SU, Stockholm University, Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Lead beneficiary of WP5 - CENI safety.
SU has the role of leader of WP5- safety, thanks to its long experience and know-how on low doses and low
dose rate effects in humans with focus on radiation protection. SU will study the
safety and toxicity of the CENI procedure using in vitro cell cultures (T5.1) and will
support UNIPV in the theoretical modelling studies of T5.3 organizing and sharing the data collected from cells.
In addition, SU will provide support in all tasks investigating toxic effects, in particular
at cellular level, i.e. T4.3 (residual toxicity of n-irradiated Aβ aggregates when administered to neuronal and
microglia cultures) and T5.2 (CENI toxicity tests in vivo).
List of tasks for which SU is leader: T5.1
List of tasks for which SU is participant: T1.1-T1.3; T4.3; T5.2 and T5.3; T7.1-T7.4
Experience in: The group has long experience in working with mixed radiation fields of high and low LET radiations as well as low dose rates. Cellular and cytogenetic responses are evaluated throughout the project to study the radioprotection aspects.
Facilities and tools: Radiation facilities are available for exposure of cells to concominant or separate low LET X-rays or gamma radiation and high LET alpha particles at high or low dose rates. Equipment for cell work and for most molecular biology or cytogenetic analysis methods are available within the group or the department.

Andrzej Wojcik
Professor and Groupleader at Stockholm University, Department of Molecualr Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Insitute

Mostafa Karimi Roshan
Post Doc at Stockholm University, Department of Molecualr Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Insitute