Personal profile



Contract Professor

Office location: room 1-69

E-mail address:

Telephone: +39 0382 987681

Research interests: - Phenomenology of fundamental interactions, with particular reference to precision calculations of Standard Model processes relevant to electron-positron and proton-(anti)proton colliders. Development of computational codes, used by the most relevant experiments at the most important international laboratories of subnuclear physics. - Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (with A. Rimini). - Econophysics (with G. Montagna).

Teaching: "Quantum Mechanics" for the Bachelor in Physics (1st-level degree); "Theory of Fundamental Interactions" for the M.Sci. in Physical Sciences (2nd-level degree); coordinator of the course on "EW and QCD Theories", PhD Program in Physics. ["Meccanica Quantistica" per la Laurea Triennale in Fisica; "Teoria delle Interazioni Fondamentali" per la Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Fisiche; coordinatore del corso su "EW and QCD Theories" per il Corso di Dottorato in Fisica].

Publications: view external link

Curriculum vitae: no curriculum file available

Insegnamenti del docente Oreste Nicrosini ( A.A. 2022/23) :

T Meccanica quantistica

A.A. 2021/22 :

T Meccanica quantistica

A.A. 2020/21 :

T Meccanica quantistica

A.A. 2019/20 :

T Meccanica quantistica

A.A. 2018/19 :

T Meccanica quantistica

A.A. 2017/18 :

T Meccanica quantistica

A.A. 2016/17 :

T Meccanica quantistica

A.A. 2015/16 :

T Meccanica quantistica