UNIPV - Pavia University, Physics Department, Pavia, Italy

NECTAR Coordinator and lead beneficiary of WP1 - Management, and WP7 - Dissemination, education and training.
Due to its nuclear physics competences and the presence within the Pavia University Campus of the research nuclear reactor of L.E.N.A. laboratory (Laboratory Applied Nuclear Energy), UNIPV will be the responsible and executor of all the experiments involving neutron irradiations (from protein water solutions up to animals, plus benchmark measurements of innovative detector developed by Raylab, WP4).To be more specific, this means the active participation of UNIPV in the following tasks, either as leader or as participant: 4.2 (n-irr of Aβ aggregates water solutions), 5.1 (cerebral cell cultures n-irr, with or without CENI agents), 5.2 (n-irr of AD animal models and naïve mice), 6.1(n-irr of AD animal models and naïve mice).
To support this experimental activity UNIPV will perform Monte Carlo studies to plan and optimize the neutron irradiation of all the samples involved in NECTAR, which means from protein solutions (task 3.4) up to small animals (task 3.5). Still related to the strong Monte Carlo computational know-how of UNIPV, this partner will be the responsible and executor of all the simulations to calculate the treatment planning of CENI in human brain medical images (task 3.6, in collaboration with UKJ) and in the theoretical modelling studies of CENI irradiation toxicity in cells (task 5.3).

Experience in: Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT), radiobiological model of cell death after high LET IRs irradiation.

Facilities and tools: Laboratory of Applied Nuclear Energy L.E.N.A. (neutron irradiation facilities), MCNP and PHITS Monte Carlo codes, NCT-Plan Treatment Planning System, BIANCA code.

Francesca Ballarini

Associate Professor at the Physics Department of Pavia University

Nicoletta Protti

PhD in Physics, Associate Professor at the Physics Department of Pavia University