Nuclear Disintegration Cascades by Heavy Primaries. | 1957 | 5 | 517 | 519 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1626 | Waddington C.J. | Observation on the Energy Spectra of Multiply Charged Nuclei in the Cosmic Radiation. | 1957 | 5 | 737 | 738 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1627 | Waddington C.J. | A Correction to Previously Quoted Cosmic Ray Flux Values. | 1957 | 6 | 748 | 750 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1628 | Yagoda H. | Anomalous Heavy Primary Cascades Recorded on Viking 10 Rocket Flight. | 1957 | 6 | 559 | 570 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1629 | Anderson H.L., Lattes C.M.G. | Search for Electronic Decay of the Positive Pion. | 1957 | 6 | 1356 | 1381 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1630 | Baldo-Coelin M., Fry W.F., Greeing W.D.B., Huzita H., Limentani S. | The Decay of a (Sigma)+ Hyperon-Proton Fragment. | 1957 | 6 | 144 | 149 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1631 | Bertolini G., Lazzarini E., Mandelli Bettoni M. | Beta-Gamma Directional Correlation in (170)Tm. | 1957 | 6 | 1106 | 1112 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1632 | Bertolini G., Lazzarini E., Mandelli Bettoni M. | Directional Correlation of the 0.845 and 1.24 MeV (gamma)-Rays of 56Fe. | 1957 | 5 | 356 | 362 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1633 | Bhatki K.S., Gupta R.K., Jha S., Madan B.K. | On the Decay of (113)Sn and (121)Te. | 1957 | 6 | 1461 | 1468 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1634 | Bisi A., Germagnoli E., Zappa L. | The Orbital Electron Capture Decay of (185)Os. | 1957 | 6 | 299 | 303 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1635 | Coelin C. | Parity Non Conservation and the (delta)I=1/2 Rule in Hyperon Decays. | 1957 | 6 | 1006 | 1007 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1636 | Dallaporta N., Ferrari F. | On Parity Non-Conservation in the decay of Strange Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 1793 | 1796 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1637 | D'Andlau C., Armenteros R., Astier A., DeStaebler H.C., Gregory B.P., Leprince-Ringuet L., Muller F., Peyrou C., Tinlot J.H. | On the Q-Values of the (lambda)° and the (teta)° and the Anomalous V°- Decays. | 1957 | 6 | 1135 | 1154 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1638 | Eisler F., Plano R., Samios N., Schwartz M., Steinberger J. | Systematics of (lambda)° and 0° Decay. | 1957 | 5 | 1700 | 1715 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1639 | Fano U. | Angular Correlation of Radiations with Parallel Angular Momenta. | 1957 | 5 | 1358 | 1360 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1640 | Feld B.T. | Isotopic Spin Selection Rules and Parity Non-Conservation in the Decay of the S range Particles. | 1957 | 6 | 650 | 663 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1641 | Ferrero F., Hanson A.O., Malvano R., Tribuno C. | Photoprotons from (100)Mo. | 1957 | 6 | 585 | 591 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1642 | Furuichi S., Sawada S., Yonezawa M. | The Study Polarizations of Secondary Muons in K-Meson Decay Processes. | 1957 | 6 | 1416 | 1429 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1643 | Harris G., Orear J., Taylor S. | Seach for Mass-500 Particle as a K+ Decay Product. | 1957 | 6 | 1232 | 1232 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1644 | Huq M.S. | Radiation from (192) Pt and Proposed Decay Scheme. | 1957 | 5 | 1456 | 1462 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1645 | Kahana S., Pursey D.L. | Coupling Constant Invariants in (beta)-Decay. | 1957 | 6 | 1469 | 1479 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1646 | Levi-Setti R., Slater W. | Emission of an Electron Pair in a K+ Decay. | 1957 | 5 | 1784 | 1786 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1647 | Lundry A., Patro A.P., Stroot J.P. | Correlation between Circularly Polarized (gamma) Rays and (beta) Particles. | 1957 | 6 | 745 | 747 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1648 | Morpurgo G. | A Dicussion of the Possibility of Detecting asymmetries in the (lambda)° Decay. | 1957 | 5 | 1787 | 1789 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1649 | Sawicki J., Szymanski J. | Polarization Effects in Beta Decay Accompanied by Internal Bremsstrhlung. | 1957 | 6 | 982 | 984 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1650 | Sinha M.S., Sengupta S.N. | Evidence for a Heavy Neutral K-Particle and its Cascade Decay. | 1957 | 5 | 1153 | 1158 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1651 | Taylor J.C. | Radiactive Beta Decay of the Pion. | 1957 | 6 | 1226 | 1227 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1652 | William I.R., Johns M.W. | The Decay of (185)W. | 1957 | 6 | 18 | 22 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1653 | Zorzoli G.B. | On the Decay of (141)Ce. | 1957 | 5 | 289 | 290 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
1654 | Agodi A., Cini M. | Charge Dependent Corretions to Dispersion Relations (II). | 1957 | 6 | 686 | 692 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1655 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Dispersion Relations for Heavy Meson-Nucleon Interaction in a Fixed Source Theory. II.- Effective Range Relations. | 1957 | 6 | 1273 | 1281 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1656 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Dispersion Relations for Heavy Meson-Nucleon Interaction in a Fixed Source Theory -I. | 1957 | 6 | 1013 | 1026 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1657 | Riazuddin | Dispersion Relations for Fermions. | 1957 | 6 | 1252 | 1267 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
1658 | Biorci G., Pescetti D. | Formal Model of Magnetic Hysteresis. | 1957 | 6 | 242 | 244 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1659 | Caianiello E.R. | Propagation Kernels as Functions of the Masses. | 1957 | 5 | 739 | 741 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1660 | De Tollis B., Liotta R.S. | Interference in the Double Compton Effect. | 1957 | 5 | 947 | 954 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1661 | Jànossy L. | On the Classical Fluctuation of a Beam of Light. | 1957 | 6 | 111 | 124 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1662 | Jost R., Lehmann H. | Integral-Darstellung Kausaler Kommutatoren. | 1957 | 5 | 1598 | 1610 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1663 | Mascarenhas S. | Thermodynamical Theory of the Thermal Conduction of Dielectrics under Electric Fields. | 1957 | 5 | 1118 | 1121 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
1664 | Kahana S., Polkinghorne J.C. | A Method for Calculating the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Electron. | 1957 | 5 | 1528 | 1532 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1665 | Skorko M., Skorko E. | The Model of Electron. | 1957 | 6 | 364 | 366 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1666 | Suffczynski M. | Neutron Polarization from Electron Disintegration. | 1957 | 6 | 1268 | 1272 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1667 | Uberall H. | Polarization of Electrons from (mu)-e Decay. | 1957 | 6 | 376 | 377 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
1668 | Avan M., Avan L. | Section efficace de création dirécte de Paires d'électrons par les mésons (mu). Relation avec le moment magnétique. | 1957 | 6 | 1500 | 1501 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1669 | Besson C., Crussard J., Fouché V., Hennessy J., Kayas G., Parikh V.R., Trilling G. | Production of Strnge Particles by 4.3 GeV (pigreco)- in Emulsion. | 1957 | 6 | 1168 | 1188 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1670 | Ferretti B. | On the Conservation of Lepton Number. | 1957 | 6 | 999 | 1000 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1671 | Gatto R. | Interference Effects Between Members of Parity Doublets in the Lee-Yang Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 1021 | 1023 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1672 | Glaser V., Jaksic B. | Electromagnetic Properties of Particles with Spin. | 1957 | 5 | 1197 | 1202 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1673 | Jouvet B. | Fermi Coupling and Mass and Charge Spectra of Bosons. | 1957 | 5 | 1 | 20 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1674 | Judek B. | Mass Measurements of Particles Stopping in the Emulsion by the Constant Sagitta Method. | 1957 | 5 | 886 | 895 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1675 | Ko Aizu | General Theory of Particle Mixtures. | 1957 | 6 | 1040 | 1051 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1676 | Matthews P.T. | The Parity of Elementary Particles. | 1957 | 6 | 642 | 649 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1677 | Nishijima K. | On the Theory of Leptons. | 1957 | 5 | 1349 | 1354 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1678 | Pauli W. | On the Conservation of the Lepton Charge. | 1957 | 6 | 204 | 215 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1679 | Sakurai J.J. | Associated Production of Strange Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 1340 | 1342 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1680 | Takahashi Y., Unezawa H. | A General Treatment of Expanding Systems. II.- Application to Multiple Meson Processes. | 1957 | 6 | 1382 | 1391 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1681 | Tanaka S. | The Parity Non-Conservation and the Strength of the Interaction of Elementary Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 1364 | 1367 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1682 | Watanare S. | "Handed" Particles of Spin 1/2 with Finite Mass. | 1957 | 6 | 187 | 196 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1683 | Wilkinson D.H. | The (pigreco)-(mu)-e Asymmetry. | 1957 | 6 | 516 | 521 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
1684 | Albertoni S., Duimio F. | Hilbert Spaces in Quantum Field Theories. | 1957 | 6 | 1193 | 1205 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1685 | Brahmachary R.L. | A Class of Exact Solutions of the Combined Gravitational and Electro-Magnetic Field Equations of General Relativity. | 1957 | 6 | 1502 | 1506 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1686 | Ferretti B. | On Gauge Invariance of Second Kind. | 1957 | 6 | 997 | 998 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1687 | Glaser V., Lehmann H., Zimmermann W. | Field Operators Retarded Functions. | 1957 | 6 | 1122 | 1128 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1688 | Ivanenko D., Sokolik H. | Unified Description of Ordinary and Isotopic Space. | 1957 | 6 | 226 | 229 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1689 | Lehmann H., Symanzik K., Zimmermann W. | On the Formulation of Quantized Field Theories -II. | 1957 | 6 | 319 | 333 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1690 | Mohan Lal Arrol | Nature of "p" in Bonnor's Unified Field Theory. | 1957 | 6 | 230 | 234 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1691 | Namiki M., Iso C. | Multiple Production of Particles and Hydrodynamical Aspect of Quantum-Theory of Field. | 1957 | 6 | 245 | 249 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1692 | Peaslee D.C. | Vectorial Charge Displacement. | 1957 | 6 | 1 | 6 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1693 | Pursey D.L. | Invariance Properties of Fermi Interactions. | 1957 | 6 | 266 | 277 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1694 | Stafford G.H., Whitehead C., Hillman P. | Polarization in the Neutron Proton Scattering at 95 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 1589 | 1597 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1695 | Takahashi Y., Umezawa H. | A General Treatment of Expanding Systems. I. Formulation. | 1957 | 6 | 1324 | 1334 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
1696 | Caldirola P., Rossi G. | Influenza dell'adsorbimento e della migrazione superficiale sulla separazione isotopica nella diffusione di un gas attraverso una parete porosa. | 1957 | 5 | 1374 | 1376 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
1697 | Alexander G., Johnston R.H.W., O'Ceallaigh C. | The Relative Frequencies of the Decay Modes of Positive K-Mesons and the Decay Spectra of Modes K(mu)3, (tau)' and K(beta). | 1957 | 6 | 478 | 500 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1698 | Alles W., Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli M., Crussard J. | Nuclear Collisions of Negative K-Mesons. | 1957 | 6 | 571 | 584 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1699 | Alvarez L.W. | K- Interactions in Hydrogen. | 1957 | 5 | 1026 | 1046 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1700 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Low Energy K-Nucleon Interaction. | 1957 | 5 | 1533 | 1539 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1701 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Analysis of Processes Involving Baryons, Pions and Heavy Mesons. | 1957 | 6 | 1282 | 1291 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1702 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Information on the Nature of Heavy Mesons from Photoproduction Experiments. | 1957 | 6 | 395 | 397 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1703 | Amati D., Vitale D. | K-Meson Photoproduction in Many Field Interaction. | 1957 | 6 | 1318 | 1323 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1704 | Baldo Coelin M., Cresti M., Dallaporta N., Grilli M., Guerriero L., Merlin M., Salandin G.A., Zago G. | Interaction of k+ Mesons with Emulsion Nuclei Between 40 and 160 meV. | 1957 | 5 | 402 | 434 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1705 | Baldo-Coelin M., Bonetti A., Greening W.D.B., Limentani S., Merlin M., Vanderhaeghe G. | An Analysis of 419 (tau) Meson Decay. | 1957 | 6 | 84 | 97 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1706 | Baldo-Coelin M., Dilworth C.C., Fry W.F., Greening W.D.B., Huzita H., Limentani S., Sichirollo A.E. | Nuclear Interactions of Neutral K-Mesons of Long Lifetime. | 1957 | 6 | 130 | 143 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1707 | Ballario C., Bizzarri R., Brunelli B., De Marco A., Di Capua E., Michelini A., Moneti G.C., Zavattini E., Zichichi A. | Life Time Estimate of (lambda)° and (teta)° Particles. | 1957 | 6 | 994 | 996 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1708 | Bhowmik B., Evans D., Nilson S., Prowse D.J., Anderson F., Keefe D., Kennan A., Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli M., Paloschek P., Hooper J.E., Grilli M., Guerriero L. | The Lifetime of Positive Heavy mesons. | 1957 | 5 | 994 | 1003 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1709 | Bhowmik B., Evans D., Nilsson S., Prowse D.J., Anderson F., Keefe D., Kernen A., Losty J., | The Interactions of Positive K-Mesons with Nuclei in Photographic Emulsion at Energies in the Region 0|130 MeV. | 1957 | 6 | 440 | 477 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1710 | Bidini P., Dallaporta N., Fonda L. | Pion-nucleon S-Waves and K-mensons. | 1957 | 6 | 380 | 382 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1711 | Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli-Fabbrichesi L., Ceccarelli M., Gottstein K., Varshneya N.C., Waloschek P. | Nuclear Scattering of K+ Mesons in the Energy Region of 80 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 123 | 141 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1712 | Bowen T., Haskin D.M., Schein M. | Examples of K-Meson Production in 3 Gev (pigreco)- Collisions. | 1957 | 6 | 592 | 600 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1713 | Cerulus F. | Parity Violation and the Spin of the (lambda)° Particle. | 1957 | 5 | 1685 | 1692 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1714 | Cocconi G., Puppi G., Quareni G., Stanghellini A. | K+ Mesons Interaction with Nucleons and Nuclei. | 1957 | 5 | 172 | 182 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1715 | Coelin C., Taffara L. | On the Scattering of K+ Mesons by Nucleons in Perturbation Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 435 | 447 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1716 | Cooper W.A., Filthuth H., Newth J.A., Petrucci G., Salmeron R.A., Zichichi A. | Examples mof Production of (K°,K°) and (K+,K°) Pairs of Heavy Mesons. | 1957 | 5 | 1388 | 1397 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1717 | Costa G., Petergnani G. | K+ Nuclei Interaction According to the Optical Model. | 1957 | 5 | 448 | 460 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1718 | Crowe K.M. | The Masses of Light Mesons,K-Mesons and Hyperons in 1956. | 1957 | 5 | 541 | 561 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1719 | Dallaporta N., Ferrari F. | On the (lambda)-Nucloen Force and the Binding Energy of the Light Hyperfragments. | 1957 | 5 | 111 | 122 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1720 | Dallaporta N., Ferrari R. | On the (sigma) Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction Cross-Section. | 1957 | 5 | 742 | 745 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1721 | Edwards B.P., Engler A., Friedlander M.W., Kamal A.A. | The Production of Heavy Mesons and Hyperons by (pigreco)- Mesons of 4.5 Ge V/c. | 1957 | 5 | 1188 | 1196 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1722 | Falla D.F., Friedlander M.W., Anderson F., Greening W.D.B., Limentani S., Sechi-Zorn B., Cernigoi C., Iernetti G., Poiani G. | Parent Stars of K+ Mesons. | 1957 | 5 | 1203 | 1222 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1723 | Friesen S.V., Kristiansoon K. | Further Evidence for a Longlived Neutral K-Particle. | 1957 | 5 | 1013 | 1015 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1724 | Furuichi S., Sugahara Y., Wakasa A., Yonezawa M. | An Analysis of Rochester K(mu)(3) and K(e)(3) data. | 1957 | 5 | 285 | 288 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1725 | Gatto R. | The Annihilation of a Nucleon-Antinucleon System into a K-Anti K Pair. | 1957 | 5 | 1024 | 1025 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1726 | Gell-Mann M. | Change of Isotopic Spin in the K(pigreco)(3) Decay. | 1957 | 5 | 758 | 760 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1727 | Kumar R.C., Lasich W.B., Stannard F.R. | The Mass Difference Between the (sigma)+ and (sigma)- Hyperons. | 1957 | 5 | 746 | 747 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1728 | Marchi C., Quareni G., Vignudelli A., Dascola G., Mora S. | The Nuclear Potential for the K+ Mesons. | 1957 | 5 | 1790 | 1792 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1729 | McDowell S.W. | Energy Spectrum of Pions and Polarization of Muons and Electrons in the K(mu)(3) and K(e)(3) Decay. | 1957 | 6 | 1445 | 1460 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1730 | Radicati L.A., Rosati S | On the Spin of the K(mu)(3) Meson. | 1957 | 5 | 729 | 731 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1731 | Segawa H., Hori S. | (mu) Meson Decay in the Theory of Individual Mass Reversal and the Two Component Theory of Neutrino. | 1957 | 6 | 1230 | 1231 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1732 | Tiomno J. | On the Theory of Hyperons and K-Mesons. | 1957 | 6 | 69 | 83 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1733 | Vitale B. | Electromagnetic Properties of Nucleons and Barion_Heavy Meson Interactions. | 1957 | 5 | 732 | 736 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
1734 | Friedlander M.W. | The Lifetime of (3)H(lambda) Hyperfragments. | 1957 | 5 | 283 | 284 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1735 | Poc Kwon Y., Oba J., Goto T. | Phenomenological Consideration on the Hyperfragments. | 1957 | 6 | 832 | 840 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
1736 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Low Energy K-Nucleon Scattering. | 1957 | 6 | 261 | 265 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1737 | Bernardini M., Brovetto P., Ferroni S. | Scattering of Fast Electrons by Polarized Nuclei. | 1957 | 5 | 1292 | 1304 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1738 | Bobel G. | Polarization effects in Bremsstrahlung. | 1957 | 6 | 1241 | 1251 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1739 | Bransden B.H., MoorHouse R.G. | Approximate Methods in S Wave Pion Nucleon Scattering. | 1957 | 6 | 693 | 700 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1740 | Brini D., Pli L., Rimondi O., Veronesi P. | On the Azimuthal Distribution of K Photoelectrons by Polarized Photons. | 1957 | 6 | 98 | 110 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1741 | Clementel E., Villi C. | D Wave Effects in Positive Pion-Proton Scattering. | 1957 | 5 | 1343 | 1348 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1742 | Clementel E., Villi C. | On Neutron-Proton Scattering. | 1957 | 5 | 1166 | 1187 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1743 | Coelin C., Taffara L. | Non-Adiabatic Treatment of the Scattering of K+ Mesons by Nucleons. | 1957 | 6 | 425 | 439 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1744 | Cousins J.E., Nash W.F., Pointon A.J. | The Effect of the Angular Variation of Intensity on Scattering Distributions of (mu)- Mesons Underground at a Depth of 40 m w.e. | 1957 | 6 | 1113 | 1121 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1745 | Dickson J.M., Salter D.C. | The Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Polarized Protons by Carbon. | 1957 | 6 | 235 | 241 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1746 | Ferrari G., Manaresi E., Quareni G. | On the Measurements of the Pion-Proton Elastic Scattering in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1957 | 5 | 1651 | 1657 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1747 | Ferretti L., Quareni G., Della Corte M., Fazzini T. | (Pigreco)+ Proton Scattering at 83 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 1660 | 1662 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1748 | Gessaroli R., Quareni G., Dascola G., Mora S., Todesco G. | (Pigreco)+ Proton Scattering at 100 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 1658 | 1659 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1749 | Gosar P. | A New Method for Solving Multiple scattering Problems in Inhomogeneous Media. | 1957 | 5 | 1437 | 1455 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1750 | Grosjean C.C. | Further Development of a New Approximate One-Velocity Theory of Multiple Scattering. | 1957 | 5 | 83 | 101 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1751 | Kumar R.C. | Measurement of Ionization on Dipping Tracks in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1957 | 6 | 739 | 742 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1752 | Langer J.S. | Strange-Particle Effects in S-Wave Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1957 | 6 | 674 | 681 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1753 | Miller R.H. | Inelastic Scattering of 150 MeV Negative Pions by Carbon and Lead | 1957 | 6 | 882 | 911 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1754 | Mittelstaedt P. | Zur Energieverteilung der inelastischen Streuung von K+-Mesonen an Kernen. | 1957 | 5 | 1480 | 1496 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1755 | Montaldi E., Pusterla M. | Electron Scattering in Nuclear Field with Pair-Creation. | 1957 | 5 | 961 | 972 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1756 | Passatore G. | On Polarization Effects in Coulomb Electron Scattering. | 1957 | 6 | 850 | 863 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1757 | Phillips R.J.N. | On the Phase-Shift Analysis of High-Energy p-p Scattering. | 1957 | 5 | 1335 | 1337 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1758 | Saxon D.S., Schiff L.I. | Theory of High-Energy Potential Scattering. | 1957 | 6 | 614 | 627 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1759 | Schiff L.I. | Effects of Proton Correlations on the Scattering of High-Energy Electrons from Nuclei. | 1957 | 5 | 1223 | 1237 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1760 | Sokolov A., Kerimov B. | On the Scattering of Particles by a Force Centre According to the Radiation Damping Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 921 | 939 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1761 | Symanzik K. | On Scattering at Very High Energies. | 1957 | 5 | 659 | 665 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1762 | Tassie L.J. | Inelastic Scattering of Electrons by Nuclei. | 1957 | 5 | 1497 | 1509 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1763 | Tomasini A. | Potential Inelastic Scattering by Complex Nuclei. | 1957 | 6 | 927 | 936 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1764 | Valk H.S. | Contribution to Elastic Scattering from Inelastic Processes: Application to High-Energy Electron Scatteringfrom Hydrogen and Deuterium. | 1957 | 6 | 173 | 186 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1765 | Weill R., Gailloud M., Rosselet Ph. | Production directe de paires d' électrons par les électrons de grande énergie. Modèle de formation de la trace initiale des paires d'électrons. Elimination des faux tridents. | 1957 | 6 | 1430 | 1444 | Ionization | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1766 | Yekutieli G. | Ionization at the Origin of High Energy Electron Positron Pairs. | 1957 | 5 | 1381 | 1387 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
1767 | Bhowmik B., Evans D., Prowse D.J. | On the Angular Correlation in the (beta) Decay of (mu) Mesons Observed in Photographic Emulsion. | 1957 | 5 | 1663 | 1669 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1768 | Castagnoli C., Franzinetti C., Manfredini. | Further Results on Parity Conservation in (pigreco)-(mu)-(e) Decays. | 1957 | 5 | 684 | 688 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1769 | Fukutome H., Nogami Y. | Remarks on the Fixed Extended Source Pion Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 347 | 355 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1770 | Gatto R., Tripp R.D. | On the Question of Possible Charge Properties of Weak Interactions. | 1957 | 6 | 367 | 370 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1771 | Heughebeart J., René M., Sacton J., Vanderhaeghe G. | On the Angular Correlation in the (mu)-e Decays Observed in Nuclear Emulsion Exposed in Magnetic Field. | 1957 | 5 | 1808 | 1813 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1772 | Morpurgo G. | Possible Explanations of the Decay Processes of the Pion in the Frame of the "Universal" Fermi Interaction. | 1957 | 5 | 1159 | 1165 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1773 | Pupopi G., Stanghellini A. | Determination of the Pion-Nucleon Interaction Coupling Constant from Scattering Experiments Using Dispersion Relations. | 1957 | 5 | 1305 | 1315 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
1774 | Businaro U.L., Gallone S. | Asymmetric Equilibrium Shapes in the Liquid Drop Model. | 1957 | 5 | 315 | 317 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1775 | Francetti S. | On the Problem of the Statistic Helium Film. II -Effects Due to the Smallness of One Dimension. | 1957 | 5 | 183 | 202 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1776 | Franchetti S. | On the Problem of the Static Helium Film. III.- The Profile of the Film and its Dependence on Temperature. | 1957 | 5 | 1266 | 1280 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1777 | Mikoshiba N. | Quantum Fluid as a Common Model for Superfluidity and Superconductivity. | 1957 | 5 | 628 | 639 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1778 | Tietz T. | On the Variation of the Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Water due to Temperature. | 1957 | 6 | 387 | 389 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
1779 | Regge T. | On the Properties of Spin 2 Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 325 | 336 | Meson Fields | 1 | |||||||
1780 | Alberigi-Quaranta A , Pieraccini F. | On the Mean Life of (mu)- Mesons in Elements of Medium and High Atomic Number. | 1957 | 6 | 1084 | 1101 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1781 | Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli M., Crussand J. | Angular Distribution of the (mu)-Decay as Test of parity Conservation. | 1957 | 5 | 756 | 757 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1782 | Candlin D.J. | Time Reserval and the Decay of the (mu) Meson. | 1957 | 6 | 390 | 391 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1783 | Dell'Antonio G.F., Duimio F. | On the Relation between the Lee Model and Ordinary Meson Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 1636 | 1645 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1784 | Fournet Davis D., Engler A., Goebel C.J., Hoang T.F., Kaplon M.F., Klarmann J. | Observation on the (pigreco)+ -> (mu)+ -> e Angular Correlation in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1957 | 6 | 311 | 318 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1785 | Hiida K. | A Kinematical test for the Relation between the Coupling Constants in Meson Theory. | 1957 | 5 | !094 | 1106 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1786 | Marques A., Margem N., Garnier G.A.B. | Mean Free Path of 4.3 GeV (pigreco)- Mesons in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1957 | 5 | 291 | 292 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1787 | Marshak R.E., Sudarashan E.C.G. | Remarks on the Possible Existence of a Neutral Muon. | 1957 | 6 | 1335 | 1338 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1788 | Omnes R. | Production en paire des mésons positifs par un méson. | 1957 | 6 | 780 | 795 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1789 | Screaton G.R. | Meson Production by Meson Nucleon Collision in the Heisenberg Representation. | 1957 | 5 | 1398 | 1410 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1790 | Tiomno J. | Note on the Gamma Decay of Neutral Pions. | 1957 | 6 | 255 | 257 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
1791 | Arnous E. | Etude du nombre de méson virtuels sur un modéle simple. | 1957 | 5 | 483 | 490 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1792 | Budini P., Fonda L. | Pion-Nucleon Interaction and Strange Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 306 | 308 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1793 | Dell'Antonio G., Duimio F. | On the Ruijgrok-Van Hove Model. | 1957 | 6 | 751 | 754 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1794 | Hamaguchi M. | On the Viscous Fluid Model in Multiple Production of Mesons. | 1957 | 5 | 1622 | 1635 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1795 | Kanki T. | Theory of scattering in the Quantized Field and Low-Chew-Wick's Formalism. | 1957 | 6 | 628 | 641 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1796 | Kummel H. | Ein Storungstheoretischer Zugang zu der Bruecknerschen Theorie des Atomkerns und der Watsonschen Streunaherung. | 1957 | 6 | 23 | 50 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1797 | Regge T. | Additional Remarks and Errata Corrige to a Paper on the Theory of Spin 2 Particles. | 1957 | 6 | 1233 | 1234 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1798 | Stephenson G. | A Classical Calculation of the Nucleon-Meson Coupling Costant. | 1957 | 5 | 1009 | 1010 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
1799 | Fieschi R. | Electronic States of Diatomic Molecules: the Lithium Molecule. | 1957 | 6 | 197 | 203 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
1800 | Simonetta M., Favini G., Pierpaoli V. | The Electronic Absorption Spectrum of Naphtotriazines. | 1957 | 5 | 1814 | 1816 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
1801 | Simonetta M., Vaciago A. | Calcolo quantomeccanico della barriera di potenzale per la inversione della molecola di fosfina. | 1957 | 5 | 587 | 591 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
1802 | Abdus Salam | On Parity Conservation end Neutrino Mass. | 1957 | 5 | 299 | 301 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1803 | Bosco B. | On the Nucleons Magnetic Moments Contribution to the radiactive Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1957 | 5 | 1361 | 1363 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1804 | Ciok P., Danysz M., Gierule J., Jurak A., Miesowicz M., Pernegr J., Vràna J., Wolter W. | On the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction with Energy Higher than 10(14) eV. | 1957 | 6 | 1409 | 1415 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1805 | Csikai J. | Photographic Evidence for the Existence of the Neutrino. | 1957 | 5 | 1011 | 1012 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1806 | Czyz W., Sawicki J. | Polarization of Nucleons from Photodisintegration of Deuterium. | 1957 | 5 | 45 | 56 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1807 | Domokos G. | On the Structure of the Nucleon Core. | 1957 | 6 | 1513 | 1515 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1808 | Ferrari F., Fonda L. | The Binding Energy of Sigma Hyperons with Nucleons. | 1957 | 6 | 1027 | 1033 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1809 | Ferretti B. | On the Conservation of Nucleons. | 1957 | 5 | 761 | 761 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1810 | Frahn W.E., Lemmer R.H. | Non-Static effects on Individual Nucleons in a Spheroidal Potential. | 1957 | 6 | 664 | 673 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1811 | Nogami Y. | On the Charge Distribution of the Nucleon. | 1957 | 6 | 985 | 988 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1812 | Okubo S. | Anomalus Magnetic Moment of the Nucleon. | 1957 | 6 | 542 | 558 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1813 | Plano R., Samios N., Schwartz M., Steinberger J. | Demostration of the Existence of the (sigma)° Hyperon and a Measurement of its Mass. | 1957 | 5 | 216 | 219 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1814 | Radicati L.A., Touschek B. | On the Equivalence Theorem for the Massless Neutrino. | 1957 | 5 | 1693 | 1699 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1815 | Touschek B.F. | The Mass of the Neutrino and the Non-Conservation of Parity. | 1957 | 5 | 1281 | 1291 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1816 | Touschek B.F. | Parity Conservation and the Mass of the Neutrino. | 1957 | 5 | 754 | 755 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
1817 | Agodi A., Cini M. | Charge Dependent Corrections to Dispersion Relations. I. | 1957 | 5 | 1256 | 1265 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1818 | Barasenkov V.S. | On the Impossibility of the Hamiltonian Formulation of Theory with the Form-Factor. | 1957 | 5 | 1469 | 1479 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1819 | Bocchieri P., Gulmanelli P. | Gravitational Forces and Quantum Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 1016 | 1017 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1820 | Gulmanelli P., Montaldi E. | Gravitational Forces and Quantum Field Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 1716 | 1721 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1821 | Haag R. | On the Physical Significance of the Redundant Solutions of the Low Equation. | 1957 | 5 | 203 | 215 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1822 | Heitler W. | Renormalization in Non-Relativistic Field Theories. | 1957 | 5 | 302 | 305 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1823 | Hiida K., Sawamura M. | Some Relations Among Green's Functions. | 1957 | 5 | 896 | 906 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1824 | Kròlikowski W. | Low's General Equation. | 1957 | 5 | 1611 | 1621 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1825 | McLennan J.A. jr. | Conformally Invariant Wave Equations for Non-Linear and Interacting Fields. | 1957 | 5 | 640 | 647 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1826 | Nakanishi N. | On Lehmann's Method of Renormalization. | 1957 | 5 | 520 | 522 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1827 | Rayski J. | Bilocal Field Theories and their Experimental Tests -II. | 1957 | 5 | 872 | 885 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1828 | Wataghin G. | On a Non-Local Relativistic quantum theory of Fields.-I. | 1957 | 5 | 689 | 701 | Nuclear Fields | 1 | |||||||
