Personal profile



Contract Professor

Office location: room 2-44

E-mail address:

Telephone: +39 0382 987470

Other contacts: +39 02 23699326

Other websites:

Research interests: The constant scientific theme is the phenomenology of galactic compact objects. Special attention is given to isolated neutron stars, their velocity distribution, their distances and their relations to supernova remnants.

Teaching: Since 1997 Patrizia Caraveo is "professore a contratto" at the University of Pavia where she teaches "Introduction to astronomia". She has been thesis adviser both for students working for their degree of Laurea and Dottorato (Italian PhD).

Publications: no publications available

Curriculum vitae: no curriculum file available

Insegnamenti del docente Patrizia Caraveo ( A.A. 2022/23) :

T Introduzione all'astronomia

A.A. 2021/22 :

T Introduzione all'astronomia

A.A. 2020/21 :

T Introduzione all'astronomia

A.A. 2019/20 :

T Introduzione all'astronomia

A.A. 2018/19 :

T Introduzione all'astronomia

A.A. 2017/18 :

T Introduzione all'astronomia

A.A. 2016/17 :

T Introduzione all'astronomia

A.A. 2015/16 :

T Introduzione all'astronomia