Personal profile



Contract Professor

Office location: room 2-44

E-mail address:

Telephone: +39 0382 987470

Other contacts: +39 02 23699329

Research interests: Phenomenology and physics of galactic compact objects - in particular, isolated neutron stars: rotation-powered pulsars and their pulsar wind nebulae; central compact objects in supernova remnants. He is the primary coordinator of the project "EXTraS - Exploring the X-ray Variable and transient Sky", funded by the European Commission, aimed at producing the most complete study of variability in the soft X-ray sky (see

Teaching: Since 2007 he teaches "Astronomia" for the M.Sci. in Physical Sciences (2nd-level degree). He has been thesis adviser both for students working for their degree of Laurea and Dottorato (Italian PhD).

Publications: no publications available

Curriculum vitae: no curriculum file available

Insegnamenti del docente Andrea De Luca ( A.A. 2022/23) :

M Astronomia

A.A. 2021/22 :

M Astronomia

A.A. 2020/21 :

M Astronomia

A.A. 2019/20 :

M Astronomia

A.A. 2018/19 :

M Astronomia

A.A. 2017/18 :

M Astronomia

A.A. 2016/17 :

M Astronomia

A.A. 2015/16 :

M Astronomia