1829 | Borgardt A. | Possible Form of Non Linear Mesodynamics. | 1957 | 5 | 102 | 110 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1830 | Budini P., Fonda L. | Non-Local model of Pion_Nucleon, Pion-Hyperon Interactions. | 1957 | 5 | 666 | 683 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1831 | Burton W.K., De Borde A.H. | Derivation of the Functional Integral Formalism for Fermi System from the Canonical Formalism. | 1957 | 5 | 1510 | 1519 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1832 | Enz C.P. | Fermi Interaction with Non-Conservation of "Lepton Charge" and of Parity. | 1957 | 6 | 250 | 254 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1833 | Ezawa H., Tomozawa Y., Umezawa H. | Quantum Statistics of Fields and Multiple Production of Mesons. | 1957 | 5 | 810 | 841 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1834 | Ferrari F., Fonda L. | Two-Nucleon Potential from a Model of Pion-Nucleon Interaction. | 1957 | 6 | 1510 | 1512 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1835 | Frahn W.E., Lemmer R.H. | Effective Nuclear Potentials. | 1957 | 5 | 523 | 525 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1836 | Goto S. | A Model for the Weak Interactions. | 1957 | 5 | 1573 | 1588 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1837 | Levi-Setti R., Slater W. | Probable Nuclear Interaction of Hydrogen Hypernucleus. | 1957 | 6 | 51 | 62 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1838 | Marx G. | The Principle of the Minimum Number of States at Weak Interactions. | 1957 | 6 | 1235 | 1237 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1839 | Mills R.L. | Integral Equations for Meson Field Theory. | 1957 | 5 | 30 | 44 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1840 | Nakanishi N. | A Systemation of Weak Interactions. | 1957 | 6 | 383 | 384 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1841 | Omnes R. | A System of General Relativistic Equations of Low Type. | 1957 | 5 | 983 | 993 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1842 | Percus J.K., Yevick G.J. | "Dynamical" Lagrangian for the Many Body Problems. | 1957 | 5 | 65 | 82 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1843 | Pollini C.G. | On the Quantization of Tensor Fields with Zero Mass. | 1957 | 6 | 1034 | 1039 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1844 | Tiomno J. | Non Conservation of Parity and the Universal Fermi Interaction. | 1957 | 6 | 912 | 916 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1845 | Weill R., Gailloud M., Rosselet Ph. | Mesure de l'énergie des paires d'électrons de plus de 1 GeV dans les émulsion nucléaires. | 1957 | 6 | 413 | 424 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
1846 | Agodi A. | On (gamma)-Polarization Effects in Photonuclear Reactions. | 1957 | 5 | 21 | 29 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1847 | Ammar R., Friedman J.I., Levi Setti R., Telegdi V.L. | Nuclear Interactions of Long-Lived Neutral Strange Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 1801 | 1807 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1848 | Apostolakis A.J., Clarke J.O., Major J.V. | Spurious Scattering in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1957 | 5 | 337 | 346 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1849 | Blok J., Jonker C.C. | Comparison between the Protons Energy Spectra of (n,p) and (d,p) Reactions. | 1957 | 6 | 378 | 379 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1850 | Colli L., Facchini U. | Further Measurements on n, p at 14 Mev. II.- Sulphur, Alluminium Iron, Copper, Nickel. | 1957 | 5 | 309 | 314 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1851 | Colli L., Facchini U., Micheletti S. | Comparison between (n,p) and (p,p') Experiments on Intermediate Energy. | 1957 | 5 | 502 | 509 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1852 | Ferrero F., Gonnella L., Malvano R., Tribuno C., Hanson A.O. | Fast Neutron Component in Photonuclear Reactions. | 1957 | 5 | 242 | 248 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1853 | Ferrero F., Malvano R., Tribuno C. | Evidence of a Second Maximum in the Cross Section for Fast Photoneutron Emission in Cr, As, I, Ta. | 1957 | 6 | 385 | 386 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1854 | Frahn W.E. | Nucleon-Nucleus Interaction From the Statistical Model. | 1957 | 5 | 393 | 401 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1855 | Frahn W.E., Lemmer R.H. | Velocity-Dependent Nuclear Interaction. II.-Level Schemes. | 1957 | 6 | 1221 | 1224 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1856 | Frahn W.E., Lemmer R.H. | Velocity-Dependent Nuclear Interaction. | 1957 | 5 | 1564 | 1572 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1857 | Jannelli S., Mezzanares F. | Caratteristiche delle disintegrazioni nucleari prodotte da protoni di 140+-6 meV. III.-Nuclei leggeri. | 1957 | 5 | 1047 | 1056 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1858 | Jannelli S., Mezzanares F. | Caratteristiche delle disintegrazioni nucleari prodotte da protoni di 140+-6 MeV. II.-Nuclei Pesanti | 1957 | 5 | 380 | 392 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1859 | Kind A. | On the Sign of the Real Central Part of the Neutron-Nucleus Complex Potential. | 1957 | 5 | 318 | 320 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1860 | Marquez L. | Angular Correlations in High Energy Fission. | 1957 | 5 | 1646 | 1650 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1861 | Milone C., Ricamo R. | Angular Distribution of Photoprotons from Oxygen. | 1957 | 5 | 1338 | 1339 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1862 | Milone C., Ricamo R., Rinzivillo R. | Photoprotons from Oxygen up to 30 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 532 | 534 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1863 | Milone C., Ricamo R., Rubbino A. | C and Al Photoproton angular energy distribution. | 1957 | 5 | 528 | 531 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1864 | Prowse D.J. | An Analysis of the Pairs Produced by (8)Be (gamma)-Rays in the Photographic Emulsions. | 1957 | 5 | 977 | 982 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1865 | Sawicki J., Szymanski Z. | Nucleon-Surface Interaction and the (p,n) Reactions. | 1957 | 5 | 1777 | 1781 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1866 | Soga M., Fujita J. | Widths of the Giant Resonance of Photonuclear Reactions. | 1957 | 6 | 1494 | 1499 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1867 | Tomasini A. | Multiple Emission in Nuclear Reactions. | 1957 | 6 | 404 | 407 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
1868 | Gallone S., Prosperi G.M., Scotti A. | Evaluation of Nuclear Fusion Probability in Mesic Molecules. | 1957 | 6 | 168 | 172 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1869 | Giori C., Succi C. | Urto nucleare elastico di positroni da 2 MeV in argon. | 1957 | 6 | 937 | 945 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1870 | Gupta R.K., Jha S. | On the Neutron Deficient Isotopes of Thallium, (22)Tl and (202) Tl. | 1957 | 5 | 1524 | 1527 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1871 | Hossain A., Prowse D.J. | On the 7.7 MeV Level of Carbon 12. | 1957 | 5 | 973 | 976 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1872 | Narumi H., Matsuo S. | A Note Concernig the Electric Hexadecapole Moment of the First Excited (111)Cd Nucleus. | 1957 | 6 | 398 | 399 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1873 | Tyrén H., Maris Th.A.J., Hillman P. | Inner Shell Structure of Nuclei. | 1957 | 6 | 1507 | 1509 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1874 | Uberall H. | Angular Cistribution of Neutrons from (mu)- Absorption in Nuclei. | 1957 | 6 | 533 | 541 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
1875 | Goswami S.N. | Ambipolar Diffusion in a Magnetic Field in the Case of Glow Discharge. | 1957 | 5 | 1769 | 1770 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
1876 | Amaldi E., Castagnoli C., Ferro-Luzzi M., Franzinetti C., Manfredini A. | Further Results on Antiproton Annihilations. | 1957 | 5 | 1797 | 1800 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1877 | Colli L., Micheletti S. | On the Existence of Large Intensity Modulations in the Spectra of Protons from Some Nuclear Reactions. | 1957 | 6 | 1001 | 1005 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1878 | Tenaglia L. | Stuttura del protone o scattering elettrone-protone. | 1957 | 5 | 229 | 241 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1879 | Tenaglia L. | Proprietà elettromagnetiche del protone e rinormalizzazione della costante d'accoppiamento. | 1957 | 5 | 220 | 228 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
1880 | Ascoli-Balzanelli A., Ascoli A. | The Cerenkov effect Produced by Single Particles in Gases. | 1957 | 6 | 1392 | 1408 | Quantum electrodynamics | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1881 | Minguzzi A. | Non Linear Effects in the Vacuum Polarization (II). | 1957 | 6 | 501 | 511 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
1882 | Sen P. | A Gauge Invariant Lagrangian for a Non-Local Electrodynamics. | 1957 | 6 | 400 | 402 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
1883 | Bocchieri P., Montaldi E. | Sull'operatore hamiltoniano delle teorie beta. | 1957 | 6 | 710 | 718 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1884 | Carrassi M. | The Spin Kinematics for a Charged Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field. | 1957 | 5 | 955 | 960 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1885 | Clementel E., Villi C., Jess L. | Phase shift Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering Experiments. II.-Analysis of the Scattering Data from 18 to 260 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 907 | 920 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1886 | D'Espagnat B., Prentki J | Renormalization d'une théorie ne conservant pas la parité. | 1957 | 6 | 1129 | 1134 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1887 | Franchetti S. | Simple Treatment of Central Force Collisions with Particular Reference to Phase Shift Calculation. | 1957 | 6 | 601 | 613 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1888 | Gourdin M., Martin A. | Interaction non locale séparable et matrice de collision. | 1957 | 6 | 757 | 779 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1889 | Green H.S. | Separability of a Covariant Wave Equation. | 1957 | 5 | 866 | 871 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1890 | Hori S., Wakasa A. | Individual Mass Reversal and Parity Non-Conservation. | 1957 | 6 | 304 | 310 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1891 | Joos H., Leal Ferreira J., Zimerman A.H. | A Special Representation for the Treatment of System of two Dirac Particles. | 1957 | 5 | 57 | 64 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1892 | Keller J.B. | Bounds on Phase Shifts. | 1957 | 5 | 1122 | 1127 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1893 | Nambu Y. | Parametric Representations of General Green's Functions. | 1957 | 6 | 1064 | 1083 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1894 | Percus J.K., Yevick G.J. | Statistical Approach to the Domain of Action of Collective Co-ordinates in the Many Body Problems. | 1957 | 5 | 1057 | 1073 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1895 | Power A.E., Zienau S. | On the Radioactive Contributions to the Van der Waals Force. | 1957 | 6 | 7 | 17 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1896 | Swart J.J., Marshak R.E., Signell P.S. | Effect of the Spin-Orbit Potential of the Magnetic Moment of the Deuteron. | 1957 | 6 | 1189 | 1192 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1897 | Takahashi Y. | On the Generalized Ward Identity. | 1957 | 6 | 371 | 375 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1898 | Toraldo di Francia G. | On a Macroscopic Measurement of the Sin of the Electromagnetic Radiation. | 1957 | 6 | 150 | 167 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1899 | Van Wyk C.B. | Charge Conjugation and Angular Momentum. | 1957 | 6 | 522 | 532 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1900 | Verde M. | The High Energy Limit of the Potential Scattering. I._ Non Relativistic Kinematics. | 1957 | 6 | 340 | 354 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
1901 | Bertotti B. | A Remark on the Paper "Gravitational Motion and Hamilton's Principle". | 1957 | 6 | 755 | 756 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1902 | Brahmachary R.L. | A Generalization of Reissner-Nordstrom Solution. II. | 1957 | 5 | 1520 | 1523 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1903 | Buchdahl H.A. | Reciprocal Static Solutions of Field Equations Involving an Asymmetrical Fundamental Tensor. | 1957 | 5 | 1082 | 1093 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1904 | Das A. | On the Perihelion Shift in Conformally Flat Space-Time. | 1957 | 6 | 1489 | 1490 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1905 | Faragò P.S., Jànossy L. | Review of the Experimental Evidence for the Law of Variation of the Electron Mass with Velocity. | 1957 | 5 | 1411 | 1436 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1906 | Gursey F. | General Relativistic Interpretation of Some Spinor Wave Equations. | 1957 | 5 | 154 | 171 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1907 | Gursey F. | Relativistic Kinematics of a Classical Point Particle in Spinor Form. | 1957 | 5 | 784 | 809 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
1908 | Ascoli A., Asdente M., Germagnoli E. | On the Atomic Displacements Produced by (alfa)-Particles in Germanium. | 1957 | 5 | 1145 | 1152 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1909 | Bardeen J. | Gauge Invariance and the Energy Gap Model of Superconductivity. | 1957 | 5 | 1766 | 1768 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1910 | Brovetto P., Ferroni S. | On the Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Triphenylmethyl. | 1957 | 5 | 142 | 153 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1911 | Buckingham M.J. | A Note on the energy Gap Model of Superconductivity. | 1957 | 5 | 1763 | 1765 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1912 | Caldirola P., Rossi G. | Effetti isotopici nell'adsorbimento di gas su solidi. | 1957 | 5 | 1316 | 1332 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1913 | Della Pergola G.C., Sette D. | Effetti Galvanomagnetici nel germanio. | 1957 | 5 | 1670 | 1678 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1914 | Fenoglio M. | Relazioni cristallografico-strutturali tra il difenile ed una serie di suoi nuovi derivati. | 1957 | 5 | 765 | 772 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1915 | Ferro A., Montalenti G. | Sulle variazioni delle proprietà magnetiche e meccaniche causate dall'idrogeno disciolto nel ferro. | 1957 | 5 | 842 | 853 | Solid state Physics | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1916 | Milone M., Borello E. | Sulla struttura della gliossima allo stato solido. | 1957 | 5 | 562 | 571 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1917 | Piontelli R., Paganini L. | Electrochemistry of Metallic Single Crystals. I.-Exchange Overvoltages on Silver and Copper. | 1957 | 5 | 1018 | 1019 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1918 | Rigault G. | Relazioni tra la struttura della blenda e il contenuto in gallio e indio. | 1957 | 5 | 579 | 586 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1919 | Verdini L. | Velocità delle onde elastiche a dissipazione interna nel metacrilato di polimetile. | 1957 | 5 | 648 | 658 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
1920 | Polkinghorne J.C. | On the Strong Interactions. | 1957 | 6 | 864 | 868 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
1921 | Alexander G., Johnston R.H.W. | On the Relation between Blob-Density and Velocity of a Singly Charged Particle in G-5 Emulsion. | 1957 | 5 | 363 | 379 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1922 | Alvial G., Stantic S. | Application of the Klausen Micrometer to the Measurements of Multiple Scattering of Elementary Particles in Nuclear emulsion. | 1957 | 5 | 1333 | 1334 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1923 | Alyea E.D. jr., Gallagher L.R., Mullins J.H., Teem J.M. | A WF(6) Bubble Chamber. | 1957 | 6 | 1480 | 1488 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1924 | Amaldi U. jr. | Sugli impulsi prodotti dai raggi cosmici nei fotomoltiplicatori. | 1957 | 6 | 946 | 952 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1925 | Anderson H.L., Davidon W.C. | Machine Analysis of Pion Scattering by the Maximum Likelihoood Method. | 1957 | 5 | 1238 | 1255 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1926 | Annis M., Harmon N.F., Sard R.D. | A Multiplate Cloud Chamber Study of Unstable Particles. | 1957 | 6 | 1155 | 1167 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1927 | Bassi P., Loria A., Meyer J.A., Mittner P., Scotoni I. | Stereoscopy in Bubble Chambers. | 1957 | 5 | 1729 | 1738 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1928 | Bertanza L., Martelli G., Tallini B. | Bubble Density Along the Path of Ionizing Particles Crossing a Bubble Chamber. | 1957 | 5 | 940 | 946 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1929 | Beusch W., Knoepfel H., Loepfe E., Maeder D., Stoll P. | Thallium Activated CsI for Scintillation Spectroscopy. | 1957 | 5 | 1355 | 1357 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1930 | Bichara M.R. | Risultati di un oscillatore con transistore. | 1957 | 5 | 702 | 706 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1931 | Blanc D. | Influence de la longueur efficace et du diamétre du cylindre sur la courbe de palier des compteurs de Geiger-Muller à parois de verre et graphitage externe. | 1957 | 6 | 974 | 976 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1932 | Brennan M.H. | The Response of a Liquid Scintillation Counter to Extensive Shower of Low Density. | 1957 | 6 | 216 | 225 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1933 | Bullock F.W., Dodd C., Henderson C., Kalmus G. | Operatig Characteristics of a Gas-Liquid Bubble Chamber. | 1957 | 6 | 334 | 339 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1934 | Burge E.J., Davies J.H., Van Heerden I.J., Prowse D.J. | On Some Aspects of Processing Thick Nuclear Emulsions. | 1957 | 5 | 1005 | 1008 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1935 | Cambieri A., Pappalardo R. | Backscattering dei positroni del (22)Na. | 1957 | 6 | 743 | 744 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1936 | Carrelli A., Gaeta F.S. | A New Method for the Determination of the Acoustic Absorption Coefficient in Liquids. | 1957 | 5 | 773 | 783 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1937 | Carrelli A., Porreca F. | Information on a 2.5 MeV Microton. | 1957 | 6 | 729 | 734 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1938 | Colombo S., Cottini C., Gatti E. | Improvements on a Multichannel Pulse Analyzer. | 1957 | 5 | 748 | 750 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1939 | Colombo S., Gatti E., Pignanelli M. | Accuracy Limits in the Measurement of Time Intervals Defined by Scintillation Counter Pulses. | 1957 | 5 | 1739 | 1762 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1940 | Cranshaw T.E., De Beer J.F. | A Triggered Spark Counter. | 1957 | 5 | 1107 | 1117 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1941 | De Benedetti S., Farinelli U., Ferrero F., Malvano R., Pelli G., Tribuno C. | A Short Lived Isomeric State of (208)Bi. | 1957 | 6 | 682 | 685 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1942 | Debeauvais M., Picciotto E., Wilgain S. | Arret de la diffusion des radio-éléments dans les émulsions nucléaires par exposition a basse température. | 1957 | 5 | 260 | 265 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1943 | Ferrero F., Malvano R., Tribuno C. | Camera di ionizzaaione per raggi X fino a 31 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 510 | 512 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1944 | Filosofo I. | A Cerenkov Counter as High Energy Photon spectrometer. | 1957 | 6 | 701 | 709 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1945 | Fiorini E., Giacconi R., Sichirollo A.E., Succi C. | Osservazioni sul funzionamento di una Camera Wilson con surcompressione. | 1957 | 6 | 355 | 363 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1946 | Fiorini E., Giacconi R., Succi C. | Una nuova camera di Wilson di grandi dimensioni. | 1957 | 6 | 963 | 973 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1947 | Focardi S., Rubbia C., Torelli G., Bella F. | Metodi di comando rapido di rivelatori di tracce. | 1957 | 5 | 275 | 282 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1948 | Friedlander M.W., Keefe D., Menon M.G.K. | The Range in G5 Nuclear Emulsion of Protons with Energies 87,118 and 146 MeV. | 1957 | 5 | 461 | 472 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1949 | Gardner J.W. | Pinched Discharge and Thermonuclear Reactors. | 1957 | 6 | 1228 | 1229 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1950 | Ghose T., Ghosh S.K., Roy D.K. | A Method for Measuring the Relation Time T(1). | 1957 | 5 | 1771 | 1772 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1951 | Ghose T., Ghosh S.K., Roy D.K. | Spin-Echoes with any Number of Pulses. | 1957 | 5 | 751 | 753 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1952 | Golding L.L., Koskarev D.G. | Linear Theory of Synchroton Oscillations. II.- Particles Losses During Acceleration and Tolerance Theory. | 1957 | 6 | 286 | 298 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1953 | Grouse P.J., Rathgeber H.D. | Counting Rate Curves for Geiger Counters and their Geometry. | 1957 | 6 | 719 | 722 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1954 | Grouse P.J., Rathgeber H.D. | A Geiger Counter Design Giving a Definite Counting Lenght. | 1957 | 5 | 707 | 716 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1955 | Henderson C., Kalmus G. | Correlation of Gas Bubble Chamber Results with Glaser's Theory. | 1957 | 6 | 925 | 926 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1956 | John W., Stoppini G. | A p, (gamma) Coincidence Method for the Measurement of (pigreco)-° Photoproduction. | 1957 | 6 | 1206 | 1210 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1957 | Jona Lasinio G., Moneti G.C. | The Liquid Helium Bubble Chamber as Analyzer of Proton Polarization. | 1957 | 6 | 989 | 993 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1958 | Laby J.E., Lim Y.K., Hopper V.D. | Level Flights with Expansible Balloons. | 1957 | 5 | 249 | 259 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1959 | Matveev A.N. | A Non-Linear Theory of Phase Oscillations Induced by Radiation Fluctuations in Synchrotrons. | 1957 | 5 | 1782 | 1783 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1960 | Matveev A.N. | Electron Motion inSynchrotrons in the Presence of Radiation. | 1957 | 6 | 1305 | 1317 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1961 | Matveev A.N. | About Damping and Antidamping Betatron Ascillations, Taking into account Non-Adiabatic Properties of the Radiation. | 1957 | 6 | 1296 | 1304 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1962 | Morongiu N. | Diffusione di radioelementi della famiglia del Th nelle emulsioni nucleari. | 1957 | 6 | 1102 | 1105 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1963 | Orient O.J., Vizsolyi E.I. | Diborane-gas filled Tubes for Measuring Thermic Neutrons. | 1957 | 5 | 1722 | 1728 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1964 | Palma-Vittorelli M.B., Palma M.U., Palumbo D. | The Behaviour of Phase-Sensitive Detectors. | 1957 | 6 | 1211 | 1220 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1965 | Porter N.A. | The Effects of Ultra-Violet Converters of the Efficiency of Liquid Cerencov Counters. | 1957 | 5 | 526 | 527 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1966 | Silvestri M., Adorni N. | Apparato per misure standard di scambio isotopico del deuterio fra idrogeno e vapor d'acqua a pressione atmosferica e a 100° C. | 1957 | 5 | 266 | 274 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1967 | Tsai-Chu | Determination of Distorsion Vectors in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1957 | 5 | 1128 | 1135 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1968 | Varik M. | Experiments in the use of Thermistors for Low Pressure-Measurements. | 1957 | 6 | 723 | 728 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1969 | Yamaguchi S. | An Experiment for Polarization of Free Electrons. | 1957 | 6 | 977 | 978 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1970 | Zaglio E. | High Sensitivity Transistor Pulse Trigger Circuit. | 1957 | 6 | 512 | 515 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
1971 | Barone A. | Interferometro per misure di precisione della velocità degli ultrasuoni nei liquidi. | 1957 | 5 | 717 | 728 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1972 | Porreca F. | On the Phase Grating in Suspensions Crossed by Ultrasound. | 1957 | 6 | 917 | 924 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
1973 | Case K.M., Yang C.N., Karplus R. | A Reply to a Criticism by Mr. A. Gamba. | 1957 | 5 | 1004 | 1004 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
1974 | Cini M., Fubini S. | Some Remarks About a Paper by Fukutome and Nogami. | 1957 | 5 | 1371 | 1373 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
1975 | Morrison P. | On Gamma-Ray Astronomy. | 1958 | 7 | 858 | 865 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
1976 | Careri G., Paoletti A., Vicentinui M. | Further Experiments on LLiquid Indium and tTin Self-Diffusion. | 1958 | 10 | 1088 | 1099 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1977 | Cini-Castagnoli G., Pizzella G., Ricci F.P. | The Diffusion of Argon and Tritium in Liquid Nitrogen. | 1958 | 10 | 300 | 309 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1978 | Debenedetti A. | On the Mechanical Activation of the Thermoluminescence in Calcite. | 1958 | 7 | 251 | 254 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1979 | Favini G., Carrà S., Pierpaoli V., Polezzo S., Simonetta M. | Electronic Spectra on Mono-, Di- and Tri-Azinesof the Naphetalene Series. | 1958 | 8 | 60 | 67 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1980 | Peraldo Bicelli L. | Infrared Absorption Spectra of some Pyridine Molecular Complexes. | 1958 | 9 | 184 | 185 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1981 | Simonetta M., Carrà S. | The Height of the Barrier Hindering Rotation in Nitrsodimethylamine. | 1958 | 9 | 902 | 907 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1982 | Tosi M.P., Fumi F.G. | The Interaction between Equilibrium Defects in the Alkali Halides: the "Ground State" Binding Energy of the Vanancy Pair. | 1958 | 7 | 95 | 106 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
1983 | Bisi V., Cester R., Garelli C.M., Tallone L. | High Z Nuclei in Cosmic Radiation. | 1958 | 10 | 881 | 891 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1984 | Brown R.R. | Latitude Variation of 27-Day Cosmic Ray Intensity Decreases. | 1958 | 9 | 197 | 207 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1985 | Cervasi Fidecaro M., Fidecaro G., Marini G., Mezzetti L. | The Zenithal Distribution of the Cosmic Ray Nuetrons in the High Energy Range. | 1958 | 9 | 37 | 58 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1986 | Cester R., 6 | On the Charge and Energy Spectrum of Heavy Primaries in Cosmic Radiation. | 1958 | 7 | 371 | 399 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1987 | Fowler J.M., Primakoff H., Sard R.D. | The Polarization of Cosmic Ray Muons. | 1958 | 9 | 1027 | 1045 | Cosmic rays | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
1988 | Gall R., Lifshitz J. | The Simple Cones of Albedo of Cosmic Rays. | 1958 | 7 | 601 | 606 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1989 | Gardner J.W. | The Electromagnetic Cascade with Tridents. | 1958 | 7 | 10 | 22 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1990 | Garelli C.M., Quassiati B., Vigone M. | On the Energy Determination of the Heavy Primaries. | 1958 | 8 | 731 | 739 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1991 | Gill P.S., Mitra A.N. | Hemispherical Distribution of Cosmic Rays at 25° Geomagnetic Latitude. | 1958 | 9 | 400 | 411 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1992 | Ishikawa G., Maeda K. | The Average Multiplicity and Inelasticity in (pigreco) Meson Production in the Atmosphere. | 1958 | 7 | 53 | 66 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1993 | Koshiba M., Schultz G., Marcel Schein | The charge Spectrum of the Cosmic Radiation at 41° N. | 1958 | 9 | 1 | 16 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1994 | Max Woods, Bharucha-Reid A.T. | Age-Dependent Branchinng Stochastic Processes in the Cascade Theory -II. | 1958 | 10 | 569 | 578 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1995 | Palmeira R.A.R, Williams R.W. | Rapid Decrease of Cosmic-Ray Intensity. | 1958 | 8 | 352 | 355 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1996 | Singer S.F. | Cosmic Ray Evidence on the Origin of the Meteorites. | 1958 | 8 | 539 | 548 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1997 | Steljes J.F., Carmichael H. | Rapid Decrease of Cosmic Ray Intensity. | 1958 | 10 | 393 | 394 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1998 | Subramanian A., Naranan S., Ramanamurthy P.V., Sahiar A.B., Siddheshwar Lal | Flux of Slow (mu) Mesons and Protons Near Geomagnetic Equator. | 1958 | 7 | 110 | 113 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
1999 | Aliverti G., De Maio A., Lovera G., Perilli Fedeli R., Sacchetti L. | Sulla determinazione del radon nell'aria tellurica mediante lastre nucleari. | 1958 | 10 | 68 | 77 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2000 | Alles W., Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli M., Gessaroli R., Quareni G., Going H., Gottstein K., Puschel W., Tietge J., Zorn G.T., Crussard J., Hennessy J., Dascola G., Mora S. | An Investigation of Angular Correlations in the Decay of Charged Hyperons. | 1958 | 10 | 175 | 176 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2001 | Beresteckij V.B., Rudik A.P. | Polarization of the Internal Conversion Electrons Accompanying beta-Decay. | 1958 | 10 | 375 | 382 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2002 | Besson C., Brisson-Fouché V. | Energy Dependence of the Asymmetry Parameter of (pigreco)-(mu)- (e) Decay in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1958 | 10 | 1143 | 1145 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2003 | Bhattacherjee S.K., Nainan T.D., Shree Raman, Baldev Sahai | Decay of (152)Eu and the Unified Nuclear Model. | 1958 | 7 | 501 | 523 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2004 | Bhowmik B., Evans D., Prowse D.J., Anderson F., Keefe D., Kernan A. | On the Decay Modes of Interating and Non-Interatinng K+ Mesons. | 1958 | 8 | 147 | 154 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2005 | Bisi A., Zappa L. | On the Decay of (185)W. | 1958 | 10 | 90 | 95 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2006 | Brat Pal Singh, Hans H.S., Gill P.S. | Investigation of the Decay of Polonium-210. | 1958 | 9 | 699 | 705 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2007 | Bruin M., Holthuizen D.J., Jongejans B. | On the Abundances of the K(mu)3 and K(e)3 decay Modes of Positive K Mesons. | 1958 | 9 | 422 | 432 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2008 | Chinaglia B., Demichelis F. | Revision of (212)Bi(83) (gamma) Spectrum by Means of the (gamma)-(alfa) Coincidences. | 1958 | 8 | 365 | 368 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2009 | Connolly P., Lynch G. | Angular Distribution in (pigreco)-(mu) Decay. | 1958 | 9 | 1077 | 1081 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2010 | Dugnani Lonati R., Facchini U., Iori I., Houtermans F.G., Tongiorgi E. | Study on (alfa) Radioactivity in Low Concentration. | 1958 | 7 | 133 | 141 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2011 | Eisenberg Y., Koch W., Lohrmann E., Nikolic M., Schneeberger M., Winzeler H. | Interactions and Decays of K- mesons. III.-Analysis of the Stars in Flight. | 1958 | 9 | 745 | 779 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2012 | Eisenberg Y., Kock W., Lohrmann E., Nikolic M., Schneeberger M., Winzeler H. | Interactions and Decays of K- Mesons. II.- Analysis of the Decays. | 1958 | 8 | 663 | 670 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2013 | Frota-Pessoa E., Margem N. | Diffusion of (214)Pb in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1958 | 10 | 1039 | 1048 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2014 | Furuichi S., Sawada S., Yonezawa M. | Some Features of the Electron Energy Spectrum in the K(e)3 Decay Process. | 1958 | 10 | 541 | 543 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2015 | Geskenbein B.V. | On beta-Transitions O-O with Change of Parity. | 1958 | 10 | 383 | 384 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2016 | Geskenbein B.V. | Polarizati8on of Electrons of Integral Conversion Following the beta-Decay Taking into Account the Electric Field of the Nucleus. | 1958 | 10 | 365 | 374 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2017 | Goldberger M.L., Treiman S.B. | Neutral Pion Decay. | 1958 | 9 | 451 | 460 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2018 | Gupta R.K., Jha S., Joshi M.C., Madan B.K. | On the Decay of (133)Ba. | 1958 | 8 | 48 | 59 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2019 | Imaeda K., Kazuno M., Aiba T. | Analysis of three Hypertriton Decays. | 1958 | 9 | 324 | 326 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2020 | Jacob M. | Angular Distributions in Strange Particles Two Body- Decays. | 1958 | 9 | 826 | 833 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2021 | Joshi M.C., Subba B.N., Thosar B.V. | Conversion Coefficient of the 87 KeV Transition in (160)Dy. | 1958 | 10 | 775 | 779 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2022 | Keszthelyi L., Zimanyi J. | Polarization of beta- Particles in (8)Li-Decay. | 1958 | 10 | 909 | 910 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2023 | Lewis H.W. | Radiative Corrections to the (pigreco)->e+(ni) Decay. | 1958 | 10 | 405 | 406 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2024 | Lohrmann E., Nikolic M., Schneeberger M., Waloschek P., Winzeler H. | Interactions and Decays of K- Mesons. | 1958 | 7 | 163 | 170 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2025 | Luders G. | On the Pursey-Pauli Invariants in the Theory of Beta Decay. | 1958 | 7 | 171 | 189 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2026 | MacDowell S.W. | Correlated Polarization of Muons in K(mu3) Decay. | 1958 | 9 | 258 | 262 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2027 | McKenna S., Natali S., O'Connell M., Tietge J., Varshneya N.C. | A Study of 540 (tau)-Meson Decays. | 1958 | 10 | 763 | 774 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2028 | Nakagawa K., Umezawa H. | The Selection Rules on Hyperon Decays. | 1958 | 10 | 911 | 912 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2029 | Picciotto E. | Mesure de la radioactivité de l?air dans l' Antarctique. | 1958 | 10 | 190 | 191 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2030 | Prosperi D., Sciuti S. | Branching Ratio of ThC (212Bi). | 1958 | 9 | 734 | 735 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2031 | Prowse D.J., Baldo Coelin M. | A Decay of an Anti-hyperon , lambda°. in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1958 | 10 | 635 | 645 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2032 | Prowse D.J., Evans D. | A Further Example of an Anomalous K+ decay. | 1958 | 8 | 856 | 860 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2033 | Ricci R.A. | Sulla "Bremsstrahlung interna" associata al decadimento beta del (204)Tl(81). | 1958 | 8 | 1 | 16 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2034 | Sangiust V. | Note on the Decay of 82 Sr. | 1958 | 9 | 446 | 450 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2035 | Sawyer R.F. | Isotopic Properties of the K-Meson Decay Interaction. | 1958 | 8 | 350 | 351 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2036 | Schneider H., Van Heerden I.J., Reitmann D. | On the Internal Conversion of the E3-Transition in (107)Ag. | 1958 | 10 | 338 | 341 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2037 | Zipf T.F., Perl M.L. | Study of (tau)+ Meson Decay in a Propane Bubble Chamber. | 1958 | 8 | 622 | 623 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2038 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Dispersion Relations for Momentum Transfer Heavy Meson_Nucleon Scattering. | 1958 | 7 | 190 | 199 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2039 | Logunov A.A., Isaev P.S.. | On the Theory of Dispersion Relations for Photon-Nucleon Scattering. | 1958 | 10 | 917 | 942 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2040 | Logunov A.A., Tavkhelidze A.N. | Generalized Dispersion Relations. | 1958 | 10 | 943 | 952 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2041 | Minguzzi A. | Charge Meson-Nucleon Dispersion Relations with Fixed Nucleons. | 1958 | 9 | 1114 | 1116 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2042 | Nambu Y. | Dispersion Relations for Form Factors. | 1958 | 9 | 610 | 623 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2043 | Barzilai G., Gerosa G. | Modes in Rectangular Guides Filled with Magnetized Ferrite. | 1958 | 7 | 685 | 697 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2044 | Bogoljubov N.N. | On a New Method in the Theory of Superconductivity. | 1958 | 7 | 794 | 805 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2045 | Gosar P. | Propagation of Waves through a Sheet of the Medium with a Cubic Periodic Structure. | 1958 | 7 | 742 | 763 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2046 | Jatar D.P. | Starting Potential for the Coaxial Cylinder Coronas in Hydrogen under Low Frequency Silent Electric Discharge. | 1958 | 8 | 290 | 295 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2047 | Nozieres P., Pines D. | A Dielectric Formulation of the Many Body Problem: Application to the Free Electron Gas. | 1958 | 9 | 470 | 490 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2048 | Sciama