UKJ, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany

List of the WPs where UKJ is actively partecipating:
- WP3: UKJ participates in the last task (3.6, in collaboration with UNIPV) devoted to the calculation of human brain pan-irradiation to evaluate theoretically the clinical scenario of CENI application for a future translational phase of the technology; UKJ will participate as clinical expert in the initial definition of parameters to perform the treatment planning and in the evaluation of the 2-3 best final solutions obtained by UNIPV; in addition, UKJ will procure and share 1-2 medical brain images (MRI or CT) evaluated as good samples of human brain for the goals of the project together with UNIPV and UKESSEN;
- WP5: in this WP, UKJ participates as an advisory with clinical background to evaluate the eventual toxic effects observed in cells and AD animals; specifically, UKJ can help in suggesting and identifying strategies to avoid/mitigate the named toxicity starting from the radiotherapy experience on humans;
- WP7: in this WP, UKJ can help NECTAR consortium in reaching the radiotherapy medical community to spread and disseminate NECTAR results towards the first possible user of the future new technology of CENI (radiotherapists and medical physicists);
- WP1: as NECTAR partner, UKJ will help and assist the Coordinator and the other members of the consortium in managing the project.

Experience in: TBD.

Facilities and tools: TBD.