Raylab s.r.l. and Milano Politecnico, Milano, Italy
Lead beneficiary of WP4 - High LET ionizing radiations effects.
Raylab is the partner of NECTAR consortium with the know-how and experience to take care of the studies, design,
prototyping and realization of the innovative instruments for neutron spectrometry and micro- and nano-dosimetry,
both from the mechanical and engineering point of view as well as under the theoretical perspective. For the
latter, Raylab will take advantage of the collaboration with Milano Politecnico, subcontractor of Raylab in
NECTAR project. In addition, Raylab will be the main responsible of the measuring campaigns with the named
innovative tools at the neutron facilities available at L.E.N.A. laboratory of Pavia University.
Due to the very high potential in patent filling, Raylab will take care of the commercial exploitation of the IP
coming from the developed instruments.
List of tasks for which Raylab is leader/participant: T1.1-T1.3; T3.2 (Geant4 and Geant4-DNA modelling of
NCT high LET secondaries effects), T3.3 (Geant4 modelling of Aβ irradiation, in particular sharing the measured
data taken at T4.1); T4.2 (sharing the measured data taken at T4.1); T5.1 and T5.2 (spectrometric and dosimetric
characterization of neutron irradiation fields used in T5.1 for in vitro tests and in T5.2 for in vivo
experiments); T6.1 (as T5.2); T7.1-T7.4.
Experience in: design and development of ultra low-power and low-noise electronics for detection systems; neutron dosimetry and spectrometry experts: designer and patent owner of the first active neutron portable spectrometer working in real time; advanced competences in Monte Carlo simulations, micro and nano dosimetry, experimental measurements on complex field of ionizing radiations; mechanical design, software and firmware programming. Raylab is spin-off of Politecnico di Milano.
Facilities and tools: Americium Beryllium neutron irradiation facility (fast neutrons) and the thermal neutrons facility ESTHER at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), subcontractor of RAYLAB. Advanced electronic lab for prototyping, testing and data analysis; professional CAD and PCB designer tool; numerical simulation code workstation.

Stefano Pasquato
Researcher at Raylab s.r.l.