D.W. | On the Geometrical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. | 1958 | 8 | 417 | 431 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2049 | Tietz T. | Eine Tabelle fur den Factor der Inkoharenten Streung. | 1958 | 8 | 441 | 444 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2050 | Valatin J.G. | Comments on the Theory of Superconductivity. | 1958 | 7 | 843 | 857 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2051 | Fronsdal C., Uberall H. | Circular Polarization of Bremsstrahlung from High Energy Electrons with Arbitrary Polarization. | 1958 | 8 | 163 | 165 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2052 | Gupta R.K., Madan B.K. | Note on the Electron Capture Decay of (121)Te(m). | 1958 | 9 | 1117 | 1117 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2053 | Nagy K., Farkas I. | The Electron-Electron Scattering with Longitudinal Polarized Electron Beam. | 1958 | 7 | 570 | 574 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2054 | Okun L.B., Sehter V.M. | On the Polarization of Electrons from the Decay of Muons. | 1958 | 10 | 359 | 364 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2055 | Pandit L.K. | Relativistic Electron-Proton Scattering According to Meson Theory. | 1958 | 7 | 263 | 265 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2056 | Raboy S., Trail C.C. | On the Relation between Velocity and Mass of the Electron. | 1958 | 10 | 797 | 803 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2057 | Schneider H., Barnerd E. | Double Scattering of Electrons. | 1958 | 8 | 770 | 772 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2058 | Valk H.S. | High-Energy Electron Scattering from Nuclei with Finite Charge Distributions. | 1958 | 10 | 200 | 204 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2059 | Barut A.O. | On the Symmetry of Elementary Particles. | 1958 | 10 | 1146 | 1147 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2060 | Bertocchi L., Lendinara L. | Pion-Proton Scattering Dispersion Relations. | 1958 | 10 | 734 | 738 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2061 | Bilenky S.M. | A Possible Method for the Determination of the Parity of Strange Particles. | 1958 | 10 | 1049 | 1052 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2062 | Blumenfeld H., Chinowsky W., Lederman L.M. | Observation of Production, decay, and Interaction of Strange Particles. | 1958 | 8 | 296 | 315 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2063 | Bosgra S.j., Bruin F. | Seach for Particles of Mass 500m(e). | 1958 | 10 | 551 | 552 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2064 | Bowen T., Di Corato M., Moore W.H., Tagliaferri G., | Absorption Cross Sections of Carbon, Iron and Lead for 1.5 GeV Negative Pions and 2.8 GeV Protons. | 1958 | 9 | 908 | 919 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2065 | Castagnoli C., Manfredini A. | A Case of Double Pair Production by an Electron. | 1958 | 8 | 778 | 780 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2066 | Conversi M., Fiorini E., Ratti S., Rubbia C., Succi C., Torelli G. | A Search for Particles of 550 m(e). | 1958 | 9 | 740 | 744 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2067 | Cooper W.A., Filthuth H., Montanet L., Newth J.A., Petrucci G., Salmeron R.A., Zichichi A. | Neutral V-Particles from Copper and Carbon. | 1958 | 8 | 471 | 481 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2068 | Dallaporta N. | On the Possible Regularities Underlying the Scheme of Elementary Particle States. | 1958 | 7 | 200 | 214 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2069 | Gourdin M., Jancovici B., Verlet L. | On the Nucleon-Antinucleon Interaction. | 1958 | 8 | 485 | 496 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2070 | Ingraham R.L. | On the Classification of the New Particles. | 1958 | 10 | 1060 | 1070 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2071 | Kusch W. | Measurement of the Absorption in Graphite of Electrons from Muon Decay. | 1958 | 8 | 762 | 764 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2072 | Sen P. | Non-Local Theory of Elementary Particles. | 1958 | 8 | 407 | 416 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2073 | Tsai-Chu | Detailed Studies of an Event Involving the Multiple Production of Strange Particles. | 1958 | 10 | 435 | 451 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2074 | Allcock G.R., Hooton D.J. | Charge Conservation in the Bethe-Salpeter Equation. | 1958 | 8 | 590 | 598 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2075 | Ascoli R. | Two Components Spinor Equation. | 1958 | 8 | 501 | 505 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2076 | Ascoli R., Minardi E. | On the Unitary of the S-Matrix in Quantum Field Theories with Indefinite Metric. | 1958 | 8 | 951 | 953 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2077 | Banerjee H. | On Sommerfeld's Approssimation in High Energy Photoelectric Effect and one Quantum Annihilation of Positrons in the K-shell. | 1958 | 10 | 863 | 880 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2078 | Bassetti M. | Metodi approssimati per lo studio della diffusione pione-nucleone in onde S. | 1958 | 8 | 361 | 362 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2079 | Beiser A. | The External Magnnetic Field of the Earth. | 1958 | 8 | 160 | 162 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2080 | Bellomo E. | Sulla forza di reazione del campo sulla sorgente in forma relativistica. | 1958 | 8 | 247 | 264 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2081 | Bialynicki-Birula I. | The Field Theory with Yukawa Coupling in One Dimension. | 1958 | 10 | 1150 | 1152 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2082 | Blohincev D.I. | On a Possible Limit of Applicability of Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1958 | 9 | 925 | 929 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2083 | Blohincev D.I., Barasenkov V.S., Grisin V.G. | Elastic Scattering and Instrinsic Structure of Elementary Particles. | 1958 | 9 | 249 | 257 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2084 | Bludman S.A. | On the Universal Fermi Interaction. | 1958 | 9 | 433 | 445 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2085 | Bollini C.G. | On the Quantization of Fermion Fields with Zero Mass. | 1958 | 8 | 39 | 47 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2086 | Buccafurri A., Caianiello E.R. | On the Convergence of Perturbative Expansions. | 1958 | 8 | 170 | 173 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2087 | Carrassi M. | The Influence of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Spin Kinematics of Electrons in a Uniform Magnetic Field. | 1958 | 7 | 524 | 535 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2088 | Chadan Kh. | On the Connection between the S-Matrix and a Class of Non-Local Interactions -I. | 1958 | 10 | 892 | 908 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2089 | Chevalier A., Rideau G. | Sur la diagonalisation du modèle de Wentzel. | 1958 | 10 | 228 | 242 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2090 | Chisholm J.S.R., Dixon G.M. | Unitary Trasformations of Symmetric PS-PS and PS-PV Innteractions. | 1958 | 9 | 125 | 135 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2091 | Cirelli R., Esteve Pastor A. | Il metodo funzionale di Feynman in un semplice modello di teoria dei campi. | 1958 | 9 | 560 | 563 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2092 | De Alfaro V. | On the Inversion Problem for a Klein-Gordon Wave Equation. | 1958 | 10 | 675 | 681 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2093 | Dell'Antonio G.F., Gulmanelli P. | On the Locality of (beta) Interaction. | 1958 | 7 | 266 | 268 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2094 | D'Espagnat B. | A New Representation for Baryonic Field and Strong Interactions. | 1958 | 9 | 920 | 923 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2095 | Duimio F. | On the Solutions of the Low Scattering Equation in a Simple Model. | 1958 | 8 | 826 | 833 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2096 | Fairlie D.B., Polkinghorne J.C. | The Solutions of the Low Equation -I. | 1958 | 8 | 345 | 349 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2097 | Fairlie D.B., Polkinghorne J.C. | The Solution of the Low Equation -II. | 1958 | 8 | 555 | 559 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2098 | Federbush P.G., Grisaru M.T. | Representations of Symmetry Operators. | 1958 | 9 | 890 | 894 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2099 | Ferrari E., Jona-Lasinio G. | On the Causal Propagation function of a Dirac Field. | 1958 | 10 | 310 | 337 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2100 | Ferreira E.M. | On the Coupling between (lambda°,p) Field and the K-Meson Field. | 1958 | 8 | 359 | 360 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2101 | Feza Gursey | Relation of Charge Indipendence and Baryon Conservation to Pauli's Transformation. | 1958 | 7 | 411 | 415 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2102 | Garrido L.M. | Strong Coupling Nucleon's Propagator. | 1958 | 9 | 822 | 825 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2103 | Gasiorowicz S., Noyes H.P. | Dispersion Relation for Potential Scattering. | 1958 | 10 | 78 | 89 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2104 | Gatto R., Ruderman M. | On Electromagnetic Corrections from High Energy Virtual Photons. | 1958 | 9 | 556 | 559 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2105 | Gavrila M. | On Hall's Formula for the Relativistic Photoeffect. | 1958 | 9 | 327 | 330 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2106 | Ginzburg I.F., Shirkov D.V. | Asymptotical Behaviour of Higher Green Functions. | 1958 | 8 | 773 | 774 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2107 | Glaser V. | An Explicit Solution of the Thirring Model. | 1958 | 9 | 990 | 1006 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2108 | Goldstein J.S. | Pair Effects in the Lee Model. | 1958 | 9 | 504 | 518 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2109 | Gourdin M., Martin A. | Exact Determination of a Phenomenological Separable Interaction. | 1958 | 8 | 699 | 707 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2110 | Greenberg O.W., Schweber S.S. | Clothed Particle Operators in Simple Models of Quantum Field Theory. | 1958 | 8 | 378 | 406 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2111 | Guttinger W. | Non-Local Structure of Field Theories with Non-Renormalizable Interaction. | 1958 | 10 | 1 | 36 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2112 | Haller K. | Remarks on some Identities in Static Meson Theory. | 1958 | 9 | 346 | 349 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2113 | Hayashi C. | A Remark on a Paper by Barasenkov. | 1958 | 7 | 116 | 117 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2114 | Heber G. | MeBprozeB und algebraische Eigenschaften der FeldgroBen in einer einfachen Modell-Feldtheorie. | 1958 | 8 | 327 | 339 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2115 | Heber G. | Remarks on the Measurability of Electromagnetic Fields. | 1958 | 7 | 677 | 684 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2116 | Horvàth J.I. | Zum Energie-Impulstensor des elektromagnetisshen Feldes in bewegten Dielektrikum. | 1958 | 7 | 628 | 635 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2117 | Horvàth J.I. | Zur Geometrisierung des elektromagnetischen Feldes. | 1958 | 7 | 636 | 648 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2118 | Ito D., Minami S., Tanaka H. | Nucleon Structure and Pion-Phenomena. | 1958 | 9 | 208 | 227 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2119 | Ito D., Minami S., Tanaka H. | A Note on an Acausality Test (II). | 1958 | 9 | 461 | 469 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2120 | Ito D., Minami S., Tanaka H. | A Note on an Acausality Test -(I). | 1958 | 8 | 834 | 842 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2121 | Ito D., Minami S., Tanaka H. | Test on the Global Symmetry. | 1958 | 9 | 554 | 555 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2122 | Kaagjarv L., Ma S.T. | Relativistic Calculation of the Imaginary Part of Radiative Level Displacement for the Hydrogen Atom. | 1958 | 8 | 432 | 440 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2123 | Kawaguchi M. | On the Possibility of the Charge Dependent Correction to the Gravitational Forces. | 1958 | 8 | 506 | 507 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2124 | Kerr R.P. | On Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Moffat's Unified Field Theory. | 1958 | 8 | 789 | 797 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2125 | Kibble T.W.B. | On the Consistency of Schwinger's Action Principle. | 1958 | 10 | 417 | 427 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2126 | Kibble T.W.B., Polkinghorne J.C. | Higher Order Spinor Lagrangians. | 1958 | 8 | 74 | 83 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2127 | Kobayashi T., Klein A. | Remarks on a Model for S-Wave Meson Nucleon Scattering. | 1958 | 8 | 850 | 855 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2128 | Kretzschmar M. | A Simple Formulation of the Elementary Particles Scheme of Gell-Mann and Nishijima. | 1958 | 8 | 949 | 950 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2129 | Kundu S.K. | On Nuclear Magnetic Moment in Meson Field Theory. | 1958 | 8 | 888 | 893 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2130 | Lehmann H. | Analytic Properties of Scattering Amplitudes as Functions of Momentum Transfer. | 1958 | 10 | 579 | 589 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2131 | Liotta R.S. | Some Aspects of the Covariant Functional Formalism of Field Theory -II. | 1958 | 8 | 798 | 806 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2132 | Logunov A.A., Bilenkij S.M., Tavkhelidze A.N. | On the Theory of Dispersion Relations. | 1958 | 10 | 953 | 964 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2133 | Matthews P.T., Salam A. | An Analysis of the Strong Interaction Data. | 1958 | 7 | 789 | 793 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2134 | Miguzzi A. | Casuality and Vacuum Polarization due to a Constant and Radiation Field. | 1958 | 9 | 145 | 153 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2135 | Mihailovic M.V. | The High-Energy End of the Electron-Bremsstrahlung Spectrum. | 1958 | 9 | 331 | 333 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2136 | Minardi E. | Mass Selection Rules in the Bilocal Theory -I. | 1958 | 7 | 715 | 717 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2137 | Minardi E. | Mass Selection Rules in the Bilocal Theory -II. | 1958 | 7 | 898 | 900 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2138 | Mohan G. | On the Creation Operators of Physical Particles. | 1958 | 7 | 491 | 500 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2139 | Nagy K.L. | On the Possibility for the Elimination of the Non-Physical Consequences of the Indefinite Metric. | 1958 | 10 | 1071 | 1077 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2140 | Nagy K.L. | Relativistic Equation for the Distinguished Component of the State Vector. | 1958 | 8 | 32 | 38 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2141 | Nardi V. | On a Method of Covariant Quantization. | 1958 | 8 | 174 | 178 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2142 | Omnès R. | On the Solution of Certain Singular Integral Equations of Quantum Field Theory. | 1958 | 8 | 316 | 326 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2143 | Pandit L.K. | Relativistic Electron-Neutron Scattering According to Meson-Theory. | 1958 | 10 | 534 | 537 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2144 | Polkinghorne J.C. | Renormalization of Axial Vector Coupling -II. | 1958 | 8 | 781 | 781 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2145 | Polkinghorne J.C. | Renormalization of Axial Vector Coupling. | 1958 | 8 | 179 | 180 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2146 | Rayski J. | Heisenberg's Universal Theory and Gravitation. | 1958 | 9 | 337 | 339 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2147 | Regge T. | Gravitational Fields and Quantum Mechanics. | 1958 | 7 | 215 | 221 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2148 | Regge T. | Costruction of Potentials from Resonance Parameters. | 1958 | 9 | 491 | 503 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2149 | Regge T. | On the Analytic Behaviour of the Eigenvalue of the S-Matrix in the Complex Plane of the Energy. | 1958 | 9 | 295 | 302 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2150 | Roman P. | A Remark on Conservation Rules. | 1958 | 10 | 546 | 550 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2151 | Ruderman M.A., Gasiorowicz S. | Limits on Coupling Constants in Field Theories with Finite Sources. | 1958 | 8 | 861 | 877 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2152 | Rzewuski J. | On a Possible Geometrical Interpretation of Gauge Trasformations. | 1958 | 9 | 942 | 949 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2153 | Sakurai J.J. | Mass Reversal annd weak Interactions. | 1958 | 7 | 649 | 660 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2154 | Sharp R.T. | Two-Nucleon Potential From Chew-Low Theory. | 1958 | 9 | 23 | 36 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2155 | Srinivasan S.K., Butcher J.C., Chartres B.A., Messel H. | Numerical Calculations on the New Approach to the Cascade Theory -III. | 1958 | 9 | 77 | 84 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2156 | Thirring W. | On Interacting Spinor Fields in One Dimension. | 1958 | 9 | 1007 | 1015 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2157 | Toushek B. | The Symmetry Properties of Fermi Dirac Fields. | 1958 | 8 | 181 | 182 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2158 | Van Wyk C.B. | Covaiant Description of Spin. | 1958 | 10 | 854 | 862 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2159 | Wataghin G. | Causality, Complementary and S-Matrix Formalism in 4 Non-Local Relativistic Theories of Fields. | 1958 | 9 | 519 | 523 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2160 | Weidlich W. | Zum Aufbau der Quantenfeldtheorie ohne Lagrangeformalismus. | 1958 | 9 | 228 | 248 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2161 | Werle J. | Phenomenological Theory of the S-Matrix and T,C and P Invariance. | 1958 | 9 | 569 | 585 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2162 | Werle J. | Phenomenological Theory of the S Matrix ans T, C and P Invariance (II). | 1958 | 9 | 1091 | 1106 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2163 | Yamaguchi S. | Magnetic Perturbation of Cathode Rays. | 1958 | 10 | 714 | 717 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2164 | Yennie D.R., Gartenhaus S. | Convergence of the S-Matrix. | 1958 | 9 | 59 | 76 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2165 | Zimmermann W. | On the Bound State Problem in Quantum Field Theory. | 1958 | 10 | 597 | 614 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2166 | Franchetti S. | On the Elium Film in Non-Static Conditions. | 1958 | 10 | 622 | 634 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2167 | Grossetti E. | Born-Lertes Effect of the Dipolar Rotation of Liquids. | 1958 | 10 | 193 | 199 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2168 | Halbwachs F., Hillion P., Vigier J.P. | Lagrangian Formalism In Relativistic Hydrodynamics of Rotating Fluid Masses. | 1958 | 10 | 817 | 833 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2169 | Parthasarathy S., Pancholy M., Chhapgar A.F. | Ultrasonic Absorption in Some Homologus Series of Organic Liquids. PART III.- Alcohols. | 1958 | 10 | 1053 | 1059 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2170 | Parthasarathy S., Pancholy M., Chhapgar A.F. | Ultrasonic Absorption in Some Homologous Series of Organic Liquids. | 1958 | 10 | 111 | 131 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2171 | Singh H. | Sound Absorption in Relation to free Volume of Liquids. | 1958 | 9 | 545 | 546 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2172 | Beltrametti E.G. | Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlations with Circular Polarization Measurements. | 1958 | 8 | 445 | 450 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
2173 | Colli L., Pignanelli M., Rytz A., Zurmuhle R. | Spectrum of Protons from n,p Reactions at 13.4 and 17.5 MeV. | 1958 | 9 | 280 | 288 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
2174 | Lundby A., Patro A.P., Stroot J.P. | Circular Polarization of (gamma)-Rays Emitted Opposite to (beta) Particles. Results on (46)Sc. | 1958 | 7 | 891 | 894 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
2175 | Ascoli G., Hill R.D., Yoon T.S. | Interaction of Negative K Mesons with Protons. | 1958 | 9 | 813 | 821 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2176 | Bacchella G.L., Berthelot A., Bonetti A., Goussu O., Lévy F., René M., Revel D., Sacton J., Scarsi L., Tagliaferri G., Vanderhaeghe G. | Etude de l'absorption des mésonn K- au repos dans l'émulsion nucléaire. | 1958 | 8 | 215 | 246 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2177 | Baldo-Coelin M., Dilworth C., Fry W.F., Greening W.D.B., Huzita H., Limentani S., Sichirollo A.E. | Stimulated Decay of the (lambda) Hyperon in Light Hyperfragment. | 1958 | 7 | 328 | 337 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2178 | Baroncini D., De Sabbata V. | Angular Correlation for Production and Decay of (lambda)°. | 1958 | 7 | 661 | 676 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2179 | Bernardini M., Brovetto P., Debenedetti S., Ferroni S. | Non-Conservation of Parity in K-Capture. | 1958 | 7 | 419 | 421 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2180 | Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli M. | On the (sigma)- Capture and the (lambda) Nucleon Cross-Section. | 1958 | 8 | 599 | 606 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2181 | Biswas S.N. | "Composite" Model of K Mesons. | 1958 | 7 | 577 | 600 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2182 | Coelin C., Dallaporta N., Taffara L. | K- Nucleon Scattering with Tamm-Dankoff Approximation. | 1958 | 10 | 186 | 189 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2183 | Coelin C., Dallaporta N., Taffara L. | Pion Production in K+ Nucleon Interaction. | 1958 | 9 | 353 | 357 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2184 | Eisler F., Plano R., Prodell A., Samios N., Schwartz M., Steinberger J., Bassi P., Borelli V., Puppi G., Tanaka H., Waloschek P., Zoboli V., Conversi M., Franzini P., Mannelli I., Santangelo R., Silvestrini V. | Lifetime of lambda° Teta° and sigma-. | 1958 | 10 | 150 | 154 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2185 | Eisles F., Plano R., Prodell A., Samios N., Schwartz M., Steinberger J., Bassi P., Borelli V., Puppi G., Tanaka H., Waloschek P., Zoboli V., Conversi M., Franzini P., Manelli I., Santangelo R., Silvestrini V., Brown G.L., Glaser D.A., Graves C. | Experimental Determination of the (lambda)° and (sigma)- Spins. | 1958 | 7 | 222 | 230 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2186 | Evans D., Hassan F., Nagpaul K.K., Shafi Md., Helmy E., Mulvey J.H., Prowse D.J., Stork D.H. | On the Scattering of (200-300) MeVV K+ Mesons. | 1958 | 10 | 168 | 174 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2187 | Ferrari F., Fonda L. | The Stimulated Decay of the Lambda Hyperon -I. | 1958 | 7 | 320 | 327 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2188 | Fujii A., Marshak R.E. | Absorption of Slow Negative Kaon in HHydrogen and Deuterium. | 1958 | 8 | 643 | 662 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2189 | Furuichi S. | On the Decay Interactions of Neutral K(e3) and K(mu3). | 1958 | 7 | 269 | 277 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2190 | Furuichi S., Sawada S., Yonezawa M. | Note on the Polarization of the Muon in K(mu)(3). | 1958 | 7 | 718 | 719 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2191 | Glasser R.G., Seeman N., Snow G.A. | K- Interactions with Free Protons in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1958 | 9 | 1085 | 1090 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2192 | Glasser R.G., Seeman N., Snow G.A. | Cross Sections for K- p Interaction. | 1958 | 7 | 142 | 146 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2193 | Grilli M., Guerriero L., Merlin M., O'Friel Z., Salandin G.A. | Preliminary Results on K+ Interaction at High Energy (200-350 MeV). | 1958 | 10 | 163 | 167 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2194 | Grilli M., Guerriero L., Merlin M., O'Friel Z., Salandin G.A. | Preliminary Results on K+ Interactio at High Energy (200-350 MeV). | 1958 | 9 | 358 | 361 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2195 | Grilli M., Guerriero L., Merlin M., Salandin G.A. | Analysis of Inelastic Interactions of K+ Mesons with Emulsion Nuclei (40-150 MeV). | 1958 | 10 | 205 | 227 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2196 | Jackson J.D., Ravenhall D.G., Wyld jr. H.W. | Phenomenological Discussion of the Scattering and Absorption of K-Mesons by Protons. | 1958 | 9 | 834 | 841 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2197 | Keffe D., Kernan A., Montwill A. | Preliminary Results on Nuclear Interactions of K+Mesons in the Energy Region (240-300) MeV. | 1958 | 10 | 538 | 540 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2198 | Lichtenberg D.B., Ross M. | On a Compound Model of the Pion-Hyperon Interactions. | 1958 | 10 | 104 | 110 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2199 | Lim T.G., Bosgra S.J. | Nuclear Potential for (tau)+ mesons. | 1958 | 8 | 340 | 344 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2200 | Niu K. | A Model for Multiple Meson Production in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions. | 1958 | 10 | 994 | 1021 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2201 | Sinha M.S., Mallik C.R. | Associated Production of (sigma)° and K*(mu2) | 1958 | 8 | 549 | 554 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2202 | Tsai-Chu, Chemel B., Desprez-Rebaud S. | Associated Production of a K+ Meson and a Hyperfragment. | 1958 | 9 | 192 | 194 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2203 | Wataghin A., Alexander G., Johnston R.H.W. | A Search for the Existence of Asymmetries in Oositeve (K)-Meson Decay. | 1958 | 7 | 128 | 131 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2204 | Webb F.H., Iloff E.L., Featherston F.H., Goldhaber G., Goldhaber S. | Properties of Negative K-Mesons. | 1958 | 8 | 899 | 921 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2205 | Baldo Coelin M., Fry W.F., Huzita H. | The Non-Mesonic Decay in Flight of a He Hyperfragment. | 1958 | 9 | 551 | 553 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2206 | Budini P., Dallaporta N., Fonda L. | On the Charge Conjugation of Baryons. | 1958 | 9 | 316 | 323 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2207 | Ferrari F., Fonda L. | The lambda-Hyperon-Nucleon Problem from Meson Theory. | 1958 | 9 | 842 | 863 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2208 | Fiutak J. | Dirac and Gursey Equations for Bosons. | 1958 | 10 | 292 | 299 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2209 | Grote C. | Decay of Hyperfragments in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1958 | 10 | 652 | 658 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2210 | Jain P.L. | Mesonic Decay of Helium Hyperfragment. | 1958 | 10 | 557 | 559 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2211 | Limentani S.,Schlein P.E., Steinberg P.H., Roberts J.H. | Hyperfragment Binding Energies. | 1958 | 9 | 1046 | 1053 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2212 | Szymanski J. | Hyperfragment Decay Energy and Angular Distribution -I. | 1958 | 10 | 834 | 843 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2213 | Tang Y.C. | The Effect of the Final State Interaction on the Decay of Hyper-5He. | 1958 | 10 | 780 | 788 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2214 | Valatin J.G., Butler D. | On the Collective Properties of a Boson System. | 1958 | 10 | 37 | 54 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2215 | Burkhardt G.H. | The Suppression Effect in Ionization by Fast Electron Pairs. | 1958 | 9 | 375 | 399 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
2216 | Cazzola P., Foglia C. | Inelastic Scattering of Electrons from (6)Li and (14)N. | 1958 | 10 | 913 | 915 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
2217 | Davey P.O., Valk H.S. | A Note on the Inelastic Contributions to the Elastic Scattering of High-Energy Electrons from Helium. | 1958 | 10 | 789 | 796 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
2218 | Fichtel C., Friedlander M.W. | The Scattering Constant for Multiply-Charged Particles in Photographic Emulsion. | 1958 | 10 | 1032 | 1038 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
2219 | Persico E., Linhart J.G. | Plasma Loss from Magnetic Bottles. | 1958 | 8 | 740 | 753 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
2220 | Amati D., Vitale B. | On a Possible Test of Symmetry in Pion-Baryon Interactions. | 1958 | 9 | 895 | 901 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2221 | Baldin A. | Photoproduction of 8pigreco)- Mesons Near Threshold and Value of the Panofsky Ratio. | 1958 | 8 | 569 | 583 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2222 | Baldin A.M., Kabir P.K. | Question of a Second Neutral Pion. | 1958 | 9 | 547 | 550 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2223 | Beneventano M., Bernerdini G., Stoppini G., Tau L. | Photoproduction of Charged Pions in Deuterium. | 1958 | 10 | 1109 | 1142 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2224 | Bertocchi L., Minguzzi A. | Electromagnetic Properties of (pigreco) Meson. | 1958 | 8 | 783 | 786 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2225 | Boggild J.K., Hansen K.H., Scharff M. | Some Experimental Results on the Angular Correlations in the (pigreco)-(mu)-e Decay. | 1958 | 8 | 767 | 769 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2226 | Brown L.M., Telegdi V.L. | On the Spin of the Muons. | 1958 | 7 | 698 | 705 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2227 | Bund G.W., Leal Ferreira P. | Non-Consevation of Parity in the Radiactive (pigreco) Meson Decay. | 1958 | 7 | 246 | 248 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2228 | Castagnoli C., Manfredini A., Merrison A.W. | Energy Dependence of Positron Asymmetry from Polarized Muon Decay in Emulsion. | 1958 | 9 | 186 | 187 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2229 | Cini M., Gatto R., Goldwasser E.L., Ruderman M. | A Note on the Apparent Incontistency Among Measurements of Threshold Pion Interactions. | 1958 | 10 | 243 | 258 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2230 | Ferrari E. | Radiactive (beta)-Decay of the (pigreco) Meson. | 1958 | 8 | 155 | 159 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2231 | Gatto R., Luders G. | Invariants in Muon Decay. | 1958 | 7 | 806 | 820 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2232 | Gatto R., Ruderman M.A. | A Suggestion on the TTheory of the (pigreco)->e+(ni) to (pigreco)-> (mu)+(ni) Ratio. | 1958 | 8 | 775 | 777 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2233 | Hirokawa S., Komori H. | Note on the Properties of the (mu) Meson. | 1958 | 7 | 114 | 115 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2234 | Minguzzi A., Minguzzi-Ranzi A. | Interaction at Low Energies of 8pigreco)+ Mesons in Photographic Plates. | 1958 | 10 | 1100 | 1108 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2235 | Moravcsik M.J. | On the Threshold Behaviour of the Negative to the Positive Ratio in Pion Photoproduction. | 1958 | 7 | 442 | 450 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2236 | Nash W.F., Pointon A.J. | The Scattering of (mu) Mesons in Lead and Copper. | 1958 | 9 | 412 | 421 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2237 | Randall C.A., Hazen W.E. | The Intensity and Angular Distribution of Mu-Mesons 1100 Feet Underground. | 1958 | 8 | 878 | 881 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2238 | Stanghellini A. | Charge Independence and Pion Scattering. | 1958 | 10 | 398 | 402 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2239 | Tzoar N., Klein A. | Inner Bremsstrahlung in Mu-Meson Decay. | 1958 | 8 | 482 | 484 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2240 | Uberall H., Wolfenstein L. | Capture of (mu)-Mesons in Deutherium. | 1958 | 10 | 136 | 149 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2241 | Ulehla I. | A New Possible Theory of the (mu)-Meson. | 1958 | 9 | 679 | 693 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2242 | Umezawa H., Miyazawa H. | On the Symmetry Law and the Pion Decay. | 1958 | 9 | 586 | 589 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2243 | Werle J. | Kinematic Depolarization of (mu) Mesons Emitted in (pigreco) Meson Decays. | 1958 | 7 | 255 | 258 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2244 | Wolfenstein L. | Determination of the Coupling Constants in (mu-)+p -> n+(ni). | 1958 | 7 | 706 | 711 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2245 | Battaglia A., Bruin F., Gozzini A. | Absorption and Refraction of Some Polar Gases as a Function of Pressure at Microwave Frequencies. | 1958 | 7 | 87 | 94 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2246 | Carrelli A., Cennamo F. | Measurement of the Wind Produced in Liquids by an Excited Piezoelectric Quartz. | 1958 | 9 | 303 | 308 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2247 | Carrelli A., Ragozzino E. | Dynamic Determination of Viscosity. | 1958 | 8 | 356 | 358 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2248 | Kepler R.C., D'Andlau C.A., Fretter W.B., Hansen L.F. | Relativistic Increase of Energy Loss by Ionization in Gases. | 1958 | 7 | 71 | 86 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2249 | Segre S. | On the Formation of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Shock Waves. | 1958 | 9 | 1054 | 1057 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2250 | Biorci G., Pescetti D. | Analytical Theory of the Behaviour of Ferromagnetic Materials. | 1958 | 7 | 829 | 842 | Magnetism | 1 | |||||||
2251 | Barbaro A., Baroni G., Castagnoli C. | Diffraction Scattering and Interactions of 0.57 Gev (piggreco)- in Emulsions. | 1958 | 9 | 154 | 161 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2252 | Bertocchi L., Minguzzi A. | The Mesic Coupling Constants from Scattering and Photoproduction Experiments. | 1958 | 9 | 1107 | 1109 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2253 | Bisi V., Cester R., Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Quassiati B., Tallone L., Vigone M. | Nuclear Interactions of Neutral K-Mesons of Lifetime. | 1958 | 9 | 864 | 879 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2254 | Bosco B., Stroffolini R. | The Radiative Pion-Nucleon Scattering in Static Theory. | 1958 | 10 | 688 | 697 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2255 | Chamany B., Barkow A.G. | Slow Mesons Accompanying High Enrgy Interactions. | 1958 | 9 | 590 | 599 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2256 | Goto S. | Some Remarks on Parity Non-Conservation and thhe (tau)-(teta) Dilemma. | 1958 | 7 | 278 | 289 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2257 | Gupta M.R. | Analysis of Bursts Produced by Mesons. | 1958 | 7 | 39 | 52 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2258 | Jaksic B., Soln J. | On the Polarization of Electrons in (mu) Meson Decay. | 1958 | 8 | 497 | 500 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2259 | Kaneko S., Okazaki M. | The Energy Dependence of Meson Multiplicity in the High-Energy Interactions. | 1958 | 8 | 521 | 532 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2260 | Senba K. | Remarks on the Weak Lepton Processes. | 1958 | 7 | 429 | 441 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2261 | Sens J.C., Swanson R.A., Telegdi V.L., Yovanovitch D.D. | An Experimental Test of the Fermi-Teller "Z-Law". | 1958 | 7 | 536 | 544 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2262 | Wolfenstein L. | Virtual Pion Effects in (mu)-Meson Capture. | 1958 | 8 | 882 | 887 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2263 | Abrikosov A.A., Galanin A.D., Joffe B.L., pomerancuk I.Ya., Halatnikov I.M. | Green's Functions in Meson Theories. | 1958 | 8 | 782 | 782 | Mesons Fields | 1 | |||||||
2264 | Favini G., Simonetta M. | Applicazione del metodo del campo autoconsistente alle molecole di cis_ e Trans-dicloroetilene e di tetracloroetilene. | 1958 | 9 | 1058 | 1067 | Molecules | 1 | |||||||
