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E.Azzi, D.Alberti, S.Parisotto, A.Oppedisano, N.Protti, S.Altieri, S.Geninatti-Crich, A.Deagostino, "Design, synthesis and preliminary in-vitro studies of novel boronated mono carbonyl analogues of Curcumin (BMAC) for antitumor and beta-amyloid disaggregation activity", Bioorg Chem 2019 93:103324
In the following, a list (in reverse chronological order) of the contributions presented by NECTAR members at several national and international scientific conferences is reported.
D.Mazzuconi, "Capture enhanced neutron irradiation for the treatment of the Alzheimer's disease: micro-nanodsimetric characterization of beta amyloid peptide samples", oral presentation accepted by the 20th Internationl Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20) to be held in Viareggio, Italy, 17-22/09/2023.
V.Pascali, "Neutron capture reactions to treat Alzheimer's disease: toxicity evaluation on nervous system cells", oral presentation accepted by the Annual Particle Therapy COoperative Group Conference (PTCOG61) to be held in Madrid, Spain, 10-16/06/2023; this contribution has been awarded a Travel Grant to participate at PTCOG61.
S.Micocci, "Exploiting Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) against amyloid aggregates supported by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)", poster presentation at the (1st Workshop on Emerging Trends in Molecular Imaging), 19-20/04/2023, Torino, Italy.
S.Geninatti-Crich, "Theranostic nanoparticles in BNCT", oral presentation at the International Conference on Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon 2023 (PBSi2023), 22-24/03/2023, Berlin, Germany.
M.Karimi Roshan, "Neutron Enhanced Capture Treatment of Neurotoxic Amyloid AggRegates project (NECTAR) - a new approach to address Alzheimer's treatment", oral presentation at the Swedish Cancer Society's planning Group for Oncological Radionuclide Therapy, 17-18/11/2022, Uppsala, Sweden.
S.Micocci, "Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) against a new target: the Alzheimer's disease", poster presentation at the Young BNCT Researchers' Meeting 2022 (YBNCT2022), 14-18/11/2022, virtual meeting.
V.Pascali, "MC simulations and in vitro experiments to study if beta-amyloid aggregates in AD can be damaged by low energy neutron capture reactions", oral presentation at the Young BNCT Researchers' Meeting 2022 (YBNCT2022), 14-18/11/2022, virtual meeting; this presentation has received a special mention for excellent presentations at YBNCT2022.
M.Hervé, "Microdosimetry applied to BNCT for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease", oral presentation at the IV Geant4 International User Conference at the physics-medicine-biology frontiers 2022, 24-26/10/2022, Napoli, Italy.
S.Belikov, "Neutron Enhanced Capture Treatment of Neurotoxic Amyloid AggRegates project (NECTAR) - a new approach to address Alzheimer's treatment", poster presentation at the European Radiation Protection Week 2022, 09-14/10/2022, Estoril, Portugal.
M.Karimi Roshan, "Neutron capture-enhanced treatment of neurotoxic aggregates as a new approach to address Alzheimer's Disease", oral presentation at the 47th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society (ERRS 2022) and the XX Meeting of the Italian Radiation Research Society (SIRR 2022), 21-24/09/2022, Catania, Italy; this presentation has been awarded a Young Investigator Award (YIA) sponsored by the European Radiation Research Society (ERRS).
V.Pascali, "First in vitro experiments and microdosimetric evaluations to investigate if the Neutron Capture reactions are effective in degrading beta-amyloid aggregates", oral presentation at the 47th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society (ERRS 2022) and the XX Meeting of the Italian Radiation Research Society (SIRR 2022), 21-24/09/2022, Catania, Italy; this presentation has been awarded a Young Investigator Award (YIA) sponsored by the Italian Society for the Research on Radiation (SIRR).
V.Pascali, "First step to study if low energy neutron irradiation boosted by Abeta-selective neutron capture agents can be a performing AD treatment", oral presentation at the National Congress of Italian Physics Society SIF, 12-16/09/2022, Milano, Italy.
S.Parisotto, "Targeting neurotoxic amyloid aggregats with boronated molecules and Boron Neutron Capture Therapy", poster presentation at the XL National Congress of Organic Chemistry Division CDCO, 11-15/09/2022, Palermo, Italy.
M.Karimi Roshan, "Neutron Enhanced Capture Treatment of Neurotoxic Amyloid AggRegates project (NECTAR) - a new approach to address Alzheimer's treatment", oral presentation at the Swedish Academic Initiative for radiation sciences and Nuclear Technology (SAINT) workshop, 25-26/08/2022, Stockholm, Sweden.
N.Protti, "A new perspective for NCT: besides cancer, can it be effectively used for AD?", invited lecture at the 4th Jagelloniam Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, 10-15/07/2022, Krakòw, Poland.
S.Micocci, "Novel boronated monocarbonyl analogues of curcumin (BMAC): a new approach to fight Alzheimer's Disease (AD)", oral presentation at the 9th European COnference on Boron Chemistry(EURO BORON 2022), 03-07/07/2022 Barcelona, Spain.
S.Parisotto, "Exploiting teh activity of ortho-carboranes as therapeutic agents against Alzheimer's Disease", oral presentation at the 9th European COnference on Boron Chemistry(EURO BORON 2022), 03-07/07/2022 Barcelona, Spain.
V.Pascali, "The NECTAR project: could neutron capture therapy be the unexpected weapon to fight AD?", oral presentation at the Annual Particle Therapy COoperative Group Conference (PTCOG60), 27/06-02/07/2022 Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
M.Karimi Roshan, "NECTAR - A new horizon to address Alzheimer's Disease", oral presentation at the 6th European Congress of the International Radiation protection Association (IRPA), 30/05-03/06/2022, Budapest, Hungary.
A.Pola, "Alzheimer Disease and NECTAR project: characterization of a neutron facility for brain cell irradiations", oral presentation at the International Conference on Individual Monitoring of Ionising Radiation (IM2022) and Neutron and Ion DOsimetry Symposium (NEUDOS-14), 25-29/04/2022 Krakòw, Poland.