UKESSEN, Essen University Hospital, Essen, Germany

Thanks to its clinical perspective, UKESSEN will provide all over the project a critical judgement of the preclinical results obtained in cells and animals for a possible future translational phase and the possible implementation of clinical trials. Thus UKESSEN is not leader of any tasks but involved in the following list of activities to provide an internal advisory feedback, specifically:
- T2.3 and T2.4: these two tasks regards critical aspects of the CENI agents, i.e. BBB crossing and selective Aβ binding; thanks to its experience in pre-clinical as well as clinical AD studies, UKESSEN can give useful suggestions and feedback during the developing phase of the carriers to effectively address the topics of crossing and binding;
- T4.3: this task will focus both on in vitro as well as in vivo experiments; thanks to its experience in AD preclinical studies, UKESSEN can assist IRFMN in the analysis of the collected results, with eventually the possibility of verifing the most crucial or controversial results;
- T5.1 and T5.2: as for the previous task, both in vitro and in vivo experiments are planned and again UKESSEN experience in AD preclinical studies will be offered to IRFMN and SU to analyze the collected results;
- T6.1: being the main goal of the project, to prove the effectiveness of the CENI procedure in AD animal models, and also taking into account the various aspects which could lead to a null result in term of efficacy, UKESSEN experience and know-how will be exploited to help and assist IRFMN in analysing the collected results and to propose tests and evaluations to investigate the most reasonable underling mechanisms compatible with the observed effects
- T7.1-T7.4: the impact of the new technology of NECTAR on the AD community (clearly including also AD M.D.) is huge so the dissemination and communication of the hypothesis and the results since the very beginning of the project are fundamental to fully achieve NECTAR objectives; being a clinical unit, UKESSEN will be directly involved in the design, organization and delivery of such dissemination and communication actions towards the AD medical community.
Finally, being a member of the consortium, UKESSEN will participate in the management of the project (WP1).

Experience in: TBD.

Facilities and tools: TBD.