2265 | Alexander G., Ballario C., Bizzarri R., Brunelli B., Di Capua E., Michelini A., Moneti G.C., Zichichi A. | Lambda°- and Teta° Particles Produced in Iron. | 1958 | 9 | 624 | 646 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2266 | Amati D., Vitale B. | Hyperon Polarization in Associated Productionn and Heavy Meson Parity. | 1958 | 9 | 340 | 342 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2267 | Bosco B., Fubini S. | Phenomenological Relation Between Electron and Photon Disintegration of Nuclei. | 1958 | 9 | 350 | 352 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2268 | Clementel E., Villi C. | The Nucleon Effective Mass and the Statistical Model of the Nucleus. | 1958 | 9 | 950 | 989 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2269 | Ferrari F., Tonin M. | On the (sigma)-Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction Cross-Section -II. | 1958 | 7 | 123 | 127 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2270 | Gamba A., Sudarshan E.C.G. | Quantum Numbers for a System of Nucleons and Antinucleons. | 1958 | 10 | 407 | 409 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2271 | Gourdin M. | Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering at High Energy. | 1958 | 7 | 338 | 364 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2272 | Hill R.D. | Decay of Hyper-(5)He. | 1958 | 8 | 459 | 462 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2273 | Leitner J. | Parity Violation and Polarization of Nucleons from Hyperon Decay. | 1958 | 8 | 68 | 73 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2274 | Lichtenberg D.B. | Estimate of (lambda) Nucleon Potential with Hard Core from the Binding Energy of Hypertriton. | 1958 | 8 | 463 | 470 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2275 | Milone C., Milone-Tamburino S., Rinzivillo R., Rubbino A., Tribuno C. | Fotoprotoni dall'ossigeno. | 1958 | 7 | 729 | 741 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2276 | Nagakawa K., Umezawa H. | The Selection Rules on the Hyperon Decays. | 1958 | 8 | 845 | 948 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2277 | Nakagawa S, Tamai E., Nomoto S. | Energetic Heavy Fragments Emitted from Nuclear Stars. | 1958 | 9 | 780 | 790 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2278 | Ouchi T., Senba K., Yonezawa M. | Mass Reversal and Lepton Processes. | 1958 | 8 | 708 | 716 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2279 | Page L.A. | Proposed Experiment Bearing Directly on Helicity of Neutrinos. | 1958 | 7 | 727 | 728 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2280 | Phillips R.J.N. | On Time-Irreversible Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. | 1958 | 8 | 265 | 270 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2281 | Sokolov A. | On the Theory of the Neutrino with Oriented Spin. | 1958 | 7 | 240 | 243 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2282 | Wada W.W. | Self-Energy of the Longitudinal Neutrino. | 1958 | 10 | 728 | 729 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2283 | Agodi A. | On High Energy Photoneutrons. | 1958 | 8 | 516 | 518 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2284 | Cavallaro S., Emma V., Milone C., Rubbino A. | Photoneutrons from Au. | 1958 | 9 | 736 | 739 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2285 | Kuscer I., Ribaric M. | The Diffusion Coefficient of thermal Neutrons. | 1958 | 7 | 451 | 460 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2286 | Skyrme D.M., Harding G.N. | The Mechanism of Neutron Emission in High Energy Fission. | 1958 | 9 | 1082 | 1084 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2287 | Bernardini C. | Space-Chargge Effects in Electron-Synchrotrons. | 1958 | 10 | 804 | 816 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2288 | Blin-Stoyle R.J. | On the Universal Fermi Interaction. | 1958 | 10 | 132 | 135 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2289 | Brini D., Fuschini E., Peli L., Veronesi P. | Elastic Scatteringof Polarized Photons. | 1958 | 7 | 877 | 890 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2290 | Byers N., Peierls R.E. | Two-Stage Model of Fermi Interactions. | 1958 | 10 | 520 | 524 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2291 | Colombino P., De Benedetti S., Degregori I., Trossi L. | Angular Correlation of Annihilation Radiation in Water, Ice and Mercury. | 1958 | 8 | 508 | 510 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2292 | Cortini G., Milone C., Rubbino A., Ferrero F. | Energy Spectra of Photoneutrons From Cr and Ta. | 1958 | 9 | 85 | 98 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2293 | Foley H.M. | Nuclear Moments of Inertia. | 1958 | 7 | 244 | 245 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2294 | Ioffe B.L. | On the Proof of the Absence of Renormalization of the Constant in the Vector-Variant of beta-Innteraction. | 1958 | 10 | 352 | 354 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2295 | Ioffe B.L., Ljubimov V.A. | On Corollaries from the Two-Component Nature of the Electron in beta-Interactions. | 1958 | 10 | 355 | 358 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2296 | Jaksic B. | On the Bloch Integral Equation at Low Temperatures. | 1958 | 8 | 282 | 289 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2297 | Jancovici B. | Spin-orbit Coupling and Tensor Forces. | 1958 | 7 | 290 | 307 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2298 | Joshi M.C., Subba Rao B.N., Thosar B.V. | M1 Transition in (141)Pr and (191)Ir. | 1958 | 9 | 600 | 609 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2299 | Osborn R.K., Klema E.D. | Dynamics of an Elastic Elipsoid. | 1958 | 9 | 791 | 812 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2300 | Pappalardo R. | On the Optical Absorption of Ferric Alum at Low Temperatures. | 1958 | 8 | 954 | 958 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2301 | Petrzilka V. | Evaluation of gamma from the Angular Distribution of Jet Particles in LS Using certain Suppositions about their Angular Distribution in the CMS. | 1958 | 10 | 490 | 495 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2302 | Rosendorff S., Eisenberg Y. | Multiple Scattering Measurements in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1958 | 7 | 23 | 38 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2303 | Soloviev V.G. | Conditions of Superfluidity of Nuclear Matter. | 1958 | 10 | 1022 | 1031 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2304 | Vaks V.G., Ioffe B.L. | On (pigreco)-> e+(ni)+(gamma) Decay. | 1958 | 10 | 342 | 351 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2305 | Verlet L. | On the Optical Model for Nuclear Reactions. | 1958 | 7 | 821 | 826 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2306 | Ciok P., Coghen T., Gierula J., Holynski R., Jurak., Miesowicz M., Saniewska T., Pernegr J. | Nuclear Interactions in the Energy Region (10^10-10^14) eV. | 1958 | 10 | 741 | 754 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2307 | Colli L., Facchini U., Iori I., Mzrcazzan G., Sona A., Pagnanelli M. | Further Measurements on n, p Reactions at 14 MeV: Ti, Rh, Sn, Ta, Au and Angular Distribution of Protons Emitted in the Ca(n,p) and Ni(n,p) Reactions. | 1958 | 7 | 400 | 410 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2308 | Collins M.A. | Multiple Neutron Production in a Cosmic Ray Neutron Monitor Pile. | 1958 | 10 | 428 | 434 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2309 | Eberle E. | Pion Multiplicity in Antinucleon Annihilation. | 1958 | 8 | 610 | 614 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2310 | Ekspong A.G., Jonansson S., Ronne B.E. | Antiprotons in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1958 | 8 | 84 | 91 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2311 | Goto T. | Pion-Pion Interaction and Multiple Pion Production in Nucleon-Antinucleon Annihilation Process. | 1958 | 8 | 625 | 631 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2312 | Lévy M. | Nuclon-antinucleon Forces in the Intermediate Coupling Theory. | 1958 | 8 | 92 | 134 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2313 | Livesey D.L., Main I.G. | The (gamma, n) Reaction in (4)He Nuclei. | 1958 | 10 | 590 | 596 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2314 | Morpurgo G. | A Discussion of Some Angular Distributions in the Reactions (pi) + N->(pi)+(pi)+N, N+N ->2N +(pi), (gamma)+N ->(pi)+(pi)+N. | 1958 | 9 | 564 | 567 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2315 | O'Brein B.J., Noon J.H. | Identification of Fast Heavy Nuclei of the Cosmic Radiation Using Nuclear Emulsion Techniques. | 1958 | 8 | 807 | 825 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2316 | Remy E., Winter K. | On the Mechanism of the (n, 2n) Reaction at 14 MeV Neutrons Energy. | 1958 | 9 | 664 | 678 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2317 | Silva E., Goldemberg J., Smith P.B. | (gamma, n) and (gamma, 2n) Reactions in (93)Nb. | 1958 | 9 | 17 | 22 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2318 | Verlet L., Gavoret J. | On the Optical Model for Nuclear Reactions. | 1958 | 10 | 505 | 519 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2319 | Beresteckij V.B. | Nuclear Polarization in Radiative K-Capture. | 1958 | 10 | 385 | 387 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2320 | Bogdan D. | Calcul des moments quadrupolaires des noyaux atomiques, dans le schéma de Nisson. | 1958 | 10 | 985 | 993 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2321 | Bosco B. | On the Radiation Emitted by Charged Particles Interacting with Complex Nuclei. | 1958 | 10 | 563 | 565 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2322 | Demichelis F., Chinaglia B., Trivero G. | Nuclear Spectroscopic Investigations of the Nuclides (228)Th(90), (224)Ra(88), (212)Pb(82), (212)Bi(83), (208)Tl(81). | 1958 | 8 | 369 | 377 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2323 | Fivel D., Fulton T. | The Polarization of Knock-on Electrons Arising fron Scattering by Polarized (mu) Mesons. | 1958 | 10 | 682 | 687 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2324 | Ivash E.V. | Internal Conversion Correlations. | 1958 | 9 | 136 | 144 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2325 | Koba Z., Takagi S. | Possible Consequences of the Isobar and Fire Ball Models. | 1958 | 10 | 755 | 762 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2326 | Regge T. | Analytic Properties of the Scattering Matrix. | 1958 | 8 | 671 | 679 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2327 | Schroder A. | One-particle Levels with Spin-orbit Interaction According to the Shell Model for Nuclei. | 1958 | 7 | 461 | 490 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2328 | Tietz T. | Momentum Transfer Cross-Section in the Thomas-Fermi Theory | 1958 | 10 | 531 | 533 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2329 | Villi C. | On the Momentum Dependence of the Nuclear Potential. | 1958 | 10 | 259 | 291 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2330 | Watson K.M., Zemach C. | The Kinematics of Meson Interactions within Nuclei. | 1958 | 10 | 452 | 467 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2331 | Toraldo di Francia G. | Babinet's Principle for Diffraction at a Plane Screen with Directional Conductivity. | 1958 | 9 | 309 | 315 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
2332 | Ron A. | Penetration of a Magnetic Field into a One Dimensional Plasma. | 1958 | 10 | 844 | 853 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
2333 | Schmidt G. | An Investigation on Plasmas in External Magnetic Fields II.- Varying Fields. | 1958 | 10 | 659 | 674 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
2334 | Schmidt G. | An Investigation on Plasmas in External Magnetic Fields. I. Steady State. | 1958 | 10 | 55 | 67 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
2335 | Cortini G., Milone C., Rinzivillo R., Tribuno C. | Photoprotons from Nitrogen. | 1958 | 9 | 188 | 191 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2336 | Emma V., Milone C., Rubbino A. | Angular Distribution of Photoprotons from Silicon. | 1958 | 9 | 343 | 345 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2337 | Ito D., Minami S., Tanaka H. | Proton-Proton Collision in High Energy. | 1958 | 8 | 135 | 146 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2338 | Marcazzan G., Sona A.M., Pignanelli M. | A Spectrometer for Protons. | 1958 | 10 | 155 | 159 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2339 | Martin A. | On the Validity of Levinson's Theorem for Non- Local Interactions. | 1958 | 7 | 607 | 627 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
2340 | Beck G., Nussenzveig H.M. | Uncertainty Relation and Diffraction by a Slit. | 1958 | 9 | 1068 | 1076 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2341 | Burgoyne N. | On the Connection of Spin with Statistics. | 1958 | 8 | 607 | 609 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2342 | Cini M., Touschek B. | The Relativistic Limit of the Theory of Spin 1/2 Particles. | 1958 | 7 | 422 | 423 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2343 | Crawford J.A. | An Alternative Method of Quantization: the Existence of Classical Fields. | 1958 | 10 | 698 | 713 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2344 | Czerwonko J. | Some Remarks on the Quantum Mechanics of a Lattice Gas. | 1958 | 10 | 730 | 733 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2345 | Englert F. | Interaction entre un petit et un grand système Hamiltonien effectif; polarisation et absorption. | 1958 | 10 | 560 | 562 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2346 | Englman R. | The Eigenvalues of a Randomly Distributed Matrix. | 1958 | 10 | 615 | 621 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2347 | Farag M.S. | On the Determination of the Space-Group by the Statistical Method. | 1958 | 9 | 694 | 698 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2348 | Fletcher J.C. | Dirac Matrices in Riemannian Space. | 1958 | 8 | 451 | 458 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2349 | Glaser V., Jaksic B. | Generalization of the Variation Principle in the Theory of Electrical Conductivity. | 1958 | 7 | 259 | 262 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2350 | Green H.S. | Observation in Quantum Mechanics. | 1958 | 9 | 880 | 889 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2351 | Hack M.N. | On Convergence to the Moller Wave Operators. | 1958 | 9 | 731 | 733 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2352 | Ingraham R. | On the Derivation of Rate Equations. | 1958 | 9 | 99 | 124 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2353 | I-Tung Wang, Ta-You Wu | Note on Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory. | 1958 | 10 | 395 | 397 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2354 | Kalitzin N.S. | Grundgleichungen der relativistischen Mechanik eines materiellen Punktes mit veranderlicher Masse. | 1958 | 8 | 843 | 849 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2355 | Konjukov M.V., Terletskij J.P. | On the Theory of the Linear Betatron. | 1958 | 9 | 930 | 941 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2356 | Moliére G. | Solution of Boltzmann Equation for Multiple Scattering of Electrons. | 1958 | 7 | 720 | 723 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2357 | Moliére G. | Generalized WKB-Method of Asymptotic Expansion. | 1958 | 7 | 724 | 726 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2358 | Regge T. | Symmetry Properties of Clebsch-Gordon's Coefficients. | 1958 | 10 | 544 | 545 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2359 | Rollnik H. | Uber die Symmetrien des Diracfeldes. | 1958 | 7 | 249 | 250 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2360 | Schrodinger E. | Might perhaps Energy be a merely Statistical Concept? | 1958 | 9 | 162 | 170 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2361 | Schultz T.D. | On a Minimum Property of Free Energies. | 1958 | 8 | 943 | 944 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2362 | Takabayasi T. | Theory of the Dirac Field as a Continuous Assembly of Small Rotating Bodies. | 1958 | 7 | 118 | 121 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2363 | Terletskij I.P. | On the Calculation of Fluctuations and Correlations by the Gibbs Method. | 1958 | 7 | 308 | 313 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2364 | Tietz T. | A Comparison of the Born and The Asymptotic W.K.B., Approximation for the Phase Shift. | 1958 | 10 | 553 | 556 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2365 | Tietz T. | About a Certain Method forFinding the Asyptotic Phases. | 1958 | 8 | 765 | 766 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2366 | Van Wyk C.B. | Polarization of Particles with Spin Unity. | 1958 | 9 | 270 | 279 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2367 | Verde M. | The High Energy Limit of the Potential Scattering. II. Relativistic Kinematics. | 1958 | 8 | 560 | 568 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2368 | Zemach Ch., Klein A. | The Born Expansion in Non-Relativistic Quantum Theory. | 1958 | 10 | 1078 | 1087 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2369 | Buchdahl H.A. | On the Compatibility of Relativistic Wave Equations for Particles of Higher Spin in the Presence of a Gravitational Field. | 1958 | 10 | 96 | 103 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2370 | Cattaneo C. | General Relativity: Relative standard Mass, Momentum, Energy and Gravitational Field in a General System of Reference. | 1958 | 10 | 318 | 337 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2371 | Champion F.C. | Variation of Electron Mass with Velocity. | 1958 | 7 | 122 | 122 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2372 | Clauser E. | Legge di moto nell'ultima teoria unitaria einsteiniana | 1958 | 7 | 764 | 788 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2373 | Cocconi G., Salpeter E. | A Seach for Anisotropy of Inertia. | 1958 | 10 | 646 | 651 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2374 | Favella L. | On the Stability of Nordstrom Reissner Singularity. | 1958 | 9 | 362 | 364 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2375 | Flint H.T., Williamson E.M. | The Theory of Relativity, the Electromagnetic Theory and the Quantum Theory. | 1958 | 8 | 680 | 698 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2376 | Kalitzin N.St. | Uber den Einflub der Eigenrotation des Zentralkorpers auf die Bewegung der Satelliten nach der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie. | 1958 | 9 | 365 | 374 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2377 | Mishra R.S. | A Study of Einstein's Equations of Unified Field. | 1958 | 8 | 632 | 642 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2378 | Mishra R.S. | Einstein's Connections. II.-Degenerate Cases of Second Class. | 1958 | 10 | 965 | 984 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2379 | Moffat J. | On the Motion of Charged Particles in the Complex-Symmetric Unified Field Theory. | 1958 | 7 | 107 | 109 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2380 | Peres A. | Photons, Gravitons and the Cosmological Constant. | 1958 | 8 | 533 | 538 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2381 | Pham T.H. | Comparaison des deux méthodes d'obtention des équations du mouvement en relativité générale. | 1958 | 9 | 647 | 663 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2382 | Stephenson G. | Quadratic Lagrangians and General Relativity. | 1958 | 9 | 263 | 269 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2383 | Stiegler K. | L'hypothèse d'ondes corpuscules et la théorie de la Relativité restreinte. | 1958 | 8 | 922 | 926 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2384 | Weissemann A. | Uber den Anisotropen Charakter der Verallgemeinerten Relativistischen Raume. | 1958 | 9 | 1016 | 1026 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2385 | Winterberg F. | Uberprufung der allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie durch Erdsatelliten. | 1958 | 8 | 17 | 31 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2386 | Nardi V. | On the Atomic Motions in Quasi-Crystalline Argon. | 1958 | 7 | 545 | 551 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2387 | Palumbo D. | On the Magnetic Behaviour of Ferrous Fluosilicate. | 1958 | 8 | 271 | 281 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2388 | Pines D., Schrieffer J.R. | Gauge Invariance in the Theory of Superconductivity. | 1958 | 10 | 496 | 504 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2389 | Sen P. | The Coefficients of Friction and Wear. | 1958 | 9 | 721 | 730 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2390 | Tosi M.P., Airoldi G. | The Interaction between Equilibrium Defects in the Alkali Halides: The "First Excited State" Binding Eneergies of the Impurity Complex and of the Vacancy Pair. | 1958 | 8 | 584 | 589 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2391 | D'Espagnat B. | On Weak Interactions of Elementary Particles. | 1958 | 8 | 894 | 898 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
2392 | Sona P.G. | A General Type of Experiments Proposed to test the Conservation of Parity in Strong Interactions at High Energies. | 1958 | 9 | 334 | 336 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
2393 | Argan P.E., Conte M., Gigli A., Picasso E., Gonella L. | High Density and Large Atomic Number Systems for Gas Bubble Chambers. | 1958 | 10 | 182 | 185 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2394 | Argan P.E., Gigli A., Picasso E., Tomasini G. | Remarks Gas Bubble Chamber Sensitivity. | 1958 | 10 | 177 | 181 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2395 | Ascoli G., Hill R.D., Yoon T.S. | K- Meson Exposure in Water-Soaked Emulsions. | 1958 | 7 | 565 | 569 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2396 | Ashton F., Kisdnasamy S., Wolfendale A.W. | The Use of the Neon Flash-Tube for the Precise Location of Particles Trajectories. | 1958 | 8 | 615 | 621 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2397 | Barkas W.H. | The Range-Energy Relation in Emulsion. Part. II.-The Theoretical Range. | 1958 | 8 | 201 | 214 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2398 | Barkas W.H. | The Range-Energy Relation in Emulsion. Part. I.-Range Measurements. | 1958 | 8 | 185 | 200 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2399 | Battaglia A., Bruin F., Gozzini A. | Microwave Apparatus for the Measurement of the Refraction, Dispersion and Absorption of Gases at Relatively High Pressure. | 1958 | 7 | 1 | 9 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2400 | Beltrametti E.G., Vitale S. | Determination of the Circular Polarization of the (beta)-Rays Bremsstrahlung with a New (gamma)-Polarimeter. | 1958 | 9 | 289 | 294 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2401 | Bernardini M., Brovetto P., Debenedetti S., Ferroni S. | A Circular Polarimeter for Low Energy (gamma)-Rays. | 1958 | 7 | 416 | 418 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2402 | Bertanza L., Franzini P., Manelli I., Silvestrini V. | Operation of a Bubble Chamber Filled with "High Z" Mixtures. | 1958 | 10 | 403 | 404 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2403 | Bhowmik B., Davies J.H., Evans D., Prowse D.J. | Note on the Track Density of Minimum-Ionizing Particles in Large Emulsion. | 1958 | 7 | 712 | 714 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2404 | Bizzeti P.G., Dagliana M.G., Della Corte M., Tocci L. | Photometric Analysis of the Track in the Nuclear Emulsions. III.- Effect of the Development on the Photometric Width. | 1958 | 10 | 388 | 392 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2405 | Bizzeti P.G., Della Corte M. | Photometric Analys of the Tracks in the Nuclear Emulsion. II.- Measurement of Photometric Width. | 1958 | 7 | 231 | 239 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2406 | Borelli V., Franzini P., Mannelli I., Minguzzi-Ranzi A., Santangelo R., Saporetti F., Silvestrini V., Waloschek P., Zoboli V. | Graphical Method for the Analysis of Bubble Chamber Pictures. | 1958 | 10 | 525 | 530 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2407 | Brautti G., Ceschia M., Bassi P. | Bubble Chamber Detector of Weak Radioactivity. | 1958 | 10 | 1148 | 1149 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2408 | Brini D., Peli L. | Optical-Electronic System for Transmitting the Data of an Electric Measuring Instrument. | 1958 | 10 | 160 | 162 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2409 | Bullock F.W., Dodd C., Kalmus G.E. | The Use of Methyl Iodide-Propane Mixtures and Tri-Fluoro Bromo Methane an Bubble Chamber Fluids. | 1958 | 10 | 718 | 720 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2410 | Castagnoli C., Ferro-Luzzi M., Muchnik M. | Semiautomatic Scattering Measurements in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1958 | 8 | 936 | 942 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2411 | Cernigoi C., Pauli G. | On the Energy and Pulse Spectra of a Fast Ionization Chamber. | 1958 | 8 | 754 | 761 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2412 | Ciok P., Coghen T., Gierula J., Holynski R., Jurak A., Miesowicz M., Saniewaska T., Stanisz O., Pernegr J. | About High Energy Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1958 | 8 | 166 | 169 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2413 | Ciuffolotti L., Luzzatto G., Tomasini G., Cortini G. | On the Mass Measurements in G-5 and K-5 Emulsions. | 1958 | 9 | 1110 | 1113 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2414 | Colli L., Micheletti S., Salvetti C. | L'acceleratore per deutoni da 160 keV dell'I.N.F.N., Sezione di Milano. | 1958 | 9 | 538 | 544 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2415 | Cortini G., Luzzatto G., Tomasini G., Manfredini A. | On the Method of Ionization Measurement in G-5 and K-5 Emulsions. | 1958 | 9 | 706 | 720 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2416 | Daddi L., De Franceschi L. | On the Rosenblum Spark Counter in Air. | 1958 | 7 | 895 | 897 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2417 | De Marco A., Sanna R., Tomasini G. | Electronic Equipment for Measuring Ionization in Nuclear Plates. | 1958 | 9 | 524 | 532 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2418 | Eisler F., Plano R., Prodell A., Samios N., Schwartz M., Bassi P., Borelli V., Puppi G., Tanaka H., Waloschek P., Zoboli V., Conversi M., Franzini P., Mannelli I., Santangelo R., Silvestrini V. | Bubble Chamber Study of Unstable Particles Production in (pigreco)- p Collisions at 910, 960,1200 and 1300 MeV. | 1958 | 10 | 468 | 489 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2419 | Gibson W.M., McEwen J.G. | Shrinkage of Nuclear Research Emulsions. | 1958 | 7 | 67 | 70 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2420 | Hopper V.D. | Heavy Primary Interactions in Water Loaded Emulsions. | 1958 | 7 | 552 | 564 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2421 | O'Brein B.J. | Fluctuations of track Parameters in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1958 | 7 | 147 | 162 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2422 | O'Brein B.J. | A New Measurement Technique for Use in the Region of the Blob-Density Maximum in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1958 | 7 | 314 | 319 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2423 | Pellegrini U. | Un generatore di treni d'impulsi nel campo dei nanosecondi. | 1958 | 9 | 533 | 537 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2424 | Pellegrini U., Rispoli B., Serra A. | Un circuito di coincidenza con tempo risolutivo di 2.2 ns e tempo morto dell'ordine di 5 ns di possibile impiego nella fisica nucleare. | 1958 | 9 | 171 | 183 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2425 | Prakash Y., Ahamad N., Sharma A.P. | On the Clearing of Emulsion Plates. | 1958 | 8 | 717 | 730 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2426 | Rubbia C., Toller M. | On the Applicability of 4 He Gas scintillators as Analysers of Neutron Energy and Polarization. | 1958 | 10 | 410 | 411 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2427 | Skjeggestad O. | The Nature of taper Tracks of Heavy Ions in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1958 | 8 | 927 | 935 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
2428 | Turrin A. | Proposal for a Distributed Regenerative Action to Extract the Beam from a Weak-Focusing Synchrotron by Exciting the Resonance (2 Radial Oscillations)/(3 Revolution). | 1958 | 8 | 511 | 515 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2429 | Vanhuyse V.J., Verhaeghe J.L., Turf J. | The Multipactor Effect in a Linear Electron Accelerator. | 1958 | 10 | 721 | 727 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2430 | Barone A., Pisent G., Sette D. | Dispersione della velocità di propagazione di ultrasuoni in acido propionico. | 1958 | 7 | 365 | 370 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
2431 | Cevolani M., Petralia S. | Ultrasonic Absorption in Anilin and in Mixtures. | 1958 | 7 | 866 | 876 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
2432 | Marshall L. | Production of the Magnetic Field of the Crab Nebula. | 1959 | 12 | 477 | 482 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
2433 | Savedoff M.P. | The Crab and Cygnus A as Gamma Ray Sources. | 1959 | 13 | 12 | 18 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
2434 | Verniani F. | The Deceleration of Meteors During Their Passage through the Earth's Atmosphere. | 1959 | 14 | 938 | 942 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
2435 | Careri G., Modena I., Santini M. | Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time in Liquid (3)He. | 1959 | 13 | 207 | 212 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2436 | Careri G., Reuss J., Beenakker J.M. | The Diffusion Coefficient in Dilute H(2) D(2) and (3)He (4)He Liquid Mixtures. | 1959 | 13 | 148 | 153 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2437 | Careri G., Scaramuzzi F., Thomson J.O. | Heat Flush and Mobility of electric Charges in Liquid Helium I.-Non Turbulent Flow. | 1959 | 13 | 186 | 196 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2438 | Cini-Castagnoli G., Dupré F., Ricci F.P. | Diffusion Coefficient of (57)A in Liquid N(2). | 1959 | 13 | 464 | 465 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2439 | Cini-Castagnoli G., Giardini A., Ricci F.P. | The Diffusion of Tritium in Liquid Argon. | 1959 | 13 | 916 | 920 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2440 | Foffani A., Pecile C., Pietra F. | Solent effect on the Intensity of CN Stretching Vibration for some Nitriles. | 1959 | 13 | 213 | 218 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2441 | Grossetti E. | Dipolar Rotation Effect in Liquids. | 1959 | 13 | 350 | 353 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2442 | Radford H.E. | Paramagnetic Resonance in the Free Hydroxyl Radical. | 1959 | 14 | 245 | 247 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2443 | Bachelet F., Balata P., Conforto A.M., Iucci N., Marini G. | The Cosmic Ray Storm of May 11, 1959. | 1959 | 13 | 1055 | 1059 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2444 | Bozoki G., Domokos G., Fenyves E., Frenkel A., Gombosi E., Bebel D., Lanius K., Meier H.W. | Further Investigation of a High Energy Jet. | 1959 | 13 | 662 | 664 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2445 | Brisbout F.A., McCusker C.B.A. | An Experimental Analysis of two Large Cosmic Ray Jets. | 1959 | 11 | 484 | 495 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2446 | Chaloupka P., Mokry P., Kowalski T., Sàndor T., Somogyi A., Telbisz F. | A Decrease in the Intensity of the Cosmic Radiation Observed underground, at Sea Level and at Mountain Altitude. | 1959 | 12 | 639 | 641 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2447 | Conversi M., De'Munari G.M., Egidi A., Fiorini E., Ratti S., Rubbia C., Succi C., Torelli G. | Ricerca sulla esistenza di particelle di ,assa intorno a 550 m(e) nella radiazione cosmica. | 1959 | 12 | 148 | 155 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2448 | Engler A., Kaplon M.F., Klarmann J. | Some Considerations of the Analysis Of Primary Cosmic Ray Intensity Experiments. | 1959 | 12 | 310 | 326 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2449 | Friedlander E.M. | On the Transverse Momenta of Secondaries in Cosmic-Ray Jets. | 1959 | 12 | 483 | 487 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2450 | Gozani T., Sitte K. | On the Interpretation of Cosmic Ray Jets: The "funnel" Model. | 1959 | 11 | 26 | 43 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2451 | Green J.R. | Size-Spectrum of Extensive Air Showers of thhe Cosmic Radiation. I.- Rsponse of a Single Scintillator to Extensive air Showers. | 1959 | 14 | 1342 | 1355 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2452 | Green J.R., Barcus J.R. | Size-Spectrum of Extensive Air Showers of the Cosmic Radiation. II.- Experimental Results from a Single Scintillator. | 1959 | 14 | 1356 | 1365 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2453 | Higashi S., Mitani S., Oshio T., Shibata H., Watanabe K., Watase Y. | Cloud Chamber Study of Penetrating Showers Underground. | 1959 | 13 | 265 | 283 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2454 | Hirashima Y. | Interaction of the Heavy Nuclei of Cosmic Rays in Carbon. | 1959 | 12 | 1 | 15 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2455 | Ingraham R. | Theory of the Cosmic Ray Equator. | 1959 | 12 | 356 | 368 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2456 | Iwadare J. | On the Elasticity in the High Energy Jet Events. | 1959 | 12 | 630 | 634 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2457 | Jain P.L. | Nuclear Interaction of Heavy Primary Cosmic Radiation. | 1959 | 13 | 839 | 848 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2458 | Kellog P.J. | Possible Explanation of the Radiation Observed by Van Allen at High Altitudes in Satellites. | 1959 | 11 | 48 | 66 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2459 | Kellogg P.J., Schwartz M. | Theoretical Study of the Cosmic Ray Equator. | 1959 | 13 | 761 | 768 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2460 | Mariani F. | The Worldwide Distribution of the F2 Layer Electron Density: Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Variations and Correlations with Solar Activity. | 1959 | 12 | 218 | 240 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2461 | McCracken K.G. | The Production of Cosmic Radiation by a Solar Flare on August 31, 1956. | 1959 | 13 | 1074 | 1080 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2462 | McCracken K.G. | A Correlation between the Emission of White Light and Cosmic Radiation by Solar Flare. | 1959 | 13 | 1081 | 1085 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2463 | MMcCracken K.G., Johns D.H. | The Attenuation Length of the High Energy Nucleonic Component of the Cosmic Radiation near Sea Level. | 1959 | 13 | 96 | 107 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2464 | Steljes J.F. | Day to Day Analysis of the Cosmic Ray Diurnal Wave in 1958. | 1959 | 13 | 857 | 863 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2465 | Subramanian A., Verma S.D. | Intensity Distribution of High Energy Pion in the Atmosphere. | 1959 | 13 | 572 | 590 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2466 | Van Der Walt R. | The Relation between Cosmic-ray Intensity and Geomagnetic Activity During Periods of High and Low Solar Activity. | 1959 | 13 | 936 | 943 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2467 | Waddington C.J. | The Study of Cosmic Ray Variations with Nuclear Emulsions. | 1959 | 14 | 1205 | 1216 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2468 | Yekutieli G. | On the Radiation of Mesons with a Constant Transverse Momentum P(T) in Cosmic Ray Jets. | 1959 | 13 | 446 | 447 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2469 | Young O.B., Zurheide F.W. | Primary Heavy Cosmic Rays Near the Geomagnetic Equator. | 1959 | 14 | 90 | 98 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2470 | Airoldi G., Fuhrman Z., Germagnoli E. | Annealing of Electron Irradiated Germanium. | 1959 | 14 | 452 | 453 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2471 | Aliverti G., Demichelis F., Lovera G. | Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Artificial Radionuclides Collected by Air Filtration at the Ground. | 1959 | 13 | 453 | 455 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2472 | Amaldi U. jr., Bernardini M., Brovetto P., Ferroni S. | Measurement of the Circular Polarization of the Bremsstrahlung Produced bby Electrons from 204Tl. | 1959 | 11 | 415 | 423 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2473 | Ashkin J., Fazzini T., Fidecaro G., Merrison A.W., Paul H., Tollestrup A.V. | The Electron Decay Mode of the Pion. | 1959 | 13 | 1240 | 1262 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2474 | Becker R.L., Rose M.E. | Polarization of Conversion Electrons Following Beta Decay. | 1959 | 13 | 1182 | 1225 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2475 | Bernardini M., Brovetto P., Ferroni S., Pasqarelli A. | Measurement of Longitudinal Polarization of beta- Electrons from (204)Tl by Means of Double Coulomb Scattering. | 1959 | 14 | 787 | 795 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2476 | Bhattacherjee S.K., Raman S., Sahai B. | On the 1409 keV Transition in (152)Sm. | 1959 | 13 | 1053 | 1054 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2477 | Bussolati C. | Energy Distribution of External Bremstrahlung from beta-rays of (90)Y. | 1959 | 13 | 909 | 915 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2478 | Cabibbo N. | On the Radiative Decay of Charged pigreco Mesons. | 1959 | 11 | 837 | 842 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2479 | Cabibbo N., Gatto R. | Leptonic Decay Modes of K Mesons and Hyperons. | 1959 | 13 | 1086 | 1110 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2480 | Cantone B., Pappalardo G., Ricamo R. | Air Radioactivity in Catania. | 1959 | 12 | 84 | 88 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2481 | Cybulska E.W., Marquez L. | The Decay of (44)Ti. | 1959 | 14 | 479 | 483 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2482 | Davis D.H., Shaukat M.A., Stannard F.R. | Protonic Decay of Sigma + Hyperon with Associated Electron Pair. | 1959 | 11 | 468 | 469 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2483 | De Lange P.W., Schneider H., De Villiers J.W.L. | The beta decay of (234)Pa(UZ). | 1959 | 14 | 681 | 703 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2484 | Deutsch S., Janssens P. | Coloration of Biotites by alfaParticles in Pleochroic Haloes -II. | 1959 | 11 | 473 | 483 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2485 | Drell S.D. | Direct Decay pigreco°->e(+)+e(-) | 1959 | 11 | 693 | 697 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2486 | Good jr. R.H., Rose M.E. | Transverse Pollarization in Allowed beta Transitions. | 1959 | 14 | 872 | 886 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2487 | Havlicek F.I. | Zur Bestimmung des Isotopengehaltverhaltnisses 238 U/234 U mit Alphaspektrometern. | 1959 | 11 | 198 | 211 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2488 | Hayward R.W., Farelly-Pessoa E., Hoppes D.D., van Lieshout R. | Gamma Radiation from (63)Zn. | 1959 | 11 | 153 | 155 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2489 | Hiida K. | Note on anomalous K+ Decay Events. | 1959 | 13 | 1117 | 1121 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2490 | Imaeda K., Shaukat M.A. | The Nature of the Neutral Particles Emitted in K(beta)3 Decay. | 1959 | 14 | 493 | 498 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2491 | Jha S., Davare H.G., Narayana M., Singru R.M. | On the Decay of Xenon 133. | 1959 | 11 | 788 | 792 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2492 | Jha S., Devare H.G. | Further Work on the Decay of Thallium 202. | 1959 | 14 | 509 | 515 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2493 | Lévy M. | On the Validity of the Exponential Law for the Decay of an Unstable Particle. | 1959 | 14 | 612 | 624 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2494 | Marquez L., Costa N.L., Almeida I.G. | Presence of (57)Co in the Atmosphere. | 1959 | 11 | 111 | 112 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2495 | Mathur V.S. | The K(e3) annd K(mu4) Modes of K-Mesons Decay. | 1959 | 14 | 1322 | 1331 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2496 | Ricci R.A., Girgis R.K., Van Lieshout R. | The Gamma Ray Spectrum of 63(Zn). | 1959 | 11 | 156 | 166 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2497 | Salmeron R.A., Zichichi A. | A Remark Concerning the Backward-Forward Asymmetry in lambda° Decay. | 1959 | 11 | 461 | 465 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2498 | Schneider H., De Lange P.W., De Villiers J.W.L. | On the Beta Decay of Uranium X2. | 1959 | 14 | 11 | 28 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2499 | Singh B.P., Hans H.S. | Investigations of the Decay of (185)W. | 1959 | 14 | 108 | 113 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2500 | Singh B.P., Hans H.S., Gill P.S. | Coincidence Studies of the Radiations from the Decay of (182)Ta. | 1959 | 14 | 99 | 107 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2501 | Tenaglia L. | Decay Rate and Spectrum of Electrons from mu- Mesons of the K-Shell. | 1959 | 13 | 284 | 291 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2502 | Van Heerden I.J., Reitmann D., Schneider H. | The Internal Conversion Spectra from the Decay of 197Hg(m). | 1959 | 11 | 167 | 177 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2503 | Cheishvili O.D., Khutsishvili G.R. | Double Elastic Scattering of Deuterons in a Magnetic Field. | 1959 | 11 | 334 | 341 | Deuterons | 1 | |||||||
