IRSN, Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, Paris, France
IRSN is the public expert in France on nuclear and radiation risks. Activities in dosimetry
range from experimental and computational absorbed dose characterization to the Monte Carlo modelling of the
main physical and biological mechanisms involved in biological consequences of an irradiation. In this context,
IRSN is an expert in Geant4-DNA MC code and contributes actively to its develop within the Geant4-DNA
international collaboration.
Lead beneficiary of WP3 - Dosimetry and CENI planning.
IRSN has the role of leader of WP3- dosimetry and planning, thanks to its long experience and know-how on
dosimetry topics. IRSN will have the responsibility for all the Geant4 and Geant4-DNA simulations of the
capture processes with a particular attention to the micro- and nano-meter scale levels (T3.2 and T3.3).
The Geant4 Monte Carlo tools and results will be used in task T4.2 to link the observed effects on irradiated
proteins to meaningful micro- and nano-dosimetry quantities. In addition, the Geant4 tools developed in T3.2 and
T3.3 will be used directly or as a second validation tool in T3.4 (planning of Aβ water solutions irradiation) and
T3.5 (planning of small animal irradiation).
List of tasks for which IRSN is leader: T3.2, T3.3, T3.4
List of tasks for which IRSN is participant: T1.1-T1.3; T3.1 (Aβ aggregates characterization); T3.5, T3.6;
T4.1 and T4.2 (link between Geant4 models and experimental results); T7.1-T7.4.
Experience in: experimental and computational dosimetry, Monte Carlo modeling and developments, dose-effect correlation.
Facilities and tools: Geant4 and Geant4-DNA codes, DNAFabric software for the generation of molecular geometries, neutron calibration facilities via radionuclide sources (CEZANE facility) or via a particle accelerator providing monoenergetic neutrons fields (AMANDE facility), RX and γ metrological irradiation facilities, beta multi source irradiator 85Kr, 90Sr and 147Pm.

Carmen Villagrasa
Researcher at Insitut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire