When the links listed below contain topics concerning History (H) and Philosophy (P) of Science they are labeled with a H or/and a P.
 Section A: Italy.
Institute and Museum of History of Science (H) Florence.
Pavia Project Physics (H) Pavia.
Salvatore Antoci - Department of Physics A.Volta of the University of Pavia (H). This site contains Italian translation of historical papers on electromagnetism, relativity and quantum physics originally written in German.
Societa' Italiana di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science.
Societa' Italiana di Storia della Scienza (H) Italian Society of History of Science.
 Section B: other Countries.
Center for History of Physics. By the American Institute of Physics. (H)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edited by Edward N. Zalta. (P)
A walk through the time (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Development of instruments for showing "Time" and measuring "Intervals of Time". (H)
A Science Odissey. By PBS. (H)
History of Science Society. Organization.
 Section C: Texts.
Gallica. Biblioth\E8que nationale de France.
ABU: la Biblioteque Universelle. Electronic texts in French.
On the electrodynamics of moving bodies, A. Einstein. Italian translation from the German here (from Salvatore Antoci website).
Faraday as a discoverer. By John Tyndall.
 Section D: Physics
Links to sites on contemporary Physics.
International System of Units. (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
Cosmic Background Explorer. By NASA.
Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropy. By NASA.
Other links.
JILA home page on Bose-Einstein Condensation.
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