2504 | Iwadare J., Matsumoto M., Otsuki S., Tamagaki R., Watari W. | Photodisintegration of Deuterons in the Presence of the Pion-theoretical Potential. | 1959 | 13 | 1263 | 1264 | Deuterons | 1 | |||||||
2505 | Minami S. | Note on the K- Deuteron Collision. | 1959 | 14 | 767 | 770 | Deuterons | 1 | |||||||
2506 | Jin Y.S. | Dispersion Relations for Associated Production. | 1959 | 12 | 455 | 468 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2507 | Klein A., Lee B.W. | A Novel Dispersion Relation for Potential Scattering. | 1959 | 14 | 856 | 871 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2508 | Streater R.F. | On the Unphysical Region in Dispesion Relations. | 1959 | 13 | 57 | 76 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2509 | Bally D., Benes L. | The K- Absorption Spectrum of Neutron Irradiated Nickel. | 1959 | 14 | 1384 | 1385 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2510 | Corciovei A. | The Effect of Long and Short Range Order on Residual Resistivity. | 1959 | 11 | 118 | 120 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2511 | Das A. | On the Geometrization of Electromagnetism. | 1959 | 13 | 451 | 452 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2512 | Goto T., Sato M., Uchida T. | On the Mechanism of the Pinch Effect. | 1959 | 14 | 1065 | 1075 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2513 | Roman P. | Generalized Stokes Parameters for Waves with Arbitrary Form. | 1959 | 13 | 974 | 982 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2514 | Rousset A., Laguarrigue A., Musset P., Rancon P., Sauteron X. | Relativistic Increase of Ionization in Xenon. | 1959 | 14 | 365 | 375 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2515 | Yamaguchi S. | Interaction between Electron Beam and Magnet. | 1959 | 14 | 248 | 249 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2516 | Aditya P.K. | A Note on the Trident Process. | 1959 | 11 | 546 | 552 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2517 | Amati D., Galzenati E., Vitale B. | On the Elastic Scattering of Low Energy K- on Protons. | 1959 | 12 | 627 | 629 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2518 | Ashkin J., Fazzini T., Fidecaro G., Lipman N.H., Merrison A.W., Paul H. | Search for the Decay mu -> e + gamma and Observation of the Decay mu-> e + nu + nu- + gamma. | 1959 | 14 | 1266 | 1281 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2519 | Ballam J., Hang J., Scandrett J.H., Walker W.D. | 460 MeV Negative Pion Scattering from Neutrons in a Propane Bubble Chamber. | 1959 | 14 | 240 | 244 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2520 | Barasenkov V.S. | The Multiple Production of Particles in (pp)- and (p pigreco-) Collisions at energies of (1-10) GeV. | 1959 | 14 | 656 | 658 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2521 | Baroni G., Bellettini G., Castagnoli C., Ferro-Luzzi M., Manfredini A. | Results on Antiproton-Proton Elastic Scattering. | 1959 | 12 | 564 | 570 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2522 | Biswas S.N. | Associated Production by Non Local Interaction. | 1959 | 11 | 606 | 608 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2523 | Bollini C.G. | Irreducibility Constraints and Field Equations for the Elementary Particles. I.-Bosons. | 1959 | 11 | 342 | 350 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2524 | Bonnevay G. | La diffusion méson-nucléon dans l'etat S et l'interaction méson-méson en théorie de la source fixe. I.-Diffusion par la source. | 1959 | 14 | 593 | 611 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2525 | Carrelli A. | On the Mass of Elementary Particles. | 1959 | 11 | 289 | 290 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2526 | Coelin C., De Santis V., Taffara L. | On the Scattering of K- Mesons by Nucleons. | 1959 | 12 | 502 | 512 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2527 | Dallaporta N. | On the Symmetries Concerning the Scheme of Elementary Particles. | 1959 | 11 | 142 | 148 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2528 | Dallaporta N., Patergnani G. | A Tentative Evaluation of the N Mass Difference. | 1959 | 12 | 523 | 530 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2529 | Day T.B., Snow G.A., Sucher J. | K- Nucleon Scattering Lengths and the K- d Scattering Reactions. | 1959 | 14 | 637 | 648 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2530 | Durga Prasad N., Menon M.G.K., Sharma O.P. | An Experiment to Investigate the Existence of Charged Particles of Mass circa 5550 m(e). | 1959 | 14 | 1332 | 1341 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2531 | Eisenberg Y., Koch W. | Symmetries in K- Interaction. | 1959 | 11 | 453 | 457 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2532 | Emma V., Milone C., Rinzivillo R., Rubbino A. | Charged Photoparticles from Argon. | 1959 | 14 | 62 | 73 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2533 | Engelmann F. | Zur Frage der bei Elementarteilchenn moglichen Spins. | 1959 | 14 | 1366 | 1372 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2534 | Ferreira E.M. | The Attractive K- Meson Proton Interaction. | 1959 | 11 | 880 | 881 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2535 | Fowler W.B., Powell W.M., Shonle J.I. | The Production of Cascade Particles by 5.5 GeV/c PPions. | 1959 | 11 | 428 | 437 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2536 | Garwin R.L., Lederman L.M. | The Electric Dipole Moment of Elementary Particles. | 1959 | 11 | 776 | 780 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2537 | Gourding M., Martin A. | K+ Deuterium Scattering -I. | 1959 | 11 | 670 | 678 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2538 | Grote C., Hauser I., Krecker U., Lanius K., Lewin K., Meier H.W. | Absorptions of K- Mesons at Rest in Light and Heavy Nuclei of the Emulsion. | 1959 | 14 | 532 | 539 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2539 | Hara O. | Universality in the Non-Leptonic Decay Interaction of Hyperons. | 1959 | 14 | 114 | 118 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2540 | Hasegawa S. | Analysis of a High Energy Nuclear Interaction in Emulsion Chamber. | 1959 | 14 | 909 | 930 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2541 | Hofstadter R. | Cut-Off Models of the Proton. | 1959 | 12 | 63 | 69 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2542 | Iso C., Namiki M. | Hydrodynamical Model and Inelasticity in Multiple Production of Particles. | 1959 | 11 | 440 | 442 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2543 | Keefe D., Kernan A., Montwill A., Grilli M., Guerriero L., Salandin G.A. | The Interactions of Positive K-Mesons with Nuclei in Photographic Emulsion at Energies in the Region (240-300) MeV. | 1959 | 12 | 241 | 263 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2544 | Kotani T., Ross M. | Analysis of K- Absorption in Deuterium. | 1959 | 14 | 1282 | 1309 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2545 | Morpurgo G. | A Possible Experimental Test of the Relative Parity of Charge and Neutral K's. | 1959 | 11 | 738 | 739 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2546 | Picasso L.E., Rosati S. | On the Spin Dependence of the lambda-N Interaction. | 1959 | 11 | 711 | 717 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2547 | Prakash P., Zimerman A.H. | The sigma->p+gamma Decay Induced by Heavy Vector Mesons. | 1959 | 11 | 869 | 871 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2548 | Screaton G.R. | Dispersion Relations for Pion Production in a Pion-Nucleon Collision. | 1959 | 11 | 229 | 252 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2549 | Tenaglia L. | On the Pionic Decay of the (lambda) Particle. | 1959 | 14 | 499 | 508 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2550 | Waldmann L. | Multiple Scattering of Polarized Particles. | 1959 | 14 | 898 | 900 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2551 | Abate E., Fabri E. | Use of an Electronic Computer for the Construction of Exact Eigenfunctions of Orbital Angular Momentum in L-S Coupling. | 1959 | 14 | 29 | 47 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2552 | Abdus Salam, Ward J.C. | Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions. | 1959 | 11 | 568 | 577 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2553 | Aditya P.K. | Electromagnetic Processes at High Energies. PART I.-Anomalous Showers. | 1959 | 13 | 1013 | 1025 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2554 | Albright C.H., Haag R., Treiman S.B. | Renormalization of a Parity Non-Conserving Theory. | 1959 | 13 | 1282 | 1284 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2555 | Alles W., Tomasini A. | Application of Fixed Angle Dispersion Relations to Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in the Triplet State. | 1959 | 13 | 1273 | 1275 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2556 | Arnous E., Heitler W. | Non-Local Interaction and Universal Cut-off. | 1959 | 11 | 443 | 446 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2557 | Ascoli R. | On the emission of Low Energy Photons from a Quantized System. | 1959 | 12 | 191 | 217 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2558 | Ascoli R., Minardi E. | Lee Model with Complex Energy Eigenvalues. | 1959 | 14 | 1254 | 1265 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2559 | Banerjee H. | Polarization Phenomena in Photoelectric Effect and One Quantum Annihilation of Positrons in the K-shell. | 1959 | 11 | 220 | 228 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2560 | Barton G. | Operator Functions of the Pion Field Operator. | 1959 | 13 | 363 | 370 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2561 | Benisz J., Chylinski Z., Wolter W. | Investigations of Bremstrahlung of Electrons in the Energy Interval (10^11-10^12) eV. | 1959 | 11 | 525 | 532 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2562 | Bollini C.G. | On the Coupling of the Elementary Particles with the Electromagnetic Field. | 1959 | 14 | 560 | 570 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2563 | Bollini G.C. | Irreducibility Constraints and Field Equations for the Elementary Particles. II.Fermions. | 1959 | 13 | 46 | 56 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2564 | Bosco B. | Analyticity, Unitary and Resonances. | 1959 | 14 | 1177 | 1178 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2565 | Bosco B., De Alfaro V. | Limitations on the Nucleon Form Factors due to Causality Requirements. | 1959 | 13 | 154 | 158 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2566 | Bowcock J., Martin A. | A Mandelstam Representation in Potential Scattering. | 1959 | 14 | 516 | 526 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2567 | Brown L.M. | Note on Possible Parity Non-Conservation in Strong Interactions. | 1959 | 11 | 884 | 886 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2568 | Buccafurri A., Fano G. | Formulae for Feynman Graphs of Arbitrary Topology. | 1959 | 13 | 628 | 636 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2569 | Budde R., Burger A., Filthuth H., Goldschmidt-Clermont Y., Mayer H.M., Morrison D.R.O., Peyrou Ch., Trembley J. | Track Distorsion in a Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber. | 1959 | 14 | 778 | 786 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2570 | Butkov E. | Spin-Orbit Potential in Pseudoscalar Theory. | 1959 | 13 | 809 | 817 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2571 | Caianiello E.R. | Regularization and Renormalization. I-General Part. | 1959 | 13 | 637 | 661 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2572 | Caianiello E.R. | Regularization and Renormalization. II- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions. | 1959 | 14 | 185 | 210 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2573 | Carrassi M., Passatore G. | Some Remarks on the Calculation of the Polarization Effects -I. | 1959 | 13 | 944 | 955 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2574 | Ceolin C., Toyoda T. | Gauge Invariance of Baryon Equation. | 1959 | 13 | 605 | 613 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2575 | Charap J.M., Fubini S.P. | The Field Theoretic Definition of the Nuclear Potential -I. | 1959 | 14 | 540 | 559 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2576 | Ciulli S., Fischer J. | Partial Wave Analysis of the Production of Boson Pairs. | 1959 | 12 | 264 | 285 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2577 | Cohen S.G. | The Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 6 and 7 MeV Gamma-Rays from lead. | 1959 | 14 | 931 | 937 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2578 | Corinaldesi E., Radicati L.A. | Pauli-Gursey Transformations and Rotations in Charge Space. | 1959 | 13 | 667 | 669 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2579 | Cornille H., Chapdelaine M. | Diffusion cohérente des photons de 2.62 MeV par les électrons de la Couche K du mercure. | 1959 | 14 | 1386 | 1390 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2580 | Dallaporta N. | On Parity Conservation in Strong Interactions. | 1959 | 13 | 159 | 172 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2581 | Dallaporta N., De Santis V. | Hypercharge Indipendence of K Interactions. | 1959 | 14 | 225 | 232 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2582 | Dell'Antonio G.F., Gulmanelli P. | Asymptotic Conditions in Quantum Field Theories. | 1959 | 12 | 38 | 53 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2583 | Fabri E. | Time Reserval and Complex Numbers in Quantum Theory. | 1959 | 13 | 326 | 343 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2584 | Fabri E. | The Logical Foundations of Invariance Principles in Physic -I. | 1959 | 14 | 1130 | 1144 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2585 | Feinberg G., Weinberg S. | On the Phase Factros in Inversions. | 1959 | 14 | 571 | 592 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2586 | Fenyves E., Frenkel A., Telbisz F., Pernegr J., Petrzilka V., Vràna J. | Investigation of a High Energy Electron-Photon Cascade in emulsion. | 1959 | 14 | 1249 | 1253 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2587 | Ferretti B. | On Quantization with an Indefinite Metric and Lee Model. | 1959 | 12 | 393 | 430 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2588 | Ferretti B. | On the Possibility of Energy Depending Symmetry Properties. | 1959 | 13 | 456 | 457 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2589 | Freund P.G.O. | About the Concept of Particle in Quantum Field Theory. | 1959 | 14 | 673 | 680 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2590 | Furlan G., Peressutti G. | Non-Local Effects in Electron-Electron and Electron-Positron Scattering. | 1959 | 14 | 758 | 766 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2591 | Garrido L.M., Pascual P. | Diagonalization of Hamiltonian. | 1959 | 12 | 181 | 190 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2592 | Gottlieb I. | A Direct Consequence Arising from the Relativistic Handling of an "Uniform" Field. | 1959 | 14 | 1166 | 1170 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2593 | Gulmanelli P., Montaldi E. | Wightman Functions and Jacobi Identity. | 1959 | 13 | 1276 | 1278 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2594 | Haag R., Luzzatto G. | Differential Equations for the Renormalized Fields in the Piont Source Lee-Model and Scalar Neutral Meson Theory. | 1959 | 13 | 415 | 429 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2595 | Halbawachs F., Hillion P., Vigier J.P. | Quadratic Lagrangians in Relativistic Hydrodynamics. | 1959 | 11 | 882 | 883 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2596 | Heber G. | Feldgleichungen fur nichtlokalisierbare Felder. | 1959 | 12 | 553 | 563 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2597 | Isaev P.S., Zlatev I.S. | Form Fator Influence on Processes ofBremsstrahlung and Pair Production on Protons. | 1959 | 13 | 1 | 11 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2598 | Kaschluhn F. | On the Asymptotic and Causality Conditions in Quantum Field Theory. | 1959 | 12 | 541 | 552 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2599 | Kato T., Kuroda S.T. | A Remark on the Unitarity Property of the Scattering Operators. | 1959 | 14 | 1102 | 1107 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2600 | Katsumori H. | Electromagnetic Mass Shift for the Spinless Particles. | 1959 | 14 | 1381 | 1383 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2601 | Kazes E. | A Soluble Model in Field Theory -I. | 1959 | 14 | 815 | 826 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2602 | Kazes E. | Generalized Currrent Conservation Low Energy Limit of Photon Interactions. | 1959 | 13 | 1226 | 1239 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2603 | Kudora S.T. | On the Existence and the Unitary Property of the Scattering Operators. | 1959 | 12 | 431 | 454 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2604 | Lanius K., Meier H.W. | On the Direct Production of an Electron Pair by a High Energy alfa Particles. | 1959 | 13 | 444 | 445 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2605 | Lévy M. | On the Description of Unstable Particles in Quantum Field Theory. | 1959 | 13 | 115 | 143 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2606 | Liotta R.S. | Remarks on the Covariant Hamiltonian Formalism for Vectorial Field. | 1959 | 14 | 443 | 447 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2607 | Liotta R.S. | Further Developments of the Covariant Functional Formalism for Interacting Fields. -III. | 1959 | 13 | 921 | 935 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2608 | Lukierski J. | On a Full Geometrization of Conservation Laws in Gursey's Formalism. | 1959 | 13 | 410 | 414 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2609 | Mandelbrojt J. | Etude critique et forme simplifiée résoluble de l'approximation de couplage intermédiaire de Tomonaga. | 1959 | 14 | 625 | 636 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2610 | Martin A. | A New Method for the Determination of the Meson-Nucleon Coupling Constant from the 33 Phase Shift. | 1959 | 13 | 241 | 243 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2611 | Matthews P.T., Salam A. | The Inelastic Scattering of Elementary Particles. | 1959 | 13 | 381 | 393 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2612 | Mayer M.E. | Exteded Invariance Properties of Quantum Fields. I.-Lagrangian formalism. | 1959 | 11 | 760 | 770 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2613 | McManus H. | Determination of the Meson-Nucleon Coupling Constant from Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. | 1959 | 13 | 228 | 230 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2614 | Montaldi E. | Connections between Generalized Singular Functions and Bessel Functions. | 1959 | 12 | 571 | 592 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2615 | Montaldini E. | Una particolare rappresentazione integrale della funzione delta+(cxi;a). | 1959 | 11 | 149 | 152 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2616 | Murdoch H.S., Ogilvie K.W.. | Coincidence Counting with Scintillation Counters. | 1959 | 14 | 661 | 672 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2617 | Nishijima K. | Introduction of a Neutral Pseudoscalar Field and a Possible Connection between strangeness and Parity. | 1959 | 11 | 698 | 710 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2618 | Oehme R. | Structure Singularities of Electromagnetic Form Factors. | 1959 | 13 | 778 | 789 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2619 | Okubo S. | Note on the Conserved Current in the Weak Interactions. | 1959 | 13 | 292 | 302 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2620 | O'Raifeartaigh L., Sredniawa B., Terreaux Ch. | The Proton-Neutron Mass-Difference According to Meson-Theory. | 1959 | 14 | 376 | 396 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2621 | Poiani G., Reina I. | On Large Angle Pair Production and Limits of Validity of Electrodynamics. | 1959 | 13 | 1302 | 1305 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2622 | Scarf F.L. | Equations of Motion for Renormalized Fields. | 1959 | 14 | 849 | 855 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2623 | Schopper H., Muller H. | Lepton Conservation and Time Reserval in beta decay. | 1959 | 13 | 1026 | 1034 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2624 | Sekine K. | On the Renormalization of a Parity Non-Conserving Interaction. | 1959 | 11 | 87 | 101 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2625 | Sen P. | The Renormalization of Dirac-Maxwell Equations. | 1959 | 13 | 1122 | 1132 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2626 | Singh V. | On the Interaction Hamiltonian of Symmetric Pseudoscalar Meson Theory. | 1959 | 11 | 800 | 804 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2627 | Sucher J., Day T.B. | On the Relation between Scattering and Production Amplitudes. | 1959 | 13 | 1111 | 1116 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2628 | Symanzik K. | On the Renormalization of the Axial Vector beta Decay Coupling. | 1959 | 11 | 269 | 277 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2629 | Takabayasi T. | Relativistic Particles with Internal Rotational Structure. | 1959 | 13 | 532 | 554 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2630 | Touschek B. | A Note on the Pauli Trasformation. | 1959 | 13 | 394 | 404 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2631 | Walecka J.D. | Spectral Functions in the Static Theory. | 1959 | 11 | 821 | 834 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2632 | Wanders G. | On the Problem of Causality. | 1959 | 14 | 168 | 184 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2633 | Wataghin G. | Causality Complementarity and S-Matrix Formalism in a Non-Local Relativistic Theory of Fields. | 1959 | 14 | 1157 | 1165 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2634 | Watanabe S. | Geometrical Generalization of gamma(5) Invariance. | 1959 | 13 | 144 | 147 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2635 | Wess J. | On Scale Transformations. | 1959 | 14 | 527 | 531 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2636 | Wolf E. | Coherence Properties of Partially Polarized Electromagnetic Radiation. | 1959 | 13 | 1165 | 1181 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2637 | Zimmermann W. | One Particle Singularities of Green Functions in Quantum Field Theory. | 1959 | 13 | 503 | 521 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
2638 | Boato G., Scoles G., Vallauri M.E. | Vapour Pressure of Isotopic Liquids. I.- A, N(2), O(2= Below Boiling-point. | 1959 | 14 | 735 | 747 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2639 | Paoletti A., Vicentini M. | Self Diffusion in Liquid In-Pb Alloys. | 1959 | 14 | 748 | 757 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2640 | Ramachandra Rao B., Krishnamurty C. | Investigation of Accumulation and Persistence Time of Ultrasonic Striation Grating of Starch Suspensions in Liquids. | 1959 | 11 | 212 | 219 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2641 | Vicentini M., Paoletti A. | Self Diffusion in Liquid In-Sn Alloys. | 1959 | 14 | 1373 | 1380 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
2642 | Brini D., Fuschini E., Murty D.S.R., Veronesi P. | Rayleigh Scattering of Polarized Photons. | 1959 | 11 | 533 | 545 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
2643 | Cennamo F., Tartaglione E. | On the X-Ray Diffraction in Water-Dioxane and Water-Ethyl Alcohol Mixtures. | 1959 | 11 | 401 | 409 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
2644 | Majumdar R.C., Mathur V.S., Dhar J. | Multiple Photon Production in Compton Scattering and Bremsstrahlung. | 1959 | 12 | 97 | 105 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
2645 | Vassamillet L.F. | Dislocation and their Effect on X-Ray Diffraction. | 1959 | 13 | 1133 | 1142 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
2646 | Klotz A.H. | Gravitation and Electromagnetism. | 1959 | 14 | 135 | 141 | Gravitation | 1 | |||||||
2647 | Peres A. | On Gravitational Radiation. | 1959 | 13 | 670 | 670 | Gravitation | 1 | |||||||
2648 | Alles W., Biswas N.N., Ceccarelli M., Gessaroli R., Quareni G., Going M., Gottstein K., Puschel W., Tietge J., Zorn G.T., Crussard J., Hennessy J., Dascola G., Mora S. | On K- Hydrogen Interactions. | 1959 | 11 | 771 | 775 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2649 | Amarti D., Stanghellini A., Vitale B. | Pion-Hyperon Scatterinf. Influence of Non-Symmetric lambda and Sigma Interaction. | 1959 | 13 | 1143 | 1155 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2650 | Bhowmik B., | The Interaction and Decay of K- Mesons in Photographic Emulsion. Part I. Genneral Characteristics of K- Interactions and Analysis of Events in Wich a Charged pigreco Meson in Emitted. | 1959 | 13 | 690 | 729 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2651 | Bhowmik B., Evans D., Falla D., Hassan F., Kamal A.A., Renè M., Alexander G., Johnston H.W., O'Ceallaigh C., Keefe D., Burhop E.H.S., Davis D.H., Kumar R.C., Lasich W.B., Shaukat M.A., Stannard F.R., Bacchella M., Bonetti A., Dilworth C., Occhialini G., | The Interaction of K- Mesons with Photographic Emulsion Nuclei. Part II. The Emission of Hyperons from K- Interactions at Rest. | 1959 | 14 | 315 | 364 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2652 | Bisi V , Cester R., Debenedetti A., Garelli C.M., Margem N., Quassiati B., Vigone M. | Nuclear Interactions of Neutral K-Mesons of Long Lifetime. -II. | 1959 | 12 | 16 | 26 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2653 | Day T.B., Snow G.A., Sucher J. | K-, K° Relative Parity and the K- d Charge Exchange Reaction. | 1959 | 13 | 614 | 627 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2654 | Eisenberg Y., Kock W., Nikolic M., Schneeberger M., Winzeler H. | Absorptions of Negative K-Mesons at Rest in Nuclear Emulsion. IV.-The Pion Producing Reactions. | 1959 | 11 | 351 | 376 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2655 | Garelli C.M., Quassiati B., Tallone L., Vigone M. | Interactions of 1.15 GeV/c K- Mesons in Emulsions. Preliminary Results. | 1959 | 13 | 1294 | 1295 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2656 | Gourdin M., Martin A. | K+ Deuterium Inelastic and Exchange Scattering. -II. | 1959 | 14 | 722 | 734 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2657 | Islam M.M. | The Parity of K-Mesons and Dispersion Relations. | 1959 | 13 | 224 | 227 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2658 | Jackson J.D., Wyld H.W. | Effect of K° K- Mass Difference on K- N Interactions at Low Energies. | 1959 | 13 | 85 | 95 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2659 | Kovacs J.S., Lichtenberg D.B. | Interaction of Antilambda Hyperon with Nucleons at Intermaìediate Energies. | 1959 | 13 | 376 | 380 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2660 | Kundt U., Lanius K., Lewin K. | On thhe Interpretation of the K-Meson Interaction in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1959 | 14 | 943 | 950 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2661 | Lim T.G., Van Der Linden J.P. | Elastic Differential Cross-Section for 60 MeV K+ Sacttering in Emulsion. | 1959 | 11 | 67 | 72 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2662 | Malenka B.J. | Possible Polarization Measurements in K+ H Scattering. | 1959 | 11 | 725 | 726 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2663 | Minami S.. | K- p Scattering at Low Energy. | 1959 | 13 | 354 | 362 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2664 | Petrizilka V. | Preliminary Remarks on a Consequence of the Two-Centers Model of Multiple Meson Production. | 1959 | 13 | 1300 | 1301 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2665 | Soloviev V.G. | Possible test of Conservation of Parity in Production of K-Mesons and Hyperons. | 1959 | 13 | 442 | 443 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2666 | Stroffolini R., Varcaccio G. | K- Meson Parity from the Reaction K- + d->(lambda)°+p+(pigreco)- | 1959 | 13 | 249 | 256 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
2667 | Ammar R., Levi Setti R., Slater W.E. | Final State Interaction in (5)He(lambda) Decay. | 1959 | 13 | 1156 | 1164 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2668 | Ammar R.G. | Hyperfragments Produced by K- Capture in Nuclear Emulsion: pigreco° Decay Modes. | 1959 | 14 | 1226 | 1248 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2669 | Barsella B., Rosati S. | On the Possible Existence of Hyperfragments with mass Number A=6. | 1959 | 13 | 458 | 460 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2670 | Bassani F., Celli V. | Energy-Band Structure of Lithium Atoms in the Diamond Lattice. | 1959 | 11 | 805 | 815 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2671 | Breivik F., Skjeggestad O., Sorensen S.O., Solheim A. | Observations of Hyperfragments. | 1959 | 12 | 531 | 540 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2672 | Deka G.C. | Mesonic Decays of Hyperfragmens. | 1959 | 14 | 1217 | 1225 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2673 | Guandolfi E., Heughebaert J., Quercigh E. | Concerning the Existence of a Sigma- n Compound. | 1959 | 13 | 864 | 867 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2674 | Hameka H.F. | Some Calculations on the Proton Magnetic Resonance Shift Due to Hydrogen Bonding of Ammonia Molecules. | 1959 | 11 | 382 | 394 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2675 | Kumar R.C., Stannard F.R. | A Seach for (sigma+p) Hypernuclei. | 1959 | 14 | 250 | 252 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2676 | Levi-Setti R., Slater W.E. | A Possible Experimental Method for the Production and Detection of Heavy Hyperfragments. | 1959 | 14 | 895 | 897 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2677 | Meyer Ph., Salzman G. | The mu -> e + gamma Decay and the Intermediate Charge Vector Boson Theory. | 1959 | 14 | 1310 | 1321 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2678 | Mora S., Ortalli I. | An Analysis of Hyperfragments Originated in K- Stars. | 1959 | 12 | 635 | 638 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2679 | Schick L.H. | On the Existence of the Hypernucleus 6He(lambda). | 1959 | 14 | 426 | 434 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2680 | Swami M.S., Udgaonkar B.M. | Hyperfragments and Isotopic Spin Selection Rules. | 1959 | 14 | 836 | 848 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2681 | Szymanski J. | Hyperfragments from the Particles and the Determination of the Parity. | 1959 | 11 | 730 | 732 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2682 | Tonin M. | Quantization of the two-Component Fermion Theory. | 1959 | 14 | 1108 | 1119 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
2683 | Ascoli-Bartoli U., Rasetti F. | Measurement of refractive Index of aPlasma in the Optical Region. | 1959 | 13 | 1296 | 1299 | Ionization | 1 | |||||||
2684 | Abrahamson P., Ben-Arieh J., Yekutieli G., Alexander G. | Interaction of Gev pigreco- Mesons with Nuclear Emulsion. | 1959 | 12 | 27 | 37 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2685 | Alberigi-Quaranta A., Dore U., Pieraccini F. | On the Deteermination of the Mean Life of mu- Mesons in Ca and Pb. | 1959 | 14 | 48 | 53 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2686 | Alles-Borelli V., Bergia S., Perez Ferreira E., Waloschek P. | Experimental Results on Pion Production Compared with Predictions of the Isobar Model. | 1959 | 14 | 211 | 224 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2687 | Beltrametti E.G., Radicati L.A. | Mu- Capture in Light Nuclei. | 1959 | 11 | 793 | 799 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2688 | Blau M., Carter C.F., Permutter A. | Negative Pion Interactions at 1.3 GeV/c. | 1959 | 14 | 704 | 721 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2689 | Block M., Brucker B., Chang C., Kikuchi T., Meltzer C., Anderson F., Pevsner A., Cohn H., Harth E., Leitner J., Brautti G., Franzinetti C., Tosi R. | Preliminary Results Regarding High Energy Interactions of pigreco- in a He-Bubble Chamber. | 1959 | 12 | 642 | 643 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2690 | De Alfaro V., Stroffolini R. | Multiple Scattering Correction ìs in pigreco Deuteron Scattering. | 1959 | 11 | 447 | 452 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2691 | De Tollis B. | On mu Mesons Electron Scattering. | 1959 | 14 | 253 | 256 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2692 | Hillman P., Middelkoop W.C., Yatagata T., Zavattini E. | The pigreco- pigreco° Mass Difference. | 1959 | 14 | 887 | 894 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2693 | Ion I.X., Ionescu-Pallas N.J., Potoceanu C.C. | About the mu Meson Spin from Ionization Bursts Data. | 1959 | 11 | 507 | 524 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2694 | Lurié D., Power E.A. | Parity Non-Conservation in Pion Production. | 1959 | 14 | 1145 | 1148 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2695 | Pine J., Davisson R.J., Greisen K. | Momentum Spectrum and Positive Excess of mu-Mesons. | 1959 | 14 | 1181 | 1204 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
2696 | Carrelli A., Cozza G., Gaeta F. | The Debye Effect in Electrolitic and Colloidal Solutions in High Frequency Acoustic Fields. | 1959 | 11 | 139 | 141 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2697 | Carrelli A., Della Caggia L. | On the Dielectric Constant of some Aqueous Solutions. | 1959 | 14 | 161 | 167 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2698 | Carrelli A., Marinaro M. | On the Mechanical Moment of Rotationof Mixtures of Liquids in Rotating Electric Fields. | 1959 | 11 | 262 | 268 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2699 | Cini-Castagnoli G., Pizzella G., Ricci F.P. | Transport Properties in the Liquid State and the Corresponding State Principles. | 1959 | 11 | 466 | 467 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
2700 | Bernardini C., Querzoli R., Salvini G., Silverman A., Stoppini G. | Search for New Neutral Mesons (the ro° mesons). | 1959 | 14 | 268 | 271 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2701 | Coelin C., Dallaporta N., Guerriero L., Laboragine I., Salandin G.A., Taffara L. | Analysis of the Charge Exchange Reaction K+ + p -> K° + n. | 1959 | 13 | 818 | 838 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2702 | European Collaboration | On the Observation of pigreco mesons Emitted in the Interaction in Emulsion of K- mesons. | 1959 | 12 | 91 | 95 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2703 | Ezawa H. | To Introduce the Impact Parameter into the Analysis of Multiple Meson Processes. | 1959 | 11 | 745 | 759 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2704 | Friedlander E.M. | Multiple Meson Production by 9 GeV Protons on Emulsion Nuclei. | 1959 | 14 | 796 | 814 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2705 | Guggenheimer K.M. | Meson Mass Spectrum. | 1959 | 11 | 287 | 288 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2706 | Huzita H. | A Method of Analysis of Events Involving Multiple Meson Production. | 1959 | 14 | 484 | 492 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2707 | Katsumori H. | A Possible Parity Assignment for Strange Particles and a New Kind of Heavy Meson. | 1959 | 11 | 612 | 616 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2708 | Kazes E. | Meson in the Static Charged-Scalar Theory. | 1959 | 14 | 74 | 80 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2709 | Meier H.W. | Preliminary Remarks on a Consequence of the Isobar Model of Multiple Meson Production. | 1959 | 11 | 307 | 310 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2710 | Quareni G., Quareni Vignudelli A., Dascola G., Mora S. | Experimental Evidence for the Decay Mode Sigma+ -> p+gamma. | 1959 | 14 | 1179 | 1180 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
2711 | Amar V., Pauri M. | On the Gursey Baryon Equation. | 1959 | 13 | 1290 | 1293 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2712 | Behrends R.E. | Universal Baryon-Meson Coupling. | 1959 | 11 | 424 | 427 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2713 | Bilenky S.M., Ryndin R.M. | On the Determination of the Parity of Hyperons and K Mesons. | 1959 | 12 | 106 | 110 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2714 | Bogdanowicz J., Danysz M., Filipkowski A., Marquit E., Skrzypczak E., Wròblewski A., Zakrezewski J. | Determination of the Mass of lambda° Hyperon. | 1959 | 11 | 727 | 729 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2715 | Cheishvili O.D., Matinyan S.G. | Polarization Effects in Sigma- Hyperon Capture by Deuterons. | 1959 | 13 | 108 | 114 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2716 | Dallaporta N., Toyoda T. | On the Dirac Equation for Baryons. | 1959 | 12 | 593 | 601 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2717 | Davis D.h., Jones B.D., Zakrzewski J. | The Inelastic Scattering of sigma+ Hyperons with Hyperons with Emulsion Nuclei. | 1959 | 14 | 265 | 267 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2718 | De Alfaro V., Predazzi E. | Charge Distribution of the Nucleon. | 1959 | 14 | 448 | 451 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2719 | Fonda L., Newton R.G. | K.Hyperon Production Threshold Phenomena. | 1959 | 14 | 1027 | 1050 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2720 | Kovacs J.S., Lichtenberg D.B. | Scattering of (lambda)° Hyperons by Nucleons at Intermediate Energies. | 1959 | 13 | 371 | 375 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2721 | Oishi Y. | Compound Model and the Relative Parity of Baryons. | 1959 | 11 | 124 | 125 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2722 | Saperstein A.M., Feldman D. | Elastic Scattering and Polarization of High-Energy Nucleons by Nuclei. | 1959 | 14 | 457 | 478 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2723 | Tenaglia L. | On the Interactions of the Nucleons. | 1959 | 14 | 653 | 655 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
2724 | Aditya P.K. | On the Possibility of Neutrons Producing Secondary Interactions in High Energy Showers. | 1959 | 11 | 872 | 875 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2725 | Agodi A., Eberle E., Sentorio L. | On Surface Direct Photoneutrons. | 1959 | 13 | 1279 | 1281 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2726 | Balzer R., Knopfel H., Lang J., Muller R., Stoll P. | Neutron Capture Gamma-Rays of Iodine, Iridium and Cerium. | 1959 | 11 | 609 | 611 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2727 | Cini M., Gatto R. | Longitudinal Polarization of the Fast Neutrons from mu- Absorption by Nuclei. | 1959 | 11 | 253 | 261 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2728 | Colli L., Cvelbar F., Micheletti S., Pignanelli M. | (n,d) Reactions with 14 MeV Neutron Energy. | 1959 | 13 | 868 | 870 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2729 | Colli L., Cvelbar F., Micheletti S., Pignanelli M. | (n,d) Reactions with 14 MeV Neutrons on (27)Al, (40)Ca, (55)Mn, (103)Rh. | 1959 | 14 | 1120 | 1129 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2730 | Colli L., Facchini U., Iori I., Marcazzan M.G., Sona A.M. | n,p and n,np Reactions with 14 MeV Neutrons. | 1959 | 13 | 730 | 760 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2731 | Emma V., Milone C., Rinzivillo R. | Photoneutrons from K and Ca. | 1959 | 14 | 1149 | 1156 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2732 | Milone C., Rubbino A. | Energy Spectra and Angular Distribution of Photoneutrons from Oxygen. | 1959 | 13 | 1035 | 1052 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2733 | Winter K., Torki B., Remy E. | On the Mechanism of the (n,2n) Reaction at 14 MeV Neutron Energy -II. | 1959 | 11 | 1 | 11 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
2734 | Armstrong A.H., Frye Jr. G.M. | Antiprotons Annihilation in Nuclear Emulsion. | 1959 | 13 | 77 | 84 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2735 | Ferrari E. | Considerations on the Cross Section for Pion Production in Proton-Protton Collisions. | 1959 | 13 | 1285 | 1289 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2736 | Fidone I. | On the 3d Wave Functionsin Atoms of Iron Group. | 1959 | 11 | 736 | 737 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2737 | Goldstone J., Gottfried K. | Collective Excitations of Fermi Gases. | 1959 | 13 | 849 | 852 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2738 | Hack M.N. | Wave Operators in Multichannel Scattering.231 | 1959 | 13 | 231 | 236 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2739 | Kazes E. | Generalization of the Levinson-Jauch Theorem to an Arbitrary Number of Channels. | 1959 | 13 | 983 | 987 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2740 | Lee B.W., Klein A. | Application of the Chew-Low Formalism of Multi-Channel Reactions. | 1959 | 13 | 891 | 908 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2741 | Longoni A.M. | Teoria non locale dell'effetto Compton. | 1959 | 13 | 802 | 808 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2742 | Wolfenstein L. | Theoretical Calculations on mu- + (12)C -> (12)B + ni. | 1959 | 13 | 319 | 325 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
2743 | De Sabbata V., Tomasini A. | On the Surface Effect in Nuclear Photoreactions. | 1959 | 13 | 1268 | 1272 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2744 | D'Espagnat B., Prentki J. | Note on Parity Violation in Strong Interactions. | 1959 | 12 | 164 | 166 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2745 | Farinelli U., Ferrero F., Ferroni S., Malvano R., Silva E. | On the (gamma, pn) Reaction in (32)S. | 1959 | 12 | 89 | 90 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2746 | Fenyves E., Gombosi E., Surànyi P. | Investigation of Nuclear Interactions of Energies between 10 and 100 GeV. | 1959 | 11 | 21 | 25 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2747 | Ferrero F., Ferroni S., Malvano R., Menardi S., Silva E. | The 35Cl(gamma,n)34Cl and 35Cl(gamma,N)34Clm Reactions Investigated up to 31 MeV. | 1959 | 11 | 410 | 414 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2748 | Fujii S., Sugimoto O. | Note on the Electric Quadrupole Absorption in the Nuclear Photo-Reaction. | 1959 | 12 | 513 | 522 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
2749 | Aditya P.K. | Possible Example of an Interaction in Emulsion Produced by a Deuteron of 10^13 eV. | 1959 | 13 | 219 | 223 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2750 | Bach G.G. | Three Body Forces in Hypernuclei. | 1959 | 11 | 73 | 86 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2751 | Bisi A., Germagnoli E., Zappa L. | L/K-Capture Ratio in 195Au. | 1959 | 11 | 843 | 849 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2752 | Blohincev D.I., Barasenkov V.S., Barbasov B.M. | Nucloen Structure and Pion-Pion Interaction. | 1959 | 12 | 602 | 610 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2753 | Bonera G., Chiodi L., Giulotto L., Lanzi G. | A Method for the Measurement of the Transversal Relation Time. | 1959 | 14 | 119 | 134 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2754 | Bonera G., Giulotto L. | Adiabatic Passage in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with the Rotating co-ordinate Method. | 1959 | 14 | 435 | 442 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2755 | Budini P., Furlan G. | Electron-Positron Elastic Scattering from Extended Nuclei. | 1959 | 13 | 790 | 801 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2756 | Burmeister J., Lanius K., Meier H.W. | Zur Interpretation von Jets mit dem Modell der angeregten Nukleonen. | 1959 | 11 | 12 | 20 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2757 | Castillejo L., Singh L.S. | Cross-Section and Polarization in Elastic Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering. | 1959 | 11 | 131 | 135 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2758 | Castillejo L., Singh L.S. | Triple scattering Parameters in Elastic Neutron-Deuteron Scattering. | 1959 | 11 | 136 | 138 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2759 | Chidambaram R. | A Method of Reducing Radiation Damping in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. | 1959 | 13 | 405 | 409 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2760 | Colli L. | Structures in the Proton Spectra from n,p Reactions. | 1959 | 14 | 81 | 89 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2761 | Cortini G., Milone C., Papa T., Rinzivillo R. | Photoneutrons from Al. | 1959 | 14 | 54 | 61 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2762 | Di Caporiacco G., Mandò M., Ferrero F. | Some Results on the Photodisintegration of Samarium. | 1959 | 13 | 522 | 531 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2763 | Favella L., Olivetti M. | On the Elastic p-d Scattering at High Energies. | 1959 | 11 | 678 | 692 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2764 | Fiorini E., Ratti S. | Alcuni dati sulle interazioni di protoni di alta energia in nuclei leggeri (C,O). | 1959 | 14 | 901 | 904 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2765 | Fonda L. | Effective Potential Approach tothe Threshold Behaviour of Cross Sections. | 1959 | 13 | 956 | 968 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2766 | Fujii A., Primakoff H. | Muon Capture in Certain Light Nuclei. | 1959 | 12 | 327 | 355 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2767 | Gatto R. | Nucleon Correlation Effects in High Energy Electron Scattering. | 1959 | 12 | 70 | 83 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2768 | Hameka H.F. | Nuclear Magnetic Shielding at Large Distances of a Hydrogen Atom in an Electric Field. | 1959 | 11 | 395 | 400 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2769 | Havlicek F.I. | Der "gamma-alfa" Photoeffekt bei Ba, Ce, Nd und Sm. | 1959 | 13 | 969 | 973 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2770 | Hsieh S.H., Lin C.R. | On the Anomalous Behavior of d(gamma, p)n near 15 MeV. | 1959 | 13 | 665 | 666 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2771 | Husain A., Siddique M.H. | Interaction of 4.5 GeV Pions with Emulsion Nuclei. | 1959 | 11 | 438 | 439 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2772 | Kumar K. | Statistical Derivation of the Nuclear Rotational Energies. | 1959 | 13 | 591 | 604 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2773 | Oquidam B., Jancovici B. | Nuclear Matrix Elements for Some 1st-Forbidden Unique beta Transitions. | 1959 | 11 | 578 | 588 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2774 | Peck R.A.jr., Eubank H.P., Howard R.M. | Distribution Correlations in Sb(n,p)Sn. | 1959 | 14 | 397 | 402 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2775 | Pisent G., Villi C. | Effective Range Theory in Nucleon-Alpha Scattering. | 1959 | 11 | 300 | 306 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2776 | Predazzi E. | Nuclear Scattering of High Energy Electrons. | 1959 | 12 | 177 | 180 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2777 | Rossetti C. | On the Photodisintegration of Three-Particle Nuclei. | 1959 | 14 | 1171 | 1173 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2778 | Tamai E. | High Energy Nuclear Disintegrations. | 1959 | 14 | 1 | 10 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2779 | Tanner N.W., Thomas G.C., Meyerhof W.E. | Observations on the Photodisintegration of (16)O through the Inverse Process (15) N(p,gamma)(16)O. | 1959 | 14 | 257 | 259 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2780 | Targonski Gy. | Approximation of Velocity-Dependent Potentials by Separable Kernels. | 1959 | 14 | 1093 | 1101 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2781 | Caianiello E.R., Gatti G. | Proprietà focalizzanti del campo di Biot-Savart. | 1959 | 12 | 469 | 476 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
2782 | Jànossy L. | The Fluctuations of Intensity of an Extended Light Source. | 1959 | 12 | 369 | 384 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
2783 | Alles W., Tomasini A. | Application of Fixed Angle Dispersion Relations to Proton-Proton Scattering. | 1959 | 13 | 1265 | 1267 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2784 | Amaldi E., Baroni G., Bellettini G., Castagnoli C., Ferro-Luzzi M., Manfredini A. | Study of Antiprotons with Emulsion Technique. | 1959 | 14 | 977 | 1026 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2785 | Cottini C., Fabri G., Gatti E., Germagnoli E. | On Positron Lifetime in Anthracene. | 1959 | 14 | 454 | 455 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2786 | Dowell J.D., Fowler E.C., Hill J.G., Martelli G., Musgrave B., Riddiford L. | Further Study of Proton-Proton Interactions at 970 MeV. | 1959 | 14 | 235 | 239 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2787 | Ekspong A.G., Ronne B.E. | Antiproton Interaction Cross Sections. | 1959 | 13 | 27 | 45 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2788 | Fischer F.W., Lord J.J. | Spurious Scattering of &.2 GeV Protons in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1959 | 11 | 44 | 47 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
2789 | Andreassi G., Budini P., Reina I. | Possible Test of the Validity of Electrodynamics at Short Distances. | 1959 | 12 | 488 | 489 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
2790 | Candlin D.J. | The Supplementary Condition in Quantum Electrodinamics. | 1959 | 12 | 54 | 62 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
2791 | Glaser V., Jaksic B. | A Remark on One-Dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1959 | 11 | 877 | 879 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
2792 | Poiani G., Reina I. | Investigation on Quantum Electrodynamics at Short Distances by Mean of Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production. | 1959 | 13 | 19 | 26 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
2793 | Redmond P.J. | Some Consequence for Quantum Electrodynamics of an Essential Singularity at alfa=0. | 1959 | 14 | 771 | 777 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
2794 | Bernardes N. | Potential Energy Matrix Elements Between Non-Overlapping Wave Functions. | 1959 | 11 | 628 | 634 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2795 | Buchdahal H.A. | On Extended Conformal Transformations of Spinor and Spinor Equations. | 1959 | 11 | 496 | 506 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2796 | Ingraham R. | Derivation of Rate Equations: Corrections and Further Comments. | 1959 | 13 | 461 | 463 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2797 | Jauch J.M., Zinnes I.I. | The Asymptotic Condition for Simple Scattering Systems. | 1959 | 11 | 553 | 567 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2798 | Kacser C. | Higher Born Approximations in Non-Relativistic Coulomb Scattering. | 1959 | 13 | 303 | 318 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2799 | Kawabe R. | A Remark on the Paradox of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen. | 1959 | 13 | 448 | 450 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2800 | Laurent B.E. | Note on Moller's Energy-Momentum Pseudo-Tensor. | 1959 | 11 | 740 | 742 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2801 | Mohan G. | Re-Arrangement Collision Matrix. | 1959 | 13 | 1065 | 1073 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2802 | Moses H.E., San Fu Tuan | Potentials with Zero Scattering Phase. | 1959 | 13 | 197 | 206 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2803 | Pawlikowski A., Szczurowna W. | The Partition Function and the Subsidiary Conditions in the Bohm-Pines and Migdal-Galitsky's Supplementary Variables Method. | 1959 | 11 | 635 | 643 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2804 | Regge T. | Simmetry Properties of Racah's Coefficients. | 1959 | 11 | 116 | 117 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2805 | Tietz T. | Angular Momentum Distributions for the Thomas- Fermi Field. | 1959 | 11 | 121 | 123 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2806 | Tietz T. | Discrete States for Non-Singular and Singular Potential Problems. | 1959 | 11 | 126 | 130 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
2807 | Carrelli A. | On Mach's Principle. | 1959 | 13 | 853 | 856 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2808 | Cattaneo C. | On the Energy Equation for a Gravitating Test Particle. | 1959 | 11 | 733 | 735 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2809 | Cattaneo C. | Conservation Laws in General Relativity. | 1959 | 13 | 237 | 240 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2810 | Datta Majumdar S. | Einstein's Field Equations. | 1959 | 13 | 880 | 890 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2811 | Fronsdal C. | A Generally Relativistic Field Theory. | 1959 | 13 | 988 | 1006 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2812 | Higgs P.W. | Quadratic Lagrangians and General Relativity. | 1959 | 11 | 816 | 820 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2813 | Kalitzin N.St. | Verallgemeinerung der Grundformel der relativistischen Mechanik fur einige praktisch wichtige Nichtinertialsysteme. | 1959 | 13 | 173 | 185 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2814 | Kalitzin St. N. | Uber eine Verallgemeinerung der Grundformel der Raketendynamik. | 1959 | 11 | 298 | 299 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2815 | Kerr R.P. | On the Lorentz-Invariant Approximation Method in General Relativity. II.-The Einstein-Maxwell Field. | 1959 | 13 | 673 | 689 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2816 | Kerr R.P. | On the Lorentz-Covariant Approximation Method in General Relativity. II.- Second Approximation. | 1959 | 13 | 492 | 502 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2817 | Kerr R.P. | The Lorentz-Covariant Approximation Method in General Relativity.-I. | 1959 | 13 | 469 | 491 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2818 | Peres A. | Gravitational Motion and Radiation -I. | 1959 | 11 | 617 | 627 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2819 | Peres A. | Gavitational Motion and Radiation -II. | 1959 | 11 | 644 | 655 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2820 | Peres A. | Gravitational Motion and Radiation -III. | 1959 | 13 | 439 | 441 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2821 | Peres A., Rosen N. | On Cauchy's Problem in General Relativity. | 1959 | 13 | 430 | 438 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2822 | St. Kalitzin N. | Uber die Bewegung der rotierenden Satelliten und Doppelsterne nach der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie. | 1959 | 11 | 178 | 185 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2823 | Stiegler K. | On the Mechanical Foundation of the Theory of Special Relativity. | 1959 | 13 | 873 | 879 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
2824 | Bassani F. | Energy Bands in Silicon Crystals. | 1959 | 13 | 244 | 245 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2825 | Battaglia A., Gozzini A., Polacco E. | On Some Phenomena Related to the Saturation of Rotational Resonances in the Microwave Spectrum of OCS. | 1959 | 14 | 1076 | 1081 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2826 | Bordoni P.G., Nuovo M., Verdini L. | Relaxation of Dislocations in Copper. | 1959 | 14 | 273 | 314 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2827 | Carrelli A., Ragozzino E. | On the Viscosity of Fluids. | 1959 | 13 | 555 | 561 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2828 | Cennamo F., Tartaglione E. | X-Ray Diffraction analysis for Mixtures of Dioxane with Water Solutions of Manganese Sulphate or Cupric Sulphate. | 1959 | 13 | 344 | 349 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2829 | Ciccarello I.S., Garofano T., Santangelo M. | Nuclear Hyperfine Structure of a Hydrazinic Free Radical. | 1959 | 12 | 389 | 390 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2830 | Di Giacomo A. | On some Phenomena Related to the Saturation of Rotational Resonances. | 1959 | 14 | 1082 | 1092 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2831 | Khutsishhvili G.R. | On the Overhauser Stationary Effect in Paramagnetic salts and Semiconductors. | 1959 | 11 | 186 | 197 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2832 | Nicolini L. | Ferroelectric Properties of a Material Made of Titanium Oxide. | 1959 | 13 | 257 | 264 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2833 | Pàl L.I., Németh G. | A Statistical Theory of Lattice Damage in Solids Irradiated by High-Energy Particles. | 1959 | 12 | 293 | 309 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2834 | Supek I. | Electrical Conducivity of Metals at Low Temperatures. | 1959 | 12 | 290 | 292 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2835 | Yamaguchi S. | Zur leitfahigen Haut des Titanoxyds. | 1959 | 11 | 876 | 876 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
2836 | Caldirola P. | On the Ergodic Methods in Statistical Mechanics. | 1959 | 14 | 260 | 264 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2837 | Caviglia C., Fidone I. | Analytic 3d Wave-Functions for Atoms of the Iron Group for Small and Large Distances from the Nuclei. | 1959 | 14 | 649 | 652 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2838 | Colin L., Peretti J. | The Pair Distribution Function of a System of Bose Hard Spheres, Calculated up to the First Order in a7lambda. | 1959 | 14 | 233 | 234 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2839 | Gourdin M., Tran Thanh Van J. | Relativistic Deuteron Wave Function. -I | 1959 | 14 | 1051 | 1064 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2840 | Jankovic Z. | On the Collective Model Wave Functions. | 1959 | 14 | 1174 | 1176 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2841 | Martin A. | On the Analytic Properites of Partial Wave Scattering Amplitudes obtained from the Schrodinger Equation. | 1959 | 14 | 403 | 425 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2842 | Prosperi G.M., Scotti A. | Ergodic Theorem in Quantum Mechanics. Evaluation of the probability of an exceptional initial condition. | 1959 | 13 | 1007 | 1012 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2843 | Regge T. | Introduction to Complex Orbital Momenta. | 1959 | 14 | 951 | 976 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
2844 | Cerulus F. | Consequences of a Strong pigreco-pigreco Interaction in the Statistical Theory of p-p Annihilation. | 1959 | 14 | 827 | 835 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
2845 | Dallaporta N., Toyoda T. | On the Transformation Properties of Strong Interactions. | 1959 | 14 | 142 | 160 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
2846 | Alberigi A., Amman F., Bernardini C., Bizzarri U., Bologna G., Corazza G., Diambrini G., Ghigo G., Massarotti A., Murtas G.P., Puglisi M. , Quercia I.F., Querzoli R., Sacerdoti G., Salvini G., Sanna G., Sona P.G., Toschi R., Turrin A., Ageno M., | Operation at 1000 MeV of the Frascati Electrosynchrotron. | 1959 | 11 | 311 | 312 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2847 | Arcipiani B., Barsanti G., Fumelli M., Musumeci L., Talini N. | Un separatore di masse a focalizzazione magnetica del 2° ordine. | 1959 | 12 | 611 | 615 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2848 | Bassi P., Cano R., Focardi S., Rubbia C.,Michelini A., Saporetti F. | A Device for Dynamical Measurements of Pressure. | 1959 | 11 | 589 | 592 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2849 | Beneventano M., De Agostino A., Gualtieri C.A., Rispoli B., Serra A. | Su un contatore di Cerenkov a gas ad alto rendimento. | 1959 | 12 | 156 | 163 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2850 | Bisi F., De Michelis B. | Experiments on a Ion Source for an Electromagnetic Isotope Separator. | 1959 | 11 | 861 | 868 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2851 | Bizzetti P.G., Della Corte M. | On the Thinnig Down of Track of Heavy Nuclei in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1959 | 11 | 317 | 333 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
2852 | Braitenberg V., Braitenberg V., Caianiello E.R., Lauria F., Onesto N. | A System of Coupled Oscillators as a Functional Model of Neuronal Assemblies. | 1959 | 11 | 278 | 288 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2853 | Caglioti G., Cervellati R., Mezzetti L. | Performance of a Large Area non Focusing Cerenkov Counter and Absolute Yield of Cerenkov Light. | 1959 | 11 | 850 | 860 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2854 | Caracciolo A., Cecchini G., Gerace G.B., Falleni M., Sabbadini A. | Memorie ed entrata-uscita della "macchina definitiva" del C.S.C.E. | 1959 | 12 | 116 | 122 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2855 | Caracciolo A., Guerri L. | Le caratteristiche della macchina definitiva del C.S.C.E. di Pisa dal punto di vista logico-matematico. | 1959 | 12 | 111 | 115 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2856 | Casci C., Giavotto V. | An Experimental and Indirect Method for Determining the High Atmosphere's Density. | 1959 | 11 | 291 | 297 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2857 | Cecchini G., Gerace G.B. | Criteri elettronici di progettazione della calcolatrice del C.S.C.E. -II. | 1959 | 12 | 126 | 129 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2858 | Cecchini G., Gerace G.B., Sibani S. | Criteri elettronici di progettazione della calcolatrice del C.S.C.E. -I. | 1959 | 12 | 123 | 125 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2859 | Conversi M., De'Murani G.M., Egidi A., Fiorini E., Ratti S., Rubbia C., Succi C., Torelli G. | Dispositivo atto a selezionare nella radiazione cosmica eventuali particelle di massa intorno a 550 m(e). | 1959 | 12 | 130 | 137 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2860 | Demanins F., Poiani G. | On a 200 keV Radiofrequency Deuteron Accelerator of the Cockcroft and Walton Type. | 1959 | 11 | 593 | 599 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2861 | Demichelis F. | Alfa Particles Straggling in Mica and Aluminum. | 1959 | 13 | 562 | 571 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2862 | Derado I., Schmitz N. | On Ionization Measurements in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber. | 1959 | 11 | 887 | 889 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2863 | Dhamatti S.S., Sundara Rao K.J., Vijayaraghavan R. | The Construction and Working of a Wide Line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer and the Measurements of Some Chemical Shifts. | 1959 | 11 | 656 | 669 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2864 | Fabri E., Guerri L. | Impiego della "macchina ridotta" del C.S.C.E. di Pisa nella soluzione di alcuni problemi. | 1959 | 12 | 138 | 143 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2865 | Frank M. | Spettrometro automatico per raggi gamma. | 1959 | 12 | 385 | 388 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2866 | Fukui S., Miyamoto S. | A New Type of Particle Detector: the "Discharge Chamber". | 1959 | 11 | 113 | 115 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2867 | Giacconi R., Blum W., Reynolds G.T. | Detection of High Energy (mu) Mesons by an Air Cerenkov Counter. | 1959 | 11 | 102 | 107 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2868 | Heughebaert D., Heughebaert J. | On Fixing Solutions for Nuclear Emulsions. | 1959 | 12 | 623 | 626 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2869 | Hutchinson G.W. | Highly Directional Detector for Cosmic Ray Particles. | 1959 | 11 | 377 | 381 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2870 | Kolomenski A.A., Lebedev A.N. | Concerning the Influence of Radiation in Cyclical Accelerators. | 1959 | 11 | 458 | 460 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2871 | Kumar R.C. | Grain Size and Grain Density in Ilford K-5 and L-4 Emulsions. | 1959 | 11 | 108 | 110 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2872 | Levi F.A. | Deposizione elettrolitica del rame su catodo rotante in presenza di ultrasuoni. | 1959 | 12 | 493 | 501 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2873 | Loria A., Mittner P., Scotoni I., Zago G. | Camera a bolle a propano. | 1959 | 11 | 718 | 724 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2874 | Petralia S., Valdrè U. | On the Pumping speed of Oil Diffusion Pumps. | 1959 | 12 | 616 | 622 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2875 | Porreca F. | On the Maximal Energy and Intensity of the Electrons Accelerated by the Microtron. | 1959 | 11 | 283 | 286 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2876 | Prosperi D., Sciuti S. | A Multi-Purpose 2pigreco Counter. | 1959 | 13 | 769 | 777 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2877 | Rubbia C., Torelli G. | Un nuovo tipo di discriminatori differenziale di impulsi rapidi. | 1959 | 12 | 144 | 147 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2878 | Saito K., Suga K. | A Wave-Length Shifter for Cerenkov Radiation in Water and Aqueous Lead Salt Solution. | 1959 | 11 | 600 | 605 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2879 | Thaddeus P., Loubser J. | Beam Maser Spectroscopy on HDO. | 1959 | 13 | 1060 | 1064 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2880 | Weill R. | A New Method for the Measurement of Relative Multiple Scattering on High Energy Electron Pairs. | 1959 | 11 | 781 | 787 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2881 | Yamaguchi S. | Magnetic and Crystallographic Analysis by Electron Diffraction. | 1959 | 12 | 286 | 289 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
2882 | Canobbio E., Croci R. | Sull'integrazione delle equazioni della magnetoidrostatica per configurazioni a simmetria assiale. | 1959 | 12 | 167 | 172 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
2883 | Canobbio E., Croci R. | Sull'integrazione delle equazioni linearizzate della magnetoidrostatica | 1959 | 12 | 173 | 176 | Various topics | 1 | |||||||
2884 | Hohler G. | On the Energy Dependence of the alfa(33) Phase Shift. | 1960 | 16 | 585 | 586 | Alpha particles-He nuclei | 1 | |||||||
2885 | Braccesi A. Ceccarelli M., Salandin G. | Search for gamma Radiation from the Cygnus A Radiosource. | 1960 | 17 | 691 | 694 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
2886 | Braccesi A., Ceccarelli M., Mannino G., Setti G., Sinigaglia G. | Operation at the "Medicina Station" of 327 MHz Radiotelescope. | 1960 | 17 | 614 | 615 | Astrophysics | 1 | |||||||
2887 | Abate E. | Considerazion sui limiti di applicabilità del metodo degli atomi nelle molecole. | 1960 | 16 | 190 | 193 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2888 | Careri G., Fasoli U., Gaeta F.S. | Experimental behaviour of Ionic Structure in Liquid Helium -II. | 1960 | 15 | 774 | 783 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2889 | Careri G., Scaramuzzi F., Thomson J.O. | Heat Flush and Mobility of Electric Charge in Liquid Helium. | 1960 | 18 | 957 | 966 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2890 | Ciccarello I.S., Garofano T., Santangelo M. | Nuclear Hyperfine Structure of Hydrazylic Free Radicals. | 1960 | 17 | 881 | 886 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2891 | Cini-Castagnoli G. | Hyperfine Structure in Paramagnetic Free Radicals. | 1960 | 15 | 201 | 208 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2892 | Colombino P., Degregori I., Mayrone L., Trossi L., DeBenedetti S. | Angular Correlation of Annihilation Radiation in Silica and Aqueous Solutions. | 1960 | 18 | 632 | 643 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2893 | Favero P., Baker J.G. | Anomalous Stark Effects in the Millimetre Wave Spectrum of Formyl Fluoride. | 1960 | 17 | 734 | 739 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2894 | Favero P., Mirri A.M., Baker J.G. | Centrifugal Effects in Millimetre Wave Spectra: Formyl Fluoride. | 1960 | 17 | 740 | 748 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2895 | Foffani A., Zanon I., Giacometti G., Muzzucato U., Favaro G., Semerano G. | On the Electronic Spectrum of Formyl Fluoride. | 1960 | 16 | 861 | 866 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2896 | Giacometti G., Rigatti G., Semerano G. | Calcolo semiempirico dei primi livelli di energia della molecola HFCO. | 1960 | 16 | 939 | 949 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2897 | Giardini-Guidoni A., Volpi G.G. | Ion-Molecules Reactions of the Fifth Group Element Hydrides. | 1960 | 17 | 919 | 927 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2898 | Lanzi G., Siragusa G., Zanotti L. | Hyperfine Structure of E.S.R. Signals in Phenothiazine Perchlorate (Semiquinone) and Phenothiazine Perbromide (Quinone). | 1960 | 16 | 1155 | 1157 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2899 | Magnasco V. | Struttura molecolare e teoria statistica dei momenti elettrici di Polimeri Lineari. I.- Studio del glicone poliossietilenico. | 1960 | 18 | 554 | 569 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2900 | Mirri A.M. | Millimetre Wave Spectrum of Deutero-Derivatives of Formic Acid. | 1960 | 18 | 849 | 855 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2901 | Nardelli G.F., Repanai Chiarotti A. | Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of a Vacancy in a F.C.C. Lattice with Central Interaction. | 1960 | 18 | 1053 | 1071 | Atomic-Molecular Physics | 1 | |||||||
2902 | Bachelet F. | Cosmic Ray and Geomagnetic Disturbances from July 1957 to July 1958.Part I.- The Cosmic Ray Events and their Correlation withthe Geomagnetic Events. | 1960 | 16 | 292 | 319 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2903 | Bachelet F. | Cosmic Ray and Geomagnetic Disturbance from July 1957 to July 1958. Part II- The Geomagnetic Events. | 1960 | 16 | 320 | 331 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2904 | Biswas S., Lavakare P.J., Neelakantan K.A., Shukla P.G. | The Energy Spectrum of Nuclei with Charge Z>=6 in the Primary Cosmic Radiation. | 1960 | 16 | 644 | 670 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2905 | Brisbout F.A., Gauld C.F., McCusker C.B.A. | The Fragmentation Probabilities of Fast Heavy Cosmic-Ray Primaries in Teflon. | 1960 | 18 | 400 | 402 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2906 | Cattani D., Galli M. | On the Cosmic Ray Storms of July 1959. | 1960 | 16 | 765 | 769 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2907 | Cerulus F., Von Behr J. | Prong Analysis of Multiple Production of Pions at Bevatron Energy According to the Statical Theory. | 1960 | 16 | 1046 | 1067 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2908 | Daniel R.R., Lavakare P.J., Aditya P.K. | A Method for Detecting the Possible Existence of High Energy Deuterons in the Primary Cosmic Radiation. | 1960 | 17 | 837 | 844 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2909 | Gall R., Lifshitz J. | Temporary Capture of Cosmic Ray Particle and Their Contribution to the High Intensity Belts. | 1960 | 15 | 233 | 245 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2910 | Gardner J.W. | Markoff Cascades with General Source Terms. | 1960 | 16 | 977 | 990 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2911 | Garelli C.M., Quassiati B., Vigone M. | On the Relative Abunndances of Cosmic Ray Nuclei of Charge Z>=3. | 1960 | 15 | 121 | 129 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2912 | Ghielmetti H., Anderson J.C., Cardoso J.M., Marzano J.R., Roederer J.G., Santochi O.R. | Solar Flare Effects on Cosmic Ray Intensity. | 1960 | 15 | 87 | 98 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2913 | Hladky J., Kleczek J., Krivsky L., Mokry P. | Cosmic Ray Event of May 4, 1960 | 1960 | 17 | 610 | 610 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2914 | Kellermann E.W., Islam M.S. | On the Anisotropy of the Cosmic Radiation. | 1960 | 17 | 334 | 342 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2915 | Krivsky L., Hladky J., Mokry P., Chaloupka P., Kowalski T. | Solar Flare Connected with an Increase of Intensity of Cosmic Rays. | 1960 | 15 | 695 | 696 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2916 | Marsden P.L., Crowden J.B., Hatton C.J. | Increase in the Intensity of Cosmic Radiation on May 4-th, 1960. | 1960 | 17 | 977 | 979 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2917 | Marzano J.R., Roedered J.G., Sanntochi O.R. | Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations during the Magnetic Storm in May 1959. | 1960 | 18 | 136 | 146 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2918 | Mason A. | The Flux of Primary Cosmic Ray alfa Particles Over Southern England. | 1960 | 18 | 1037 | 1038 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2919 | Maze R., Zawadzki A. | On an Attempt of Detection of Primary Cosmic Phootns of Very Highh Energy. | 1960 | 17 | 625 | 633 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2920 | Mistry N.B., Murthy G.T., Ramana Murthy P.V., Sreekantan B.V. | Triggered Spark Counter Arrays of Large Area (Square meters) for Experiments on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Particles. | 1960 | 17 | 429 | 437 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2921 | Narayan D.S., Yodh G.B. | On the N-Component in Extensive Air Showers. | 1960 | 16 | 1020 | 1039 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2922 | Orsini C.Q. | On the Relative Abundance of Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen in the Cosmic Rays. | 1960 | 16 | 1040 | 1045 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2923 | Pearson C.A., Butler S.T. | Extensive Air Showers and the Upper Atmosphere. | 1960 | 18 | 251 | 265 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2924 | Pernegr J., Simak V., Votruba M.. | On the Momentum Spectrum of Particles in Cosmic Ray Jets. | 1960 | 17 | 129 | 133 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2925 | Pomerantz M.A., Potnis V.R., Agarwal S.P. | Cosmic Ray Investigations with an Airborne Neutron Monitor. | 1960 | 16 | 469 | 475 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2926 | Porter N.A. | The Dirac Monopole as a Constituent of Primary Cosmic Radiation. | 1960 | 16 | 958 | 959 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2927 | Roederer J.G., Santochi O.R., Anderson J.C., Cardoso J.M., Manzano J.R. | Analysis of Cosmic Ray Intensity Time-Dependence Recorded at Mina Aguilar during July 1959. | 1960 | 18 | 131 | 135 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2928 | Roederer J.G., Santochi O.R., Anderson J.C., Cardoso J.M., Manzano J.R. | Preliminary Report on Cosmic Ray Intensity during Magnetic Storms in July 1959. | 1960 | 18 | 120 | 130 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2929 | Sàndor T., Somogyi A., Telbisz F. | Metereological coefficients and Solar Daily Variation of the Cosmic Radiation Measured Underground. | 1960 | 17 | 1 | 7 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2930 | Santochi O.R., Manzano J.R., Roederer J.G. | Cosmic Ray Intensity Increase on May 4, 1960. | 1960 | 17 | 119 | 121 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2931 | Sterm D. | On the Interpretation of Cosmic Ray mu Meson Data. | 1960 | 18 | 1 | 8 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2932 | William R.W. | Mean Free Path of Primary Cosmic Rays in the Atmosphere. | 1960 | 16 | 762 | 764 | Cosmic rays | 1 | |||||||
2933 | Alles W. | Remark on the tau + Meson Decay. | 1960 | 16 | 1148 | 1150 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2934 | Ammar R., Levi Setti R., Slater W.E., Limentani S., Schlein P.E., Steinberg P.H. | Mesic Decay of Hypernuclei from K- Capture. I.- Binding Energies. | 1960 | 15 | 181 | 200 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2935 | Balachandran A.P., Ranganathan N.R. | On a Model for ??? Decays. | 1960 | 18 | 1269 | 1270 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2936 | Berman S.M., Geffen D.A. | The Electromagnetic Structure and Alternative Decay Modes of pigreco°. | 1960 | 18 | 1192 | 1202 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2937 | Bernstein J., Fubini S., Gell-Mann M., Thirring W. | On the Decay Rate of the Charged Pion. | 1960 | 17 | 757 | 766 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2938 | Bernstein J., Gell-Mann M., Michel L. | On the Renormalization of the Axial Vector Coupling Constant in beta Decay. | 1960 | 16 | 560 | 568 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2939 | Cabibbo N., Gatto R. | The Non-Renormalization Hypotesis for the vector beta-Decay and Rare Decay Models of Hyperons. | 1960 | 15 | 159 | 162 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2940 | Chatterjee B.K., Murthy G.T., Naranan S., Sreekantan B.V., Srinivasa Rao M.V. | Studies on Extensive Air Showers. PPART I.- Sea Level Observations on the Variation with Shower Size of the Total Number of Nuclear-Interacting Particles in Showers of (10^4- 2.5*10^6) Particles. | 1960 | 18 | 1148 | 1156 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2941 | Demichelis F., Lovera G. | Gamma Ray Spettroscopy of Artificial Radioactive Samples from Atmospheric Air. | 1960 | 15 | 970 | 978 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2942 | E. Amaldi , Barbaro-Gualtieri A., Baroni G., Castagnoli C., Ferro-Luzzi M., Manfredini A., Muchnik M., Rossi V., Saveri M. | Production and Decay of an Sigma +. | 1960 | 16 | 392 | 395 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2943 | Ebel M.E., Ernst F.J. | On the Role of the Intermediate Boson in mu -> e + gamma Decay. | 1960 | 15 | 173 | 180 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2944 | Flamm D. | The Electronic Decay of lambda° Derived Indirectly by K-Meson Couplings. | 1960 | 16 | 194 | 197 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2945 | Freden S.C., Kornblum H.N., White R.S. | Lifetimes, Branching Ratios, and Asymmetries in Sigma Hyperon Decays. | 1960 | 16 | 611 | 624 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2946 | Galzenati E., Marinaro M., Okubo S. | Note on Possible Rare Decay Modes for Elementary Particles. | 1960 | 15 | 934 | 936 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2947 | Gell-Mann M., Lévy M. | The Axial Vector Current in Beta Decay. | 1960 | 16 | 705 | 726 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2948 | Gupta R.K. | The Levels in (121)Sb Studied from the Decay of (121))te(m) and (121)Te. | 1960 | 17 | 665 | 670 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2949 | Hatsukade S. | Note on Divergenceless Currents and Muon Polarization in K(mu)3 Decays. | 1960 | 16 | 332 | 341 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2950 | Jha S., Devare H.G., Singru R.M. | On the Decay of (129)Cs. | 1960 | 18 | 1108 | 1115 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2951 | Jha S., Gupta R.K., Devare H.G. | On the Gamma Rays Emitted in the Decay of (140)Pr(59). | 1960 | 16 | 829 | 833 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2952 | Kumar R.C. | Decay-Modes of the Schizon. An Isobaric Spin Analysis. | 1960 | 18 | 856 | 863 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2953 | Lathrop J.F., Lundy R.A., Telegdi V.L., Yovanovitch D.D. | Further Experimental Evidence Concerning the Fermi-Teller "Z-Law". | 1960 | 15 | 831 | 834 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2954 | Manduchi C., Russo-Manduchi M.T. | Sul decadimento beta dell'(89) Sr. | 1960 | 17 | 516 | 522 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2955 | Vohra K.G., Mishra U.C. | Evaluation of Future Levels of Radioactive Fallout. | 1960 | 18 | 1076 | 1085 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2956 | Waddington C.J. | Note on Ending Particles in Nuclear Emulsions Exposed to the Primary Cosmic Radiation. | 1960 | 18 | 820 | 822 | Decay processes-radioactivity | 1 | |||||||
2957 | Beltrametti E.G., Ciuffolotti L., Tomasini G. | Deuteron Production in Pick-Up Reactions -I. | 1960 | 18 | 678 | 687 | Deuterons | 1 | |||||||
2958 | Beltrametti E.G., Tomasini G. | Deuteron Production in Pick-up Reactions- II. | 1960 | 18 | 688 | 701 | Deuterons | 1 | |||||||
2959 | Bosco B. | Dispersion Relations for Scattering Wave Functions in Potential Theory. | 1960 | 17 | 558 | 579 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2960 | Chew H. | Substractions in Forward Scattering Dispesion Relations. | 1960 | 17 | 619 | 622 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2961 | Minguzzi A., Streater R.F. | Dispersion Relations for some Photon Reactions. | 1960 | 18 | 806 | 812 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2962 | Minguzzi A., Streater R.F. | A Note on the Proof of Dispersion Relations. | 1960 | 17 | 946 | 950 | Dispersion relation | 1 | |||||||
2963 | Bisi F., De Michelis B. | Ratio-Frequency Discharges in Magnetic Fields. | 1960 | 17 | 343 | 354 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2964 | Budini P., Taffara L., Viola C. | On the Total Specific Ionization. | 1960 | 18 | 864 | 883 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2965 | Favella L., Pedrazzi E. | On the Coulomb Scattering by a Spherical Charge Distribution. | 1960 | 18 | 570 | 579 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2966 | Kelly R.E., Russek A. | Diffraction of a Plane Electromagnetic Wave by Cylinders with Anisotropic Conductivity. | 1960 | 16 | 593 | 610 | Electromagnetism | 1 | |||||||
2967 | Furlan G., Peressutti G. | Radiative Corrections to Electron-Electron Scattering. | 1960 | 15 | 817 | 830 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2968 | Jouvet B., Houard J.C. | Electrons from mu-Capture and the Radius of Fermi Interactions. | 1960 | 15 | 31 | 44 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2969 | Korolev F.A., Kulikov O.F., Ersov A.G. | Quantum Excitation and Radiational Damping of Electron Oscillations in Cyclic Accelerator. | 1960 | 18 | 1033 | 1036 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2970 | Tassie L.J. | Inelastic Electron Scattering and Nuclear Compressibility. | 1960 | 18 | 525 | 531 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2971 | Uberall H. | Decay Electron Spectrum from Bound mu- Mesons. | 1960 | 15 | 163 | 165 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2972 | Yung Su Tsai | Radiative Corrections to the e-e Scattering. | 1960 | 16 | 370 | 372 | Electrons | 1 | |||||||
2973 | Alexander G., Eisenberg Y., Kessler D. | A Possible Explanation for the Multi- Nucleon K- Capture. | 1960 | 15 | 484 | 486 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2974 | Balachandran A.P., Ranganathan N.R. | A Note on the Relative Parity p (k Sigma). | 1960 | 16 | 1142 | 1143 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2975 | Barford N.C. | The Most Probable Path of a Scattered Particles. | 1960 | 18 | 1274 | 1276 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2976 | Bergia S., Bertocchi L., Borelli V., Brautti G., Chersovani L., Lavatelli L., Minguzzi-Ranzi A., Tosi R., Waloschek P., Zoboli V. | Elastic scattering pigreco- + p at 915 MeV. | 1960 | 15 | 551 | 564 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2977 | Bergia S., Bonsignori F., Stanghellini A. | Pion Production and the "Isobaric" Model. | 1960 | 16 | 1073 | 1084 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2978 | Bietti A. | Virtual Pion Effects in Longitudinal Polarization and Spectrum of Neutrons from Unpolarized mu - Absorbed at Rest. | 1960 | 16 | 1151 | 1154 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2979 | Bose S.K. | Form-Factor of the Neutron from Deuteron Electro-Disintegration. | 1960 | 17 | 767 | 774 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2980 | Bowcock J., Cottingham W.N., Lurié D. | Effect of a Pion-Pion scattering REsonance on Low Energy Pion-Nucleon Scattering. | 1960 | 16 | 918 | 938 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2981 | Budini P., Furlan G. | Electroproduction of Schizons. | 1960 | 18 | 1280 | 1282 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2982 | Castagnoli C., Muchnik M., Ghigo G., Rinzivillo R. | Photostar Production between 500 and 1100 MeV. | 1960 | 16 | 683 | 689 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2983 | Chrétien M. | Phenomenological Potential for pigreco-p Scattering in the GeV Region. | 1960 | 15 | 565 | 570 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2984 | Conversi M., Di Lella L., Egidi A., Rubbia C., Toller M. | Search for Electrons from Muon Capture. | 1960 | 18 | 1283 | 1286 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2985 | Culhane L., Keefe D., Kernan A., Losty J., Montwill A. | Preliminary Results on the Interactions in Photographic Emulsion of K- Mesons 1.15 GeV/c. | 1960 | 16 | 1135 | 1138 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2986 | Dallaporta N., Pandit L.K. | Baryon Mass-Differences and Symmetries of Strong Interactions. | 1960 | 16 | 135 | 167 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2987 | Daniel R.R., Kameswara Rao N., Malhotra P.K., Tsuzui Y. | Some Characteristics of Inelastic Proton-Nucleon Collisions Produced by Protons of Energy 6.2 GeV in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1960 | 16 | 1 | 25 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2988 | Davis D.C., Hanna R.C., Heymann F.F., Whitehead C. | An Experimental Test of Parity Conservation in pigreco° Meson Production by Neutrons. | 1960 | 15 | 641 | 651 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2989 | D'Espagnat B., Prentki J. | Incompatibilité entre l'hypothèse de la symétrie resternte et certains résultats expérimentaux. | 1960 | 15 | 130 | 146 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2990 | Eder G. | The Sigma-Neutron Interaction. | 1960 | 15 | 156 | 158 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2991 | Feldman G., Matthews P.T., Salam A. | The Inelastic Scattering of Elementary Particles -II. | 1960 | 16 | 549 | 555 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2992 | Furlan G., Peressutti G. | Validity of Q.E.D. in mu Pair Production. | 1960 | 16 | 1144 | 1147 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2993 | Fuschini E., Giacomelli G., Maroni C., Veronesi P. | Beta-gamma Angular Correlation in (59) Fe and Parity Conservation in Strong Interactions. | 1960 | 16 | 886 | 894 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2994 | Gavrila M. | On the Relativistic K-Shell Photoeffect. | 1960 | 15 | 691 | 694 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2995 | Gourdin M., Martin A. | Pion Photon Scattering. | 1960 | 17 | 224 | 243 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2996 | Gupta M.L. | The Problem of the Sigma- / Sigma + Ratio in K- p Interaction in Relation to the Hypothesis of Restricted Symmetry. | 1960 | 16 | 737 | 748 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2997 | Hagedorn R. | Particle Production in 6.2 Gev p-p Collision Treated by Statistical Model. | 1960 | 15 | 246 | 268 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2998 | Hamaguchi M. | On the Two Fluid Model in Multiple Production of Mesons. | 1960 | 17 | 35 | 44 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
2999 | Hillion P., Vigier J.P. | New Isotopic Spin Space and Classification of Elementary Particles. | 1960 | 18 | 209 | 228 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3000 | Homer R.J., Hutchinson G.W., McFarlane W.K., O'Dell A.W., Rubinstein R., Sacharidis E.J. | Angular Dependence of Polarization in p-p Scattering at 970 MeV. Preliminary Results. | 1960 | 16 | 1132 | 1134 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3001 | Ivanenko D., Lulka V. | On Mesonic Decay of the Hypernucleus (3)H(lambda). | 1960 | 16 | 582 | 584 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3002 | Joseph D.W. | Electron Pair Creation in pigreco- + p Capture Reactions from Rest. | 1960 | 16 | 997 | 1013 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3003 | Lathrop J., Lundy R.A., Telegdi V.L., Winston R., Yovanovitch D.D. | Measurement of the Muon Mass by Critical Mesic X-Ray Absorpyìtion. I. Scintillation Spectrometry. | 1960 | 17 | 109 | 113 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3004 | Lubkin E. | Angular Distribution. | 1960 | 16 | 1098 | 1108 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3005 | Molinari A. | Note on the Photoparticles' Angular Distribution. | 1960 | 18 | 1298 | 1300 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3006 | Muller H., Shopper H. | Test of Parity Conservation in Strong Interactions by the Measurement of the beta-gamma Angular Correlation of 133 Xe. | 1960 | 15 | 840 | 842 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3007 | Nagy K.L. | Dipole Ghost Contributions to Propagators. | 1960 | 15 | 993 | 995 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3008 | Naranan S., Raghavan R., Ramanamurthy P.V., Sreekantan B.V., Subramanian A. | Cloud Chamber Evidence for the Presence of Simultaneous High Energy Nuclear-Active Particles at Mountain Altitudes. | 1960 | 16 | 401 | 411 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3009 | Okubo S. | Some Aspects of Particle Mixture of Strange Particles. | 1960 | 16 | 963 | 965 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3010 | Passatore G. | On the Longitudinal Depolarization of Beams of Spin 1/2 Particles by Multiple Coulomb Scattering. | 1960 | 18 | 532 | 544 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3011 | Pellegrini C., Tau L. | On the Connection between Scattering and Photoproduction of Pions at High Energies. | 1960 | 16 | 973 | 975 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3012 | Rosendorff S. | Upper Limits for the Intrinsic Electric Dipole Moment of the Proton and Neutrino. | 1960 | 17 | 251 | 258 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3013 | Russel J.E. | Regarding the Reaction K + p -> lambda° +2pigreco | 1960 | 15 | 697 | 708 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3014 | Schmitz N. | On the Determination of the Magnetic Moment of the Lambda°. | 1960 | 15 | 614 | 623 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3015 | Selleri F. | Evidence for Two Pion-Pion Resonances. | 1960 | 16 | 775 | 779 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3016 | Spearman T.D. | Dispersion Relation Predictions for pigreco,p Scattering. | 1960 | 15 | 147 | 149 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3017 | Treiman S.B. | Weak Global Symmetry. | 1960 | 15 | 916 | 924 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3018 | Wataghin V. | On the mu-e Mass Difference. | 1960 | 17 | 611 | 613 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3019 | Zanmarchi G. | An Estimate of the Cross Section for Production of Positive K Mesons by Electrons. | 1960 | 15 | 508 | 509 | Elementary particles | 1 | |||||||
3020 | Abonyi I. | A Possible Non-Uniform Motion of a Free Particle if its Scalar Proper Field is Taken into Account. | 1960 | 15 | 991 | 992 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3021 | Amati D., Leader E., Vitale B. | Theory of Low Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. III. Partial Wave Integral Equations for Low Orbital Momentum Amplitudes. | 1960 | 18 | 458 | 465 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3022 | Araki H., Burgoyne N. | Properties of Momentum Space Analytic Function. | 1960 | 18 | 342 | 346 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3023 | Arnous E., Heitler W., O'Raifeartaigh L. | On a Convergent non-local Field Theory. -II. | 1960 | 16 | 785 | 805 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3024 | Arnous E., Heitler W., Takahashi Y. | On a Convergent Non-local Field Theory. -I. | 1960 | 16 | 671 | 682 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3025 | Ascoli R. | Analytic Properties of Production Amplitudes as Functions of Two Momentum Transfers. | 1960 | 18 | 754 | 769 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3026 | Ascoli R. | Poles in Production Cross Sections. | 1960 | 18 | 744 | 753 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3027 | Barton G. | Lee Model with Single Boson Oscillator. | 1960 | 17 | 864 | 875 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3028 | Barut A.O., Samiullah M. | The Kemmer beta Formalism for Particles of Spin One-Half. | 1960 | 17 | 876 | 880 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3029 | Baumann K., Thirring W. | The Two-Body Problem in the Extreme Relativistic Limit. | 1960 | 18 | 358 | 367 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3030 | Beck G., Nussenzveig H.M. | On the Physical Interpratation of Complex Poles of the S-Matrix -I. | 1960 | 16 | 416 | 449 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3031 | Bernardini C., Corazza G.F., Ghigo G., Touschek B. | The Frascati Storage Ring. | 1960 | 18 | 1293 | 1295 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3032 | Bertocchi L., Coelin C., Tonin M. | Analytic Properties of Bound States in Potential Theory. | 1960 | 18 | 770 | 782 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3033 | Bialynicki-Birula I. | On the Gauge Properties of Green's Functions. | 1960 | 17 | 951 | 955 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3034 | Bjorken J.D., Goldberg A. | A Test of Approximation Methods in Potential Scattering. | 1960 | 16 | 539 | 548 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3035 | Blankenbecler R., Nambu Y. | Anomalous Threshold in Dispersion Theory- I. | 1960 | 18 | 595 | 607 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3036 | Bonsignori F., Bortolani V., Stanghellini A. | Pion-Pion Interaction from pigreco Production in pigrecoN Collision. | 1960 | 18 | 1237 | 1246 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3037 | Borches H.J. | Uber die Mannigfaltigkeit der interpolierenden Felder zu einer Kausalen S-Matrix. | 1960 | 15 | 784 | 794 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3038 | Borneas M. | The Lagrange Function in a General Problem. | 1960 | 16 | 806 | 810 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3039 | Brini D., Fuschini E., Grimellini N.T., Murty D.S.R. | Compton Effect on the Bound Electrons. | 1960 | 16 | 727 | 736 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3040 | Cabibbo N., Gatto R., Zemach C. | A Theorem on the Elimination of Contact Muon-Electron Interactions. | 1960 | 16 | 168 | 174 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3041 | Caianiello E.R. | Remarks on a Paper by Bialynicki-Birula on Some Properties of Green's Functions. | 1960 | 18 | 1291 | 1292 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3042 | Caianiello E.R., Campolattaro A., Preziosi B. | Regularization and Renormalization. III- Finite-Part Integrals. | 1960 | 18 | 505 | 524 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3043 | Caianiello E.R., Okubo S. | An Analysis of Infrared Divergences. | 1960 | 17 | 355 | 364 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3044 | Chakrabarti A. | On Certain Representations of the Dirac Equation. | 1960 | 18 | 617 | 622 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3045 | Charap J.M., Fubini S.P. | The Field-Theoretical Definition of Nuclear Potential -II. | 1960 | 15 | 73 | 86 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3046 | Charap J.M., Tausnner M.J. | The Field Theoretic Definition of the Nuclear Potential-III. | 1960 | 18 | 316 | 341 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3047 | Charpak G. | AMethod for Trapping Muons in Magnetic Fields, and Its Application to a Redetermination of EDM of the Muon. | 1960 | 17 | 288 | 303 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3048 | Costa G., Tenaglia L. | On the Quadrilinear K(2)-Pigreco(2) Coupling. | 1960 | 18 | 368 | 380 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3049 | Das A. | Cellular Space-time and Quantum Field Theory. | 1960 | 18 | 482 | 504 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3050 | De Alfaro V., Rossetti C. | Potential Model of Deuteron Photodisintegration and Mandelstam Representation. | 1960 | 18 | 783 | 805 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3051 | D'Espagnat B. | Rules with Two Chargged Intermediate Boson Fields. | 1960 | 18 | 287 | 303 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3052 | DeTollis B., Jona Lasinio G., Liotta R.S. | Inelastic Scattering of High Energy Photons in the Coulomb Field of a Nucleus with Production of Electron-Positron Pairs (radiative Pair Production). | 1960 | 18 | 545 | 553 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3053 | Eder G. | The Two Meson Approximation for the Real Nucleon. | 1960 | 18 | 430 | 442 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3054 | Eftimiu C., Klarsfeld S. | On the Integral Representation of the Double Commutator. | 1960 | 17 | 902 | 907 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3055 | Epstein S.T. | On the Anisotropy of Inertia. | 1960 | 16 | 587 | 588 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3056 | Falicov L.M. | The Theory of Photon Packets and the Lennuire Effect. | 1960 | 16 | 247 | 259 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3057 | Fano G. | Canonical Transformation and Perturbation Expansion in the Theory of Fermi Gas. | 1960 | 15 | 959 | 969 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3058 | Fano G., Tomasini A. | Energy Gap in Spectrum of Free Quasi-Particlesin Nuclear Matter. | 1960 | 18 | 1247 | 1257 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3059 | Faraggi H., Garin A. | Hypersensibilisation des émulsions nucléaires Ilford par la triéthanolamine. | 1960 | 17 | 830 | 836 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3060 | Federbush P. | Haag's Theorem in a Finite Volume. | 1960 | 15 | 932 | 933 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3061 | Ferrari E., Jona-Lasinio G. | Remarks on the Appearence of Ghost States in Relativistic Field Theories. | 1960 | 16 | 867 | 885 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3062 | Fowler M., Landshoff P.V., Lardner R.W. | Some Properties of Single Loop Diagrams in Perturbation Theory. | 1960 | 17 | 956 | 963 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3063 | Gardner J.W. | The Characteristic-Functional Method in Cascade Theory. | 1960 | 17 | 205 | 218 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3064 | Gourdin M., Tran Thanh Van J. | Relativistic Deuteron Wave Function -II. | 1960 | 18 | 443 | 457 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3065 | Green H.S. | Normalization and Interpretation of Feynmam Amplitudes. | 1960 | 15 | 416 | 433 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3066 | Gunson J., Taylor J.G. | Single Particle Singularities in Scattering and Production Amplitudes. | 1960 | 15 | 806 | 816 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3067 | Gupta S.N. | Field-Theoretical Derivation of the Two-Body Potential. | 1960 | 18 | 823 | 824 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3068 | Gupta V., Biswas S.N. | CP Invariance and Non-Linear Pion Interactions. | 1960 | 16 | 971 | 972 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3069 | Halbawachs F., Vigier J.P. | Lie Relation Associated with Relativistic Rotators and Bilocal Theory. | 1960 | 16 | 576 | 578 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3070 | Halpern F.R. | A Compact Expression for S-Matrix Elements in the Theories with Severals Interacting Fields. | 1960 | 16 | 1085 | 1091 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3071 | Halpern F.R. | Formulas for the Mmatrix Elements of Connected Diagrams in Field Theories. | 1960 | 17 | 244 | 250 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3072 | Haskin D.M., Lohrmann E., Teucher M.W., Schein M. | Investigation of an Electron-Photon Cascade of more than 10^13 eV. | 1960 | 17 | 986 | 988 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3073 | Holthuizen D.J. | Comparison of the Mean Gap Length in Ilford G-5 Emulsion with Theory. | 1960 | 17 | 938 | 937 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3074 | Houard J.C., Jouvet B. | Etude d'un modèle de champ à costante de renormalisation nulle. | 1960 | 18 | 466 | 481 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3075 | Hough P.V.C., Powell B.W. | A Method for Faster Analysis of Bubble Chamber Photographs. | 1960 | 18 | 1184 | 1191 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3076 | Jauch J.M. | On Pauli's Transformation. | 1960 | 16 | 1068 | 1072 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3077 | Judge D., Shimodaira H., Takahashi Y. | On the Substitution Law in Quantum Field Theory. | 1960 | 16 | 1139 | 1141 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3078 | Kaschluhn F. | On the Asymptotic and Casuality Conditions in Quantum Field Theory -II. | 1960 | 17 | 609 | 609 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3079 | Kazes E. | A Soluble Model in Field Theory. II.- Unstable particle and Bound state description. | 1960 | 15 | 537 | 550 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3080 | Kazes E. | On the High Energy Behavior in Field Theory. | 1960 | 16 | 368 | 369 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3081 | Kazes E., Kaufman C. | On the Indefinite Metric in the Lee Model. | 1960 | 17 | 616 | 618 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3082 | Larsen R.R. | Neutron-Proton Scattering and the Determination of the Pion-Nucleon Couping Constant. | 1960 | 18 | 1039 | 1042 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3083 | Le Counteur K.J. | Integral Rapresentation of a Double Commutator. | 1960 | 16 | 227 | 229 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3084 | liambiagi J.J. | Analogy Between Lorentz and Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation. | 1960 | 16 | 202 | 202 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3085 | Liotta R.S. | On the Quantum Conditions in Field Theory-IV. | 1960 | 17 | 703 | 725 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3086 | Lomont J.S., Moses H.E. | Uniquenes of the Orbital Angular Momentum Operators. | 1960 | 16 | 96 | 103 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3087 | Lubkin E. | TCP as a Space Reflection. | 1960 | 15 | 153 | 155 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3088 | Mandelstam S. | Some Rigouros Analytic Properties of Transitions Amplitudes. | 1960 | 15 | 658 | 685 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3089 | Mayer M.E. | Remarks on Compound Models, Conserved Currents and Weak Interactions. | 1960 | 17 | 802 | 803 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3090 | Mork K., Olsen H. | Radiative Corrections to Pair Production at High Energies. | 1960 | 18 | 395 | 396 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3091 | Morpurgo G. | A Generalization of the Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation. | 1960 | 15 | 624 | 640 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3092 | Motz J.W., Placious R.C. | Bremsstrrahlung Linear Polarization. | 1960 | 15 | 571 | 598 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3093 | Nagy K.L. | Tripole Ghosts in Field Theory. | 1960 | 17 | 384 | 394 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3094 | Okubo S. | Graphical Analysis of Infrared Divergences. | 1960 | 18 | 70 | 76 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3095 | Pais A. | On Symmetries Shared by Strong and Weak Interactions. | 1960 | 18 | 1003 | 1032 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3096 | Regge T. | Bound States, Shodow States and Mandelstam Representation. | 1960 | 18 | 947 | 956 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3097 | Roman P., Wolf E. | Correlation Theory of Stationary Electromagnetic Fields. Part II.- Conservation Laws. | 1960 | 17 | 477 | 490 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3098 | Roman P., Wolf E. | Correlation Theory of Stationary Electromagnetic Fields. Part I.-The Basic Field Equations. | 1960 | 17 | 462 | 476 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3099 | Sasabindu Sarkar | Production of Bremstrahlung by Longitudinally Polarized Electron-Proton Collision. | 1960 | 17 | 219 | 223 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3100 | Scarfone L.M., McKinley W.A. | Ghost States and Pair Effects in the Lee Model. | 1960 | 17 | 678 | 686 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3101 | Schwartz M. | A Class of Simple Field Theories and von Neumann's Infinite Direct Product Spaces. | 1960 | 15 | 334 | 350 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3102 | Sen P. | Field Metrics. | 1960 | 15 | 513 | 518 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3103 | Sen P. | Field Metrics II. A Correction. | 1960 | 18 | 613 | 613 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3104 | Soln J. | A One-Dimensional Soluble Model of Quantum Field Theory with External Field. | 1960 | 18 | 914 | 927 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3105 | Streater R.F. | Some Integrals Representations in Field Theory. | 1960 | 15 | 937 | 948 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3106 | Tangherlini F.R. | On the Distribution of Energy in the Schwarzschild Field. | 1960 | 15 | 835 | 839 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3107 | Taniuti T. | The Canonical Theory of Motion of Charged Particles in External Electromagnetic Fields. | 1960 | 16 | 572 | 575 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3108 | Taylor J.G. | The Renormalization Constants in Perturbation Theory. | 1960 | 17 | 695 | 702 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3109 | Taylor J.G., Toll J.S. | Formulation of the Causality Requirement. | 1960 | 15 | 389 | 394 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3110 | Toraldo di Francia G. | On the Theory of some Cerenkovian Effects. | 1960 | 16 | 61 | 77 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3111 | Van Herden I.J., McEwen J.G. | On the Fixing of Thick Nuclear Emulsions. | 1960 | 17 | 671 | 677 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3112 | Walecka J.D. | The Binding Energy of Lambda Particles in Nuclear Matter. | 1960 | 16 | 342 | 349 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3113 | Wanders G. | The Analytic Properties of Scattering Amplitudes in Sixth-Order Perturbation Theory. | 1960 | 18 | 580 | 594 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3114 | Wanders G. | Mandelstam Representation for the Ladder Approximation of the Bethe-Salpeter Formalism. | 1960 | 17 | 535 | 546 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3115 | Weber J., Zipoy D. | Classification of Gravitational Radiation. | 1960 | 18 | 191 | 192 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3116 | Wess J. | The Conformal Invariance in Quantum Field Theory. | 1960 | 18 | 1086 | 1107 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3117 | Wess J.E. | Investigation of the Invariance Group inthe Three Fundamental Fields Model. | 1960 | 15 | 52 | 72 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3118 | Zaganescu M. | Une tentative d'eliminer le paradoxe de Landau. | 1960 | 15 | 481 | 483 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3119 | Zimmermann W. | One-Particle Singularities of Green's Functions in quantum Field Theory -II. | 1960 | 16 | 690 | 704 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3120 | Zumino B. | The Renormalization Constants in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1960 | 17 | 547 | 557 | Fields theory | 1 | |||||||
3121 | Boato G., Casanova G., Vallauri M.E. | Vapour Pressure of Isotopic Liquids. II - Ne and A above Boiling-Point. | 1960 | 16 | 505 | 519 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
3122 | Careri G., Modena I., Santini M. | New Measurements of the Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time in Liquid Helium 3. | 1960 | 16 | 782 | 783 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
3123 | Franchetti S. | Some Remarks on the Theory of the Liquid Helium Film. | 1960 | 16 | 1158 | 1159 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
3124 | Grossetti E. | Effect of the Dipolar Rotation of Liquids. -III. | 1960 | 18 | 21 | 31 | Fluids | 1 | |||||||
3125 | Bobel G., Passatore G. | On the Polarization of Photons Elastically Scattered by Mercury Atoms. | 1960 | 15 | 979 | 982 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
3126 | Fuschini E., Murty D.S.R., Veronesi P. | Polarization Effects in the Elastic Scattering of Photons. | 1960 | 15 | 847 | 849 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
3127 | Subba Rao B.N. | Gamma Ray Transitions in (155)Gd. | 1960 | 16 | 283 | 291 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
3128 | Tartaglione E. | Diffraxion of X-Rays by Some Liquid Mixtures. | 1960 | 18 | 1072 | 1075 | Gamma and X-ray | 1 | |||||||
3129 | Roman P. | On the Steady-State Theory of Cosmology. | 1960 | 18 | 9 | 20 | Geophysics | 1 | |||||||
3130 | Gabos Z. | Contributions à l'étude de l'interaction gravitationnelle des corps matériels. | 1960 | 15 | 395 | 407 | Gravitation | 1 | |||||||
3131 | Peres A. | Gravitational Radiation. | 1960 | 15 | 351 | 369 | Gravitation | 1 | |||||||
3132 | Baldo Coelin M., Caforio A., Fabbri O., Farini F., Ferilli A., Miari G., Schneps J. | - Production in Emulsion by 1.1 GeV7c K- Mesons. | 1960 | 17 | 804 | 806 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3133 | Cabibbo N., Ferrari E. | Some Rare Decay Modes of the K-Meson. | 1960 | 18 | 928 | 932 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3134 | Day T.B. | K- Meson Capture by Helium. | 1960 | 18 | 381 | 394 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3135 | Evans D., Hassan F., Nagpaul K.K., Prowse D.J., Renè M., Alexander G., Johnston H.W., Keefe D., Davis D.H., Lasich W.B., Shaukat M.A., Stannard F.R., Bonetti A., Dilworth C., Merlin M., Salandin A. | The Interaction and Decay of K- Mesons in Photographic Emulsion. | 1960 | 15 | 873 | 898 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3136 | Frye G. | Dynamical Conseguences of the K+ K° Mass Difference. | 1960 | 18 | 282 | 286 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3137 | Garelli C.M., Quassiati B., Vigone M. | Interactions of 1.15 GeV/c K- Mesons in Emulsion. -I. | 1960 | 17 | 786 | 801 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3138 | Going H. | Die elastische und inelastischen Streuung von negativen K-Mesonem an freien Protonen bei Energien bis 90 MeV. | 1960 | 16 | 848 | 860 | Heavy mesons | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
3139 | Lim T.G., Van Breemen P.G. | Sign of the Nuclear Potential for the K+ Meson. | 1960 | 17 | 887 | 892 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3140 | Saxena S.S., Biswas S.N. | Test of Global Symmetry from Multinucleon K- Capture. | 1960 | 17 | 749 | 756 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3141 | Selleri F. | K-Meson Parity from Dispersion Relations. | 1960 | 15 | 986 | 990 | Heavy mesons | 1 | |||||||
3142 | Brodski A.M., Ivanenko D. | On the Influence of Weak Interactions on Electromagnetic Properties of Fermions. | 1960 | 16 | 556 | 559 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3143 | Camerini U., Fry W.F., Groves T., Huzita H. | A Fast Hyperfragment Produced by a Heavy Primary Cosmic Ray. | 1960 | 15 | 498 | 499 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3144 | Dascola G., Lamborizio C., Mora S., Ortalli I. | Emission of Hyperfragments in Capture stars of Negative Hyperon at Rest. | 1960 | 16 | 241 | 246 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3145 | Fried H.M., Plebanski J. | A Remark on the Theory of Fermions with Higher Order Derivatives. | 1960 | 18 | 884 | 894 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3146 | Iwao S. | A Theory of Hyperfragments.I.- Binding Energies and Level Structure. | 1960 | 17 | 491 | 515 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3147 | Lawson R.D., Rotenberg M. | Branching Ratios for the Decay of p-Shell Lambda-Hyperon. | 1960 | 17 | 449 | 461 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3148 | Neumann H., Valk H.S. | Non-Spontaneus Disintegration of Hypernuclei in Flight. | 1960 | 17 | 415 | 422 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3149 | Pati J.C., Oneda S. | An Attempt at Universal Four-Fermion Interaction. | 1960 | 16 | 365 | 367 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3150 | Sacton J. | Hyperfragment Production inK- Meson Absorptions at Rest in Nuclear Emulsions. Mesic Decays. | 1960 | 15 | 110 | 120 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3151 | Sacton J. | Hyperfragment Production in K- Meson Absorptions at Rest in Nuclear Emulsion. Non-Mesic Decays. | 1960 | 18 | 266 | 281 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3152 | Sawicki J. | Some Effects of Hole-Hole Interactions in Systems of Fermions. | 1960 | 17 | 893 | 901 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3153 | Sucher J., Snow G.A. | (Sigma°,Lambda°) Relative Parity and the Dalitz Decay of the Sigma° HHyperon. | 1960 | 18 | 195 | 197 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3154 | Szymanski J. | The Decay and Structure of Hyperfragments -II. | 1960 | 15 | 45 | 51 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3155 | Taher-Zadeh M. | An Example of the Reaction: K- + (12)C -> (9)Be(lambda) + pigreco- + (3)H. | 1960 | 17 | 980 | 982 | Hyperfragments | 1 | |||||||
3156 | Aly H.H., Fischer C.M. | The Angular Distribution of Secondary pigreco-Mesons from 4.5 GeV pigreco- and 6 Gev Proton Interactions in Emulsion. | 1960 | 17 | 98 | 105 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3157 | Ammiraju P., Biswas S.N. | Theoretical Analysis of Absorption of Slow pigreco- Mesons in Light Nuclei. | 1960 | 17 | 726 | 733 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3158 | Baumann K., Freund P.G.O., Thirring W. | On the Fermi-Yang Theory of the Pions. | 1960 | 18 | 906 | 913 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3159 | Beneventano M., Finocchiaro G., Finzi R., Mezzetti L., Paoluzzi L., Schaerf C. | Forward Angle Photoproduction of Single Positive Pions on Hydrogen. | 1960 | 17 | 274 | 278 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3160 | Blankenblecler R. | Electroproduction of pigreco Mesons. | 1960 | 17 | 775 | 785 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3161 | Blohincev D.I. | Pigrecopigreco Interaction in Peripheral pigrecoN Collisions. | 1960 | 18 | 193 | 194 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3162 | Boccaletti D., Gualdi C. | A Model for Double Photoproduction of Charged Pions -I. | 1960 | 18 | 895 | 905 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3163 | Bonsignori F., Selleri F. | Pion Cloud Effects in Pion Production Experiments. | 1960 | 15 | 465 | 478 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3164 | Byers N., Zachariasen F. | A Note Concerning the Magnetic Moment of the Muon. | 1960 | 18 | 1289 | 1290 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3165 | De Tollis B., Ferrari E., Munczek H. | The Influence of a Possible Pion-Pion Interaction on the Photoproduction of Charged Pions. | 1960 | 18 | 198 | 202 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3166 | Derado I. | Experimental Evidence for the Pion-Pion Interaction at 1 GeV. | 1960 | 15 | 853 | 855 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3167 | Dufour J., Gourdin M., Trotin J. | Photoproduction of Pions on Kaons. | 1960 | 18 | 160 | 177 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3168 | Friedlander E.M., Marcu M., Spirchez M. | Central and Peripheric Interactions of 7.3 GeV Negative Pions in Emulsions. | 1960 | 18 | 623 | 631 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3169 | Gourdin M., Lurié, Martin A. | Effect of a Pion-Pion Scattering Resonance on Low Energy Meson-Photoproduction. | 1960 | 18 | 933 | 946 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3170 | Hagedorn R. | Note on the High-Energy Tail of the Pion and gamma- Spectra in p-p Collisions at 25 GeV. | 1960 | 15 | 462 | 464 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3171 | Kabir P.K. | Effect of Lepton Non-Conservation on pigreco Decay. | 1960 | 17 | 438 | 441 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3172 | Kita H., Pedrazzi E. | On the mu Mesons Mass. | 1960 | 17 | 908 | 918 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3173 | Krywicki A. | High-Energy Pion-Nucleon Collisions and Isotopic Properties of the Pion-Pion Interaction. | 1960 | 17 | 442 | 445 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3174 | Lathrop J., Lundy R.A., Telegdi V.L., Winston R., Yovanovitch D.D. | Measurement of the Muon Mass by Critical Mesic X-Ray Absorption. II.- Proportional Counter Spectrometry. | 1960 | 17 | 114 | 118 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3175 | Pellegrini C., Stoppini G. | Remarks of Neutral Pion Photoproduction in the High Energy Region. | 1960 | 17 | 269 | 273 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3176 | Russel Stannard F. | A Measurement of the Total Absorption Rate of Muons in Carbon. | 1960 | 17 | 599 | 606 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3177 | Samios N.P. | Pigreco° Pigreco- Mass Difference as determined from Double Dalitz Pairs. | 1960 | 18 | 154 | 159 | Light mesons | 1 | |||||||
3178 | Biorci G., Ferro A., Montalenti G. | Magnetic Viscosity and Annealing in Magnetic Field. | 1960 | 18 | 229 | 240 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
3179 | Ricci F.P. | Quaantum Effect on the Radial Distribution Function of Liquids. | 1960 | 16 | 532 | 538 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
3180 | Verlet L. | On the Theory of Classical Fluids. | 1960 | 18 | 77 | 101 | Magnetic and electric properties of fluids | 1 | |||||||
3181 | Ashkin J., Fazzini T., Fidecaro G., Goldschmidt-Clermont Y., Lipman N.H., Merrison A.W., Paul H. | A New Measurement of the Mean Life of the Positive Pion. | 1960 | 16 | 490 | 504 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3182 | Baglin C. | Measurements of the Branching Ratios of K° and Lambda°. | 1960 | 18 | 1043 | 1044 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3183 | Bialkowski G., Jurewicz A. | A Note on a Possible Classification of Strangeness-2 Mesons. | 1960 | 16 | 756 | 758 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3184 | Caforio A., Ferilli A., Ferraro D., Merlin M., Guerriero L., Laboragine I., Salandin G.A., Waldner F., Poiani G., De Pretis Cagnodo M. | On the Parity Conservation in the Reaction K- + p = sigma+ + pigreco-. | 1960 | 18 | 1174 | 1183 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3185 | Cortellessa G., Reale A. | Preliminary Results of a Measurement of the Differential Cross Section for Single pigreco° Meson Photoproductionin Hydrogen. | 1960 | 18 | 1265 | 1266 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3186 | Day T.B., Rodberg L.S., Snow G.A., Sucher J. | Determination of K+ n P-Wave Phase Shifts from K+ d Reactions. | 1960 | 16 | 770 | 774 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3187 | Evans D., Hassan F., Nagpaul K.K., Shafi N. | On the Interaction of (200-300) MeV K+ Mesons in Emulsion. | 1960 | 16 | 476 | 484 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3188 | Fubini S., Stoffolini R. | Some Remarks about the Spectral Representation of K+- -> 3pigreco Decay Amplitude. | 1960 | 17 | 263 | 266 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3189 | Gourdin M., Martin A. | Photoproductionn of Pions on Pions. | 1960 | 16 | 78 | 95 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3190 | Gourdin M., Noirot Y., Salin Ph. | Pion-Kaon Scattering. | 1960 | 18 | 651 | 670 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3191 | Hagedorn R. | A New Derivation of the Statistical Theory of Particle Production with Numerical Result for p-p Collisions at 25GeV. | 1960 | 15 | 434 | 461 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3192 | Jouvet B., Goldzahl L. | Limites sur les interactions anormales des muons et leurs manifestations dans la diffusion nucléaire à haute énergie. | 1960 | 18 | 702 | 717 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3193 | Leitner J., Lichtman S. | Pion-Momentum Spectrum from K- Absorption in Helium. | 1960 | 15 | 719 | 728 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3194 | MacDonald N. | The Effect Multiple Scattering in the Photoproduction of Charged Me-sons at Deuterium. | 1960 | 15 | 301 | 303 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3195 | Maor U., Yekutieli G. | The Excited Nucleon's Model of Meson Production. | 1960 | 17 | 45 | 67 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3196 | Mora S. | Example of two Mesons' Production in K- Stars at Rest. | 1960 | 18 | 1271 | 1273 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3197 | Morita M., Fujii A. | Muon Capture in (12)C. | 1960 | 15 | 850 | 852 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3198 | Polkinghorne J.C., Salam A. | On the Possible Existence of Doubly Strange Heavy Mesons. | 1960 | 15 | 166 | 167 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3199 | Rosen G. | Structure of Leptons and Mesons. | 1960 | 18 | 403 | 408 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3200 | Rosen S.P. | The "Catalytic" and "Photo" Modes of the Muon. | 1960 | 15 | 7 | 17 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3201 | Sakurai J.J. | Pion Resonances. | 1960 | 16 | 388 | 391 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3202 | Schrack R.A., Penner S., Leiss J.E. | Low-Energy Photoproduction of Neutral Mesons from Complex Nuclei. | 1960 | 16 | 759 | 761 | Mesons | 1 | |||||||
3203 | Amati D., Leader E., Vitale B. | Theory of Low Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering -I. | 1960 | 17 | 68 | 97 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3204 | Amati D., Leader E., Vitale B. | Theory of Low Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. II. High Waves. | 1960 | 18 | 409 | 429 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3205 | Backenstoss G.K. | An Investigation of the Stability of Nucleous. | 1960 | 16 | 749 | 755 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3206 | Cabibbo N., Gatto R. | Cross Sections of Reactions Produced by High Energy Neutrino Beams. | 1960 | 15 | 304 | 310 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3207 | Domokos G. | Antihyperon Production in Antinucleon-Nucleon Collision near threshold. | 1960 | 15 | 983 | 985 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3208 | Facchini U., Iori I., Menichella E. | Statistical Emission of Nucleons in Reaction Produced by 14 MeV Neutrons. | 1960 | 16 | 1109 | 1131 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3209 | Farley F.J.M. | Excited Nucleon Interpretation of High Energy Nuclear Interactions. | 1960 | 16 | 209 | 226 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3210 | Frisch D.H. | Some Predictions from a Composite Model of Baryons. | 1960 | 15 | 757 | 759 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3211 | Garelli C.M., Quassiati B., Vigone M. | Possible Interpretation of an Unusual Hyperon Decay. | 1960 | 16 | 960 | 962 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3212 | Ingraham R.L. | A Free Nucleon Theory. | 1960 | 16 | 104 | 127 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3213 | Koba Z., Krzywicki A., Raczka R., Chylinski Z. | Elastic Scattering of Nucleons and Pions at Very High Energy. | 1960 | 15 | 843 | 846 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3214 | Lodge J., Brucker E.B., Pevsner A., Strand R. | The Mass of the Lambda° Hyperon. | 1960 | 18 | 147 | 153 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3215 | Tenaglia L | On the Photonic Decay of the Hyperons. | 1960 | 17 | 423 | 428 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3216 | Tuan S.F. | The Excited Hyperon and Pion-Hyperon Resonance. | 1960 | 18 | 1301 | 1304 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3217 | Vaughn M.T. | Phenomenology of Sigma-Nucleon Scattering. | 1960 | 18 | 178 | 190 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3218 | Zimerman A.H. | The Influence of the Anomalous Momennts of the Baryons in the Decay of pigreco° in two gamma Rays. | 1960 | 15 | 492 | 495 | Neutrinos-Hyperons-Nucleons | 1 | |||||||
3219 | Corno S.E. | The Heterogeneous Theory of Cylindrical Neutron Multiplying Structures. | 1960 | 17 | 580 | 598 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
3220 | Emma V., Milone C., Rubbino A., Malvano R. | Photoneutrons from Bismuth. | 1960 | 17 | 365 | 374 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
3221 | Sharma B.L. | The Thermal Neutron Activation Cross Section of (105)Ru. | 1960 | 17 | 687 | 690 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
3222 | Tsai-Chu , Morand M., Bourlet G., Simonin C., Schune D. | Search for Antineutron Annihilation Events in Nuclear Emulsions. | 1960 | 17 | 259 | 262 | Neutrons | 1 | |||||||
3223 | Awunor-Renner E.R.T., Blaskovitch L., French B.R., Ghesquière C., De Minvielle-Davaux I.B., Neale W.W., Pelletier C., Rivet P., Sahiar A.B., Skillicorn I.O. | An Experiment on Nuclear Interactions of High Energy ((10-100)GeV). | 1960 | 17 | 134 | 165 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3224 | Carrassi M., Passatore G. | On the Double Compton Process and Some Calculations of Polarization Effects. -II. | 1960 | 16 | 811 | 828 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3225 | Cini- Castagnoli G., Ricci F.P. | Diffusion of (37) A, Kr, HT in Liquid Argon Between (84-)0)° K. | 1960 | 15 | 795 | 805 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3226 | De Tollis B. | Anomalous Moment of the mu-Meson for Different Models of Breakdown of quantum Electrodynamics. | 1960 | 16 | 203 | 205 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3227 | Havlicek F.I. | Die Gamma-Alpha-Reaktion bei Tellur. | 1960 | 18 | 65 | 69 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3228 | Ionesco-Pallas N.J. | The Nuclear Compressibility from Isotope Shift Data. | 1960 | 15 | 323 | 333 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3229 | Montanet L., Newth J.A., Petrucci G., Salmeron R.A., Zichichi A. | A Cloud Chamber Study of Nuclear Interactions with Energies of about 100 GeV. | 1960 | 17 | 166 | 188 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3230 | Sawicki J. | Note on the Effect of the Nuclear Energy Gap on the Optical Model Potential. | 1960 | 15 | 504 | 507 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3231 | Subba Rao B.N. | Internal Conversion Coefficients of E2 Transitions. | 1960 | 17 | 189 | 197 | Nuclear Physics | 1 | |||||||
3232 | Agodi A., Eberle E. | An Unified Theory of Direct Reactions. | 1960 | 18 | 718 | 743 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
3233 | Sawyer R.F., Wali K.C. | Test for delta T=172 in K+ ->3 pigreco and K°(2) ->3 pigreco Decay Modes. | 1960 | 17 | 938 | 945 | Nuclear reactions | 1 | |||||||
3234 | Alumkal A., Barkow A.G., Kane G., McDaniel R.E., O'Friel Z. | 8 Li Fragments Associated with Nuclear Disintegration. | 1960 | 17 | 316 | 333 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3235 | Alvial G., Grimaldi L., Riquelme J., Silva E., Stantic S. | A Method to Determine the Charge of Nuclei with Nuclear Emulsions. | 1960 | 15 | 25 | 30 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3236 | Baroni G., Bellettini G., Castagnoli C., Ferro-Luzzi M., Manfredini A. | Proton and Antiproton Diffraction Scattering on Complex Nuclei. | 1960 | 15 | 1 | 6 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3237 | Bartke J., Ciok P., Gierula J., Holynski R., Mieowcz M., Saniewska T. | The Angular Distirbution of Secondary Particles in High Energy Nuclear Collisions with Heavy Nuclei of Photographic Emulsion. | 1960 | 15 | 18 | 24 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3238 | Bhattacherjee S.K., Mitra S.K. | Beta gamma Directional Correlation in (152)Eu. | 1960 | 16 | 175 | 189 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3239 | Bisi A., Fasana A., Zappa L. | Circular Polarization of External Bremsstrahlung from Beta Emitters. | 1960 | 16 | 350 | 361 | Nuclei | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
3240 | Bloom S.D., Uretsky J.L. | Inner Bremsstrahlung-Nuclear Recoil Angular Correlation in K Capture. | 1960 | 17 | 304 | 315 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3241 | Bocciolini M., Di Caporiacco G., Foà L., Mandò M. | Evidence for a New 191 min Half-Period Activity in Nb. | 1960 | 16 | 780 | 781 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3242 | Bogdan D. | Observation concernant la radiation gamma de type E2 des noyaux atomiques déformés (Modèle de Nilsson). | 1960 | 15 | 709 | 718 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3243 | Cevolani M., Petralia S., Righini B., Valdrè U., Venturini G. | Reazione 27Al (n, alfa) 24Na indotta da neutroni di 15,2 MeV. | 1960 | 16 | 950 | 957 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3244 | Colli L., Marcazzan M.G., Merzari F., Sona P.G., Tonolini F. | Measurements on Pick-Up Reactions in 31P and 32S. | 1960 | 16 | 991 | 996 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3245 | Cuzzocrea P., Notarrigo S., Ricamo R., Vinci F. | Total Neutron Cross- Section of P and S in the 3 to 5 MeV Energy Range. | 1960 | 18 | 671 | 677 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3246 | Cuzzocrea P., Pappalardo G., Ricamo R. | Cross Section for 31P(n,p)£!Si Reaction up to 5 MeV. | 1960 | 16 | 450 | 456 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3247 | De Sabbata V., Tomasini A. | Surface Effects in (gamma, n) and (gamma, p) Reactions. | 1960 | 16 | 903 | 917 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3248 | Federbush P. | A Note on Quasi-Elastic Photon-Deuteron Scattering. | 1960 | 15 | 479 | 480 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3249 | Garg J.B., Gale N.H. | 60 Ni (gamma-gamma) Angular Correlation. | 1960 | 16 | 1014 | 1019 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3250 | Gierula J., Miesowicz M., Zielinski P. | Double Maximum Angular Distributions in High Energy Nuclear Collisions. | 1960 | 18 | 102 | 119 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3251 | Jankovic Z. | On the Inelastic Scattering by Deformed Nuclei. | 1960 | 17 | 281 | 287 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3252 | Kreger W.E., Lynn R.L. | A Measurement of the Decay of 181W. | 1960 | 18 | 829 | 836 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3253 | Malhotra P.K., Tsuzuki Y. | Analysis of Some Nuclear Interactions of Energies(10^12-10^14) eV/ Nucleon. | 1960 | 18 | 982 | 1002 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3254 | Marinkov L., Mladjenovic M., Stapic R., Zupancic M. | L and M Conversion Ratios in (192)Os and (192)Pt. | 1960 | 15 | 496 | 497 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3255 | Ramaswamy M.K. | K-Conversion Coefficients of E2 Transitions. | 1960 | 18 | 1287 | 1288 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3256 | Ricci R.A., Chilosi G., Varcaccio G., Vingiani G.B., Van Lieshout R. | The Gamma Ray Spectra of (65)Ni and (65)Zn; Characteristics of the Lower Excited States of (65)Cu. | 1960 | 17 | 523 | 534 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3257 | Sawicki J. | Note on the Target Exchange Corrections in Watson's Theory of the Optical Model Potential. | 1960 | 15 | 606 | 613 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3258 | Stabler R.C., Lomon E.L. | Proton-Proton Scattering Phase Shifts at 150 MeV. | 1960 | 15 | 150 | 152 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3259 | Stanghellini A. | Relation Between pigreco-N Scattering and Nucleon Structure through pigreco pigreco Interaction. | 1960 | 18 | 1258 | 1264 | Nuclei | 1 | |||||||
3260 | Bourret R.C. | Coherence Properties of Blackbody Radiation. | 1960 | 18 | 347 | 356 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
3261 | Maradudin A.A., Weiss G.H. | Dispersion Relations and Vibrational Frequency Spectra. | 1960 | 15 | 408 | 415 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
3262 | Salvadori L. | Sulla Stabilità del moto di cariche elettriche in un campo di Biot e Savart. | 1960 | 18 | 967 | 981 | Optics | 1 | |||||||
3263 | Allen J.E., Magistrelli F. | The Plasma-Sheath Transition in a Magnetic Field. | 1960 | 18 | 1138 | 1147 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
3264 | Ascoli-Bartoli U., De Angelis A., Martellucci S. | Wavelength Dependence of the Refractive Index of a Plasma in the Optical Region. | 1960 | 18 | 1116 | 1137 | Plasmas | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
3265 | Banos A. jr., Vernon R. | Large Amplitude Waves in a Collision-Free Plasma. I. - Sigle Pulses with Isotropic Pressure. | 1960 | 15 | 269 | 288 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
3266 | Gardner J.W. | Magnetic Confinement of Charged Particles. | 1960 | 18 | 1157 | 1173 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
3267 | Linhart J.G. | Theory of Fusion Reactions in an Unconfined Plasma. | 1960 | 17 | 850 | 863 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
3268 | Szabò J. | Magnetohydrodynamische Schwingungen in einem zylindrischen Hohlraum. | 1960 | 18 | 813 | 817 | Plasmas | 1 | |||||||
3269 | Baroni G., Castagnoli C., Manfredini A., Rossi V. | Scattering anelastico degli antiprotoni tra 30 e 250 MeV. | 1960 | 15 | 899 | 906 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3270 | Bernardini G., Hanson A.O., Odian A.C., Yamagata T., Auerbach L.B., Filosofo I. | Proton Compton Effect. | 1960 | 18 | 1203 | 1236 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3271 | Bryan R.A. | New Semiphenomenological Proton-Proton Potential. | 1960 | 16 | 895 | 902 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3272 | Colli L., Iori I., Marcazzan G., Merzari F., Sona A.M., Sona P.G. | Angular Distribution of Protons Emitted in (24)Mg(n,p) and (32)S(n,p) Reactions at 14 MeV. | 1960 | 17 | 634 | 643 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3273 | Dowell J.D., Friesken W.R., Martelli G., Musgrave B., Van der Raay H.B., Rubinstein R. | Proton-Proton Differential Cross Section at 1 GeV. | 1960 | 18 | 818 | 819 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3274 | Ferrari E. | Simple Models for Associated Production in Proton-Proton Collisions. | 1960 | 15 | 652 | 657 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3275 | MCMaster W.H. | Polarization Phenomena for Positron Annihilation-in-Flight. | 1960 | 17 | 395 | 414 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3276 | Winzeler H., Klaiber B., Koch W., Nikolic M., Schneeberger M. | Interactions of 6.2 GeV Protons in Emulsions. I.- General Results. | 1960 | 17 | 8 | 34 | Protons | 1 | |||||||
3277 | Bialynicki-Birula I. | Finite Value of the Wave Function Renormalization Constant in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1960 | 17 | 122 | 123 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
3278 | Diambrini G., Figuera A.S., Serra A., Rispoli B. | Risultati preliminari della determinazione dello spettro di bremsstrahlung dell'Elettrosincrotone di Frascati. | 1960 | 15 | 500 | 503 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
3279 | KIessler P. | Sur une méthode simplifiée de calcul pour les processus relativistes en électrodynamique quantique. | 1960 | 17 | 809 | 829 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
3280 | Okubo S. | The Gauge Properties of Green's Functions in Quantum Electrodynamics. | 1960 | 15 | 949 | 958 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
3281 | Sasabindu Sarkar | Effect of Nuclear Magnetic Moment of the Bremstrahlung of Electrons. | 1960 | 15 | 686 | 690 | Quantum electrodynamics | 1 | |||||||
3282 | Bohm D., Aharonov Y. | Further Discussion of Possible Experimental Test for the Paradox of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen. | 1960 | 17 | 964 | 976 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
3283 | Epstein S.T. | On the Origin of Super-Selection Rules. | 1960 | 16 | 362 | 364 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
3284 | Martin A. | Analytic Properties of l=/=0 Partial Wave Amplitudes for a Given Class of Potentials. | 1960 | 15 | 99 | 109 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
3285 | Polkinghorne J.C., Screaton G.R. | The Analytic Properties of Perturbation Theory - I. | 1960 | 15 | 289 | 300 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
3286 | Polkinghorne J.C., Screaton G.R. | The Analytic Properties of Perturbation Theory -II. | 1960 | 15 | 925 | 931 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
3287 | Sands M. | Observation of Quantum Effects in an Electron Synchrotron. | 1960 | 15 | 599 | 605 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
3288 | Scarf F.L. | Quantum Electrodynamics in an Expanding Universe. | 1960 | 17 | 375 | 383 | Quantum mechanics | 1 | |||||||
3289 | Arnowitt R., Deser S., Misner C.W. | Canonical Variables, Expression for Energy, and the Criteria for Radiation in General Relativity. | 1960 | 15 | 487 | 491 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3290 | Blohincev D.I. | Fluctuations of Space-Time Metric. | 1960 | 16 | 382 | 387 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3291 | Halbwaches F., Hillion P., Vigier J.P. | Internal Motions of Relativistic Fluid Masses. | 1960 | 15 | 209 | 232 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3292 | Israel W. | Evolution in General Relativity. | 1960 | 18 | 397 | 399 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3293 | Jankovic Z. | Remarks on the Paper by K. Stiegler: "On the Mechanical Foundation of the Theory of Special Relativity." | 1960 | 16 | 569 | 569 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3294 | Kaplon M.F., Yamanouchi T. | A Survey of Relativistic Transformations. | 1960 | 15 | 519 | 536 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3295 | Kerr R.P. | On the Quasi-Static Approximation in General Relativity. | 1960 | 16 | 26 | 60 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3296 | Kulhànek J. | On the Hamilton Formalism in Space-Time. | 1960 | 16 | 1092 | 1097 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3297 | Kursunoglu B. | Relativity and Quantum Theory. | 1960 | 15 | 729 | 756 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3298 | Parrent G.B. Jr., Roman P. | On the Matrix Formulation of the Theory of Partial Polarization in Terms of Observables. | 1960 | 15 | 370 | 388 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3299 | Peres A. | Invariants of General Relativiy. II.- Classification of Space. | 1960 | 18 | 36 | 47 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3300 | Peres A. | Invariants of General Relativity. I.- Canonical Formalism. | 1960 | 18 | 32 | 35 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3301 | Peres A., Rosen N. | Covariant Formalism for Particle Dynamics. | 1960 | 18 | 644 | 650 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3302 | Peres A., Singer P. | On Possible Experimental Tests for the Paradox of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen. | 1960 | 15 | 907 | 915 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3303 | Rosen G. | Poincaré's Epistemological Sum. | 1960 | 16 | 966 | 970 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3304 | Stiegler K. | Antwort auf die Bemeerkungen von Z. Jankovic zu meiner Abhandlung: "On the Mechanical Foundation of the Theory of Special Relativity." | 1960 | 16 | 579 | 581 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3305 | Terrell J. | Relativistic Observations annd the Clock Problem. | 1960 | 16 | 457 | 468 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3306 | Tyagaraja Rao S. | A Technique for Eliminating of Mass with Velocity in Relavistic Problems. | 1960 | 16 | 274 | 282 | Relativity | 1 | |||||||
3307 | Ademollo M., Bocciolini M., Di Caporiacco G., Mandò M. | On the (196)Au(m) Isomeric State. | 1960 | 16 | 378 | 381 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3308 | Astbury A., Hattersley P.M., Hussain M., Kemp M.A.R., Muirhead H. | A Note on the Fermi-Teller "Z-Law". | 1960 | 18 | 1267 | 1268 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3309 | Bonera G., Chiodi L., Lanzi G., Rigamonti A. | Nuclear Magnetic Relation Times T1 and T2 in Some Liquids. | 1960 | 17 | 198 | 204 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3310 | Bordoni P.G., Nuovo M., Verdini L. | Dislocation Relaxation in Zinc Single Crystals. | 1960 | 16 | 373 | 377 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3311 | Casanova G., Fieschi R., Terzi N. | Calculation of the Vapour Pressure Ratio of Ne, A, Kr, and Xe Isotopes in the Solid State. | 1960 | 18 | 837 | 848 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3312 | Chiarotti G., Giuliani G., Lynch D.W. | Alpha and Beta Bands in KCl and NaCl. | 1960 | 17 | 989 | 991 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3313 | Chidambaram R. | Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of Hydrates by Spinning Crystrals. | 1960 | 17 | 106 | 108 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3314 | Del Re G. | On the Non-Orthogonality Problem in the Semi-Empirical MO-LCAO Method. | 1960 | 17 | 644 | 664 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3315 | Eberle E., Nagasaki M., Sentorio L. | Indipendent Particle Model and Photonuclear Giant Resonance. | 1960 | 16 | 260 | 268 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3316 | Gosar P. | On the Relation between Zener Breakdown and Residual Resistannce in Crystals. | 1960 | 18 | 241 | 250 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3317 | Katz A., De-Shalit A., Talmi I. | The Superconducting State in the Bethe-Goldstone Approximation. | 1960 | 16 | 485 | 489 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3318 | Low W. | Optical Spectra of Eu2+ and Gd3+ in CaF2. | 1960 | 17 | 607 | 608 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3319 | Straumanis M.E., Ejima T. | Imperfections, Lattice Constants and Densities of Cold-Drawn and of Recrystallized Aluminium Wires. | 1960 | 18 | 48 | 64 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3320 | Suzuki R., Akano M. | Supercurrent and Energy Gap. | 1960 | 16 | 570 | 571 | Solid state Physics | 1 | |||||||
3321 | Galli G., Giardini-Guidoni A., Volpi G.G. | Behaviour of Ions in Mass Spectrometers under Pulsed Repelled Voltage Conditions. | 1960 | 18 | 1277 | 1279 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
3322 | Holloway W.W. jr., Luscher E. | Determination of the Hyperfine Structure of Atomic Nitrogen by Continuous Optical Orientation. | 1960 | 18 | 1296 | 1297 | Spectroscopy | 1 | |||||||
3323 | Candlin D.J. | Derivation of the Classical Grand Canonical Distribution. | 1960 | 15 | 856 | 858 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
3324 | Koba Z. | Statistical Theory of Multiple Particle Production with Angular Momentum Conservation. | 1960 | 18 | 608 | 612 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
3325 | Prosperi G.M., Scotti A. | An Improved Version of an Ergodic Theorem in Quantum Mechanics. | 1960 | 17 | 267 | 268 | Statistical Physics | 1 | |||||||
3326 | Gursey F. | On the Symmetries of Strong and Weak Interactions. | 1960 | 16 | 230 | 240 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
3327 | Meyer Ph., Prentki J. | On a Contradiction between Experimental Results of Nucleon Form Factors and Certain Symmetries of Strong Innteractions. | 1960 | 18 | 203 | 205 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
3328 | Tonin M. | On Some Compound Models for the Strong Interactions. | 1960 | 18 | 304 | 315 | Strong and weak interactions | 1 | |||||||
3329 | Arecchi F.T., Gatti E., Zaglio E. | A New Method for Timing Scintillation Pulses. | 1960 | 16 | 198 | 201 | Techniques and materials | 0,5 | 0,5 | ||||||
3330 | Combe R., Feix M. | Résultats Théoriques et expérimentaux concernant les guides d'ondes chargés et les cavités partiellement coaxiales. | 1960 | 15 | 760 | 773 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3331 | Finocchiaro G., Finzi R., Mezzetti L. | How Much Do Wave Length Shifters Used for Cerenkov Counters Scintil-late? | 1960 | 15 | 317 | 322 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3332 | Gegauff Ch., Lonchamp J.P. | Influence du développement sur la dimension transversale des traces d'ions lourds dans les émulsions ionograhiques. | 1960 | 16 | 520 | 531 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3333 | Gèmesy T., Sanndor T., Somogyi A. | Cloud Chamber Study of Extennsive Air Showers. | 1960 | 16 | 412 | 415 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3334 | Hahn B., Hugentobler E. | Relativistic Increase in Bubble Density in a CBrF(3) Bubble Chamber. | 1960 | 17 | 983 | 985 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3335 | Jongejans B. | On the Grain Density in Ilford G-5 Emulsion of Singly Charged Relativistic Particles. | 1960 | 16 | 625 | 643 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3336 | Judek B. | Reduction of Spurious Scattering in Ilford G-5 and K-5 Emulsions. | 1960 | 16 | 834 | 847 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3337 | Santoro V. | Metodo semplificato per la misura con radioisotopi di alcuni effetti isotopici in cinetica chimica. | 1960 | 15 | 865 | 872 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3338 | Sharma H.D. | Influence of the Inner Electrode on the Threshold Potential Using Siemen's Type Ozonizers under Low Frequency Silent Electric Discharge. | 1960 | 16 | 128 | 134 | Techniques and materials | 1 | |||||||
3339 | Vrkljan V.S. | Uber die Berechnung der Schallgeschwindigkeit in Gasmischungen. | 1960 | 17 | 845 | 849 | Ultrasounds | 1 | |||||||
3340 | Schiff L.I. | Equivalence Principle "Paradox" in the Motion of Gyroscope. | 1960 | 17 | 124 | 125 | Various topics | 1 |